Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)

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Honey Badger
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Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 1931
Gender : she/her || they/them || he/him
Age : 25

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySat 24 Aug 2019 - 14:09

Click here for Part 1.
Hey guys! Here's the trial. We have to get this done before the next Gathering, so it's going to move quick (sadly). Burningsun will begin the trial as soon as Tinystar arrives (Ice posts)/when I get home tonight or tomorrow morning, but at any time you may post your character being there, reacting, ect. Please do!!

If you want your cat to question Tinystar, please sign up here.

Burningsun, though spending the night in StarClan, felt more awake than she had ever felt in her life. Her pelt burned with rage, her mind raced with justice. When she awoke from her dream, Burningsun took a few moments to collect her thoughts. She groomed her pelt to a sleek perfection. Put together, unlike her thoughts on the inside. She was a small cat, but she was determined to appear as powerful as the biggest cat in the forest. 'To Tinystar, I am the biggest cat in the forest.' She thought bitterly to herself, finishing up her final preperations and compiling her final thoughts.

She had to be careful of how she presented herself and this Trial to the clan. If she was too angry, she would be seen as delirious. If she was too soft, too meek, she would not be taken seriously. No, she had to to command of the situation like the fire she was named after- the sun. The sun was always there, always a guiding force for the cats. It was bright, but it was necessary. It did it's job no matter the circumstances.

Time to be like the sun.

With a final deep breath, Burningsun stalked into the clearing, her head held high. Her clanmates were still mulling around, getting ready for the day. Good. She could start this Trial with all of her clanmates to lie witness to the crimes their leader has committed. Before she said anything, she made her way to the Tallbranch. Though this was reserved for leaders, Burningsun didn't care. Gracefully, she took to the branch that bore the clawmarks of leaders from before her. It felt... holy. Subconsciously, she dug her claws into the bark, adding hers to the others.

"Clanmates... SkyClan... Tinystar!" she called out, her voice booming into the clearing and even surprising her. Heads turned to her and finally she was seen above them. "It's time to put Tinystar on Trial for his crimes, like the other leaders of the Clans have asked of us." Her multicolored gaze narrowed as she spotted the tiny, pathetic tyrant come forward.

Astra inclinant...

.: Coyotegrin :: Kestrelchirp :: Quailprowler : Wasppaw : Burnetkit :.
#9966ff : #cc3300 : #6699ff : #993366 : #ff9900 : #ff66cc
WC T5 Warrior : WC T3 Warrior : TC T4 Warrior : SkyClan Apprentice (Bonus) : Loner-Future RC-Kit
"When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire."

I'm not very active, but you are always open to message me on Discord.
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Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckfeather, Eveningmoon, Flurrypaw - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan T1 Warrior [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] ThunderClan Apprentice
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7465
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 27

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySat 24 Aug 2019 - 14:17

Foxpaw was curled up in the medicine cat's den, dreaming about being able to run again when a voice suddenly jolted him awake. His ear flickered as he recongized the din as one of his Clanmates, trying to make out the words. He...Felt confused as the words washed over him, unsure what it was about. But...The Clan had seemed to be upset about something when they had returned from the Gathering, but he had just been a kit and was left in the dark.

With a soft grunt, he hosteled himself onto his working three paws and limped out into the clearing, being careful to avoid hitting his injured leg on anything. He couldn't wait until it was healed enough that Amberdawn would give him the all clear on being able to put weight on it again...But that didn't seem important as he spotted Burningsun in the clearing, her tail lashing as she looked intent on whatever putting 'Tinystar on trial for his crimes' actually meant... His gaze shifted toward the leader's den. ...What had Tinystar done?


Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckfeather ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrypaw (Not pictured)
TC T5 Leader (70/200) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/200) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/200) ~ RC T2 Warrior (40/110) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/110) ~ TC Apprentice (20/60)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Characters : [E]mberleap ♂ | [F]lywhisker ⚧ | [A]thena ♀
Leo Cat
Number of posts : 1681
Gender : cool dude (he/him)
Age : 25

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySat 24 Aug 2019 - 15:13

Some sunups after the Gathering, Lightfang had learned all he imagined he would about what Tinystar had done. While he chafed at the idea of some other Clan—especially the one that didn’t even share a border with them—getting involved in SkyClan’s business, Finchstar’s revelation stuck with him. There was nothing wrong with executing a threat, provided the cat in question was truly dangerous, and Sparrowpaw had become a threat when Tinystar said so. Yet, if Finchstar was to be believed, she rested in StarClan. Thinking about it made Lightfang’s stomach squirm as if he’d eaten crowfood. What was he meant to believe? When a leader’s actions and StarClan themselves were in conflict, who was right?

Putting the problem out of his mind as the cats who’d witnessed the execution must have done, he watched the moon change its shape and waited for the world to settle. And so weeks had passed. Lightfang was mere sunups from returning to full warriorhood. Though he feared he’d lost some of his polish over the last moon, he was beginning to think he’d annoyed more than a few Clanmates with his constant anything-I-can-help-withs; they’d probably be glad to have him out of their pelts, bringing back prey and defending their borders as he was meant to.

The pale tabby was caught between the nursery and the warriors’ den when his friend’s voice split the morning air. Dropping the tiny clump of moss he’d been holding, he raised his head toward the Tallbranch. It was clear in Burningsun’s face and voice; sometime during the night, while Lightfang had slept soundly a kittenstep away, a change had come over her. As she placed her paws where only leaders and deputies could, she was blinding. It seemed the world wasn’t ready to let this pass just yet. Lightfang wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He wanted to know how much trust he could afford to put in the short-legged cat who'd always stood at SkyClan’s head, but the idea of another trial turned his blood to ice. Still, he padded forward to sit alone beneath the Tallbranch, bristling slightly with unease. His confused gaze did not waver from Burningsun.

Activity Notice [until 06/01]
Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) MlqtoMf
Athena [35/60]*                                
Outsider Rogue I                                

disadvantaged stats active                                          
Flywhisker [40/100]
RiverClan Warrior II

                                 Emberleap [70/160]
                               ShadowClan Warrior V


Last edited by rhindon on Sat 24 Aug 2019 - 21:36; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : [R]osekit
Clan/Rank : [R] Windclan Kit
Taurus Dog
Number of posts : 248
Gender : she/her
Age : 18

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySat 24 Aug 2019 - 19:13

Stormpaw was sleeping, to simply put. There was no morning patrol for the day, nor did her mentor need her, so she simply was curled up in her nest. She dreamt of simple things- hunting, her friends, things that were commonplace in dreams- completely oblivious to the fact one of her clanmates was communicating with Starclan. The grey watcher was pulled from her slumber as a loud, commanding voice rang out. 'Tinystar?' No. Tinystar didn't have that meow. In fact, it sounded like Burningsun, one of the cats she saw from time to time. And she was talking about... Tinystar's crimes?

The apprentice immediately exited her den and hurried to the camp centre. Usually, Stormpaw would meticulously groom her thick pelt and make her nest before daring to do anything else, but this time she simply rushed out, knotted fur and all. She had no idea what Burningsun was talking about, and that frightened her. Ever since she became an apprentice, she dedicated herself to learning all she could, even putting it above having friends. She thought she knew everything about Skyclan. What could Tinystar have done?

Even worse, what if Burningsun was making the wrong decision? After all, life was just a series of problems with answers. What if, by choosing this approach to whatever was happening, the fire-pelted warrior was going to cause chaos? Stormpaw felt a hard lump form in her throat. She contemplated going up there herself to talk with Burningsun, but no. That would be too far out of the comfort zone for her. After all, she was just an apprentice, not anyone special. She simply stood to the edges of the growing crowd, tail lashing in worry and anticipation.

