Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 The Hall of Leaders

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Number of posts : 55
Gender : Unspecified

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PostSubject: The Hall of Leaders   The Hall of Leaders EmptySun 26 Mar 2023 - 13:31

RiverClan Leadership

Lived: 20 August 2012 - 19 September 2013
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Froststream
Appearance: Calico and white with blue eyes

Blood: 100% RiverClan
Parents: Nectardrop x Perchfrost (NPCs)
Siblings: Morningfur, Yellowkit
Mate: Sagewhisker
Kits: Mistflower, Cloudbillow

Mentor: Minnowtail (NPC)
Apprentice(s): Reedstar, Cinderfur, Leafstream, Willowpaw

Deputy: Silvershade, Reedstar
Medicine Cat(s): Frogfoot, Morningfur, Lichenpaw

Creation: 20 August 2012
First Appearance: 20 August 2012
Apprentice Ceremony: None
Warrior Ceremony: None
Deputy Ceremony: None
Leader Ceremony: None

1. Unknown - Unknown / Badger
2. Unknown - Unknown / Greencough
3. Unknown - Unknown / Killed by Melisende
4. Unknown - Unknown / Hit by monster
5. Unknown - Unknown / Hit by monster
6. Unknown - Unknown / Hit by monster
7. Unknown - Unknown / Hit by monster
8. Unknown - Unknown / Hit by monster
9. Unknown - Unknown / Hit by monster
Term: 20 August 2012 - September 2013

Lived: 20 August 2012 - 29 August 2014
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Reedkit, Reedpaw, Reedheart
Appearance: brown tabby and white with murky green eyes

Blood: 100% RiverClan
Parents: Rushstream x Lilyfur (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Cinderfur
Kits: Skypaw, Midnightsky, Snowpaw, Oakpaw, Sparrowleaf

Mentor: Froststar
Apprentice(s): Wingedpaw, Mistpaw, Cherryfur, Briarheart, Leafstream, Sandwhisker, Stormheart, Hailwhisper, Skypaw, Hazeleyes

Deputy: Maplestar, Littlelight, Sunstar
Medicine Cat(s): Lichencloud, Sorrelpaw, Cloverpaw

Creation: 20 August 2012
First Appearance: 20 August 2012
Apprentice Ceremony: 3 September 2012
Warrior Ceremony: 11 December 2012
Deputy Ceremony: 19 September 2013
Leader Ceremony: 23 September 2013

1. Lilyfur - Resolve / Pushed into Gorge
2. Rushstream - Justice / Drowned
3. Grayheart - Love / Drowned
4. Cedarfur - Perseverance / Sickness
5. Almaric - Wisdom / Killed by Silverfang
6. Mistpaw - Courage / Killed by Boulder
7. Redfeather - Humility / Hit by monster
8. Berrysplash - Composure / Hit by monster
9. Froststar - Compassion / Hit by monster
Term: September 2013 - August 2014

Lived: 7 January 2014 - 2 April 2015
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Sunkit, Sunpaw, Sunfur
Appearance: Orange tabby with amber eyes

Blood: 100% RiverClan
Parents: Wintersong x Redtalon (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: None
Kits: None

Mentor: Mistyflower
Apprentice(s): Silverpaw, Oakpaw, Midnightsky

Deputy: Fishstar
Medicine Cat(s): Sparrowpaw

Creation: 4 January 2014
First Appearance: 7 January 2014
Apprentice Ceremony: 31 January 2014
Warrior Ceremony: 2 March 2014
Deputy Ceremony: 1 June 2014
Leader Ceremony: 15 September 2014

1. Redtalon - Courage / Blackcough
2. Featherpond - Patience / Blackcough
3. Wintersong - Love / Blackcough
4. Ghostpaw - Justice / Blackcough
5. Hollowtooth - Loyalty / Blackcough
6. Daisyleaf - Compassion / Blackcough
7. Unknown - Forgiveness / Blackcough
8. Yellowkit - Humility / Blackcough
9. Reedstar - Honor / Blackcough
Term: September 2014 - April 2015

Lived: 29 May 2014 - October 2017
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Fishkit, Fishpaw, Fishpelt
Appearance: Gray spotted tabby with green eyes

Blood: 100% RiverClan
Parents: Brookstripe x Frostpelt (NPCs)
Siblings: Mistfeather, Breezeleaf, Stonekit
Mate: Otterfur
Kits: Featherpaw, Swiftpaw, Mistpaw, Leafpaw, Duskpaw, Frogjaw, Swiftheart

Mentor: Stormclaw
Apprentice(s): Fogheart, Sleekpaw, Wailingstream, Bluepaw, Tansyfoot, Poolmist, Wolfpaw, Darkfrost, Goosestorm, Amberpelt, Stormheart, Snakegaze

Deputy: Mistfeather, Ivystar
Medicine Cat(s): Sparrowleaf, Ivypaw, Wisteriasky, Cloudstone, Flintpaw, Bouncepaw, Icepaw

Creation: 31 March 2014
First Appearance: 29 May 2014
Apprentice Ceremony: 1 June 2014
Warrior Ceremony: 12 July 2014
Deputy Ceremony: 14 October 2014
Leader Ceremony: 6 April 2015

1. Fogpaw - Forgiveness / Water Poisoning
2. Morningfur - Integrity / Killed by Dark Forest cats
3. Ryefur - Perseverance / Drowned
4. Stonekit - Compassion / Blood Loss
5. Brookstripe - Justice / Lung Disease
6. Reedstar - Judgment / Blood Loss
7. Sandwhisker - Understanding / Unknown
8. Breezeleaf - Courage / Unknown
9. Sunstar - Wisdom / Unknown
Term: April 2015 - October 2017

Lived: 6 December 2015 - 21 May 2018
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Featherkit, Featherpaw, Ivypaw, Ivyfall
Appearance: Silver tabby with lighter underbelly and green eyes

Blood: 50% ThunderClan, 50% RiverClan
Parents: Duskfall x Mistfeather
Siblings: Full: Lilacpaw, Fogheart, Vixentail, Heronwing, Reedfang, Chimekit, Rainstorm; Half: Pansypaw, Soarpaw, Bluepaw, Wisteriasky, Mistypaw, Cinderpaw, Winterpaw, Aspenberry, Spirit, Hawkstrike, Littlefang, Starlingpaw, Fawnpaw, Kestrelcloud, Foxpaw
Mate: Swiftclaw (NPC), Oakfoot (NPC), Stoatfur (NPC), Galewind (NPC), Watergaze (NPC)
Kits: Swiftclaw: Hollypaw, Frostfall, Jaypaw, Rosekit, Elmpaw, Possumpaw; Oakfoot: Snowkit, Tawnystorm, Willowbreeze, Hazelkit, Toadclaw, Sootwhisper, Clearpaw; Stoatfur: Waterpaw, Greygaze; Galewind: Jaystar, Hailpaw; Watergaze: Minkkit, Sandfrost, Thymepaw, Ashpaw

Mentor: Robinflight, Ashcloud
Apprentice(s): Aspenfang, Frostfall, Pinepaw, Lightdrop, Sunpetal, Duckpaw, Ravenpaw, Lilacpaw, Stormstrike

Deputy: Jaystar
Medicine Cat(s): Cloudstone, Goldeneye

Creation: 6 December 2015
First Appearance: 6 December 2015
Apprentice Ceremony: 14 December 2015
Mentor Reassignment, Renaming: 13 January 2016
Warrior Ceremony: 18 January 2016
Deputy Ceremony: 3 May 2016
Leader Ceremony: 7 November 2017

1. Frostfall - Forgiveness / Foxes
2. Heronwing - Justice / Foxes
3. Fogheart - Resilience / Foxes
4. Vixentail - Clear Sight / Foxes
5. Tansyfoot - Patience / Foxes
6. Sparrowleaf - Loyalty / Foxes
7. Wailingstream - Confidence / Foxes
8. Wisteriasky - Faith / Foxes
9. Fishstar - Humility / Foxes
Term: November 2017 - May 2018

Lived: 17 February 2017 - 11 August 2019
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Jaykit, Jaypaw, Jaystream
Appearance: Blue-grey tabby with lighter chest, muzzle and tail tip and green eyes

Blood: 25% ThunderClan, 75% RiverClan
Parents: Ivystar x Galewind (NPC)
Siblings: Full: Hailpaw; Half: Waterpaw, Graypaw, Hollypaw, Frostfall, Jaypaw, Rosekit, Elmpaw, Possumpaw, Snowkit, Tawnystorm, Willowbreeze, Hazelkit, Toadclaw, Sootwhisper, Clearpaw, Minkkit, Sandfrost, Thymepaw, Ashpaw
Mate: Cinderpaw, Goldeneye
Kits: Cinderpaw: Hailsong, Littlestream, Orchidpool, Sagekit, Cinderfall, Robinpatch, Peatpaw, Stormstrike, Brightpaw, Pikekit; Goldeneye: Ivystar, Beekit, Berrycloud, Galepaw, Sparkfrost

Mentor: Poplarstripe
Apprentice(s): Ashfeather, Echopaw, Vixenstep, Duskfall, Honeypaw, Heronflight, Torrentstar, Lightpaw, Cinderfall, Flamewish, Lightstep, Galepaw, Addershade

Deputy: Torrentstar
Medicine Cat(s): Goldeneye, Chillpaw, Fallowlight

Creation: 15 February 2017
First Appearance: 17 February 2017
Apprentice Ceremony: 16 March 2017
Warrior Ceremony: 5 July 2017
Deputy Ceremony: 19 October 2017
Leader Ceremony: 23 May 2018

1. Hailkit - Courage / Killed by Lichenmask
2. Poplarstripe - Confidence / Killed by Shade
3. Galewing - Passion / Judged by StarClan
4. Vixenstep - Clear Mind / Judged by StarClan
5. Softpaw - Patience / Judged by StarClan
6. Ashfeather - Wisdom / Judged by StarClan
7. Cinderpaw - Perseverance / Judged by StarClan
8. Specklefang - Forgiveness / Judged by StarClan
9. Ivystar - Strength / Fell into Gorge
Term: May 2018 - August 2019

Lived: 20 December 2017 - 20 February 2020
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Scorchkit, Scorchpaw, Scorchclaw
Appearance: Dark brown tabby with white chest and muzzle and green eyes

Blood: 100% RiverClan
Parents: Robinheart x Alderstripe (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Pebblestreak (NPC), Thornstar
Kits: Pebblestreak: Risingkit, Redmask, Leafkit, Honeytongue, Lionkit, Tigerpaw, Shrikekit; Thornstar: Briarthorn, Ivykit, Viperpaw, Timberpaw, Smokespirit

Mentor: Sweetheart, Jaystar
Apprentice(s): Blackpaw, Peatpaw, Aspenstrike, Sleekpaw, Waspburn, Otterpaw, Redpaw

Deputy: Ivystar II
Medicine Cat(s): Mistleshine

Creation: 15 December 2017
First Appearance: 20 December 2017
Apprentice Ceremony: 26 December 2017
Warrior Ceremony: 26 February 2018
Deputy Ceremony: 21 May 2018
Leader Ceremony: 15 August 2019

1. Swanpetal - Wisdom / Killed by Thornstar
2. Dewshine - Forgiveness / Killed by Vixenstar
3. Gingerstripe - Loyalty / Killed by Vixenstar
4. Sweet - Heart's Desire / Killed by Vixenstar
5. Sparkfrost - Joy / Killed by Vixenstar
6. Lightstep - Transparency / Killed by Vixenstar
7. Stonepaw - Mercy / Killed by Vixenstar
8. Jaystar - Justice / Killed by Vixenstar
9. Unknown - Unknown / Killed by Vixenstar
Term: August 2019 - February 2020

Ivystar II
Lived: 20 September 2018 - 8 November 2021
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Ivykit, Ivypaw, Ivybrook
Appearance: Silver tabby with lighter belly, muzzle and paws, with green eyes

Blood: 12.5% ThunderClan, 87.5% RiverClan
Parents: Goldeneye x Jaystar
Siblings: Full: Beekit, Berrycloud, Galepaw, Sparkfrost; Half: Hailsong, Littlestream, Orchidpool, Sagekit, Cinderfall, Robinpatch, Peatpaw, Stormstrike, Brightpaw, Pikekit
Mate: Nightsplash (NPC), Darkwatcher (NPC), Honeytongue, Stormbringer
Kits: Nightsplash: Perchkit, Applekit, Shellkit, Smokekit, Cedarkit, Murkkit, Jaystar; Darkwatcher: Cloudpaw, Shira, Mirae; Adopted: Spiderquill, Ashflight

Mentor: Lavenderlily
Apprentice(s): Pebblepaw, Cloudpaw, Pinepaw, Honeytongue, Nightwolf, Poppybloom, Featherpaw, Timberpaw, Loonwhisper, Shimmerdust, Bluepaw, Thornpaw, Cloverheaart, Bearspirit, Cloudpaw

