Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Crush and Burn - Pt. 2

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2 posters


Characters : Larkshine - Shadowclan //// Hickorypaw - Skyclan //// Weevilpaw - Windclan //// Beankit - Thunderclan
Clan/Rank : Shadowclan - Tier 4 Warrior //// Skyclan - Apprentice //// Windclan - Apprentice //// Thunderclan - Kit
Pisces Snake
Number of posts : 448
Gender : She/Her
Age : 23

Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Empty
PostSubject: Crush and Burn - Pt. 2   Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 EmptyThu 14 Mar 2024 - 20:52

Tier 1 Warrior | Skyclan | She/Her

By the time Myrtlebloom made it to camp, her vision was blurry with the loss of blood. She stagged and swayed her way into the medicine den where she collapsed. “Th-Thymelight!” She cried out to the only medicine cat she knew and trusted. She hoped the molly was in the medicine den. “I.. I need help… I was at-attacked… by a fox.” Myrtlebloom fought to stay awake as she begged for help.

Myrtlebloom decided to briefly close her eyes. The adrenaline had faded and bite to her back, where the fox had grabbed her, shot pain from the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail. She couldn’t feel the bite to her front leg, but if she was being honest, she couldn’t really feel her legs at all. She let out a sigh of relief. Relief that if she was going to die, she would be dying in camp and not out in a field all alone.

Discord: ChaoticCrow  | Timezone: Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) | Code (c) Kieer

Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Sig_of12 Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Wccsig10

Last edited by ChaoticCrow on Thu 21 Mar 2024 - 16:40; edited 2 times in total
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Characters : bubblenose, thymelight, smallfawn, pantherpounce, cardinalpaw, deerkit
Clan/Rank : rc warrior, skc mc, skc permaqueen, wc warrior, sc apprentice, wc kit
Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 1025
Gender : she/they
Age : 21

Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crush and Burn - Pt. 2   Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 EmptySun 17 Mar 2024 - 9:27

All Hail SkyClan's Resident Disney Princess
No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing.
Thymelight ears perked up slightly at the sound of her name. What concerned her though was how frantic and pained the voice sounded as it neared the medicine den. When Myrtlebloom staggered inside, the she-cat immediately rose to her paws and raced over before the warrior could even begin to explain. "Oh my goodness, Myrtlebloom! It's alright, it's okay. Lay down here and continue to breathe." She gingerly led her friend over to the closest empty nest and helped her down before practically sprinting over to the herb supply.

She was relieved to see that she had just enough of everything that she needed, but she'd still need to go out later to collect more herbs once she was sure that Myrtlebloom was safe and alive. Hopefully, the approaching season of newleaf would bring more herbs to the forest. The medicine cat started with cobwebs. She generously applied them to the wound and silently prayed that the bleeding wasn't bad enough to break through if she turned her back. Her next plan was to chew up a poultice of dock, burdock root, and catchweed to make sure that it stayed stuck to the warrior's wounds. It was impossible for Thymelight to hide just how panicked she felt as she applied the poultices. She wouldn't allow another cat to die under her supervision and care... she couldn't.

Finally, Thymelight nudged a chamomile and marigold bud toward Myrtlebloom to help her calm down and assist with any possible infections that the fox could've given to her. The medicine cat then encouragingly ran her tongue over the younger she-cat's head. "Try and relax now. I'm so sorry that this happened to you, Myrtlebloom... we don't have to talk about it if you're feeling too weak." The bi-colored tabby's voice was only slightly above a whisper as she spoke.
the dream that you wish will come true.

Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Ezgif-1-d163073db6
thymelight skc t3mc 』
smallfawn skc queen 』
pantherpounce wc t4w 』
cardinalpaw sc app 』
deerkit wc kit 』
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Characters : Larkshine - Shadowclan //// Hickorypaw - Skyclan //// Weevilpaw - Windclan //// Beankit - Thunderclan
Clan/Rank : Shadowclan - Tier 4 Warrior //// Skyclan - Apprentice //// Windclan - Apprentice //// Thunderclan - Kit
Pisces Snake
Number of posts : 448
Gender : She/Her
Age : 23

Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crush and Burn - Pt. 2   Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 EmptyMon 18 Mar 2024 - 16:02

Tier 1 Warrior | Skyclan | She/Her

Myrtlebloom could barely move to the nest and wouldn’t have made it there without Thymelight’s help. She laid down and tried to calm her racing heart. She was safe now and her wounds were being treated.  A hiss escaped her lips as the medicine cat packed cobwebs and applied poultices to the puncture wounds. Between the unbearable pain and loss of blood, the young warrior felt woozy.