♫ Baby hotline! Please dial 9 to get out!
Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) FF5-A1316-F958-44-A3-8-B68-0-AADDEADFE23
Slugkit // 10/30 // Shadowclan

♫ No flatline! What were you scared about? ♫
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Characters : Fuzzface, Curlyfluff, Sweetheart, Molehill, Bugkit
Clan/Rank : (F)WC/T5, (C)TC/T5, (S)TC/T2, (M)WC/T3, (B)WC/K
Libra Dragon
Number of posts : 5917
Gender : F
Age : 23

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySat 24 Aug 2019 - 21:29

While he understood the reason behind making one of the camp entrances a tunnel, Sunflower couldn’t find himself to particularly enjoy entering and exiting the camp. Being so awkwardly tall and lengthy, he had to noticeably crouch down in order to not bump his back against the top of the entrance, thus possibly ruing part of it or something of the sorts. But such a complaint was a mere kittypet problem compared to what was about to consume every-cat’s attention.

Having been about to go out on a much needed solo hunt, a strange, yet familiar voice stopped Sunflower in his tracks. Halfway through the camp entrance, the abnormally tall tom assumed that whatever was happening behind him was of importance, which meant his attendance was most likely required.

Shuffling backwards and almost tripping over his long tail, the warrior stood up once out of the bracken tunnel and snapped his gaze up to the Tallbranch, his large ears flat on his head. What was Burningsun doing up there? The towering tree was only meant for leaders and sometimes deputies, and neither Tinystar nor Mistyrain were ill, so something was definitely up, and by the looks of it, that something wasn’t a positive subject.

Making his way to the back of the crowd, the large eared tom sat himself down near no one in particular. As of yet, his father was no where in sight, which was somewhat concerning, but what he found more concerning was the scowled look on Burningsun’s muzzle and what she’d called out to the clan about. A trial for his father? He remembered the little tom’s transgressions from what seemed like moons ago, but wasn’t that in the past? Finchstar had chosen to bring it up during the recent gathering, but why in StarClan’s name would any-cat take what that rabbit-breath had to say to heart, especially after the clan had already gotten past that fateful day? Yes, he’d made a mistake and a grave on at that, but his father had been nothing but faithful to SkyClan and their safety. Over the course of many moons, Tinystar had shown that loyalty to one’s clan and family was of the utmost importance and needed to be taken seriously. Couldn’t they see that?

~ ice ice baby

gym rat    crazy poodle lady    mst

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) VHQrlk5
Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) 1QYZaRo

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Molex311
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 2502
Gender : Big Guy (he/him/his)
Age : 21

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySat 24 Aug 2019 - 21:48

Sandblaze's eyes burned with embarassment as Burningsun returned. The wounds were still fresh for him, but the power in her voice seemed to give an opposite emotion. He ducked his head in her presence, but listened closely, with baited breath. Somehow, he thought the day wouldn't come. Perhaps the awkwardness and treason of it all would have scared everybody into submission. It certainly scared him. There was a fault to be had in that, he figured. Why was he so scared?

Where was fearless Delta when he needed her?

With a gulp, Sandblaze rose to his paws and sought out his former mentor's gaze, a silent beg to endure it. The tom had wisdom and pride for seasons, and despite Burningsun's obvious opinion, Sandblaze had a lot of respect for him. Somebody needed to calm her fire... they shouldn't lose her, too. His paws didn't budge, no matter how he longed to go to her and prevent her exile. He shook his head, disdained, because he knew what had to be done. Nobody in the forest would respect him until he took responsibility. She went to StarClan, for goodness sake. One way or another, Tinystar was going to face judgement. He just wished it didn't have to be now.

"If we want to restore SkyClan's honor," he said in a soft and yet audible voice, "We can't ignore this anymore. It happened. Let's do what needs to be done, as a clan, before the rest of the forest decides that they have to do it for us." He looked around at his fellow clanmates. "Right?"

》Former Admin《

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) TpKJUN0

Rushkit | RiverClan Kit | #4b5320
Lionpaw | ThunderClan Apprentice | #cb945f

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Cancer Pig
Number of posts : 2609
Gender : female (she/her)
Age : 29

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySat 24 Aug 2019 - 22:15

A golden tabby head lifted with groggy alarm as a commanding voice broke the early morning silence. Amberdawn's dark amber eyes blinked rapidly, confusion clearing slowly into concern as sleep lifted from her. The medicine cat scrambled to her paws as she processed the words: "It's time to put Tinystar on Trial for his crimes!" She knew exactly what this was about. Finchstar, Jaystar, and Oakstar had made their feelings clear at the Gathering nearly three quarters of a moon ago. StarClan had brought her mind to it again at the half-moon, and at that point she was certain there would be repercussions. What else could the vision mean?