Deputy: Stormbringer, Loonwhisper, Scarletriver, Dewlight
Medicine Cat(s): Spiderquill, Thornpaw, Cloverheart, Ebonyhaze

Creation: 23 August 2018
First Appearance: 20 September 2018
Apprentice Ceremony: 14 October 2018
Warrior Ceremony: 22 July 2019
Deputy Ceremony: 12 August 2019
Leader Ceremony: 24 February 2020

1. Finchstream - Empathy / Killed by Sunspark
2. Amberpelt - Generosity / Killed by Briarthorn
3. Jaystar - Certainty / Drowned by Dawnhawk
4. Sparrowleaf - Honor / Drowned by Dawnhawk
5. Shellwater - Love / Drowned by Dawnhawk
6. Brackenstar - Justice / Drowned by Dawnhawk
7. Sparkfrost - Joy / Drowned by Dawnhawk
8. Ivystar - Strength / Drowned by Dawnhawk
9. Torrentstar - Clarity of Mind / Drowned by Dawnhawk
Term: February 2020 - November 2021

Jaystar II
Lived: 1 June 2020 - 29 March 2022
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Jaykit, Jaypaw, Jayshriek
Appearance: Black and brown longhair with amber eyes

Blood: 6.25% ThunderClan, 93.75% RiverClan
Parents: Ivystar II x Nightsplash (NPC)
Siblings: Full: Perchkit, Applekit, Shellkit, Smokekit, Cedarkit, Murkkit; Half: Cloudpaw, Shira, Mirae
Mate: Kitefire, Harebounce
Kits: Kitefire: Heronpaw, Loachkit, Flywhisker; Harebounce: Pipitpaw, Grebedance, Owlshriek, Ospreykit

Mentor: Honeytongue
Apprentice(s): Softpaw, Spiderpaw, Aspenpaw

Deputy: Perchstar
Medicine Cat(s): Cloverheart

Creation: 1 June 2020
First Appearance: 1 June 2020
Apprentice Ceremony: 1 July 2020
Warrior Ceremony: 30 December 2020
Deputy Ceremony: None
Leader Ceremony: 20 November 2021

1. Splashwillow - Wisdom / Crushed by Tree Branch
2. Finchstream - Love / Unknown
3. Dappleshine - Compassion / Unknown
4. Jaystar - Dignity / Unknown
5. Otterleap - Judgment / Unknown
6. Ivystar - Ferocity / Unknown
7. Sparkfrost - Joy / Unknown
8. Ivystar II - Humility / Unknown
9. Kitefire - Loyalty / Unknown
Term: November 2021 - March 2022

Lived: 27 November 2021 - 18 May 2024
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Perchfall
Appearance: Gray and white with ice blue eyes

Blood: 100% RiverClan
Parents: Stormsky x Berryclaw (NPCs)
Siblings: Amberdawn (NPC)
Mate: Ashflight, Felix
Kits: Felix: Willowwisp, Wrensong, Mistwalker, Tinyshadow

Mentor: Sparrowclaw (NPC)
Apprentice(s): Beetlepaw, Tinypool, Poppyshine, Hickorypaw, Rushingpaw, Lavenderpaw, Rookflight, Owlcall, Murkyriver, Cindersky

Deputy: Poppystar
Medicine Cat(s): Cloverheart, Dovesight, Sandyshell, Wrenpaw, Littlesplash

Creation: 9 November 2021
First Appearance: 27 November 2021
Apprentice Ceremony: None
Warrior Ceremony: None
Deputy Ceremony: 27 November 2021
Leader Ceremony: 16 May 2022

1. Hollyleaf - Hope / Fox
2. Bearspirit - Courage / Stress
3. Stormbringer - Perseverance / Hit by monster
4. Finchstream - Love / Starvation, Exposure
5. Mallowmist - Curiosity / Illness
6. Shellwater - Justice / Wolves
7. Gingerstripe - Forgiveness, Mercy / Killed by Falconmoon
8. Beetlepaw - Passion / Crushed by Tree Branch
9. Ivystar II - Strength / Internal Bleeding
Term: May 2022 - May 2024

Lived: 10 February 2022 - Present
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Poppykit, Poppypaw, Poppyshine
Appearance: Dilute calico and white with green eyes

Blood: 100% RiverClan
Parents: Robinear x Softhawk (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Rushtalon
Kits: Minksplash, Olivepaw, Sandyshell, Reedpaw, Rowansong, Sprucebark; Adopted: Sleepycloud, Hawkshriek, Hickorypaw, Rainpaw, Sootspirit

Mentor: Perchstar
Apprentice(s): Pipitpaw, Rainpaw, Sootspirit, Irispaw, Wrensong, Mistwalker, Swandive, Pigeonpounce

Deputy: Cindersky
Medicine Cat(s):

Creation: 10 February 2022
First Appearance: 10 February 2022
Apprentice Ceremony: 17 February 2022
Warrior Ceremony: 4 April 2022
Deputy Ceremony: 18 May 2022
Leader Ceremony: 30 May 2024

1. Minksplash - Excitement /
2. Bearspirit - Love /
3. Dovesight - Perseverance /
4. Sandyshell - Trust /
5. Ivystar II - Resolve /
6. Beechfang - Restraint /
7. Cloverheart - Judgment /
8. Birdstar - Friendship /
9. Perchstar - Decisiveness /
Term: May 2024 - Present


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Number of posts : 55
Gender : Unspecified

The Hall of Leaders Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Hall of Leaders   The Hall of Leaders EmptySun 26 Mar 2023 - 13:32

ThunderClan Leadership

Lived: 20 August 2012 - Unknown
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Lionheart
Appearance: Longhaired golden tabby with white chest, paws and copper eyes

Blood: 100% ThunderClan
Parents: Goldenfur x Snowbreeze (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: None
Kits: None

Mentor: Oakbranch (NPC)
Apprentice(s): Dewstar, Wildpaw, Morningpaw, Opossumtail, Brightpaw

Deputy: Frozenfoot, Mossstar
Medicine Cat(s): Redfern, Brightpaw

Creation: 20 August 2012
First Appearance: 20 August 2012
Apprentice Ceremony: None
Warrior Ceremony: None
Deputy Ceremony: None
Leader Ceremony: None

1. Unknown - Unknown / Crushed by Tree Branch
2. Unknown - Unknown / Hit by monster
3. Unknown - Unknown / Retirement
4. Unknown - Unknown / Retirement
5. Unknown - Unknown / Retirement
6. Unknown - Unknown / Retirement
7. Unknown - Unknown / Retirement
8. Unknown - Unknown / Retirement
9. Unknown - Unknown / Old Age
Term: August 2012 - July 2013

Lived: 20 August 2012 - 23 October 2013
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Mosspelt
Appearance: Black with mossy green eyes

Blood: 100% ThunderClan
Parents: Nightstrike x Winterpelt (NPCs)
Siblings: Shadefang
Mate: None
Kits: None

Mentor: Redfeather (NPC)
Apprentice(s): Embershade, Duskfang, Spottedstar, Mousepaw, Snowpaw, Firepaw

Deputy: Dewstar
Medicine Cat(s): Swiftpaw

Creation: 20 August 2012
First Appearance: 20 August 2012
Apprentice Ceremony: None
Warrior Ceremony: None
Deputy Ceremony: 28 October 2012
Leader Ceremony: 30 July 2013

1. Nightstrike - Protection / Sickness
2. Winterpelt - Courage / Sickness
3. Redfeather - Mentoring / Sickness
4. Giantfoot - Loyalty / Sickness
5. Moonfeather - Compassion / Sickness
6. Swiftlake - Endurance / Sickness
7. Shadefang - Justice / Sickness
8. Lionheart - Responsibility / Sickness
9. Unknown - Unknown / Sickness
Term: July 2013 - October 2013

Lived: 23 August 2012 - 29 August 2014
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Dewkit, Dewpaw, Dewclaw
Appearance: Muscular silver tabby with blue eyes

Blood: 100% ThunderClan
Parents: Bleakfang x Astercall (NPCs)
Siblings: Molekit, Ternpaw (NPCs)
Mate: Adderheart (NPC)
Kits: Acornkit, Morningpaw, Duskfang

Mentor: Lionstar
Apprentice(s): Whitefoot, Feathertail, Spottedstar, Ploverheart, Swiftnose, Tigerpaw, Stormpaw

Deputy: Spottedstar
Medicine Cat(s): Swiftnose, Nightfire, Morningpaw

Creation: 23 August 2012
First Appearance: 23 August 2012
Apprentice Ceremony: 21 September 2012
Warrior Ceremony: 22 October 2012
Deputy Ceremony: 23 July 2013
Leader Ceremony: 3 November 2013

1. Bleakfang - Commitment / Unknown
2. Asterclaw - Patience / Unknown
3. Unknown - Honesty / Unknown
4. Adderheart - Love, Compassion / Unknown
5. Patchpaw - Mercy / Unknown
6. Unknown - Faith / Unknown
7. Honeypaw - Forgiveness / Unknown
8. Lionheart - Wisdom / Unknown
9. Mossstar - Trust / Swarmed by Rats
Term: November 2013 - August 2014

Lived: 6 August 2013 - 17 April 2016
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Spottedkit, Spottedpaw, Spottedfeather
Appearance: White tortoiseshell with white spots over black stripes, black-tipped ears and paws and gold tanned toes and a white-tipped tail and amber eyes

Blood: 100% ThunderClan
Parents: Gingerfur x Redheart (NPC)
Siblings: None
Mate: Foxclaw (NPC), Nightfang (NPC)
Kits: Foxclaw: Addertail, Nightfire, Flamegaze; Nightfang: Echostrike, Robinsong, Oliveheart

Mentor: Dewstar
Apprentice(s): Goldfang, Rainspot, Stormheart, Rookheart, Splotchfur, Dawnfire, Hailfang, Sorrelheart, Hawkstrike, Dewpaw

Deputy: Flameclaw, Duskfall, Darkflight
Medicine Cat(s): Nightfire, Morningpaw, Coalspirit, Dreamleaf

Creation: 31 July 2013
First Appearance: 6 August 2013
Apprentice Ceremony: 7 August 2013
Warrior Ceremony: 14 September 2013
Deputy Ceremony: 3 November 2013
Leader Ceremony: 31 August 2014

1. Mapleheart - Justice / Sickness
2. Redheart - Compassion / Broken Back
3. Gingerfur - Love / Heart Attack
4. Dapplekit - Patience / Infected Wounds
5. Mossstar - Leadership / Infected Wounds
6. Rainspot - Endurance / Infected Wounds
7. Rookheart - Fearlessness / Infected Wounds
8. Swiftnose - Faith / Infected Wounds
9. Dewstar - Strength / Infected Wounds
Term: August 2014 - April 2016

Lived: 28 August 2015 - 4 November 2018
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Darkkit, Darkpaw, Darkflight
Appearance: Longfurred near-black with white ears and a missing back left leg, and yellow-green eyes

Blood: 45.31% ThunderClan, 29.69% New SkyClan, 25% Rogue
Parents: Specklefur x Foxfang
Siblings: Antkit, Beanfoot
Mate: Jaggedfeather (NPC)
Kits: Plumblossom, Fernkit, Bristlepaw, Pinepaw, Rainwhisper, Lionpaw, Bramblefrost, Silentsong, Mossykit, Peatpaw, Shrewheart; Adopted: Rockthorn

Mentor: Oliveheart
Apprentice(s): Lilacpaw, Gentlenose, Flashpaw, Vinepaw, Sedgepaw, Mosswing, Rockthorn, Barkfall

Deputy: Frozenflame, Blizzardstar
Medicine Cat(s): Dreamleaf, Stonepaw, Fawnpaw, Sparkflower

Creation: 13 July 2015
First Appearance: 28 August 2015
Apprentice Ceremony: 8 September 2015
Warrior Ceremony: 22 November 2015
Deputy Ceremony: 4 January 2016
Leader Ceremony: 24 April 2016

1. Specklefur - Perseverance / Killed by Lionsong
2. Oliveheart - Certainty / Pneumonia
3. Antkit - Making Do / Pneumonia
4. Foxfang - Loyalty / Retirement
5. Mothpaw - Unknown / Retirement
6. Sandstreak - Unconditional Love / Retirement
7. Swiftnose - Tradition / Retirement
8. Tigertooth - Dispelling Hostility / Retirement
9. Spottedstar - Confidence / Fox
Term: April 2016 - July 2017

Lived: 9 May 2016 - 20 May 2019
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Blizzardkit, Blizzardpaw, Blizzardshine
Appearance: White and silver bengal with blue-gray eyes

