Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 we're both destined for the stars; both?[c]

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3 posters


Characters : //Living//:[J]uniperhunt, [Q]uillsplash | Bird, [Sc]orchivy, [L]eopardwind, [C]reamlily, [M]ilkkit, [Sp]arrowkit //Dead:// Tawnyshadow, Sootstorm, Cinderpaw, Ajex | Palekit, Shatteredsky, Reedshine, Deerleap, Slightfrost, Specklepaw, Sunfire, Copperlark
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan T1 Warrior [Q]ShadowClan T5 Warrior [Sc]WindClan NPC PermaQueen [L]WindClan T3 Warrior [C]WindClan T3 Warrior [M]RiverClan Kit [Sp]Unborn SkyClan Kit
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3633
Age : 14

we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] Empty
PostSubject: we're both destined for the stars; both?[c]   we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] EmptyTue 30 Jul 2024 - 6:05

The first few sunrises as a new warrior had been exciting, but the realisation that his littermates were not following along was an immediate dampen on his mood. Maybe time had been all that they needed; after all, from what he understood, not all of them had brilliant mentors(his wasn't really great, but suppose his siblings' luck were even worse?) to guide them along swiftly. He hoped none of them wenting missing in the meantime-- Quickpaw and Moosepaw's disappearance had been hard for all of them, he knew.

Any yet, his patience was beginning to run thin. More than a moon had passed since his ceremony, with apprentices from Rapidfire's litter and Nectarflower's litter gaining their warrior names, and yet none of his siblings had been promoted yet. Something was clearly wrong. And what better way to address this than to have a talk with them personnaly? But he knew that most of his siblings did not take kindly to any help he had to offer. It hurt him, truthfully, but he would respect their choices. Perhaps they wanted to be the best version of themself they can be by nothing but their own hard work.

By stroke of luck, however, Auburnrain had asked him one day to take her apprentice out for a lesson, which contents had been left up to him. The way the she-cat relayed the message to him seemed so annoyed, Leopardwind wondered if this was part of the reason Viperpaw was still an apprentice. Having a mentor that didn't want to put in any effort must have been a pain. As such, when he found his sister and led her to his chosen training spot, he had already planned what he wanted to say.

Sparing little for pleasantries, Leopardwind rounded on his sister, golden gaze narrowed on Viperpaw. "Say, sister, why is it you're still an apprentice? You and I both know that we-- us, and our littermates-- should find the requirements to progress to warriorhood an easy task. I can forgive our siblings' taking their time, that is their choice, but you? Haven't you always claimed to be leader one day? I find it difficult to think of you slacking during lessons."

"Sister, may I ask if you have gotten on anyone's bad side recently? Did you get into a fight with Auburnrain, Rapidfire, any of the senior warriors, or worse still, Father? Or anyone that's close to these cats, say, Rapidfire's children?"


Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T5 Warrior / #802318
Juniperhunt / She-Cat / ShadowClan T1 Warrior / #b9abb2
Scorchivy / She-Cat / WindClan NPC PermaQueen / #009966
Leopardwind / Tom / WindClan T3 Warrior / #cc9900
Creamlily / She-Cat / WindClan T3 Warrior / #ff6600
Milkkit / Tom / RiverClan Kit / #dbc6ad
Sparrowkit / She-Cat / Unborn SkyClan Kit / #993366

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Characters : [S]ilverdusk, [L]ouse, [N]ettleweaver, [V]iperpaw, [P]etalkit, [C]lovermottle, Brackendawn* Burningpaw*, Oakberry*, Ospreypaw*, Weaselpaw*, Gladepaw*, Darkflower*, Pumapaw*, Hazeflight*, Driftcloud*, Spructhorn*, Hollyshard*, Ospreypaw*, Blurrypaw*, Dapplekit*, Jaguar*
Clan/Rank : [S] ThunderClan T5 warrior [L] T3 rogue [N] Shadowclan T3 warrior [V] WindClan Apprentice [P] ThunderClan kit [C] RiverClan perma-queen
Taurus Monkey
Number of posts : 2379
Gender : any pronouns
Age : 20

we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: we're both destined for the stars; both?[c]   we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] EmptyFri 9 Aug 2024 - 13:07