Burningsun's voice had ripped a chasm in Amberdawn's confidence. No, I can't do this, she thought as she peered nervously from the den. I can't be part of this... I don't want to know what's going to happen. But she knew. That made it all the more terrifying. Whether Burningsun realized what would come or not, StarClan's words rang in the medicine cat's head:

The sun will spill blood for the blood that was spilled.

And Burningsun called for justice.

Amberdawn did not exit the medicine den. Her ears were flattened against her head, eyes dark with turmoil, and she merely stood slightly crouched in the entrance of her place of safety. Cats of the Clan gathered slowly, murmuring with confusion and concern. Many didn't know why Burningsun was crying for justice, for they hadn't been present for Tinystar's crime or for the Gathering which had revealed it. Amberdawn wished it could be over, resolved in a place that she didn't live or have to hear about. She hated what Tinystar did as much as anyone... She had always thought she was helpless, and that made Burningsun's powerful call to action hurt even more.


Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) VWfKplK
Clovertwist the Loner
WindClan ex-Warrior
{ #5F9EA0 }
Barleytuft of StarClan
WindClan Warrior
{ #DA8F6F }
Marmalade the Kittypet
ex-SkyClan Medicine Cat
{ #C1550A }
Dacedream of StarClan
ThunderClan Warrior
{ #808000 }
Summer the Loner
gay drifter
{ #E86375 }
(Not Pictured: Frogmarsh of ShadowClan; Lightstep of RiverClan; Mottledspark of RiverClan)

art by sumashira [me] - click image to see profiles

Last edited by sumashira on Sun 25 Aug 2019 - 8:31; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : a lot
Libra Monkey
Number of posts : 742
Gender : she/they
Age : 19

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySat 24 Aug 2019 - 22:40

The wounds from Delta's betrayl were still raw when new ones scored into his flesh. Tinystar, the very leader he had looked up to since he was a kit, had murdered an apprentice. Not just any apprentice; an apprentice in their very own clan. The news had shook him to the core, especially with the recent.."exile" of his ex-sister. As much as he hated her choice, he couldn't help but wonder: did she know of Tinystar's crimes against humanity? Against their clan? Did she know that she was in great danger for being a traitorous rebel? Did she know that, if she hadn't left, her family would be next? He shuddered at the thought, curling his tail around himself and letting the tip rest upon his nose. He thought too much about it, about her. All he needed right now was sleep..

"It's time to put Tinystar on trial for his crimes!" 

Burningsun demanded that his afternoon nap be postponed.

With an aggravated huff, Swallowflight forced himself out of his nest, stepping into the light. Burningsun was atop the great rock, spouting nonsense and a crowd had gathered. Whatever ritual she was performing, he did not want to be a part of it. That was Lightfang's job. As he turned to pad back into the darkness of the den, he spotted Amberdawn out of the corner of his eye. The ginger she-cat had an odd look to her, one of..of fear. What was she afraid of? She appeared so disturbed, like she could throw up her nerves any moment. Perhaps...perhaps it wouldn't be a grave sin to at least check up on her. It wasn't like he had to fall asleep right then and there, anyway. The cream tabby crossed camp, and was soon by the medicine cat's side. "Hello, Amberdawn," he meowed, hoping his sudden presence wouldn't startle her. "Have any idea what's going on? You seem troubled."

 it's been a minute, hasn't it? 