Blood: 50% ThunderClan, 50% New SkyClan
Parents: Gentlenose x Jayflight
Siblings: Mossfoot, Swanpaw, Softpaw, Sedgewhisker, Minnowkit
Mate: Artemis
Kits: Ridgelight, Hailpaw, Gladepaw, Beepaw, Pricklebush, Streamsong

Mentor: Jayflight
Apprentice(s): Mistywater, Meadowlight, Amberlight, Redpaw, Daylight, Tigerspark, Featherheart, Dawnpaw

Deputy: Leopardstar
Medicine Cat(s): Sparkflower, Sageleaf, Honeyspark, Maplepaw

Creation: 5 May 2016
First Appearance: 9 May 2016
Apprentice Ceremony: 20 May 2016
Warrior Ceremony: 24 June 2016
Deputy Ceremony: 18 November 2016
Leader Ceremony: 3 July 2017

1. Gentlenose - Motherly Love / Killed by Ivystar
2. Scorchfrost - Conscience / Foxes
3. Wishpaw - Hope / Foxes
4. Sedgewhisker - Bravery / Foxes
5. Cloverpool - Humility / Foxes
6. Flameclaw - Passion / Foxes
7. Grasswhisker - Open-Mindedness / Foxes
8. Frozenflame - Wisdom / Foxes
9. Duskfall - Loyalty / Crushed by Rocks
Term: July 2017 - June 2018

Lived: 23 December 2016 - 8 September 2019
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Leopardkit, Leopardpaw, Leopardclaw
Appearance: Golden spotted tabby with black-tipped ears and hazel eyes

Blood: 100% Rogue
Parents: Alice x NPC; Adopted: Mottledwing
Siblings: None
Mate: Lichenfang
Kits: Cherrykit, Honeyspark, Birdflight, Orchidfeather, Mintkit, Reedheart, Falconpaw; Adopted: Ivyshade, Violetfall, Dawnpetal, Flowerpaw, Batbite, Specklekit, Shadekit, Copperheart, Lynxtail, Jaguarkit

Mentor: Grasswhisker
Apprentice(s): Blazingwing, Hawkswoop, Peatpaw, Sharptooth, Hazelpaw, Pantherclaw, Morningpaw, Aspenpaw, Ripplepaw, Duskpaw

Deputy: Oakstar
Medicine Cat(s): Mapleleaf, Rainpaw, Pricklebush, Mosspaw

Creation: 23 December 2016
First Appearance: 26 December 2016
Apprentice Ceremony: 16 January 2017
Warrior Ceremony: 14 April 2017
Deputy Ceremony: 30 June 2017
Leader Ceremony: 29 May 2018

1. Grasswhisker - Forgiveness / Killed by Lichenmask
2. Mottledwing - Motherly Love / Head Injury
3. Cherrykit - Bravery / Septic Infection
4. Reedheart - Acceptance / Septic Infection
5. Dawnpetal - Hope / Septic Infection
6. Wolffang - Mercy / Septic Infection
7. Flameclaw - Wisdom / Septic Infection
8. Specklefang - Justice / Septic Infection
9. Ivystar - Clarity / Fox
Term: May 2018 - July 2019

Lived: 30 December 2016 - 26 October 2020
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Marshkit, Marshpaw, Marshstorm
Appearance: Dark brown tabby with white muzzle, throat and toes, and amber eyes

Blood: 6.25% ThunderClan, 12.7% RiverClan, 54.5% ShadowClan, 26.56% New SkyClan
Parents: Hazeflight x Eagleheart
Siblings: Full: Hollyshard, Wolffang, Puddlepaw, Emberfall, Badgerkit; Half: Breezekit, Aspenpaw, Thrushkit
Mate: Dustcloud
Kits: Aspenpaw, Swankit, Bumblepaw, Eaglekit, Nettlestar, Daisybloom, Sootkit, Flarekit, Swiftpaw, Mistwalker, Stormpaw, Coniferpaw, Leopardpaw, Wolfpaw; Adopted: Stormpaw

Mentor: Ravenclaw, Nighthawk
Apprentice(s): Owlpaw, Dawnpaw, Beartooth, Thistlepaw, Batbite, Nettlestar

Deputy: Beartooth, Houndheart, Nettlestar
Medicine Cat(s): Mossbloom, Daisybloom

Creation: 19 December 2016
First Appearance: 30 December 2016
Apprentice Ceremony: 17 January 2017
Mentor Reassignment: 6 March 2018
Warrior Ceremony: 21 May 2018
Deputy Ceremony: 22 May 2018
Leader Ceremony: 29 July 2019

1. Hazeflight - Love / Set aside for Leopardclaw
2. Puddlepaw - Hope / Adder
3. Thrushstripe - Perseverance / Killed by Brackenstar
4. Featherheart - Kindness / Retirement
5. Sharptooth - Justice / Retirement
6. Eagleheart - Confidence / Retirement
7. Flamestrike - Temperance / Retirement
8. Wolffang - Forgiveness / Retirement
9. Blizzardshine - Wisdom / Old Age
Term: July 2019 - August 2020

Lived: 1 July 2019 - 26 March 2021
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Nettlekit, Nettlepaw, Nettlefire
Appearance: Long-furred silver-gray tabby with a lighter muzzle and underbelly and light green eyes

Blood: 9.375% ThunderClan, 6.5% RiverClan, 25% WindClan, 31.7% ShadowClan, 14.8% New SkyClan, 12.5% Rogue
Parents: Oakstar x Dustcloud
Siblings: Aspenpaw, Swankit, Bumblepaw, Eaglekit, Daisybloom, Sootkit, Flarekit, Swiftpaw, Mistwalker, Stormpaw, Coniferpaw, Leopardpaw, Wolfpaw; Adopted: Stormpaw
Mate: None
Kits: None

Mentor: Oakstar
Apprentice(s): Coniferpaw, Robinloft, Thrushnose

Deputy: Minkstar
Medicine Cat(s): Mossbloom, Daisybloom

Creation: 23 June 2019
First Appearance: 1 July 2019
Apprentice Ceremony: 17 July 2019
Warrior Ceremony: 6 November 2019
Deputy Ceremony: 5 February 2020
Leader Ceremony: 30 August 2020

1. Willowheart - Generosity / Killed by Eris
2. Dacedream - Joy / Badger
3. Jaydream - Empathy / Badger
4. Leopardclaw - Balance / Badger
5. Beartooth - Endurance / Badger
6. Coniferpaw - Patience / Badger
7. Mistwalker - Composure / Badger
8. Rosefrost - Improvisation / Badger
9. Unknown - Unknown / Badger
Term: August 2020 - March 2021

Lived: 2 December 2018 - 3 February 2022
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Strom, Minkkit, Minkpaw, Minkstream
Appearance: Dark ginger and white tabby with medium length fur and green eyes

Blood: 6.25% ThunderClan, 43.75% RiverClan, 25% Rogue, 25% Kittypet
Parents: Littlestream x Starlord
Siblings: Full: Lionpaw, Copperpaw; Half: Bloomkit, Sablekit, Brackenkit, Firkit, Sootkit, Tanglekit, Rainkit, Dewpaw,, Lightfang, Arno, Swallowflight, Sienna
Mate: Batbite
Kits: Hickorypaw, Sablepaw, Thrushnose, Finchkit, Flamekit, Kestrelswoop, Quaildock

Mentor: Mottledspark
Apprentice(s): Kestrelswoop, Spottedpaw, Wasppaw, Appledapple

Deputy: Batbite, Thrushnose, Stoatstar
Medicine Cat(s): Dovefrost, Moonpaw, Crowpaw

Creation: 27 November 2018
First Appearance: 2 December 2018
Apprentice Ceremony: 16 December 2018
Warrior Ceremony: 11 April 2020
Deputy Ceremony: 2 September 2020
Leader Ceremony: 22 May 2021

1. Littlestream - Judgment / Exchanged for healing by Swansong
2. Mottledspark - Decisiveness / Killed by Turtlefur
3. Aspenheart - Wit / Assassinated by Scarletriver
4. Sparkfrost - Joy / Dog
5. Dappleshine - Hope / Battle Injuries
6. Raventail - Trust / Injury Complications
7. Lightfang - Resilience / Dog
8. Jaydream - Mercy / Injury Complications
9. Oakheart - Faith / Heart Failure
Term: May 2021 - February 2022

Lived: 14 June 2021 - 3 June 2022
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Stoatkit, Stoatpaw, Stoatfur
Appearance: Brown and white with amber eyes

Blood: 34.2% Thunderclan, 19.68% Riverclan, 1.58% Shadowclan, 1.03% New Skyclan, 34.03% Rogue, 6.35% Kittypet, 3.13% Oasis/Asylum
Parents: Thrushnose x Poppyflight (NPC)
Siblings: Honeykit, Sleekpaw
Mate: Appledapple
Kits: Auburnflare; Adopted: Cinderflame, Heronpaw, Firekit, Reedshine, Owlkit, Sweetpaw, Shimmerpaw, Softfall, Rainpaw

Mentor: Waterlily
Apprentice(s): Prickletail, Minnowstar, Mottlestar, Loonpaw, Thistlemask, Dayquill, Comfreyheart

Deputy: Minnowstar
Medicine Cat(s): Dovefrost, Fawnshine

Creation: 9 June 2021
First Appearance: 14 June 2021
Apprentice Ceremony: 15 June 2021
Warrior Ceremony: 9 July 2021
Deputy Ceremony: 5 November 2021
Leader Ceremony: 4 February 2022

1. Beartooth - Devotion / Unknown
2. Wolffang - Conviction / Unknown
3. Leopardclaw - Connection / Unknown
4. Poolstep - Warmth / Unknown
5. Wolfblaze - Boldness / Unknown
6. Pricklebush - Judgment / Unknown
7. Robinloft - Justice / Unknown
8. Mossbloom - Wisdom / Unknown
9. Minkstar - Love / Unknown
Term: February 2022 - June 2022

Lived: 25 November 2021 - September 2022
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Minnowkit, Minnowpaw, Minnowfin
Appearance: Small, short-furred gray with white fur around face, throat and paws, and orange eyes

Blood: 100% ThunderClan
Parents: Petalnose x Pebblestep (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Mottlestar
Kits: Morningsun, Mothpaw, Tigerpaw, Mistlepaw, Mosskit, Brightpaw, Briarrose, Redsun, Twilightpaw, Molepaw

Mentor: Stoatstar
Apprentice(s): Mintpaw, Rainpaw, Darkspirit, Milkpaw, Sweetpaw

Deputy: Mottlestar
Medicine Cat(s): Fawnshine, Eggdrop

Creation: 24 November 2021
First Appearance: 25 November 2021
Apprentice Ceremony: 9 December 2021
Warrior Ceremony: 5 February 2022
Deputy Ceremony: 6 February 2022
Leader Ceremony: 20 July 2022

1. Ferretfang - Courage / Illness
2. Ashstar - Friendship / Illness
3. Dustcloud - Endurance / Illness
4. Coldheart - Justice / Illness
5. Shadepaw - Humor / Illness
6. Milkpaw - Bravery / Illness
7. Darkflight - Resolve / Illness
8. Stormrush - Tenacity / Illness
9. Morningsun - Optimism / Illness
Term: July 2022 - September 2022

Lived: 3 February 2022 - 24 February 2024
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Mottlekit, Mottlepaw, Mottlerose
Appearance: Small tortoiseshell with amber eyes

Blood: 100% ThunderClan
Parents: Briarthorn x Ebonystep (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Minnowstar, Nightstar II (Vipershade)
Kits: Minnowstar: Morningsun, Mothpaw, Tigerpaw, Mistlepaw, Mosskit, Brightpaw, Briarrose, Redsun, Twilightpaw, Molepaw; Nightstar II: Murkyriver, Firefly, Turtlepaw, Thrushnose, Rosethorn

Mentor: Stoatstar
Apprentice(s): Specklewish, Eveningmoon, Beetleshade, Stormsong, Stormypaw, Goldenfern, Crocusfrost, Quailprowler, Ravenloft

Deputy: Thistlemask, Darkspirit, Acornstar
Medicine Cat(s): Fawnshine, Echosong

Creation: 28 January 2022
First Appearance: 3 February 2022
Apprentice Ceremony: 4 February 2022
Warrior Ceremony: 18 February 2022
Deputy Ceremony: 5 June 2022
Leader Ceremony: 14 September 2022

1. Briarthorn - Love / Heartbreak
2. Aspenblaze - Mercy / Heart Attack
3. Hazelpaw - Connection / Dog
4. Pricklebush - Justice / Killed by Sunfire
5. Ivystar II - Dignity / Killed by Falconmoon
6. Sagewhisker - Resilience / Killed by Birdstar
7. Kitefire - Determination / Killed by Birdstar
8. Dustcloud - Faith / Killed by Birdstar
9. Morningsun - Compassion / Killed by Birdstar
Term: September 2022 - February 2024

