Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad

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Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad Empty
PostSubject: Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad   Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad EmptyTue 6 Dec 2022 - 18:04

(OOC: Guess we both like characters that start with s huh?)

(OOC part 2 imma probably include this on alot of Storm posts:: bold text is his thoughts red is his speech. The bold is gonna be used alot for him cause he doesnt say what he thinks at all. Hes gonna pretend super well to be your friend. hes anything but)

It was awhile past all the twolegs swarming them as Stormwatcher krept back to 4trees still very careful. The last thing he wanted was to get snagged by some ugly twoleg.

Glancing around he saw another cat over in 4trees so it must be safe-ish for now. If any trouble came Stormwatcher figured he didnt have to outrun the twoleg, just had to trip this random cat and outrun them. That looked easy enough.

He had no emotions and if it meant sacrificing a clanmate to get away he wouldnt blink about it or lose any sleep over that decision. Out here it was every cat for themselves.

It was like that anyways just more so now that things were in chaos mode. The clans meant little to him only that they provided him protection in numbers... and the added bonus that most of his mousebrained clanmates actually belived in the code and helping him succeed.


That was great though! He was all for them working hard so that he could have a nice life.

He trotted over to twoleg bait (that was this cats knickname until he got to know their real name)

"geez these twolegs man!" he meowed while scenting at this cat.. hmm yup this was a skyclan cat for sure!

Hmm come to think of it he guessed he had seen em around camp... what was their name again??

"We should try and maybe find Briarstar" he said decisively

I want you to think I give a mouse's tail about Briarstar... In reality I know shes probably dead or so far gone from here that I will never have to worry about her again ... which is great cause I want that new deputy slot that is gonna open cause of this

"But first you are okay right? They didnt hurt you at all?

Im half wishing they did hurt you so I have a valid excuse to not have to actually look for Briarstar with you

"hmm maybe after all we have been through we should just rest for now and see if any of out other clanmates show back up
This is my preferred option and I hope you are not stupid enough to think we can actually find Briarstar

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Characters : Sablestrike T5 Deputy (Shadowclan), Stoatclaw T3 Warrior (Skyclan), Willowpaw (Shadowclan), Gorsepaw [Bonus Slot](Windclan) | Ro is the best bud to ever exist in the world of best buds
Number of posts : 1350
Gender : Copper was here <3 (& Kitty)

Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad   Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad EmptyTue 6 Dec 2022 - 18:37

Lightningpaw was gone. Hours of searching had all but proved that, though if she was smart she wouldn't have let him know she was around anyway. All he could do was hope that she was safe somewhere. With Birdchaser's words stuck in his mind, Stoatclaw figured that Fourtrees would be the best place to wait for his clan, especially with the swarm of twolegs finally gone from the place. They wouldn't come back to the scene of the crime so soon, so for at least another hour or so he would be free to wait for any cats that might show up. Paws sounded, and a moment later a familiar voice sounded. "Oh, hi uh..." Stars, what was his name? "Stormchaser?" That sounded right. Stoatclaw shook his head at the mention of Briarstar. Briarstar was a very capable cat, she could handle herself. There wasn't a point in looking for her. "You... Do have eyes, right? Do I look injured?" Perhaps it was a bit rude, but he didn't really care at the moment. "That's what I was doing already, seems like a good idea since you showed up. I guess you can keep me company while we wait." He really didn't want to have to deal with Stormchaser at all, his way of speaking had always seemed off to Stoatclaw, but how did you bring something like that up?

Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad Adobe_10
Art by Copperbeans!

Art By Kiikko! (@Kikkoman on Twitter)

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Pixel Art by Aspen!

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Number of posts : 3124
Gender : Unspecified

Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad   Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad EmptyTue 6 Dec 2022 - 18:55

Stormwatcher settled down next to his clanmate at the offer but kept his weight forward in case he had to dart off again from the twolegs or any other sort of danger that came their way. He figured he could outrun Stoatclaw if it came to that.

Hmm so he wasnt hurt... dang did that mean they had to go look for Briarsta??

NOPE! thank goodness! It appeared Stoatclaw had no intrest in that either, maybe he was more sensible than Stormwatcher had given him credit for.

Hmm what to talk about.... how could he think of a topic that would make Stoatclaw want him to be deputy.

"hmm gonna be so weird without her. I wonder what bird will do now that they are in charge he mewed casually.

maybe Stoatclaw had heard who the new deputy might be... if that was the case maybe Storm could ... ahem.. pay them a visit before they got to become deputy... it would be so easy to just say a twoleg got em and then Storm would have a better shot at becoming the next deputy for himself.

Of course he was patient too though, if nothing worked out right this instant he could lie low and pick em off later too maybe. Whatever he was gonna do it was gonna benefit him first, he didnt care about his clan but was willing to lie if that meant getting himself a better position.

"hmm maybe you would make a good deputy Stoatclaw he praised the cat sitting next to him

Imma pretent to complement you here so in case you are picked you think I like you. In reality?? If you are picked for deputy imma wait till a good opportunity to pick you off arises, then a little "accident" will befall you... truly tragic... I almost hope you are not picked I kinda dont mind you as much as the other clanmates so far

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Site Moderator
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Characters : Sablestrike T5 Deputy (Shadowclan), Stoatclaw T3 Warrior (Skyclan), Willowpaw (Shadowclan), Gorsepaw [Bonus Slot](Windclan) | Ro is the best bud to ever exist in the world of best buds
Number of posts : 1350
Gender : Copper was here <3 (& Kitty)

Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad   Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad EmptyTue 6 Dec 2022 - 19:17

He really should have clarified that Stormwatcher could keep him company quietly, this cat sure did have a lot to talk about. Stoatclaw's fur pricked as he realized just what the other tom had said. "Wait, what do you mean by that? Did something happen to Briarstar?" That didn't really bother him too much, she had nine lives, and Starclan was guiding her, she would be fine out there. She had to be. Stormwatcher was probably just trying to have a little bit of fun at his expense, that could be the only reason he would say something like that. "I'm not really in the mood for jokes, Stormchaser. Maybe don't try making any?"

More talking, this time about some outlandish idea that he might be a good deputy. He would be anything but. "Yeah I would make a great deputy. A cat that can't fight well, and a fresh warrior at that, what more could you want in a new deputy?" he mewed sarcastically. He had absolutely no confidence in getting such a position, not that he'd want it in the first place. Though if he did by some stroke of luck get picked, he would have to make sure Blackbear was exiled before stepping down from the position. That would be nice. "Besides, I don't think Birdchaser would choose me as deputy even if she could." Why would she pick someone that had clawed at her over someone more qualified for the position? "Look, if you want to talk that bad then try talking about something that matters. Did you see any other Skyclan cats while you were in the forest? Any of the apprentices?"

Stoatclaw and Stormwatcher the second S squad Adobe_10
Art by Copperbeans!

Art By Kiikko! (@Kikkoman on Twitter)

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Pixel Art by Aspen!

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