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Tenor Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Original Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) 2ea9ee7a2f752d4ca128ceca83302ddbacf0ca70r1-268-268_00

☾ sparrowpaw of thunderclan (#cc9966) 
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Characters : [H]Harebounce, [R]Redsun, [S]Snaildance, [K]Snakepaw
Clan/Rank : RC Tier 4 Warrior; TC Tier 3 Warrior, SC Tier 2 Warrior, WC Apprentice
Leo Dragon
Number of posts : 2553
Gender : anything, baby - kitty was here ♥
Age : 24

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 0:04

Firflower hadn't interacted with much of the clan for the past moon. For once the usually bubbly she-cat kept a blank expression unbefitting of her kind face. Guilt and anguish ate away at her heart. Her one and only daughter sent away, banished, thrown to the elements. She couldn't admit it to her sons then, but during that ill-fated trial, she'd feared for Maplepaw's life. Though the young she-cat certainly hadn't attacked a medicine cat, she'd abandoned the clan. During the hot Greenleaf nights her mind contorted her memories. Sparrowpaw wasn't the one laying frozen, mangled, and bloodied at the paws of their leader there. More than once she'd woken unable to move. Breathing too shallow. Heart beating too quick.

She shook her head an refocused on what was really around her. A half-eaten vole at her paws, with the shadow she'd been laying under having moved. Clanmates stared up at the Highbranch, though their eyes held confusion. Hers took their own serving of it once she saw Burningsun up there; what was she doing? 'Tinystar... on trial?' Was that what she said? The warrior couldn't move, even though the sun felt as if it were setting her back aflame. Pale paws curled beneath her chest. Justice seemed a far-away concept. Tinystar could do what he wanted without fear. Without seeing his claws on someone else's body in times of rest. 'We could've done something then if we all spoke our minds. But Night stood alone and was exiled for it,' she missed her father terribly. Her blue gaze fixed on the she-cat, blazing in a beam of sunlight. Was she brave to do this? Or a fool for not knowing what happened to the last cat who'd spoken up?

{help me update the wcc family tree!}
Harebounce    |    Redsun    |    Snaildance    |    Snakepaw
Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) June2012
"Close your eyes, I'll be here in the mornin'."
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Characters : Fuzzface, Curlyfluff, Sweetheart, Molehill, Bugkit
Clan/Rank : (F)WC/T5, (C)TC/T5, (S)TC/T2, (M)WC/T3, (B)WC/K
Libra Dragon
Number of posts : 5917
Gender : F
Age : 23

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 1:06

What he'd done those many moons ago... at first, he hadn't regretted what he'd done; executing Sparrowpaw. He'd been positive that it was the right decision, for his sake and the clan's, but as time progressed, he'd grown to realize how much of a foxhearted mousebrain he had been. Killing an apprentice and exiling one of his best warriors, had he gone mad? Apparently so. Not only had the guilt of his transgressions begun to take a real toll on him, but seeing his clanmates so distraught over what he'd done had also started to weigh him down. He'd never meant for things to be in such a solemn state, but supposed this was what he got for going against their wishes. StarClan... did he have no moral compass? He wanted what was best for his family and clan, he swore it, but it what he did had the opposite affect and was now coming back to bite him in the rump, and hard.

Having been resting in his nest, head whirling with thoughts, the call of the she-cat's prominent voice rang through the walls of the leader's den and sent his ears perking up. "It's time to put Tinystar on Trial for his crimes, like the other leaders of the Clans have asked of us." What in StarClan's name... Getting up, the tiny legged leader gave his pelt a shake and began to make his way out of the den, but he stopped in his tracks before exiting the entrance. 'Whatever goes on out there, stay calm and collected. Listen to your clanmates and tell them what they want to hear, they deserve it,' he thought to himself, taking a deep breath. A trial... for him. He knew very well what it was about and it had been a long time coming, but finally, some-cat decided to take a stand, which for whatever reason, he personally found himself respecting whoever was the culprit.

Padding out towards the center of camp, he was somewhat surprised to see Burningsun of all cats up on Tallbranch, but in the end, it didn't matter who was up there. Him, a kit, an elder, or her, they were all cats with one goal; to coexist and survive, one day at a time. Unfortunately, he hadn't coexisted with his clanmates very well, which was why they were here. All because of the anger that Sedgestrike ignited inside of him, all because he was a horrible leader.

Sitting down near the front of the growing crowd, Tinystar wrapped his long tail neatly over his little while paws and held his head high as he looked up to the warrior. "I'm ready for my judgement," he mewed calmly, his gaze not wavering from her's. It would not doubt be difficult to swallow whatever pride he'd been clinging onto, but today he wouldn't speak as their leader, but as a guilty clanmate in need of humbling, no matter how horribly uncomfortable it would be or whatever the consequences were.