Lived: 20 August 2012 - Present
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Acornkit, Acornpaw, Acornstem
Appearance: Light brown with cream underside, dark brown tail and ears and white front leg and amber eyes

Blood: 100% ThunderClan
Parents: Branchlight x ??? (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Firefly
Kits: None

Mentor: Sunstrike
Apprentice(s): Cedarstalk, Flysnap, Nettlepaw, Hopepaw

Deputy: Sageroot
Medicine Cat(s): Fawnshine, Echosong, Sleepycloud

Creation: 29 October 2022
First Appearance: 29 October 2022
Apprentice Ceremony: 22 November 2022
Warrior Ceremony: 20 March 2023
Deputy Ceremony: 7 June 2023
Leader Ceremony: 20 March 2024

1. Cedarstalk - Vulnerability /
2. Gingerroot - Mindfulness /
3. Lionspark - Insight /
4. Branchlight - Confidence /
5. Beartooth - Acceptance /
6. Vipershade - Adversity /
7. Pricklebush - Justice /
8. Mottlestar - Delegation /
9. Firefly - Righteous Fury /
Term: March 2024 - Present


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The Hall of Leaders Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Hall of Leaders   The Hall of Leaders EmptySun 26 Mar 2023 - 13:32

WindClan Leadership

Lived: 20 August 2012 - 14 June 2013
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Stormeye
Appearance: Large dark gray tabby with black blizzard-like markings, white bands around the legs, white paws and yellow eyes

Blood: 100% WindClan
Parents: Blizzardclaw x Redpelt (NPCs)
Siblings: Wildheart
Mate: Raccoonstar
Kits: Patcheye, Icepaw, Twistedfoot, Rainpaw

Mentor: Snowdrift (NPC)
Apprentice(s): Minteyes

Deputy: Raccoonstar
Medicine Cat(s): Wildheart, Icepaw

Creation: 20 August 2012
First Appearance: 20 August 2012
Apprentice Ceremony: None
Warrior Ceremony: None
Deputy Ceremony: None
Leader Ceremony: None

1. Unknown - Unknown / Greencough
2. Unknown - Unknown / Badger
3. Unknown - Unknown / Badger
4. Unknown - Unknown / Killed by Walter
5. Unknown - Unknown / Retirement
6. Unknown - Unknown / Retirement
7. Unknown - Unknown / Retirement
8. Unknown - Unknown / Retirement
9. Unknown - Unknown / Smoke Inhalation
Term: August 2012 - March 2013

Lived: 20 August 2012 - 9 February 2014
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Raccoonheart
Appearance: Slim gray tabby with white paws and blue eyes

Blood: 100% WindClan
Parents: Whitesong x Graypelt (NPCs)
Siblings: Breezefur (NPC)
Mate: Stormeye
Kits: Patcheye, Icepaw, Twistedfoot, Rainpaw

Mentor: Longstar (NPC)
Apprentice(s): Patcheye, Lavenderheart, Owlpelt, Eaglethorn, Crowclaw, Mudfoot, Thistlepaw, Harepaw, Bluepaw

Deputy: Falconstar
Medicine Cat(s): Shadeheart, Ravenpaw

Creation: 20 August 2012
First Appearance: 20 August 2012
Apprentice Ceremony: None
Warrior Ceremony: None
Deputy Ceremony: None
Leader Ceremony: 18 March 2013

1. Streamlight - Love / Fox
2. Longstar - Leadership / Hit by monster
3. Mouseleap - Patience / Killed by Rogue
4. Unknown - Loyalty / Fell from Tree
5. Unknown - Healing / Sickness
6. Unknown - Mentoring / Sickness
7. Graypelt - Courage / Sickness
8. Whitesong - Wisdom / Old Age
9. Breezefur - Compassion / Old Age
Term: March 2013- February 2014

Lived: 22 August 2012 - 12 February 2016
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Falconkit, Falconpaw, Falconfang
Appearance: Brown with white streaks on paws and belly, and ice blue eyes

Blood: 100% WindClan
Parents: Robinfeather x Hawktalon (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Minteyes, Silverfang
Kits: Minteyes: Applepaw, Eaglethorn, Breezekit; Silverfang: Feathertail, Hawkflight

Mentor: Duststorm
Apprentice(s): Shadeheart, Rainpaw, Lionpaw, Snoweye, Sootpaw, Shrikepaw, Silverfang, Breezeleaf, Kestrelstorm

Deputy: Snoweye, Thornclaw, Sablestar
Medicine Cat(s): Ravenwing, Cloudpatches, Suntail, Gorsefeather, Emberleaf

Creation: 22 August 2012
First Appearance: 22 August 2012
Apprentice Ceremony: 8 September 2012
Warrior Ceremony: 4 November 2012
Deputy Ceremony: 20 March 2013
Leader Ceremony: 12 February 2014

1. Stormeye - Courage / Killed by Twopelt
2. Hawktalon - Humility / Sickness
3. Greyheart - Understanding / Sickness
4. Icepaw - Compassion / Sickness
5. Raccoonstar - Faith / Sickness
6. Robinfeather - Motherly Love / Sickness
7. Duststorm - Strength / Sickness
8. Applepaw - Mentoring / Sickness
9. Minteyes - Knowledge / Old Age
Term: February 2014 - February 2016

Lived: 6 March 2014 - 15 June 2016
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Sablekit, Sablepaw, Sablefur
Appearance: Dark brown with darker fur across back, paws, ears, face and front left leg, and yellow eyes

Blood: 75% WindClan, 25% Old SkyClan
Parents: Hawkflight x Owlpelt
Siblings: Runningheart, Twopelt
Mate: Kestrelstorm
Kits: Horsestep/Molly, Falconstone

Mentor: Bristlefur
Apprentice(s): None

Deputy: Ashstar
Medicine Cat(s): Gorsefeather, Emberleaf, Leafheart

Creation: 5 March 2014
First Appearance: 6 March 2014
Apprentice Ceremony: 16 March 2014
Warrior Ceremony: 9 May 2014
Deputy Ceremony: 19 May 2015
Leader Ceremony: 19 February 2016

1. Bristlefur - Patience / Killed by Saltpelt
2. Smokepaw - Hope / Killed by Saltpelt
3. Thornclaw - Strength / Killed by Saltpelt
4. Owlpelt - Justice / Killed by Saltpelt
5. Hawkflight - Love / Killed by Saltpelt
6. Runningheart - Loyalty / Killed by Saltpelt
7. Stormeye - Wisdom / Killed by Saltpelt
8. Twistedfoot - Power / Killed by Saltpelt
9. Falconstar - Confidence / Killed by Saltpelt
Term: February 2016 - May 2016

Lived: 15 April 2015 - 26 May 2018
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Shimmerkit, Ashkit, Ashpaw, Ashwing
Appearance: Light gray with spring green eyes

Blood: 100% ShadowClan
Parents: Graybriar x Thrushpelt (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Icestorm
Kits: Smokepelt, Sharppaw

Mentor: Wolftrot
Apprentice(s): Cedarfur, Hailpaw, Mistypaw, Maizefur, Skunkpaw, Goatshade, Mottleheart, Ryecloud, Slatethroat

Deputy: Smokepelt, Brindlestar
Medicine Cat(s): Emberleaf, Leafheart, Cindercloud, Beetlewing, Sageleaf, Mottleheart, Featherlight

Creation: 15 April 2015
First Appearance: 15 April 2015
Apprentice Ceremony: 13 May 2016
Warrior Ceremony: 25 June 2015
Deputy Ceremony: 19 February 2016
Leader Ceremony: 30 May 2016

1. Graybriar - Motherly Love / Grief
2. Wolftrot - Wisdom / Killed by Lionfur
3. Birchkit - Understanding / Dog
4. Skunkpaw - Kindness / Blood Loss
5. Falconstar - Strength / Old Age
6. Sharppaw - Faith / Old Age
7. Unknown - Unknown / Old Age
8. Unknown - Unknown / Old Age
9. Sablestar - Leadership / Old Age
Term: May 2016 - May 2018

Lived: 16 October 2016 - March 2019
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Brindle, Brindlekit, Brindlepaw, Brindlewhisker
Appearance: Gray-brown lynx point with blue eyes

Blood: 6.25% ThunderClan, 1.53% RiverClan, 25% WindClan, 14.06% ShadowClan, 1.53% Old SkyClan, 50% Rogue, 1.53% Kittypet
Parents: Rogue x Rogue (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Thistlefall, Dewpool
Kits: Thistlefall: Dawnlight, Goldenflame; Dewpool: Featherlight, Mistpaw, Silverstreak, Ivypaw, Falconbreeze, Dovestream, Jayflight, Eaglekit, Bramblepaw, Sandshrew, Shellpaw, Frozenpaw, Rabbitfrost, Grousefrost, Ploverkit, Sparrowkit, Rabbitleaf

Mentor: Emberfall
Apprentice(s): Hollowfang, Sageleaf, Stoatpaw, Acornpaw, Foxspirit, Icewhisker, Elmskip, Jayflight, Rookpaw, Brightpaw, Thistlepaw, Mosspaw

Deputy: Swiftstep, Finchstar
Medicine Cat(s): Featherlight, Goosepaw, Dewpool

Creation: 14 October 2016
First Appearance: 16 October 2016
Apprentice Ceremony: 28 October 2016
Warrior Ceremony: 23 December 2016
Deputy Ceremony: 5 April 2017
Leader Ceremony: 28 May 2018

1. Willowwhisker - Motherly Love / Dog
2. Thistlefall - Humility / Fell into Fire
3. Cloudrunner - Mercy / Drowned in Flood
4. Gorsefeather - Loyalty / Drowned in Flood
5. Stormeye - Wisdom / Drowned in Flood
6. Sageleaf - Justice / Drowned in Flood
7. Goatshade - Acceptance / Drowned in Flood
8. Ashstar - Hope / Drowned in Flood
9. Ivystar - Truth / Drowned in Flood
Term: May 2018 - March 2019

Lived: 13 October 2018 - 14 April 2020
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Finchkit, Finchpaw, Finchbreeze
Appearance: Ginger and white tabby with yellow eyes

Blood: 100% WindClan
Parents: Littlesong x Redstripe (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Brookclover
Kits: Ryekit, Cricketkit (NPCs); Adopted: Raventail

Mentor: Ryecloud
Apprentice(s): Aspenheart, Clovertwist, Downtuft

Deputy: Swiftstep, Ravenstar
Medicine Cat(s): Aspenheart, Mistystripe, Softpaw

Creation: 27 September 2018
First Appearance: 13 October 2018
Apprentice Ceremony: 27 October 2018
Warrior Ceremony: 22 December 2018
Deputy Ceremony: 28 February 2019
Leader Ceremony: 28 March 2019

1. Gingerheart - Clear Sight / Crushed in Sinkhole
2. Ashstar - Motherly Love / Blood Loss
3. Cedarfur - Forgiveness / Killed by Pakhet
4. Sootstrike - Action / Impaled on Moonstone
5. Sparrowpaw - Empathy / Greencough
6. Ryeheart - Bravery / Killed by Galestar
7. Rabbitfrost - Altruism / Killed by Galestar
8. Ryekit - Peacefulness / Killed by Galestar
9. Cricketkit - Perseverance / Killed by Galestar
Term: March 2019 - April 2020

Lived: 31 March 2019 - 4 December 2020
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Ravenkit, Ravenpaw, Raventail
Appearance: Black with white chin and front paw, and yellow eyes

Blood: 100% WindClan
Parents: Cypressfang x Beetlefrost (NPCs); Adopted: Brookclover x Finchstar
Siblings: None
Mate: Dappleshine
Kits: Sedgekit, Smudgekit, Fogpaw

Mentor: Brookclover
Apprentice(s): Goldengale, Smallstar

Deputy: Olivestar
Medicine Cat(s): Aspenheart, Softbreeze

Creation: 23 March 2019
First Appearance: 31 March 2019
Apprentice Ceremony: 3 April 2019
Warrior Ceremony: 20 June 2019
Deputy Ceremony: 21 July 2019
Leader Ceremony: 31 May 2020

1. Swiftstep - Integrity / Retirement
2. Lightfang - Forgiveness / Retirement
3. Featherlight - Patience / Retirement
4. Mudfrost - Strength / Retirement
5. Murkpaw - Clear Sight / Retirement
6. Elmskip - Perseverance / Retirement
7. Barleytuft - Devotion / Retirement
8. Brookclover - Conviction / Retirement
9. Finchstar - Love /
Term: May 2020 - July 2020

Lived: 12 December 2019 - Unknown
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Olivekit, Olivepaw, Olivestone
Appearance: Soft gray tabby with lighter muzzle and belly, and olive green eyes

Blood: 100% Rogue
Parents: Unknown x Unknown (NPCs); Adopted: Elmskip, Arcayus
Siblings: None; Adopted: Ferretdance
Mate: Zinnia
Kits: Adopted: Yarrowpaw, Griffon