Viperpaw could have thanked the stars when she found out Leopardwind would be taking over her training, if only for the day. Finally, someone would see her worth and get her the promotion she so deserved. She followed him out of a camp a rare cheery smile plastered on her maw, an indication of her high spirits. Though, it didn’t take long for her expression to fall. Viperpaw’s pelt bristled at her brother’s tone, at the words he said. If it came from anyone else she would have scoffed and spat something even worse back, Leopardwind was different. He was the same as her and he was prospering, while she was dragged along behind like a limping animal. Still, even if she saw him as an equal she wasn’t going to just… roll over. ”You’re the only one of us that is a warrior, are you not the outlier then?… But, to answer your question I do not know.” answered Viperpaw, tail lashing ”Though, I’m guessing, hypothesising, i’ve been given the hardest path to warriorhood to prepare me for when I am leader. Auburnrain and Creamlily and every other mousebrian that I currently share a den with are nothing compared to what I will face in my future.”

That was a mostly fair response, she thought. ”So, are you done lecturing me about something that isn’t my fault? I thought we were training and I was actually hoping to learn something seeing as i’m temporarily free from my imbecilic mentor and companion. Once you see i’m capable maybe I’ll finally be able to take my rightful place in the warrior’s den. See? Let’s train it’ll help me and it’ll help you.” she mewed, pushing past him.


silverdusk | thunderclan | tier five warrior | 70/200 | #99cc99
louse | rogue | tier three rogue | 55/140 | #669966
nettleweaver | shadowclan | npc tier three warrior | 50/130 | #996666
viperpaw| windclan | apprentice | 20/40 | #b3b300
petalkit | thunderclan | kit | 15/30 | #e6b0aa
clovermottle | RiverClan | npc perma queen | 50/80 | #ff9966

we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] Giphy

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Characters : //Living//:[J]uniperhunt, [Q]uillsplash | Bird, [Sc]orchivy, [L]eopardwind, [C]reamlily, [M]ilkkit, [Sp]arrowkit //Dead:// Tawnyshadow, Sootstorm, Cinderpaw, Ajex | Palekit, Shatteredsky, Reedshine, Deerleap, Slightfrost, Specklepaw, Sunfire, Copperlark
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan T1 Warrior [Q]ShadowClan T5 Warrior [Sc]WindClan NPC PermaQueen [L]WindClan T3 Warrior [C]WindClan T3 Warrior [M]RiverClan Kit [Sp]Unborn SkyClan Kit
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3633
Age : 14

we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: we're both destined for the stars; both?[c]   we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] EmptySat 10 Aug 2024 - 0:04

"Arrogant as always, sister," Leopardwind commented dryly as Viperpaw returned with a flurry of attempts to shift the blame to her mentor and fellow apprentice. Yes, the quality of one's mentor mattered much when it came to the progression of one's skills... but he hadn't exactly had the strongest mentor either. Rapidfire was soft, too gentle and more than willing to let him go off in life without obtaining perfection even once. Unbelievable. And this was how WindClan's warriors were trained? No, Leopardwind had reached where he was thanks to his own skills, his own effort to work harder, faster, be the best at everything he did. "Perhaps if you spent less time bickering with that insolent Creamlily, you'd find yourself in the same den as me already," He scoffed, "I don't know what you see in that creature to even place yourself in the same competing grounds as her. You're the daughter of the leader, for StarClan's sake, you should know you're better than her."

Oh, so she wanted to train? Well, Leopardwind wasn't going to even attempt to go easy on her. It was about time she learnt the difference between a cat that refused to accept responsibility for their own training and one that did. The black warrior circled Viperpaw, his lips drawn back in a snarl. "You have so much potential in you, Viperpaw, it's disgusting to watch it all go to waste so that you can mess around with a cat that would get no where in this Clan. Who cares what your mentor is like? I'm here, so learn what you need, and learn it quick." No sooner had he finished speaking that he darted forward, nipping at the she-cat's hindleg before darting away once again. "Go on, show me you're worthy of a warrior's name."