~ ice ice baby

gym rat    crazy poodle lady    mst

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) VHQrlk5
Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) 1QYZaRo

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Molex311
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Characters : Flamethrower, Jaculus
Clan/Rank : [F] Rogue [T1], [J] Rogue [T1]
Sagittarius Snake
Number of posts : 1229
Gender : am Woman
Age : 22

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 2:38

Swanpaw's eyes opened as noise cut through the fog in her mind. They were gummy, and still watery from the bout of greencough that had attacked her soon after her moonstone. She coughed, raising her head to see a shape standing at the entrance of the den, her posture indicating apprehension as she stared out. Something was going on; even in her current state, groggy and ill, she could still feel it.

"Amberdawn? Is everything-" A wet cough broke free of her chest as she moved to a sitting position, "Is everything alright?"

At that moment a calm mew came from outside, and for just a moment she was half convinced this was just another fever dream. Tinystar's voice, her father, declaring he was ready for judgment? Her heart began to beat faster, anxiety rising in her throat as she moved as fast as she could towards the entrance. What is this? What's going on?

They took our lives... and then they didn't use them!

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Sadnes10
I saw so many places
The things that I did
Yeah with every broken bone
I swear I lived

Jaculus | Flamethrower | Swansong | Rift | Minkstar | Cleft Spyre | Sablepaw/Lirista | Murkpaw
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Cancer Pig
Number of posts : 2609
Gender : female (she/her)
Age : 29

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 9:16

The sound of her patient's voice broke Amberdawn's fearful concentration. The medicine cat peered back over her shoulder to Swanpaw, who had been residing in the den with a chest-cough for several days. "Is everything alright?" the warrior apprentice managed to ask after a few attempts that resulted in heavy coughing fits. Amberdawn simply stared back into Swanpaw's eyes, her own still looking quite stricken, and gently shook her head as she mouthed, "I don't know." It would have been more responsible to tell the silvery she-cat that everything was fine and that there was nothing to worry about - that she needed to close her eyes and rest so she could get well again and receive the warrior name she had worked so hard to earn. Amberdawn couldn't bring herself to say any of those words to the she-cat.

A rabbit had been cornered, and soon the kicks would start flying. Nothing was alright.

Amberdawn turned to look out of the entrance again at the sound of paws approaching. Swallowflight moved smoothly towards her - one of Firflower's sons, and perhaps a rogue's as well. I don't have time to think about that! she hissed in her mind, and both thoughts dissipated as she faced Swallowflight with her distressed eyes."... hey, Swallowflight," she greeted softly, stepping just slightly out of the entrance of the den to stand by his side. Her voice was not unlike that of a cat trying not to throw up her nerves at any moment. "I... I don't know for sure," she admitted, "Just a... a feeling..."

And a vision. She couldn't find the strength to tell anyone her dream - not yet. Tinystar had appeared and Amberdawn's breath caught in her throat. "I'm ready for my judgement," her leader and grandfather announced, and Amberdawn's stomach soured further.

In the medicine den behind her, Swanpaw stood shakily. On autopilot, the medicine cat slipped away from Swallowflight to return to the den and move to Swanpaw's side. Amberdawn supported Swanpaw but held her back for a moment, saying softly, "This won't be good, Swanpaw... It would be better to stay in the den." Still, if the she-cat chose, Amberdawn would help her towards the clearing. The medicine cat exited the den again and stood at Swallowflight's side. "When I said I had a feeling... I meant a bad feeling, Swallowflight." The clarification probably wasn't necessary.


Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) VWfKplK
Clovertwist the Loner
WindClan ex-Warrior
{ #5F9EA0 }
Barleytuft of StarClan
WindClan Warrior
{ #DA8F6F }
Marmalade the Kittypet
ex-SkyClan Medicine Cat
{ #C1550A }
Dacedream of StarClan
ThunderClan Warrior
{ #808000 }
Summer the Loner
gay drifter
{ #E86375 }
(Not Pictured: Frogmarsh of ShadowClan; Lightstep of RiverClan; Mottledspark of RiverClan)

art by sumashira [me] - click image to see profiles
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Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 1931
Gender : she/her || they/them || he/him
Age : 25

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 10:05

As the sun started to slowly creep up in the sky, her clanmates gathered below her. It was weird, seeing their faces from so high up, all clumped together below her. She could only imagine how it was for the half-cat whom was used to looking up to even the tiniest kit. The feeling felt good, but she quickly shoved this aside- that wasn't why she was up here. To let any sort of power go to her head would make her exactly like Tinystar, and the thought of that made her want to hurl last night's meal. As Sandblaze spoke, she dipped her head in acknowledgement to the comment but said nothing. Finally, Tinystar took a seat, and amusement twitched her whiskers when the tiny leader decided to diplomatically accept the Trial. 'Only because I caught you in the corner.' When her clanmates were all there, Burningsun gripped the branch again.

With the morning sun to her back, her pelt burned from the heat. Taking one deep breath, she began the speech she had been mulling over for weeks, and finalized this morning after her dream. "Clanmates," she began. Firmly, but with control of her anger. "... and Tinystar." Stated plainly, she locked eyes with the tyrant for just a few heartbeats. "Last night I was visited by StarClan in my dreams. Sparrowpaw, the cat that was murdered by Tinystar in this very camp, came to me and told me her story. I can assure all of you, the story we heard from our leader was much different." she paused, letting the shock settle within the cats below her. Even to herself, the thought that she, a warrior, speaking to StarClan was an insane one- she hoped they would see her as honest and believe her.

"Not to mention, Oakstar, Finchstar, and Jaystar have called for a Trial of Tinystar. Oakstar even so went as far to refuse us an alliance until we've done so. Even if you do not accept this Trial for the safety and well being of your clan, Tinystar, you cannot deny StarClan." Again, her multicolored gaze locked eyes with the leader. What was he thinking? His expression was difficult to read, especially from up here. Slowly, she shifted and made room for the speck of dust. "So I ask you to stand in front of your clan Tinystar, up here, where all can see you." Of course, she didn't mean to reference his height, but well, if the fur shade fits.

Only a slight bit of silence hung in the air as she took another breath to finish. "I ask that Tinystar tells his side of the story of the day Sparrowpaw was murdered in this camp. I will then act as a representative for the passed Sparrowpaw, and account her side. The floor will then be opened to the Clan, and you may question your leader. He will answer every one." It wasn't so much of a threat, as to an order for the leader. "Finally, I will offer up two punishments, for the clan to decide on if they feel fit." As her speech finished, Burningsun let out a small sigh. Scanning the crowd, her eyes settle on Lightfang, her only remaining very close friend after Sandblaze. She sought comfort, and support in those blue eyes.

Astra inclinant...

.: Coyotegrin :: Kestrelchirp :: Quailprowler : Wasppaw : Burnetkit :.
#9966ff : #cc3300 : #6699ff : #993366 : #ff9900 : #ff66cc
WC T5 Warrior : WC T3 Warrior : TC T4 Warrior : SkyClan Apprentice (Bonus) : Loner-Future RC-Kit
"When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire."

I'm not very active, but you are always open to message me on Discord.
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Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 10:51

Despite the intimate nature of the warrior's den, Leaftwirl found that locking herself into a slumber had been more difficult than in the past. When sleeping, her problems were gone, her body rested calmly on her nest while her mind shut off and drifted over whimsical things as it had done so long ago. And yet recently, Leaftwirl couldn't make that leap into the void. She closed her eyes, only to open them again and think of her talk with Amberdawn, to dream of Finchstar's confession that turned her blood to ice. She saw visions of Sunflower and her stomach twisted as she covered her head in her paws. StarClan, what was life? And yet this time the morning ripped her from her stuggle with merciless claws. Their clarity was stunning, an icy pick in her heart that spoke a truth undeniable. Padding out of the den, moss still clinging to her pelt, Leaftwirl felt small. The atmosphere was heavy, clear like a strong rain that lifted the air into one of fresh realization. She didn't want to be soaked by the metaphorical risks. The cats already gathered in the clearing seemed to sense it too, fur standing on end as they shifted their eyes warily to Burningsun.