Mentor: Briarthorn
Apprentice(s): Morningdove, Wildflower, Palepaw

Deputy: Wildflower, Maplewhisker
Medicine Cat(s): Softbreeze

Creation: 7 December 2019
First Appearance: 12 December 2019
Apprentice Ceremony: 18 December 2019
Warrior Ceremony: 7 March 2020
Deputy Ceremony: 21 April 2020
Leader Ceremony: 28 August 2020

1. Elmskip - Family / Unknown
2. Arcayus - Sincerity / Unknown
3. Cobaltfire - Strength / Unknown
4. Wolftrot - Youth / Unknown
5. Larkflight - Kindness, Compassion / Unknown
6. Dacedream - Love / Unknown
7. Aspenheart - Tenacity / Unknown
8. Barleytuft - Self-Sacrifice / Unknown
9. Finchstar - Optimism / Unknown
Term: August 2020 - January 2021

Lived: 4 October 2020 - 6 January 2022
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Lilackit, Lilacpaw, Lilacsong
Appearance: Brown tabby with white muzzle and belly, and sky blue eyes

Blood: 100% WindClan
Parents: Spottedfrost x Cloudfern (NPCs); Adopted: Olivestar, Zinnia
Siblings: None; Adopted: Yarrowpaw, Griffon, Pigeonpaw
Mate: Amberfluff, Fawnstep
Kits: Fawnstep: Quailpaw, Silverlight; Adopted: Frostpaw, Fogpaw

Mentor: Wildflower, Zinnia
Apprentice(s): Rainpaw

Deputy: Daystar
Medicine Cat(s): Softbreeze, Smallbean

Creation: 4 October 2020
First Appearance: 4 October 2020
Apprentice Ceremony: 18 October 2020
Warrior Ceremony: 14 December 2020
Deputy Ceremony: None
Leader Ceremony: 26 January 2021

1. Spottedfrost - Courage / Illness
2. Cloudfern - Determination / Killed by Beechface
3. Dappleshine - Strength / Retirement
4. Raventail - Hope / Retirement
5. Silentstrike - Adaptability / Retirement
6. Wildflower - Empathy / Retirement
7. Brindlestar - Ferocity / Retirement
8. Brookclover - Tact / Retirement
9. Sageleaf - Consciousness / Grief
Term: January 2021 - August 2021

Lived: 22 October 2020 - January 2022
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Daykit, Daypaw, Dayspring
Appearance: Gray and white with green eyes

Blood: 100% WindClan
Parents: WindClan NPCs
Siblings: None
Mate: Ashfall
Kits: None; Adopted: Blackkit, Ryepaw, Lavenderdrop, Hentooth, Sootpaw, Timbersun

Mentor: Downtuft
Apprentice(s): Silverlight, Lightningpaw

Deputy: Goldenstar
Medicine Cat(s): Hentooth, Berrypaw

Creation: 21 October 2020
First Appearance: 22 October 2020
Apprentice Ceremony: 1 November 2020
Warrior Ceremony: 14 December 2020
Deputy Ceremony: 27 January 2021
Leader Ceremony: 22 August 2021

1. Raccoonstar - Perseverance / Sickness
2. Ashstar - Confidence / Sickness
3. Fawnstep - Conviction / Sickness
4. Falconstar - Loyalty / Sickness
5. Brindlestar - Nobility / Sickness
6. Aspenheart - Resilience / Sickness
7. Silentstrike - Clear Sight / Sickness
8. Stormeye - Unity / Sickness
9. Goldengale - Determination / Sickness
Term: August 2021 - January 2022

Lived: 18 May 2021 - 12 April 2022
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Goldenkit, Goldenpaw, Goldenfang
Appearance: Flame point with gray-blue eyes

Blood: 3.13% ThunderClan, 10.16% RiverClan, 10.16% WindClan, 25% New SkyClan, .78% Old SkyClan, 50% Rogue, .78% Kittypet
Parents: Hollyhock x Briarthorn
Siblings: Fuzzykit, Sparkkit
Mate: Silverlight
Kits: Coyotegrin, Daisypaw, Lightningpaw

Mentor: Honeyheart
Apprentice(s): Sunpaw, Orangepaw

Deputy: Shrikestar
Medicine Cat(s): Berrypaw, Burningleaf

Creation: 10 April 2021
First Appearance: 18 May 2021
Apprentice Ceremony: 23 May 2021
Warrior Ceremony: 30 June 2021
Deputy Ceremony: 13 August 2021
Leader Ceremony: 23 January 2022

1. Goldengale - Courage / Starvation
2. Lilacsong - Conviction / Starvation
3. Finchstar - Love / Starvation
4. Brindlestar - Aberration / Starvation
5. Rippedstar - Vigor / Starvation
6. Ashstar - Justice / Starvation
7. Falconstar - Loyalty / Starvation
8. Raccoonstar - Steadfastness / Starvation
9. Stormeye - Connection / Starvation
Term: January 2022 - April 2022

Lived: 15 September 2020 - Unknown
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Shrikekit, Shrikepaw, Shrikestorm
Appearance: Fluffy light brown with blue eyes

Blood: 100% WindClan
Parents: Unknown x Unknown (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Coyotegrin
Kits: Sleepyhollow, Sparrowthorn, Vulturepaw, Jayfrost, Kestrelchirp, Eaglefly

Mentor: Smallstar
Apprentice(s): Snowbriar, Goldenpaw, Buzzardpaw, Batsong

Deputy: Smallstar
Medicine Cat(s): Burningleaf, Batsong, Birchgaze

Creation: 14 September 2020
First Appearance: 15 September 2020
Apprentice Ceremony: 7 October 2020
Warrior Ceremony: 7 December 2020
Deputy Ceremony: 8 January 2022
Leader Ceremony: 26 May 2022

1. Falconstar - Loyalty / Dog
2. Eaglethorn - Strength / Struck by Lightning
3. Swiftspirit - Clear Judgment / Taken by StarClan
4. Silentstrike - Adaptability / Taken by StarClan
5. Raccoonstar - Faith / Taken by StarClan
6. Sagepaw - Selflessness / Taken by StarClan
7. Burningwolf - Justice / Taken by StarClan
8. Ashstar - Compassion / Taken by StarClan
9. Ivystar II - Dignity / Unknown
Term: May 2022 - July 2023

Lived: 8 February 2020 - Unknown
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Smallkit, Smallpaw, Smallbean
Appearance: Small, fluffy, brown orange patched tabby and white with amber and green eyes

Blood: 3.905% ThunderClan, 9.57% RiverClan, 71.875% WindClan, 1.76% ShadowClan, 0.195% Old SkyClan, 12.695% Rogue
Parents: Spotlake x Crowspirit
Siblings: Maplewhisker, Morningdove, Speckledpaw, Petalpaw, Splashkit, Starlingpaw, Heatkit
Mate: Larkflight, Cedarheart
Kits: Larkflight: Wildflower; Cedarheart: Kitefire, Shrikesong, Ospreypaw, Buzzardpaw, Crowcaller, Tempestkit

Mentor: Raventail, Softbreeze
Apprentice(s): Shrikestar, Hazelpatch, Heatherpaw, Brackenwing Blazefang, Vulturepaw

Deputy: Tigerstar
Medicine Cat(s): Batsong, Sparrowthorn

Creation: 20 January 2020
First Appearance: 8 February 2020
Apprentice Ceremony: 11 February 2020
Warrior Ceremony: 10 April 2020
Deputy Ceremony: 25 May 2022
Leader Ceremony: 3 August 2023

1. Wildflower - Courage / Unknown
2. Flutterpetal - Warmth / Unknown
3. Swiftspirit - Duty / Unknown
4. Shrikesong - Empathy / Unknown
5. Mallardduck - Exploration / Unknown
6. Vixenpaw - Spirit / Unknown
7. Crowcaller - Forgiveness / Unknown
8. Softbreeze - Inner Peace / Unknown
9. Vulturepaw - Passion / Unknown
Term: August 2023 - December 2023

Lived: 29 December 2022 - Present
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Tigerkit, Tigerpaw, Tigerdance
Appearance: Long-furred chocolate tabby with green eyes

Blood: 100% WindClan
Parents: Harerunner x Gorsepool; Adopted: Brackenwing
Siblings: None; Adopted: Sootstorm
Mate: Goldenfoot (NPC), Brightripple (NPC)
Kits: Goldenfoot: Minkshadow; Brightripple: Quickpaw, Moldkit, Redpaw, Moosepaw, Leopardwind, Viperpaw, Thistlepaw, Falconpaw, Foxpaw

Mentor: Coyotegrin
Apprentice(s): Sootstorm, Eveningmoon, Pantherpounce, Rapidfire

Deputy: Sootstorm, Rapidfire
Medicine Cat(s): Daisyfang, Hemlockfox

Creation: 15 November 2022
First Appearance: 29 December 2022
Apprentice Ceremony: 11 January 2023
Warrior Ceremony: 10 March 2023
Deputy Ceremony: 16 July 2023
Leader Ceremony: 12 January 2024

1. Ploverpuddle - Endurance / Twoleg Trap
2. Zinnia - Open-Mindedness /
3. Specklefur - Tenacity /
4. Adderdawn - Presence /
5. Flutterpetal - Mercy /
6. Amberstone - Fun /
7. Batswarm - Respite /
8. Smokepelt - Rationality /
9. Swiftspirit - Confidence /
Term: January 2024 - Present


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Number of posts : 55
Gender : Unspecified

The Hall of Leaders Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Hall of Leaders   The Hall of Leaders EmptySun 26 Mar 2023 - 13:32

ShadowClan Leadership

Lived: 20 August 2012 - 21 April 2014
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Sagewhisker
Appearance: Small tabby with light ginger patches, three black paws, black-tipped ears, and a black-tipped tail, and sharp, forest green eyes

Blood: 100% ShadowClan
Parents: Sparrowstar x Duskfur (NPCs)
Siblings: Softwhisper
Mate: Froststar
Kits: Cloudbillow, Mistflower

Mentor: Emeraldeye (NPC)
Apprentice(s): Nightstar, Cedarfur, Mapleface, Nightcloud

Deputy: Feathersong, Nightstar
Medicine Cat(s): Softwhisper, Mallowroot, Hailstorm

Creation: 20 August 2012
First Appearance: 20 August 2012
Apprentice Ceremony: None
Warrior Ceremony: None
Deputy Ceremony: None
Leader Ceremony: None

1. Unknown - Unknown / Dog
2. Unknown - Unknown / Killed by Barbarosa
3. Unknown - Unknown / Killed by Barbarosa
4. Unknown - Unknown / Fever
5. Unknown - Unknown / Heart Attack
6. Unknown - Unknown / Hit by Monster
7. Unknown - Unknown / Retirement
8. Unknown - Unknown / Retirement
9. Unknown - Unknown / Killed by Reedstar
Term: August 2012 - September 2013

Lived: 20 August 2012 - 14 June 2013
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Nightkit, Nightpaw, Nightwing
Appearance: Black with white speckles, a white-tipped tail and blue eyes

Blood: 100% ShadowClan
Parents: Cloudshade x Thornfang (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Rustfang
Kits: None

Mentor: Sagestar
Apprentice(s): Smokefang, Shadeflame

Deputy: Thrushstar
Medicine Cat(s): Mallowroot, Hailstorm, Ebonyleaf

Creation: 20 August 2012
First Appearance: 20 August 2012
Apprentice Ceremony: 4 September 2012
Warrior Ceremony: 18 November 2012
Deputy Ceremony: 8 December 2012
Leader Ceremony: 9 September 2013

1. Rustfang - Love / Unknown
2. Cloudshade - Compassion / Unknown
3. Fallencloud - Mentoring / Unknown
4. Thornfang - Forgiveness / Unknown
5. Cedarfur - Balance / Unknown
6. Almaric - Reasoning / Unknown
7. Feathersong - Wisdom / Unknown
8. Missingkit - Vigilance / Unknown
9. Silverpaw - Dependability / Unknown
Term: September 2013 - June 2014

Lived: 8 May 2013 - 2018
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Thrushkit, Thrushpaw, Thrushstripe
Appearance: Brown tabby with a white chest, muzzle, underbelly, and paw, and green eyes

Blood: 100% ShadowClan
Parents: Gingerheart x Cedarfur
Siblings: Mapleface, Mottlepaw
Mate: Mistflower
Kits: Ebonyleaf, Bearmask, Bluestrike, Poppypaw, Fennelcloud, Dovekit, Blizzardsky, Waterkit

Mentor: Gingerheart
Apprentice(s): Redshade, Jayclaw, Blizzardsky, Stumppaw, Duskfur, Mousewhisker, Rainfire, Nightpaw, Maplepaw

