Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
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 meep's heart charts <3

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Characters : [S]agekit, [R]idgepaw, [E]mberkit
Clan/Rank : [S]RiverClan Kit [R]SkyClan Apprentice [E]ShadowClan Kit
Taurus Monkey
Number of posts : 38
Gender : she/her
Age : 20

meep's heart charts <3 Empty
PostSubject: meep's heart charts <3   meep's heart charts <3 EmptyThu 4 Apr 2024 - 17:08

miupow’s heartchart
Welcome to my heartchart! Idea and code taken from kiikko's original post.
Stoneheart |
His mother. He's both inspired by her and resents her; he's convinced she loves serving her clan more than she's ever loved her only son.

character name | hearts
"Character's opinion here!"


character name | hearts
"Character's opinion here!"

I stress about stress before there's even stress to stress about


[b]Your Character Name:[/b]
[b]What Character's Chart You Want On:[/b]

[color=lightblue][b]♡ Family:[/b] ([i]These are the people whom you are related to by blood, or consider to be like family otherwise.[/i])[/color]
[color=#8040FF][b]♡ Through Rumor:[/b] ([i]These are people whom you have heard of, but have yet to meet personally.[/i])[/color]
[color=#8080FF][b]♡ Acquaintance:[/b] ([i]Those whom you have met, but have not yet formed any lasting bonds with.[/i])[/color]
[color=#008000][b]♡ Friend:[/b] ([i]Those whom you consider to be closer to you than acquaintances, but not exceptionally close.[/i])[/color]
[color=#00FF00][b]♡ Best Friend:[/b] ([i]Those whom you are exceptionally close to, and that you can always rely on.[/i])[/color]
[color=#FFBFFF][b]♡ Crush:[/b] ([i]Those whom you are attracted to, but unable to admit such attraction to; not quite as shallow as lust, but not as fully developed as romantic love or full blown relationships.[/i])[/color]
[color=#FF0080][b]♡ Relationship:[/b] ([i]Those whom you are in a relationship with; note that relationships do not always automatically denote Romantic Love.[/i]) [STATUS: (Boy/Girlfriend, Lover, Fiance/Fiancee, Spouse, etc)][/color]
[color=tan][b]♡ Love/Hate:[/b] ([i]Those whom you may hate, but find that you cannot live without; a classical relationship that often turns comedic.[/i])[/color]
[color=#808040][b]♡ Lost Touch:[/b] ([i]Those whom you have little to no contact with, whether permanently or temporarily.[/i])[/color]
[color=#0080FF][b]♡ Annoyance:[/b] ([i]Those whom annoy and pester you.[/i])[/color]
[color=#990000][b]♡ Enemies:[/b] ([i]Those who are allied against you, or those that you truly hate.[/i])[/color]
[color=#400040][b]♡ Superior:[/b] ([i]Those whom are in command of you/your organization, or those whom you turn to for advice and guidance.[/i])[/color]
[color=#BF40BF][b]♡ Business:[/b] ([i]Those whom you do business with, whether it be crewmates, co-workers, traders, etc.[/i])[/color]
[color=#663300][b]♡ Student:[/b] ([i]Those whom you mentor[/i])[/color]
[color=grey][b]♡ Not... Sure:[/b] ([i]Anyone whom you do not have a defined sense of connection to, or that does not fall into any of the other categories.[/i])[/color]
[color=#008080][b]♡ It's Complicated:[/b] ([i]Those whom fit into so many categories that it requires a tutorial to understand your relationship with them.[/i])[/color]
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meep's heart charts <3
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