And stars, Leaftwirl was stunned by the fiery tabby that now sat in Tinystar's spot. The thought that their small leader could be so easily replaced was an interesting thought indeed. The warrior had imagined him like an immovable rock during her apprenticeship, a solid foundation in their beautiful forest. But Tinystar's own actions had dragged him down to their level. Those who killed would die just as well. The she-cat blinked as she padded past Sunflower in the back of the crowd, refusing to allow herself to play that game. She didn't want to pretend to defend their leader. Especially in front of the cat who would judge her for it. It made her angry that such a cat would take such liberties to judge. Sunflower didn't have that right. Perhaps they'd talk later. But Leaftwirl was too volatile to play socialite today.

Amberdawn sat at the entrance to her den, speaking soft words to Swanpaw as her voice echoed from the inside. Another stab to the heart. Another friend left in the dust. Sickness had claimed the apprentice's livelihood. Swanpaw had been close to Leaftwirl during their apprenticeship, but her drive to be a good warrior tore her far from such things. The brown tabby dug her claws into the ground as she regretted it. She regretted all of it. Listening to Wolffang. Leaving Tigerleaf behind. It was sinfully freeing, having no morals to stand on, Leaftwirl could be any cat. In the past she had been bubbly, whimsical in her nature. In the present, she was driven, a walking contradiction to the code she worshiped so. And in the future? Who would she be then? Who was she? Leaftwirl meant Tinystar's eyes with her own as he padded from his den, preparing himself for the trial. The she-cat wasn't stunned any longer, and Sandblaze's words rang out from the tom's maw. The warrior nodded to the message he spoke, eyes never leaving her leader's. Tinystar was not immortal. Nor was Tigerleaf. Even Leaftwirl's kit-like whimsy had fallen victim to her coming of age. Time would pad on, and those who found themselves may survive, yet those who still searched could fall. Was Tinystar a murderer? Would he accept his label in order to have a sense of stability? Or would he throw himself into the void as Leaftwirl did? Discarding past actions to become a cat unknown. Whatever the answer, they'd all meet their reckoning eventually.
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Characters : [E]mberleap ♂ | [F]lywhisker ⚧ | [A]thena ♀
Leo Cat
Number of posts : 1681
Gender : cool dude (he/him)
Age : 25

Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL)   Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 15:05

The rest of SkyClan gathered. Lightfang’s eyes widened as he spotted their undersized leader sitting at the front of the crowd. Almost immediately upon settling in SkyClan’s true territory, he’d grown used to seeing Tinystar on the Tallbranch or the Great Rock; it was strange to be on level ground with him, strange in a way that did nothing to help the prickling of his pelt. He missed the bundle of moss he’d left behind. That, at least, would have given him something to keep his paws busy as Burningsun began to speak, challenging Tinystar to justify what he had done.

If it had been someone else, Lightfang might have doubted StarClan would deign to visit a mere warrior, but this was an awfully bold lie to tell, and he had never known Burningsun to be anything less than honest. The more he thought about it, the more sense it made that StarClan might choose her as their representative. Burningsun was outspoken and brave, and her loyalty to SkyClan couldn’t be called into question. She would make this a trial, not a coup; she wasn’t aiming to tear their Clan apart. But, even as she held the justice of stars in her paws, even though she could take care of herself as well as any warrior, he was terrified for her. She was no apprentice—if she was executed, would the forest protest? Would SkyClan?

Somehow, in the mass of cats, Burningsun's eyes found his own. He lifted his head to hold her gaze, wishing he had the courage to stand beside her on the Tallbranch. I trust you, tread carefully, I don't want to lose you, too. There was no way to say as much without being heard. Lightfang nodded, slight and sharp, hoping Burningsun would take the barely-there curve of his mouth as the approval it was intended to be. As much as it scared him, he knew Sandblaze was right; this was long overdue.

Activity Notice [until 06/01]
Burning Justice pt 2 - THE TRIAL (OPEN FOR ALL) MlqtoMf
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