Deputy: Cormorantpelt, Bearmask, Leopardstar
Medicine Cat(s): Ebonyleaf, Sleetpaw, Thicketpaw, Dawnflower, Silverfern, Alderheart, Honeydrop, Puddlepaw

Creation: 1 May 2013
First Appearance: 8 May 2013
Apprentice Ceremony: 5 June 2013
Warrior Ceremony: 20 July 2013
Deputy Ceremony: 22 September 2013
Leader Ceremony: 6 June 2014

1. Mapleface - Love / Dogs
2. Mottlepaw - Mentoring / Dogs
3. Fallencloud - Compassion / Hit by Monster
4. Gingerheart - Bravery / Hit by Monster
5. Daisynose - Courage / Killed by Shatteredsoul
6. Rustfang - Responsibility / Injuries from Dark Forest battle
7. Almaric - Loyalty / Killed by Morningstar
8. Mallowroot - Wisdom / Killed by Morningstar
9. Sagewhisker - Forgiveness / Old Age
Term: June 2014 - March 2017

Lived: 3 June 2015 - 19 September 2017
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Leopardkit, Leopardpaw, Leopardfang
Appearance: Bbroad-shouldered and rosetted golden-brown tabby with green eyes

Blood: 100% ShadowClan
Parents: Owlfeather x Lizardclaw (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Shimmerheart, Smallstorm (NPC)
Kits: Shimmerheart: Viperfang, Tigerflower, Webtail, Shrewkit; Smallstorm: Olivelily, Lizardtail, Falconpaw, Cobrafang, Breezepaw

Mentor: Honeycloud
Apprentice(s): Shimmerheart, Cinderstream, Viperfang, Freckleface, Littlestar

Deputy: Magpiestar
Medicine Cat(s): Honeydrop, Roaringblaze

Creation: 31 May 2015
First Appearance: 3 June 2015
Apprentice Ceremony: 8 June 2015
Warrior Ceremony: 23 July 2015
Deputy Ceremony: 12 October 2015
Leader Ceremony: 10 March 2017

1. Bearmask - Courage / Killed by Smokefang
2. Finchpelt - Consideration / Sickness
3. Sleetpaw - Wisdom / Sickness
4. Fennelcloud - Loyalty / Sickness
5. Dawnflower - Healing / Sickness
6. Nightstar - Determination / Sickness
7. Unknown - Unknown / Sickness
8. Unknown - Unknown / Sickness
9. Unknown - Unknown / Sickness
Term: March 2017 - September 2017

Lived: 20 August 2012 - 14 June 2013
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Magpiekit, Magpiepaw, Magpiewing
Appearance: Black with white chest and gold eyes

Blood: 12.5% RiverClan, 87.5% ShadowClan
Parents: Blackwing x King Arthur (NPCs); Adopted: Fennelcloud, Jayclaw
Siblings: None
Mate: Cindershade, Sterling (NPC)
Kits: Cindershade: Mothkit, Longkit, Raven, Thicketpaw; Sterling: Larksong, Amberclaw

Mentor: Jayclaw
Apprentice(s): Frostwhisper, Icepaw, Russetpaw, Webtail, Creampaw, Littlestar, Foxheart, Jaypaw, Wolfheart, Sootpaw

Deputy: Littlestar
Medicine Cat(s): Honeydrop, Roaringblaze, Nettlesting

Creation: 15 May 2015
First Appearance: 15 May 2015
Apprentice Ceremony: 30 May 2015
Warrior Ceremony: 15 August 2015
Deputy Ceremony: 24 March 2017
Leader Ceremony: 20 September 2017

1. Unknown - Unknown / Unknown
2. Unknown - Unknown / Unknown
3. Unknown - Unknown / Unknown
4. Unknown - Unknown / Unknown
5. Unknown - Unknown / Unknown
6. Unknown - Unknown / Unknown
7. Unknown - Unknown / Unknown
8. Unknown - Unknown / Unknown
9. Unknown - Unknown / Unknown
Term: September 2017 - March 2018

Lived: 3 June 2016 - 27 September 2018
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Littlekit, Littlepaw, Littlebrook
Appearance: Small tortoiseshell with deep blue eyes

Blood: 12.5% ThunderClan, 12.5% RiverClan, 12.5% WindClan, 50% ShadowClan, 10.94% New SkyClan, 1.56% Old SkyClan
Parents: Robinflight x Briarheart
Siblings: Russetpaw
Mate: Lightningstrike, Mudfoot
Kits: Lightningstrike: Hailpaw, Willowpaw, Antkit, Eaglepaw, Blazeflight, Hazelpaw, Ambernose, Silentstrike; Mudfoot: Asterleaf, Hazelpaw, Mousepaw, Copperpaw, Daisyflame, Raggedpaw, Kestrelpaw, Lightningkit

Mentor: Leopardstar, Magpiestar
Apprentice(s): Hawkfrost, Smokestripe, Aspenpaw, Foxpaw

Deputy: Scorchstar
Medicine Cat(s): Nettlesting, Silentpaw

Creation: 29 May 2016
First Appearance: 3 June 2016
Apprentice Ceremony: 7 June 2016
Mentor Reassignment: 20 June 2016
Warrior Ceremony: 7 July 2016
Deputy Ceremony: 19 September 2017
Leader Ceremony: 5 March 2018

1. Flamestrike - Discernment / Killed by Lichenmask
2. Roaringblaze - Patience / Killed by Lichenmask
3. Ambernose - Clear Judgment / Killed by Lichenmask
4. Briarheart - Exploration / Killed by Lichenmask
5. Russetpaw - Resilience / Killed by Lichenmask
6. Thrushstripe - Loyalty / Killed by Lichenmask
7. Unknown - Unknown / Killed by Lichenmask
8. Unknown - Unknown / Killed by Lichenmask
9. Unknown - Unknown / Killed by Lichenmask
Term: March 2018 - September 2018

Lived: 20 August 2012 - 14 June 2013
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Scorchkit, Scorchpaw, Scorchfang
Appearance: Dark gray tabby with lighter gray muzzle, cheeks, chest, and underbelly, and orange eyes

Blood: 100% ShadowClan
Parents: Talonfoot (NPC) x Rowantalon
Siblings: Full: Lilacfall, Oakpaw, Wildpaw, Spottedpaw, Snowpaw, Wildstrike; Half: Leafpaw, Tuftpaw, Crowfur; Adopted: Owlgaze
Mate: Sweet, Blazeflight, Minnowcall
Kits: Sweet: Shade; Blazeflight: Poppyheart, Asterspark; Minnowcall: Goldenpaw, Ashkit, Sparrowpaw, Silent Snows, Hollypaw, Rainkit, Ravenmist, Mothglow, Liontail, Blackpaw, Ospreypaw, Leopardkit, Spiderkit

Mentor: Violetshine
Apprentice(s): Liontail, Wildstrike, Tigerpaw, Brownpaw, Dustpaw, Leopardpaw, Nettlepaw, Burntstag, Slatestrike, Shadestrike, Salmonburn

Deputy: Froststone, Wildstrike, Thornstar
Medicine Cat(s): Morningpaw, Mothpaw

Creation: 1 November 2017
First Appearance: 2 November 2017
Apprentice Ceremony: 10 November 2017
Warrior Ceremony: 17 December 2017
Deputy Ceremony: 4 March 2018
Leader Ceremony: 10 November 2018

1. Littlestar - Absoluteness / Disease
2. Thrushstripe - Duty / Crushed by Tree
3. Honeydrop - Compassion / Head Trauma
4. Nettlesting - Justice / Suicide by Deathberries
5. Talonfoot - Hope / Fox
6. Brownpaw - Acceptance / Fox
7. Lilacfall - Protection / Fox
8. Silentpaw - Courage / Fox
9. Sweet - Forgiveness / Fox
Term: November 2018 - October 2019

Lived: 20 August 2012 - 14 June 2013
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Thornkit, Thornpaw, Thornbriar
Appearance: Heavily scarred black smoke with green eyes

Blood: 100% ShadowClan
Parents: Snakegaze x Falconfall (NPCs)
Siblings: Sootstrike
Mate: Starlord, Asterspark, Torrentstar
Kits: Starlord: Brackenkit, Firkit, Tanglekit, Sablekit, Sootkit; Asterspark: Flintstar, Frostpaw, Nightpaw, Sparkfire; Torrentstar: Briarthorn, Ivykit, Viperpaw, Smokespirit, Timberpaw

Mentor: Olivelily
Apprentice(s): Mothglow, Ashpaw, Yewpaw, Cardinalcry, Freckleface, Tulipfang

Deputy: Redwing, Lynxscar, Flintstar
Medicine Cat(s): Mothglow

Creation: 26 January 2018
First Appearance: 26 January 2018
Apprentice Ceremony: 3 February 2018
Warrior Ceremony: 4 January 2019
Deputy Ceremony: 31 July 2019
Leader Ceremony: 28 September 2019

1. Swanpetal - Tenacity / Killed by Spottedstar
2. Flamestrike - Temperance / Killed by Torrentstar
3. Sparrowpaw - Judgment / Killed by StarClan
4. Tanglekit - Empathy / Killed by StarClan
5. Frogmarsh - Second Chances / Killed by StarClan
6. Gingerstripe - Forgiveness / Killed by StarClan
7. Wolffang - Authenticity / Killed by StarClan
8. Scorchstar - Redemption / Killed by StarClan
9. Sootstrike - Love / Killed by StarClan
Term: September 2019 - February 2020

Lived: 20 August 2012 - 14 June 2013
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Flintkit, Flintpaw, Flintshard
Appearance: Large black smoke with yellow eyes

Blood: 1.53% ThunderClan, 3.13% RiverClan, 1.53% WindClan, 90.63% ShadowClan, 1.37% New SkyClan, 0.2% Old SkyClan, 0.78% Rogue, 0.78% Kittypet
Parents: Thornstar x Asterspark
Siblings: Full: Frostpaw, Nightpaw, Sparkfire; Half: Brackenkit, Firkit, Tanglekit, Sablekit, Sootkit, Briarthorn, Ivykit, Viperpaw, Smokespirit, Timberpaw
Mate: Freckleface
Kits: Cinderpaw, Gravelkit, Silverkit, Tinypaw, Amberkit, Crowcall, Frogpaw

Mentor: Lynxscar
Apprentice(s): Lightpaw, Goldencurl, Hollowpaw, Firepaw, Crowpaw, Loudnose

Deputy: Ravenmist, Ebonysong, Murkystar
Medicine Cat(s): Mothglow, Eveningpaw, Cinderpaw, Rookfire, Basilpaw

Creation: 15 August 2019
First Appearance: 15 September 2019
Apprentice Ceremony: 30 September 2019
Warrior Ceremony: 16 October 2019
Deputy Ceremony: 23 December 2019
Leader Ceremony: 26 February 2020

1. Poppyheart - Joy / Killed by Brackenstar
2. Bearmask - Courage / Hit by Monster
3. Beartooth - Judgment / Killed by Vea
4. Ryeheart - Love / Retirement
5. Wolffang - Authenticity / Retirement
6. Sootstrike - Protection / Retirement
7. Beanheart - Forgiveness / Retirement
8. Tanglekit - Self-Love / Retirement
9. Thornstar - Perseverance / Unknown
Term: February 2020 - November 2021

Lived: 20 October 2020 - 13 April 2022
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Murkykit, Murkypaw, Murkystrike
Appearance: Black and brown tortoiseshell with long, well-maintained fur and light green eyes

Blood: 100% ShadowClan
Parents: Mistyclaw x Mudstripe (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Mistyfalcon, Batglow
Kits: Mistyfalcon: Turtlekit, Basilbloom, Hornetpaw, Condorpaw, Loudnose, Swiftheart, Vipershade, Mistyfalcon+Batglow: Lichenkit, Dimkit,Roseburn, Harechaser, Leafpaw, Echomist; Adopted: Ravenwing, Hopegiver, Mistlebright

Mentor: Tulipfang
Apprentice(s): Emberleap, Cheetahdawn

Deputy: Froststar
Medicine Cat(s): Rookfire, Basilbloom, Fuzzypaw

Creation: 12 October 2020
First Appearance: 20 October 2020
Apprentice Ceremony: 1 November 2020
Warrior Ceremony: 7 December 2020
Deputy Ceremony: 30 April 2021
Leader Ceremony: 15 November 2021

1. Iniko - Perspective / Badger
2. Jaydream - Justice / Killed by Klaus
3. Hornetpaw - Strength / Kitting Complications
4. Moonshine - Love / Kitting Complications
5. Blazeflight - Wisdom / Kitting Complications
6. Dappleshine - Hope / Kitting Complications
7. Raventail - Trust / Kitting Complications
8. Flowerthorn - Forgiveness / Kitting Complications
9. Mudstripe, Mistyclaw - Determination / Kitting Complications
Term: November 2021 - April 2022

