Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt]

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4 posters


Characters : [O] Oatfluff, [N] Nightowl, [S] Smokeytimber, [F] Foxpaw, [Su] Sunbear, [T] Tortoise
Clan/Rank : [O] T5 WindClan Warrior, [N] T1 ShadowClan MC, [S] T3 ShadowClan Warrior, [F] WindClan Apprentice, [Su] T1 WindClan Warrior, [T] T1 Loner
Libra Rooster
Number of posts : 433
Gender : He/They
Age : 18

Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt] Empty
PostSubject: Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt]   Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt] EmptySat 10 Aug 2024 - 0:16

OATFLUFFare you going to age with grace?
he/him - t4 windclan warrior
It seemed like it had been ages since Oatfluff had done anything on a proper patrol, and the fluffy tom found himself growing restless. He joined the dawn patrol daily, sure, but that was just a quick check of the border each morning - it was never anything substantial. He wasn't the type of cat to laze around, and while he could solo hunt all day if he wanted, it just wasn't as fulfilling without company.

So as soon as the sun had actually risen above the horizon, the mottled brown tom hurried over to the camp's entrance, all but blocking the path in (or out) of camp. He was determined to make his own patrol if he had to force cats to join him. The day would be miserable, he could tell - the air was already heavy and humid - but he held out hope that someone would join his hastily thrown together patrol. Anyone. "Alrighty! Who wants to beat the heat and go out hunting with me before the sun gets any ideas?" Oatfluff chirped, his voice bright with boundless energy as he called out to his Clanmates.

Oatfluff - T5 WindClan Warrior - #7f513e
Nightowl - T1 ShadowClan Med. Cat - #669966
Smokeytimber - T3 ShadowClan Warrior. - #626b7d
Foxpaw - WindClan App. - #f4ab6a
Sunbear - T1 WindClan Warrior - #cea716
Tortoise - T1 Loner - #6e6e33

Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt] Aa9d24d70df9858f985c454d207b8b3cdc4cf12e
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Number of posts : 3100
Gender : Unspecified

Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt]   Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt] EmptySat 10 Aug 2024 - 0:36

Rapidfire was over to his side in a moment! She was very much liking the idea of beating the heat of a high noon sun. "yea!!" she meowed very enthused.

She considered it one of her nicest blessings to have Oatfluff as a warrior in her clan. He was a hard worker and an amazing mentor to the high influx of apprentices that had come through. She was pleased every time she assigned a young kit to apprentice under him in how they developed under his guidence.

He had been a friend of hers for a very long time and getting a hunt in with him would be something she could not pass on.

She smirked a bit playfully and jokingly at him, "last one to catch a rabbit is a fleapelt" she challenged meowing in good fun and just joking in eager spirits to get under way.

signature - click to extend:
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Characters : //Living//:[J]uniperhunt, [Q]uillsplash | Bird, [Sc]orchivy, [L]eopardwind, [C]reamlily, [M]ilkkit, [Sp]arrowkit //Dead:// Tawnyshadow, Sootstorm, Cinderpaw, Ajex | Palekit, Shatteredsky, Reedshine, Deerleap, Slightfrost, Specklepaw, Sunfire, Copperlark
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan T1 Warrior [Q]ShadowClan T5 Warrior [Sc]WindClan NPC PermaQueen [L]WindClan T3 Warrior [C]WindClan T3 Warrior [M]RiverClan Kit [Sp]Unborn SkyClan Kit
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3633
Age : 14

Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt]   Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt] EmptySat 10 Aug 2024 - 1:44

Leopardwind followed behind the pair with a much less excitable expression. With how loud Rapidfire was being, and noise tended to travel in the moor, he wouldn't be surprised if all the prey was scared off before they even began the hunt. But he would never give up a chance to join extra patrols. Stars knows how much of making up he would have to do for his... lazier clanmates. Some warriors had gone missing or died recently, too, so more patrols were not uncalled for. "I'm here," The black warrior announced curtly with a dip of his head to Oatfluff, before standing aside as they waited for more clanmates to join them.

Creamlily just wanted to get out of Camp and dip her paws in some cool water, but nooooo, some big tom just had to be blocking the Camp entrance and demanding that every cat join him for his hunting patrol. As expected, Rapidfire rushed over immediately, and Leopardwind-- why was he always there when there was extra patrols?! Did he never rest??-- had the same old boring expression. Eugh. The tabby she-cat was all about to burst into a fit and complain about how awfully hot today was and how she was in no mood to be chasing rabbits across the moor, but one look at Rapidfire made her decide that maybe that wouldn't be the best call. Creamlily gritted her teeth and joined the patrol, silently fumming all the while.

Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T5 Warrior / #802318
Juniperhunt / She-Cat / ShadowClan T1 Warrior / #b9abb2
Scorchivy / She-Cat / WindClan NPC PermaQueen / #009966
Leopardwind / Tom / WindClan T3 Warrior / #cc9900
Creamlily / She-Cat / WindClan T3 Warrior / #ff6600
Milkkit / Tom / RiverClan Kit / #dbc6ad
Sparrowkit / She-Cat / Unborn SkyClan Kit / #993366

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [R]owansong [Ro]okflight [S]ilverhawk [P]igeonpouce [F]ishpaw [Fa]lconpaw [Fo]xsnap
Clan/Rank : [R] RiverClan T5 Elder [Ro] RiverClan T4 Warrior [S] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [P] (T3) RiverClan Hybrid MCA [F] ShadowClan Apprentice [Fa] WindClan Apprentice [Fo] SkyCla T1 Warrior
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 2824
Gender : any or username
Age : 22

Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt]   Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt] EmptySat 10 Aug 2024 - 5:33

Gonna make a heartthrob out of me...

Falconpaw was halfway over to Oatfluff, feeling restless and, for once, eager to do something useful with his paws, when he noticed Creamlily making her way over as well. His ears tilted back and his paws drew up short. Maybe he shouldn’t even bother. He wasn’t really in the mood to deal with her today, or… ever, for that matter. But he was already nearly there, and a few of the gathered cats had already seen him padding their way. Falconpaw heaved a sigh before closing the distance between him and the gathering patrol. He settled in close to Leopardwind’s side, putting his taller brother between him and Creamlily. Bumping Leo’s shoulder, he said, ”Y’know, you need to take a nap or something sometime. I never see you take a break.”
...just a bit of minor surgery.
WindClan • Apprentice • he/him • #E36630
Credits: coding - xaandiir | image 1 | image 2 | image 3 | image 4 | image 5 | image 6


T5 Warrior
T5 Elder
T4 Warrior
(T3) Hybrid MCA
[not pictured]
T1 Warrior
[not pictured]

Art by Xaandiir!
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Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt] Empty
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Saturday Sun [Open WindClan Hunt]
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