Leopardwind used Bite, dealing 11dmg at the cost of 5EP
Surprise Attack is in effect, dealing an additional 3dmg at the cost of 10EP


50/50 HP
125/140 EP (-15)

6/20 HP (-14)
60/60 EP


Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T5 Warrior / #802318
Juniperhunt / She-Cat / ShadowClan T1 Warrior / #b9abb2
Scorchivy / She-Cat / WindClan NPC PermaQueen / #009966
Leopardwind / Tom / WindClan T3 Warrior / #cc9900
Creamlily / She-Cat / WindClan T3 Warrior / #ff6600
Milkkit / Tom / RiverClan Kit / #dbc6ad
Sparrowkit / She-Cat / Unborn SkyClan Kit / #993366

Art Commissions | Character Profiles | Plotting | Character Relations | Open Litter | Art Giveaway
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Characters : [S]ilverdusk, [L]ouse, [N]ettleweaver, [V]iperpaw, [P]etalkit, [C]lovermottle, Brackendawn* Burningpaw*, Oakberry*, Ospreypaw*, Weaselpaw*, Gladepaw*, Darkflower*, Pumapaw*, Hazeflight*, Driftcloud*, Spructhorn*, Hollyshard*, Ospreypaw*, Blurrypaw*, Dapplekit*, Jaguar*
Clan/Rank : [S] ThunderClan T5 warrior [L] T3 rogue [N] Shadowclan T3 warrior [V] WindClan Apprentice [P] ThunderClan kit [C] RiverClan perma-queen
Taurus Monkey
Number of posts : 2379
Gender : any pronouns
Age : 20

we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: we're both destined for the stars; both?[c]   we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] EmptyFri 13 Sep 2024 - 10:38

[color:fd9c=bcb300]”Oh believe me, Leopardwind I know that. hissed Viperpaw ”I was happy when she got promoted because perhaps, finally someone would notice i was the better apprentice.” her ears were flat against her skull ”Clearly, I’m worth dirt to both Auburnrain and Rapidfire, despite my great aptitude.” Her brother was taunting her, doing everything he could to get under her skin and it was working. How dare he… He wasn’t there he knew nothing! ”Yiu weren’t even in the apprentice den with me!” her voice was shrill and girlish like a spoilt kit and it only made the golden apprentice more enraged, she took several short punctuated step towards Leopardwind so that they were nose to nose. Green eyes bore into his as he spoke, she was so consumed with her own victimhood that she didn’t realise training has begun.

It only truly registered when his teeth connected with her hind leg, instinctively she kicked out hoping to catch him, but he wasn’t there. Viperpaw snarled, she’d wanted to show him that she was worthy, more than worthy, that even though she was an apprentice she was ten times more capable than he was. ”I’m going to make you eat dirt.” the she-cat growled lowly. She meant it to, launching forward with reckless abandonment and knocking him to the ground. As he tumbled, she slammed her paws onto his back, shoving him into the dirt. ”How does it taste, Leopardwind?”

Viperpaw used Leap and Hold on Leopardwind! Dealing -5 HP and costing -10 EP
Leopardwind is pinned for 1 turn!


6/20 HP
50/60 EP (-10 EP)

Leopardwind (pinned 1/1)

45/50 HP (-5 HP)
125/140 EP


silverdusk | thunderclan | tier five warrior | 70/200 | #99cc99
louse | rogue | tier three rogue | 55/140 | #669966
nettleweaver | shadowclan | npc tier three warrior | 50/130 | #996666
viperpaw| windclan | apprentice | 20/40 | #b3b300
petalkit | thunderclan | kit | 15/30 | #e6b0aa
clovermottle | RiverClan | npc perma queen | 50/80 | #ff9966

we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] Giphy

pinterest boards | plotting pages | character profiles | heartchart

Last edited by Midnee on Fri 13 Sep 2024 - 10:39; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
Clan/Rank : RiverClanWarrior
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15455
Age : 30

we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: we're both destined for the stars; both?[c]   we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] EmptyFri 13 Sep 2024 - 10:38

The member 'Midnee' has done the following action : Dice roll

'Effect Dice' : 5

~Founder/Owner of WCC~
~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
~Please pm Administrators with queries as I'm not active~
we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] Mistpe10
we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] Sig2
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we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: we're both destined for the stars; both?[c]   we're both destined for the stars; both?[c] Empty

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