Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
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 By surprise [closed]

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2 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Murkyriver ♀ | Snowvixen ♀ | Hollowgrove ♀ | Mountainpaw ♀ | Loonkit ♀ ~~ Copper was here
Clan/Rank : Riverclan | Windclan | Shadowclan | Thunderclan
Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 4982
Gender : She/Her - ash was here :3 and Ro!
Age : 21

By surprise [closed] Empty
PostSubject: By surprise [closed]   By surprise [closed] EmptySat 27 Jan 2024 - 8:56

She'd lived enough now to see that her world was currently full of nothing but ice and snow, yet still not enough to have seen her actual homelands. Promises of this moor floated about with exhausted jubilee, yet there was simply no image that was conjured in her mind's eye when it was spoken. She'd asked multiple times what exactly it meant, only ever told things such as 'it is a clear field of grass.' She had never even touched grass in her life! She'd only ever touched snow. Snow, snow, and even more snow. It gave her sister, Heatherkit, all too much of an advantage when they played cat-and-mouse. It simply wasn't fair to a feline like her, who was multicolored in so many different ways.

A mismatched set of eyes--one green like her father, the other yellow like her mother--stared with vigorous intent at a branch that had broken its way out of a pile of snow. Her claws had yet to have the ability to sheathe, but for all Crakekit cared, it meant that she had a much better time gripping on the strange, chilly powder that liked to soak her fluffy pelt. Still, on that lone branch was a leaf. That leaf had her full attention, the absolute focus clear on her face as she waited for a heartbeat. Then two. Then launched herself directly at it, teeth and claws and all. A tiny grunt came out of her as she did so, the effort she gave clearly being her all.

After all, her father was the deputy. That meant he was someone special. She would be an apprentice soon enough--even if it would still be a few moons--but she was going to be the best apprentice there was! The daughter of the deputy, after all, had to be someone special. Someone good.

By surprise [closed] RFRAcV8
v e t e r a n .  u s e r   •   f o r m e r  . a d m i n
p r o f i l e s   •   h e a r t .  c h a r t

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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

By surprise [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: By surprise [closed]   By surprise [closed] EmptyMon 29 Jan 2024 - 20:46


"Wow," came a deep meow from behind the tiny kit, "That's quite the pounce! Great catch," purred the voice. It belonged to Galestorm, a young warrior. His dilute tortoiseshell tabby fur was a stark contrast with the brilliant landscape around them, his amber eyes studying the kit's movements. "If that leaf had been a mouse, it would be freshkill for sure. It looks like WindClan has its own natural born hunter."

Galestorm felt regretful that he hadn't been present for Fennelbreeze's kitting. The news about the loss of his mentor had hit him hard, and then he had been named warrior soon after. Since then he had been working hard to hunt for the clan while they rested. He had never been around new kits since he'd been a kit himself, and he was determined to be the best role model he could be for the future warriors. A clan was only as strong as the bonds of its warriors.

"What is your name?" he asked the kit. "I am Galestorm."

name. uwubers timezone. EST discord. @ uwubers code.kiikko

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Murkyriver ♀ | Snowvixen ♀ | Hollowgrove ♀ | Mountainpaw ♀ | Loonkit ♀ ~~ Copper was here
Clan/Rank : Riverclan | Windclan | Shadowclan | Thunderclan
Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 4982
Gender : She/Her - ash was here :3 and Ro!
Age : 21

By surprise [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: By surprise [closed]   By surprise [closed] EmptyTue 30 Jan 2024 - 18:23

It was a leap of surprise that had the young kit sailing several tail-lengths into the air, entirely unexpecting the voice of the warrior that came behind her. "Kyah!" Her focus entirely vanished, just like the snow that she'd sent flying with her maneuver. As she scrambled to turn around, her maw opened, then closed, and opened in several repetitions as she stared at the tom who was now behind her. He smelled like her mama and papa, so surely, he had to be Windclan too, right? That question was soon answered as he gave his name. Galestorm.

"I'm Crakekit! I'm going to be papa's best warrior. Can we fight? Pleasepleasepleeaaassseeee? I wanna train with a real warrior!!!" Her enthusiasm and passion for battle was clearly not going to be extinguished by the obvious advantage the tom in front of her had, and her claws picked at the snow as she practically bounced in front of him.

By surprise [closed] RFRAcV8
v e t e r a n .  u s e r   •   f o r m e r  . a d m i n
p r o f i l e s   •   h e a r t .  c h a r t

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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

By surprise [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: By surprise [closed]   By surprise [closed] EmptyTue 30 Jan 2024 - 19:32


Galestorm flinched back as the kit went flying into the air at his approach.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you so bad," he apologized to the little spitfire. As he saw the energy and passion in the depths of the kit's bicolored eyes, his whiskers twitched.

"Alright, Crakekit," he humored her, "Sootstorm's best, you say? Hah. You'll have to out-warrior me, first, and good luck with that," he lowered himself into a playful crouch, his eyes gleaming. "Alright Crakekit, see if you can get me!" He wiggled his haunches as if prepared to pounce, swishing his long, feathery tail back and forth tauntingly.

It had been so long since Galestorm had played. Memories of spending time with Cloudypetal as kits rushed back to him, and how they played in the leaves and collected rocks. Good times, he mused. His heart ached with longing for the old bond he had with his littermate. That exact bond he saw in Sootstorm's kits. Galestorm decided he would nurture and encourage those bonds, and be the best role model he could be for WindClan's newest additions.