Lived: 2 August 2021 - September 2022
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Frostkit, Frostpaw, Frostgaze
Appearance: White longhair with blue eyes

Blood: 100% ShadowClan
Parents: Lightfang x Darkfrost (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Webshadow, Thistletail (NPC)
Kits: Thistletail: Moonkit, Ratkit, Stonekit; Adopted: Dappledlight, Marshmallow, Shymoon, Snowfoot, Ratrunner, Sootwhisker, Forestbreeze

Mentor: Rosethorn, Shira
Apprentice(s): Leopardstar

Deputy: Nightstar
Medicine Cat(s): Basilbloom, Fuzzybelly

Creation: 1 August 2021
First Appearance: 2 August 2021
Apprentice Ceremony: 9 August 2021
Mentor Reassignment: 12 August 2021
Warrior Ceremony: 23 August 2021
Deputy Ceremony: 16 November 2021
Leader Ceremony: 4 June 2022

1. Burningwing - Discernment /
2. Freckleface - Love / Whitecough
3. Loudnose - Joy / Whitecough
4. Flamestrike - Dedication / Whitecough
5. Fallencloud - Trust / Whitecough
6. Ratrunner - Sacrifice / Whitecough
7. Froststone - Discipline / Whitecough
8. Darkfrost - Integrity / Whitecough
9. Mossbloom - Hope / Whitecough
Term: June 2022 - September 2022

Nightstar II
Lived: 28 November 2021 - 23 February 2024
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Nightkit, Nightpaw, Nightstalker, Vipershade
Appearance: Black longhair with minimal whitespotting and amber eyes

Blood: 100% ShadowClan
Parents: Murkystar x Mistyfalcon
Siblings: Turtlekit, Basilbloom, Hornetpaw, Condorpaw, Loudnose, Swiftheart; "Half": Lichenkit, Dimkit,Roseburn, Harechaser, Leafpaw, Echomist; Adopted: Ravenwing, Hopegiver, Mistlebright
Mate: Mottlestar
Kits: Murkyriver, Firefly, Turtlepaw, Rosethorn, Thrushnose

Mentor: Burningwing
Apprentice(s): Sootwhisker, Burdockroot, Sablestrike, Asterpaw

Deputy: Leopardstar
Medicine Cat(s): Fuzzybelly, Burdockroot, Harriertalon

Creation: 27 November 2021
First Appearance: 28 November 2021
Apprentice Ceremony: 4 December 2021
Warrior Ceremony: 19 December 2021
Deputy Ceremony: 22 May 2022
Leader Ceremony: 16 September 2022

1. Batglow - Hope / Crushed by Falling Tree
2. Mothglow - Mercy / Hit by Monster
3. Mistyfalcon - Perseverance / Struck by Lightning
4. Amberdawn - Protection / Taken by StarClan
5. Nettlesting - Better Judgment / Taken by StarClan
6. Loudnose - Love / Taken by StarClan
7. Burningwing - Justice / Taken by StarClan
8. Ratrunner - Devotion / Taken by StarClan
9. Froststar - Realism / Killed by Sunfire
Term: September 2022 - July 2023

Leopardstar II
Lived: 15 March 2022 - Present
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Leopardkit, Leopardpaw, Leopardsun
Appearance: Ash-gray spotted tabby with dark green eyes

Blood: 100% ShadowClan
Parents: Unknown x Unknown (NPCs); Adopted: Deerleap, Sootwhisker
Siblings: None; Adopted: Vixenpaw
Mate: Echomist
Kits: Batswarm, Asterpaw, Dawnkit, Badgermask, Moondancer, Cinderpaw, Smokeypaw, Cardinalpaw, Briarpaw, Webkit; Adopted: Heatherberry

Mentor: Froststar
Apprentice(s): Badgermask, Lilyvalley

Deputy: Sablestrike
Medicine Cat(s): Burdockroot, Heatherberry

Creation: 14 March 2022
First Appearance: 15 March 2022
Apprentice Ceremony: 23 March 2022
Warrior Ceremony: 1 May 2022
Deputy Ceremony: 9 September 2022
Leader Ceremony: 13 August 2023

1. Mothglow - Peace / Illness
2. Flutterpetal - Mercy / Wolves
3. Mistyfalcon - Strength /
4. Flintshard - Restraint /
5. Deerleap - Confidence /
6. Sootwhisker - Loyalty /
7. Batglow - Hope /
8. Froststar - Acceptance /
9. Honeylight - Love /
Term: August 2023 - Present


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Staff Team

Staff Team

Number of posts : 55
Gender : Unspecified

The Hall of Leaders Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Hall of Leaders   The Hall of Leaders EmptySun 26 Mar 2023 - 13:33

SkyClan Leadership

Lived: 20 August 2012 - 2 April 2013
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Flametail
Appearance: Orange tabby with white chest and muzzle, and amber eyes

Blood: 100% Old SkyClan
Parents: Berrypatch x Barkclaw (NPCs)
Siblings: Emberfoot
Mate: Coldheart
Kits: Silentstar, Larchcloud; Adopted: Kestrelflight, Nightpaw, Icestream

Mentor: Bluefang (NPC)
Apprentice(s): Larchcloud, Ivypaw, Icestream, Aspenpaw, Silentstar

Deputy: Coldheart, Icestream, Silentstar
Medicine Cat(s): Silentfeather, Kestrelflight, Ivypaw

Creation: 20 August 2012
First Appearance: 20 August 2012
Apprentice Ceremony: None
Warrior Ceremony: None
Deputy Ceremony: None
Leader Ceremony: None

1. Unknown - Unknown / Killed by Godfrey
2. Unknown - Unknown / Adder
3. Unknown - Unknown / Adder
4. Unknown - Unknown / Adder
5. Unknown - Unknown / Adder
6. Unknown - Unknown / Adder
7. Unknown - Unknown / Adder
8. Unknown - Unknown / Adder
9. Unknown - Unknown / Adder
Term: August 2012 - April 2013

Lived: 29 December 2012 - 2 November 2014
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Silentkit, Silentpaw, Silentflower
Appearance: Silver tabby with deep blue eyes

Blood: 100% Old SkyClan
Parents: Coldheart x Flamestar (NPCs)
Siblings: Larchcloud
Mate: Unknown
Kits: Lavenderheart, Drizzlekit, Silverstorm

Mentor: Icestream, Flamestar
Apprentice(s): Frostpaw

Deputy: Silverstorm, Breezestar
Medicine Cat(s): Kestrelflight, Ivypaw, Honeyleaf, Silverpool

Creation: 27 December 2012
First Appearance: 29 December 2012
Apprentice Ceremony: 12 January 2013
Warrior Ceremony: 6 March 2013
Deputy Ceremony: None
Leader Ceremony: 2 April 2013

1. Silentfeather - Knowledge / Sickness
2. Flamestar - Courage / Sickness
3. Coldheart - Love / Sickness
4. Unknown - Loyalty / Sickness
5. Unknown - Healing / Sickness
6. Mossleaf - Mentoring / Old Age
7. Unknown - Patience / Old Age
8. Whitekit - Compassion / Old Age
9. Unknown - Memory / Old Age
Term: April 2013 - November 2014

Lived: 9 June 2014 - 25 March 2016
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Breeze, Breezetail
Appearance: Gray tabby with yellow eyes

Blood: 100% Rogue
Parents: Flowerpelt x NPC
Siblings: None
Mate: Cloudheart, Fawnspirit
Kits: Cloudheart: Sandkit, Goldkit, Smokeheart; Fawnspirit: Poppysong, Pebblethorn, Rainkit

Mentor: Silentstar
Apprentice(s): Blackpaw, Sedgeclaw

Deputy: Rockfall, Larktalon, Crowstar
Medicine Cat(s): Honeyleaf, Palepaw, Acornheather

Creation: 8 June 2014
First Appearance: 9 June 2014
Apprentice Ceremony: None
Warrior Ceremony: None
Deputy Ceremony: 15 September 2014
Leader Ceremony: 2 November 2014

1. Flamestar - Nobility / Killed by Dark Forest Cat
2. Silverpool - Compassion / Killed by Dark Forest Cat
3. Dustfang - Bravery / Killed by Dark Forest Cat
4. Snow - Hope / Killed by Dark Forest Cat
5. Unknown - Integrity / Killed by Dark Forest Cat
6. Silverstorm - Justice / Killed by Dark Forest Cat
7. Hawkpaw - Mentoring / Killed by Dark Forest Cat
8. Flowerpelt - Love / Killed by Dark Forest Cat
9. Silentstar - Perseverance / Killed by Dark Forest Cat
Term: November 2014 - March 2016

Lived: 30 October 2015 - 6 April 2018
Previous Names: Crowkit, Crowpaw, Crowflight
Appearance: Large black Maine Coon with yellow eyes

Blood: 100% New SkyClan
Parents: Smokecloud x Blacktail (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Snowstorm, Poppysong, Gustpuddle
Kits: Snowstorm: Ghostpelt, Ravenfeather, Silverstone, Blackpaw, Antdrop, Tinylegs, Wildstorm; Poppysong: Lilyheart, Breezewhisker, Thornpaw; Gustpuddle: Hollykit, Mistyrain, Crowpaw, Ravenkit, Ploverpuddle, Goosepaw

Mentor: Rabbitwhisker
Apprentice(s): Wildstorm, Poppysong, Moonlight, Hazelpaw, Tinylegs, Rippedstar, Dawnpaw, Echoflame, Swiftflight

Deputy: Pebblethorn, Nettletail, Vixenheart, Rippedstar
Medicine Cat(s): Acornheather, Oceanlight, Rabbitfoot

Creation: 30 October 2015
First Appearance: 30 October 2015
Apprentice Ceremony: 11 November 2015
Warrior Ceremony: 9 December 2015
Deputy Ceremony: 5 January 2016
Leader Ceremony: 25 March 2016

1. Palepaw - Healing / Internal Bleeding
2. Cloudheart - Love / Cruched by Tree
3. Blacktail - Patience / Crushed by Flaming Tree
4. Smokecloud - Hope / Killed by The Mist
5. Rockfall - Strength / Fox
6. Rabbitwhisker - Wisdom / Fox
7. Heatherfang - Courage / Monster
8. Silentstar - Loyalty / Dog
9. Breezestar - Justice / Dog
Term: March 2016 - April 2018

Lived: 24 October 2016 - 28 May 2018
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Rippedkit, Rippedpaw, Rippedsky
Appearance: Black and white with blue eyes

Blood: 100% WindClan
Parents: Swiftbreeze x Sparrowfur (NPCs)
Siblings: None
Mate: Cherrymist, Whiteheart (NPC), Silverstripe (NPC)
Kits: Cherrymist: Ratpaw, Blurrypaw, Willowkit, Swanpetal, Rosepaw, Bubblemist, Yarrowkit, Cloudroar, Brierpaw, Willowflight, Lightkit; Whiteheart: Echoflame, Mumblefoot; Silverstripe: Mosstail, Darkflower, Puddlepaw, Clearshine, Sootpaw

Mentor: Heatherstripe, Crowstar
Apprentice(s): Kestrelpaw, Gorsepaw, Pineheart, Foxhunter, Elmcloud, Sedgestrike, Brokenheart, Ashpaw, Fernpetal

Deputy: Poplarstar
Medicine Cat(s): Mintwhisker

Creation: 24 October 2016
First Appearance: 24 October 2016
Apprentice Ceremony: 29 October 2016
Warrior Ceremony: 11 January 2017
Deputy Ceremony: 23 March 2017
Leader Ceremony: 8 April 2018

1. Webtail - Love / Dogs
2. Lilyheart - Justice / Dogs
3. Antdrop - Forgiveness / Dogs
4. Unknown - Unknown / Dogs
5. Unknown - Unknown / Dogs
6. Unknown - Unknown / Dogs
7. Unknown - Unknown / Dogs
8. Unknown - Unknown / Dogs
9. Unknown - Unknown / Dogs
Term: April 2018 - May 2018

Lived: 17 December 2017 - 4 July 2018
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Poplarkit, Poplarpaw, Poplartooth
Appearance: Long-furred white and brown tabby tom with green eyes

Blood: 8.4% ThunderClan, 3.9% RiverClan, 0.2% WindClan, 62.5% New SkyClan, 25% Tribe
Parents: Dandeliondapple x Sageclaw
Siblings: Tawneyfur, Blossomheart, Lionclaw, Blazingfire, Brokenheart, Brightkit
Mate: Mumblefoot
Kits: Adopted: Drizzlepaw

Mentor: Echoflame
Apprentice(s): Drizzlepaw, Fawnpaw

Deputy: Tinystar
Medicine Cat(s): Mintwhisker

Creation: 16 December 2017
First Appearance: 17 December 2017
Apprentice Ceremony: 24 December 2017
Warrior Ceremony: 6 March 2018
Deputy Ceremony: 6 April 2018
Leader Ceremony: 4 June 2018

