Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Happy 2nd Birthday Swiftheart

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Number of posts : 2912
Gender : Unspecified

Happy 2nd Birthday Swiftheart Empty
PostSubject: Happy 2nd Birthday Swiftheart   Happy 2nd Birthday Swiftheart EmptyMon 27 Nov 2023 - 18:56

It is 2 years since I have joined and that means it is Swiftheart's second birthday!  (okie... technically its only the 27th and not the 28th but im going to bed soon and so I wont be on at midnight)

To celebrate, I have dug up some of her most memorable topics (or the ones I could find links to XD)

Please! Feel free to comment on any of these, or post some of your favorite topics with her perhaps too.  Thank you for 2 amazing years here on site

November 28th 2021:
A new kit is created

Swiftkit does her best to comfort her brother who awoke from a nightmare:

Speedy's note: This one always stands out to me.  I dont really know why it stands out in my memory so much... nothing objectively happens in it too much but I just really liked the topic overall.

Swift playing with night

Speedy's note: yea.. I was very new to rp here and you can defenetly see me sort of still getting used to it in general I think in this post.  I even thought somehow that Misty was the leader ... yikes...

I umm like it because it is sort of the beginnings of swift.  You can still see that energetic spirit she has even this early.  I also like it because in her early life Misty(dad) was a very big role model to her and that is showed a bit in here.


Swiftpaw visits Loudy after he got smacked by the monster (100% the moths fault)

Speedy's note: an iconic stable swift topic really.  Grey did a fantastic work of art about this topic that can be found in my character pages or at the end of the topic.  I like it because this was sort of in the Golden age of when swift had many many siblings, (loudy, basil) still alive, Misty(dad) and murky(mom) still alive ext.


Swiftheart helps her wounded first appretnice Deerpaw back to camp after a raccoon attack

Speedy's note: WOW back with Froststar, time really flies somehow. Yeah this one was a lot of fun to write idk it just stands out I guess because idk it was just like oh wow she got her first apprentice and then immediately after this happens.

THE DRAMAAA.  This happens right after Shadowclan got clobbered by the forgotten order.

Speedy's note:  poor swift... her first heartbreak.  Dont worry, it gets better from here.  Rat and her do end up falling in love and have a litter but he dies saving her from the dark forest.  As of writing this, Crowspirit is their last kit still alive.


Speedy's note: So this is where Swiftheart meets Icekit (now Pine). **Icekit became Iceheart who changed names to Pineblossom.  Pineblossom prefers to not be called ice anymore** but to keep things as clear as possible I have included Ice/Pine when referring to her here:

I think... it is also the first time Ice/Pine and Forest interact but am not positive on that.  (Ice/Pine) and Forest go on to become mates so its kinda sweet to look back on this early interaction of them.  Ice/Pine and Swift have become life long friends so seeing this post is always very nice

and out of order I am going to jump to much more current times just to continue the Pine and Swift theme for a little:


Speedy's note:
This is all about Swiftheart being excited for Pine's litter and meeting them.  So pine was very much so correct in saying to her kits that swift and herself were lifelong friends indeed. Is just very nice to see the two topics side by side I think.

and now jumping a bit back in time actually:


This post is always special because Deerleap and Swiftheart continued to be very close even after Deer became warrior.  They practice sparred a lot.  

Swiftheart almost always won.  However, in their last spar
(before Deerleap sacrificed herself for the clan to bring back the stars)
Deerleap won the last spar they ever had. I like it because it shows that finally the apprentice had surpassed the mentor and was fully grown now.

I couldn't find the spar where Deerleap wins but it exists trust me.

There are many many other topics of course but I just could not pick any more favorites out.

Copper found the spar where deerleap wins.

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Characters : Lighttail (SkC), Sunflare (SC), Sageroot (TC), Bianca (Rogue)
Clan/Rank : Lighttail: SkyClan T2 warrior. Sunflare: ShadowClan T5 warrior. Sageroot: ThunderClan T4 Deputy. Bianca: Tier 1 Rogue
Aquarius Dog
Number of posts : 2511
Gender : She/her, They/them
Age : 18

Happy 2nd Birthday Swiftheart Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy 2nd Birthday Swiftheart   Happy 2nd Birthday Swiftheart EmptyTue 28 Nov 2023 - 11:09

Happy anniversary Speedy and happy birthday Swiftheart! I’ve always loved your girl.
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Happy 2nd Birthday Swiftheart
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