Galestorm suddenly looked distracted, a somewhat faraway light in his eyes.

name. uwubers timezone. EST discord. @ uwubers code.kiikko

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Murkyriver ♀ | Snowvixen ♀ | Hollowgrove ♀ | Mountainpaw ♀ | Loonkit ♀ ~~ Copper was here
Clan/Rank : Riverclan | Windclan | Shadowclan | Thunderclan
Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 4982
Gender : She/Her - ash was here :3 and Ro!
Age : 21

By surprise [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: By surprise [closed]   By surprise [closed] EmptyThu 1 Feb 2024 - 6:36

He took her challenge! Instantly, that made her feel much more likened to the tom. Her paws weren't quite yet to the point where she could hide her claws, and as such, the tiny little needles gripped the ground where she moved as she hopped about to follow his tail. "Challenge accepted!" A ferocity that surely had to be from at least one of her parents fueled her voice, and she zipped about to follow the feathered appendage.

However, it was by an act of surprise of the kit that she wasn't going to go for the obvious target. Instead, in true kit-like, chaotic vigor, she went for the side of the tom's neck. He'd protected it fine enough, but what she really wanted to do was try and scramble onto his back. As her little paws flailed, one caught on his muzzle, the razor-sharp claws instinctively trying to grip on wherever she could hold. "Gotcha!" Oblivious to what damage her tiny daggers were doing, she tried to scramble atop his back, gripping at any snags in his pelt to haul her upwards.

By surprise [closed] RFRAcV8
v e t e r a n .  u s e r   •   f o r m e r  . a d m i n
p r o f i l e s   •   h e a r t .  c h a r t

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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

By surprise [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: By surprise [closed]   By surprise [closed] EmptyFri 2 Feb 2024 - 20:38


Galestorm lashed his tail spinning around in an effort to avoid the kit's tiny talons. He led her around with his tail, letting out a mrrow of laughter as he watched Crakekit race determinedly after him. Galestorm yelped as she bounded, not for his tail, but his neck - and rolled over playfully, prepared to admit mock-defeat, when one of those thorn-sharp talons caught him over his nose, followed my searing hot pain.

Galestorm yowled, covering his nose with his paws. "Ouch!" he meowed as he pulled his paws back, shocked to find them covered with blood. "Crakekit, wait," he mewed as the tiny cat made her way successfully onto his back. He rolled over slowly, but the little spitfire was still connected to his fur. "I'm bleeding," he told her as blood welled up, red and sticky at the end of his snout. He shook his head, spattering droptlets about in the snow. "You got me good," he admitted, dabbing at his nose.

Why is there so much blood? he wondered. There's no way I can go to Daisyfang for this. How am I supposed to explain what happened? I don't want to get Crakekit in trouble, but more importantly... I can't admit that a kit defeated me!

name. uwubers timezone. EST discord. @ uwubers code.kiikko

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Murkyriver ♀ | Snowvixen ♀ | Hollowgrove ♀ | Mountainpaw ♀ | Loonkit ♀ ~~ Copper was here
Clan/Rank : Riverclan | Windclan | Shadowclan | Thunderclan
Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 4982
Gender : She/Her - ash was here :3 and Ro!
Age : 21

By surprise [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: By surprise [closed]   By surprise [closed] EmptyMon 5 Feb 2024 - 19:44

At his yowl, the small kit lept back. Absolute fear registered in her gaze at his reaction, the loud noise having startled her. Subsequently, all of her pelt fluffed up, making her appear twice her size than she truly was. Just as she was about to dart away to go hide in fear of the ire of the very-much fully fledged warrior, he called her to fully halt, and she fully left his pelt without so much more as another swat or word. Her folded ears pinned back, and she folded herself in, attempting to make herself tiny. It... only achieved in making herself appear her original size. "I'm... I'm so sorry, Galestorm..." She whimpered, and her tiny paws kneaded at the snow in a bit of fear.

"Do... do we bring you to Daisyfang? I... I'm gonna be in trouble, aren't I? Mama always says not to be fighting so much...."

By surprise [closed] RFRAcV8
v e t e r a n .  u s e r   •   f o r m e r  . a d m i n
p r o f i l e s   •   h e a r t .  c h a r t

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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

By surprise [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: By surprise [closed]   By surprise [closed] EmptyMon 5 Feb 2024 - 20:37


Galestorm dabbed his paw at his nose a bit more and sighed.
"It's okay," he mewed. "It's just a scratch. I might have to see Daisyfang, yes," he told her, noticing her posture, and he relaxed himself and let his gaze soften. "But it's okay. Accidents happen sometimes." He rose to his paws and padded toward the kit, laying down non-threateningly next to her. "Listen," he prompted her, "I will tell her I got it caught on a bramble while I was chasing prey. You won't get in trouble." He couldn't help but think about how he had clawed his own sister's ear in a fit of rage, and Crakekit was obviously very apologetic. Unlike him, she didn't deserve to be punished for this.

"Besides," he said, his tone lightening, "I think once this heals, it'll be a pretty neat scar, don't you think?" He reached a paw out and very gently cuffed the kit over her ears. "You did good taking me off guard like that. You will be a great warrior, Crakekit. Just keep practicing, and you could even be one of WindClan's best."

name. uwubers timezone. EST discord. @ uwubers code.kiikko

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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