Hello fellow WindClans! A huge thanks to all those who took the time and effort to give us feedback in the survey, we really appreciate it and hope that we can learn from the feedback and improve! Here are a few main points we hope to work on following the survey:
1. More Open Topics & Clanwide Events
As shown from the results, the most desired areas that need to be worked on are Open topics, Clanwide events and Clanwide plots! We understand that there are people who have expressed need to see more of the other two options, but due to limited manpower following
Daisyfang's disappearance, we have decided to focus on the more prominent ones first and work our way from there!
So far, here are a few open topics and/or Clanwide mini events for everyone to check out!
Apprentice Sparring TournamentOpen HuntingSnowball FightMore open topics and/or mini events will be made, with the former taking place at least one every two weeks and the former taking place every 2-3 months.
Regarding the Clanwide, we do have some plots in the works and will be released in hopefully the next month or so. Personal plots with HRs are encouraged in the mean time, and we urge everyone with an interesting ideas to send a PM our way, either on site or through Discord. 1 to 1 interactions will have to be discussed between the HR and members, but always feel free to request any of us for a topic or two! We're always willing to have more topics with our clanmates, and if we forget something, please don't be scared to remind us of it! We may make a few mistakes every now and then, so a gentle bump would be very much appreciated <3
- honorable mentions: in-character relations:
as stated above, this will have to be discussed between HR and members, but it's something we're working on as best as we can!
2. OOC Communication
There was a previous incident, as explained by some of these comments, about Tigerstar and Reaper King's choice of having certain things and/or instructions be communicated through Discord rather than topics. A message was sent to the WindClan Chat after we were made aware of this:
- message:
"Hey I just wanted to clarify something with you guys based on what I have seen on our survey. The intention of having Tigers orders on the newsletter, and the daily life page is just for ease of access so no one has to go searching for topics! All orders will still happen in character and have a topic associated with them but I just want to make it easier for you guys to find said orders."
It was never Reaper King nor my intention to be lazy with instructions. To clarify: the idea was to have reminders be added to the monthly newsletter for ease of finding or catching up on important topics.
Another concern that was brought forward to us was that Reaper King gave instructions/information through Discord rather in a Clan Meeting that resulted in certain characters knowing more than others. We apologise for the confusion, as we thought that we were simply answering a question of what a character's reaction would be to a hypothetical scenario, and did not intend to issue instructions IC in such a manner. We will work on making information more clear-cut in the future. Many thanks to the people who raised this concern! It's a valid point and we hope to improve from it <3
3. Hemlockfox's Transition To WindClan + Clan Drama
Previously, we intened to take this plot slowly, as it would not make sense IC for Hemlockfox to join WindClan immediately, but after Daisyfang's disappearance we have picked up the pace in order to get WindClan a medicine cat as soon as possible. In the mean time, me or Reaper King will be doing the Moonstone Journeys, and we urge everyone who has an incomplete moonstone waiting on the medicine cat to approach us so that we may step in as we may not be aware of your topic! As for why we have yet to open MCA applications, we intent for Hemlockfox to settle down fully before allowing him to take on an apprentice.
As for spicing things up, we would encourage our members to help us out in this section! On top of our new mini events and open topics, small events planned by our members are also welcome! Fights at the borders are discouraged IC, but OOC we'd love to see our apprentices fight to tear out Sablestrike's other eye! If you push it hard enough, we may have a war on our hands ;)
4. Copperbeanz's Activity
- warning! - personal opinion:
While this may not seem a big deal to many, I would like to express my own opinion on this: As a HR, my work here is completely self voluntary, and I was chosen because I was deemed a good fit as a roleplayer and as a HR for WindClan at the time. If my activity drops for a short period of time, I suppose that is inevitable as I too am human, but if it's for an extended period of time I think it needs to be brought up to me. Perhaps I am having a tough time, but if I am I think I should not be having any more responsibilities to burden myself with. If I am unable to recognise that I am falling behind, I'd like to be told or reminded of it.
Of course, this is just my personal opinion, and Staff may be more lenient or strict depending on the situation. What I mean to say is that if anyone feels that my activity is not up to par, being a student or focusing on life is not an excuse for it. Plenty of people here on WCC have a far tougher life than me, and have more responsibilities, and yet no one is saying it's alright for them to be absent from their duties and still expect to hold onto their positions. So why should I be held at a different level of expectation? If there is any concern regarding any of my actions, please approach me as soon as possible so that I can fix it before it becomes a habit or worse.
And that wraps up this Month's survey results! There were more stuff to note on the survey, but most of the important things should be addressed here. If anyone is unsatisfied with the answers, feel free to reach out to me or Reaper King! And a reminder to look out for next month's HR Survey to let us know how we've improved/deproved! The link will be found in every month's newsletter.
Thank you for reading all this and happy roleplaying~!