1. Mumblefoot - Clear Judgment / Dogs
2. Crowstar - Leadership / Dogs
3. Breezewhisker - Justice / Dogs
4. Pansyface - Curiosity / Dogs
5. Unknown - Unknown / Dogs
6. Unknown - Unknown / Dogs
7. Unknown - Unknown / Dogs
8. Unknown - Unknown / Dogs
9. Unknown - Unknown / Dogs
Term: May 2018 - July 2018

Lived: 4 May 2016 - 2022
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Tinykit, Tinypaw, Tinylegs
Appearance: Small, white with gray ears and striped tail with baby blue eyes

Blood: 100% SkyClan
Parents: Snowstorm x Crowstar
Siblings: Full: Ghostpelt, Ravenfeather, Silverstone, Blackpaw, Antdrop, Wildstorm; Half: Lilyheart, Breezewhisker, Thornpaw, Hollykit, Mistyrain, Crowpaw, Ravenkit, Ploverpuddle, Goosepaw
Mate: Moonlight
Kits: Cherrymist, Sagepaw, Cloverleaf, Cloudkit, Pansyface, Whitepaw, Kestrelpaw, Shimmerpaw, Dewpaw, Treepaw, Rainkit, Silverkit, Swiftflight, Beepaw, Swanpaw, Wasppaw, Hailpaw, Larkcall (NPC), Swansong, Softkit, Leafkit, Lambpaw, Daylily, Sunflower; Adopted: Amberpaw

Mentor: Crowstar
Apprentice(s): Cherrymist, Addergaze, Russetpelt, Lionpaw, Starlingpaw, Mosstail, Featherpaw, Eaglepaw, Leaftwirl, Foxpaw, Sandblaze, Beanheart

Deputy: Mistyrain, Spottedstar
Medicine Cat(s): Mintwhisker, Amberdawn, Sagelight

Creation: 2 May 2016
First Appearance: 4 May 2016
Apprentice Ceremony: 10 May 2016
Warrior Ceremony: 18 August 2016
Deputy Ceremony: 29 May 2016
Leader Ceremony: 8 July 2018

1. Cherrymist - Perseverance, Protection, Forgiveness / Pushed From Tree by Sedgestrike
2. Rabbitfoot - Compassion / Killed by Burningsun
3. Pansyface - Faith / Hit by Monster
4. Acornhearther - Prudence / Retirement
5. Ivystar - Wisdom / Retirment
6. Crowstar - Loyalty / Retirement
7. Breezewhisker - Justice / Retirement
8. Antdrop - Discernment / Retirement
9. Unknown - Unknown / Old Age
Term: July 2018 - October 2019

Lived: 28 September 2018 - Death
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Spottedkit, Spottedpaw, Spottedleap
Appearance: Pale ginger spotted tabby with amber eyes

Blood: 8.4% ThunderClan, 3.91% RiverClan, 25.2% WindClan, 62.5% New SkyClan
Parents: Firflower x Cloudroar
Siblings: Full: Robinkit, Sagelight; Half: Mallowbrook, Cardinalcry, Cypresskit, Lightfang, Arno, Swallowflight
Mate: Murkpelt (NPC)
Kits: Honeysong, Mallowkit, Wolfstar, Featherpaw, Juniperlight, Deerfrost

Mentor: Condorshade
Apprentice(s): Foxfire, Amberwing, Blossomstep, Adderflare

Deputy: Foxfire, Wolfstar
Medicine Cat(s): Sagelight, Honeysong, Beechpaw

Creation: 27 September 2018
First Appearance: 28 September 2018
Apprentice Ceremony: 7 October 2018
Warrior Ceremony: 2 January 2019
Deputy Ceremony: 30 September 2019
Leader Ceremony: 20 October 2019

1. Sparrowpaw - Justice / Fox
2. Rippedstar - Compassion / Smoke Inhalation/Suffocation
3. Crowstar - Loyalty / Unknown
4. Antdrop - Judgment / Unknown
5. Scorchbranch - Perseverance / Unknown
6. Foxhunter - Hope / Unknown
7. Cloudroar - Honesty / Unknown
8. Mistyrain - Forgiveness / Unknown
9. Lionpaw - Joy / Unknown
Term: July 2018 - October 2019

Lived: 9 October 2019 - Unknown
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Wolfkit, Wolfpaw, Wolfcall
Appearance: Black ghost tabby with white throat and toes on back left foot, and amber-gold eyes

Blood: 4.2% ThunderClan, 1.96 RiverClan, 12.6% WindClan, 81.24% New SkyClan
Parents: Murkpelt (NPC) x Spottedstar
Siblings: Honeysong, Mallowkit, Featherpaw, Juniperlight, Deerfrost
Mate: Blossomstep
Kits: Adderflare, Firepaw, Mistrain, Summitkit, Dewkit, Ashkit, Bloodstrike, Kai

Mentor: Foxfire
Apprentice(s): Oakpaw, Dawnpaw, Bloodstrike, Beechface, Eaglepaw, Pippaw

Deputy: Bloodstar
Medicine Cat(s): Beechface

Creation: 9 October 2019
First Appearance: 9 October 2019
Apprentice Ceremony: 23 October 2019
Warrior Ceremony: 21 November 2019
Deputy Ceremony: 27 December 2019
Leader Ceremony: 5 November 2020

1. Mumblefoot - Courage / Gravity
2. Rippedstar - Dedication / Dawnhawk's Trap
3. Deerfrost - Duty / Killed by Ivystar II
4. Fawnspirit - Humility / Grief
5. Sparrowpaw - Determination / Exhaustion
6. Acornfall - Perseverance / Killed by Dawnhawk
7. Mistrain - Forgiveness / Killed by Dawnhawk
8. Timberpaw - Justice / Heart Attack
9. Murkpelt - Love / Unknown
Term: November 2020 - October 2021

Lived: 26 May 2020 - 17 August 2023
Gender: Tom
Previous Names: Bloodkit, Bloodpaw, Bloodstrike
Appearance: Sandy colored with dark brown points and thick tabby stripes edged in a reddish tone, and a white chest with apple green eyes

Blood: 2.1% ThunderClan, 0.98% RiverClan, 6.3% WindClan, 90.62% New SkyClan
Parents: Blossomstep x Wolfstar
Siblings: Adderflare, Firepaw, Mistrain, Summitkit, Dewkit, Ashkit, Kai
Mate: Smokefeather, Briarthorn
Kits: Smokefeather: Beechfang, Dustpaw, Primroselight, Dawnhawk, Ashstorm, Ravenclaw, Vulturecry, Jaggedkit, Copperfox, Lichenblaze, Featherkit, Mountainheart; Briarthorn: Maplepaw, Spottedfrog, Adderkit, Bearflower, Newtspring, Moonlily, Squirrelkit, Nightbird, Starlingpaw

Mentor: Wolfstar
Apprentice(s): Sweetpaw, Tigersong, Dawnfeather, Rabbitchaser, Beechfang, Crimsonflame, Sunfire

Deputy: Ashstorm, Briarstar
Medicine Cat(s): Beechface, Muddythorn

Creation: 20 May 2020
First Appearance: 26 May 2020
Apprentice Ceremony: 5 June 2020
Warrior Ceremony: 26 June 2020
Deputy Ceremony: 2 November 2020
Leader Ceremony: 26 October 2021

1. Copperfox - Patience / Killed by Rogues
2. Moonshine - Discernment / Killed by Dawnhawk
3. Tigersong - Forgiveness / Taken by StarClan
4. Brighteye - Inner Peace / Taken by StarClan
5. Rippedstar - Humility / Taken by StarClan
6. Swansong- Understanding / Taken by StarClan
7. Adderflare - Self-Preservation / Taken by StarClan
8. Blossomstep - Empathy / Taken by StarClan
9. Featherkit - Justice / Killed by Beechfang
Term: October 2021 - June 2022

Lived: 22 February 2020 - Present
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Briarkit, Briarpaw, Briarthorn
Appearance: Large, dark gray-brown tabby with light green eyes

Blood: 50% RiverClan, 50% ShadowClan
Parents: Thornstar x Torrentstar
Siblings: Full: Ivykit, Viperpaw, Shrikekit, Timberpaw, Smokespirit; Half: Bloomkit, Sablekit, Brackenkit, Firkit, Tanglekit, Sootkit, Frostpaw, Sparkfire, Flintshard, Nightpaw, Risingkit, Redmask, Leafkit, Honeytongue, Lionkit, Tigerpaw
Mate: Bloodstar
Kits: Maplepaw, Spottedfrog, Adderkit, Bearflower, Newtspring, Moonlily, Squirrelkit, Nightbird, Starlingpaw

Mentor: Shadestrike
Apprentice(s): Birdstar

Deputy: Birdstar
Medicine Cat(s): Plumleaf, Fogfeather

Creation: 9 December 2019
First Appearance: 22 February 2020
Apprentice Ceremony: 26 March 2020
Warrior Ceremony: 14 July 2020
Deputy Ceremony: 18 June 2022
Leader Ceremony: 17 July 2022

1. Shadestrike - Rationality / Crushed by Falling Tree
2. Mothglow - Joy / Taken by StarClan
3. Crowstar - Perseverance / Taken by StarClan
4. Birdsong - Honesty / Taken by StarClan
5. Adderflare - Vigilance / Taken by StarClan
6. Torrentstar- Peace / Taken by StarClan
7. Thornstar - Resolve / Taken by StarClan
8. Robinloft - Wisdom / Taken by StarClan
9. Newtspring - Love /
Term: July 2022 - December 2022

Lived: 3 June 2022 - 24 February 2024
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Birdkit, Birdpaw, Birdchaser
Appearance: Fluffy white and gray tabby with light green eyes

Blood: 50.53% ThunderClan, 0.245% RiverClan, 1.575% WindClan, 47.655% New SkyClan
Parents: Beechfang x Dovefrost
Siblings: Full: Plumleaf, Trufflesnap, Wolfstar II, Crowpaw, Fogfeather, Lichensun, Rootkit; Half: Birchkit, Birdsong, Firkit, Shadewing, Thistlekit
Mate: None
Kits: None; Adopted: Rainfrost, Juniperheart

Mentor: Briarstar
Apprentice(s): Blackbear, Rainfrost, Quickpaw

Deputy: Wolfstar II
Medicine Cat(s): Plumleaf, Smokepetal, Hemlockfox, Thymelight

Creation: 12 May 2022
First Appearance: 3 June 2022
Apprentice Ceremony: 8 June 2022
Warrior Ceremony: 27 June 2022
Deputy Ceremony: 9 July 2022
Leader Ceremony: 5 January 2023

1. Robinear - Trust / Illness
2. Birdsong - Mindfulness / Killed by Trufflesnap
3. Copperfox - Courage / Rescinded by StarClan
4. Adderflare - Curiosity / Rescinded by StarClan
5. Sagelight - Joy / Rescinded by StarClan
6. Stumpfrost- Friendship / Rescinded by StarClan
7. Cloverheart - Justice / Rescinded by StarClan
8. Wolfstar - Love / Rescinded by StarClan
9. Dovefrost - Heart / Killed by Perchstar
Term: January 2023 - February 2024

Wolfstar II
Lived: 2 June 2022 - Present
Gender: She-Cat
Previous Names: Wolfkit, Wolfpaw, Wolfblossom
Appearance: Fluffy white and lilac tabby with ice blue eyes

Blood: 50.53% ThunderClan, 0.245% RiverClan, 1.575% WindClan, 47.655% New SkyClan
Parents: Beechfang x Dovefrost
Siblings: Full: Plumleaf, Trufflesnap, Birdstar, Crowpaw, Fogfeather, Lichensun, Rootkit; Half: Birchkit, Birdsong, Firkit, Shadewing, Thistlekit
Mate: Burningheart (NPC)
Kits: Graywind, Quickpaw, Sunfire, Falconmoon; Adopted: Juniperheart

Mentor: Ravenclaw
Apprentice(s): Thornstalker, Smokestep, Ploverwing, Wasppaw

Deputy: Honeydew, Falconmoon
Medicine Cat(s): Smokepetal, Hemlockfox, Thymelight

Creation: 6 May 2022
First Appearance: 2 June 2022
Apprentice Ceremony: 8 June 2022
Warrior Ceremony: 27 June 2022
Deputy Ceremony: 10 December 2023
Leader Ceremony: 11 March 2024

1. Mr. Worm - Patience / Heat Stroke
2. Coldheart - Battle Prowess /
3. Bloodstrike - Indomitable Will /
4. Copperfox - Strength /
5. Wolfstar - Perseverance /
6. Dovefrost- Love /
7. Beechfang - Memory /
8. Crowstar - Devotion /
9. Birdstar - Peace /
Term: March 2024 - Present


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