She watched as panic washed over Thymelight’s face. “Th-Thank you.” Myrtlebloom managed to purr out. The rumble in her chest made her tense up. ‘Maybe not a wise idea’ She thought to herself. Her nose twitched at the herbs the medicine cat pushed towards her, but she lapped them up anyways. Myrtlebloom laid her head down on the side of the nest and stared off at the darker side of the den. She didn’t want to close her eyes; in fear she wouldn’t wake up again and that she would never get to see Yewshade or Honeydew again.

A few hours had passed since Thymelight treated Myrtlebloom’s wounds and the young molly had drifted off to sleep without noticing. Her eyes opened, the den was dark, as was outside the den. Her wounds had stopped bleeding and the herbs the medicine cat had given her made her feel a bit better. “Thymelight, are you still here?” Her voice was weak as she called out. She scanned the den for tabby before making out a figure in the corner of the den that she was sure was Thymelight.

Myrtlebloom tried to stand to readjust her positioning in the nest but crashed back down into the nest. Her front leg was quite inflamed, so instead she shuffled until she was in a good spot. Even that slight bit of movement had been a lot for the warrior, and she found herself out of breath. “Who knew a fox could hurt so bad?” She sheepishly mewed.

Discord: ChaoticCrow  | Timezone: Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) | Code (c) Kieer

Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Sig_of12 Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Wccsig10
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Characters : bubblenose, thymelight, smallfawn, pantherpounce, cardinalpaw, deerkit
Clan/Rank : rc warrior, skc mc, skc permaqueen, wc warrior, sc apprentice, wc kit
Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 1025
Gender : she/they
Age : 21

Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crush and Burn - Pt. 2   Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 EmptyTue 2 Apr 2024 - 22:42

"she'll walk with springtime wherever she goes."
t2 medicine cat | skyclan | she/her

Thymelight had originally felt relieved once Myrtlebloom had drifted off into sleep, but she had soon after decided to keep a close eye on the younger she-cat just in case anything too unfortunate was to happen. She had witnessed her own uncle die of his injuries in his sleep, and that was a sight that the tabby never wanted to witness ever again.

The warrior eventually returned from the land of slumber and called out out for Thymelight, to which she responded by quickly abandoning her current task at hand and rushing over. "Yes, yes, I'm here. I'm glad you're safe now, Myrtlebloom." The she-cat spoke softly to her Clanmate as she settled down beside her nest. "Don't try to walk. Your legs aren't ready to support you at the moment... but while you're here, can you tell me what happened? Were you out alone?"

Thymelight didn't want to ask too many questions, but she was concerned about the situation. No other warriors had escorted Myrtlebloom to the medicine den, which meant that she hadn't been on a patrol. The medicine cat shuddered at the thought of a fox ripping and tearing into her friend's flesh, but she kept on a peaceful smile for the sake of her patient.
discord: chuufacts  | timezone: est | code (c) kieer

Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Ezgif-1-d163073db6
thymelight skc t3mc 』
smallfawn skc queen 』
pantherpounce wc t4w 』
cardinalpaw sc app 』
deerkit wc kit 』
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Characters : Larkshine - Shadowclan //// Hickorypaw - Skyclan //// Weevilpaw - Windclan //// Beankit - Thunderclan
Clan/Rank : Shadowclan - Tier 4 Warrior //// Skyclan - Apprentice //// Windclan - Apprentice //// Thunderclan - Kit
Pisces Snake
Number of posts : 448
Gender : She/Her
Age : 23

Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crush and Burn - Pt. 2   Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 EmptyTue 9 Apr 2024 - 13:38

Tier 1 Warrior | Skyclan | She/Her

Tear prickled behind Myrtlebloom’s eyes as the event played over in her mind. A sigh escaped her lips. “Oh Thymelight, I don’t even know where to begin. I wasn’t paying attention. Such a stupid mistake which almost cost me my life.” A slight chuckle caught in her throat. The severity of the situation wasn’t funny, just the thought of being foolish enough to almost die because she was being mouse-brained made her want to laugh.

“I was out alone. I just wanted to go for a walk and didn’t even realize I had made it all the way to Highstones.” Her head dropped as she thought about what happened. “It happened so fast. I was lost in my thoughts and didn’t sense the fox at all until its teeth were already on my body.”

A shiver ran down her spine as she spoke, “I tried to fight it off, but it was bigger and stronger than me.” The tears that were making her eyes burn flowed down her cheeks. “If I wasn’t so mouse-brained this never would’ve happened.” A smile formed on her face as she met Thymelight’s gaze. “You probably think I’m sillier than a kit, don’t you? I know my mentor would think that.” Myrtlebloom turned her gaze to the entrance of the den as a whisper left her lips, “to think I almost died because I thought I could love him…”

Her ears flicked back towards the medicine cat, ‘Did she hear that?’ She turned back to her caretaker. She could trust Thymelight with that secret surely.

Discord: ChaoticCrow  | Timezone: Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) | Code (c) Kieer

Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Sig_of12 Crush and Burn - Pt. 2 Wccsig10
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