Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 My patience is running thin [closed]

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [S]mallstar [A]stershine [J]ayfrost [F]allowpaw ----- DECEASED: Robinloft Clementine Elsa, Morningpaw,
Libra Dog
Number of posts : 2016
Gender : he/they/ey
Age : 17

My patience is running thin [closed] Empty
PostSubject: My patience is running thin [closed]   My patience is running thin [closed] EmptyMon Feb 01, 2021 6:43 am

Since the incident with Beecloud, Robinloft's signature smile had been something seen very few and far between. Her normally cheerful expression had been replaced with a scowl and the sparkle in her eyes had faded into a burning fire. Although it had been some time since Beecloud had been wounded, she still found herself scowling when the situation came to her thoughts. Just thinking about the fact that she was out on patrol at the time it happened made her dig her claws into the earth beneath her. The fact that it even happened brought thoughts of dragging her claws through the pelts of Asylum cats to her mind. If she were there when that Eris cat had attacked Beecloud, she would have surely defended him and torn her to shreds- or died trying.

Tail flicking in an angry annoyance, she swept her emerald gaze across the camp, watching as her clanmates did their daily activities, paying extra attention to the Asylum cats they had to work around. She had tried living peacefully with them, despite their clearly aggressive takeover, but she was at the point of breaking. As much as she would love to retaliate and fight back, the overwhelming feeling of powerlessness kept her from doing anything. If she did something as simple as speak up, she would get treatment similar to Beecloud's. She hated to admit it, but the Asylum had their filthy claws wrapped around Thunderclan camp, and nothing could loosen their hold.

That's when she saw her. Eris. The cat who had mercilessly ripped into Beecloud's flesh as if he were nothing, had wounded him to the point that he could have died. A growl rose in her throat as she watched her walk through the camp as if nothing were wrong, as if she owned the place. Out of all Asylum cats, Eris was the one she despised most. Her already twisted expression turned even more so, an expression of pure hatred and rage. All she could feel in that moment was an urge to attack the other she-cat, to payback everything she had done to Beecloud. She felt as if she had put up with the Asylum for long enough.

Blinded by rage, she rushed up to Eris, all thoughts of hesitation forgotten. She unsheathed her claws and lashed out without warning, her claws catching on the flesh of Eris's shoulder. A determined smile spread across her face when she saw beads of crimson begin to well from the wound, which then turned into a steady stream of blood. "I'm so fed up with you Mange-pelts. What you did to Beecloud was wrong, and i will make you pay" Her words were dripping with venom and hatred as she promised promised to get revenge on the mauling of her mate. After she had finished her declaration, she jumped onto Eris's back and tried to pin her down. If only she could get the other she-cat on the gound, maybe she would be able to do damage similar to what she had done to Beecloud.

My patience is running thin [closed] LJggfg

∞ Former Windclan Leader ∞ || Former Site Adminsitrator

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : *Dustcloud {D}, *Blazeflight {B}, *Silentstrike {Sil}, *Gustpuddle {G}, *Swiftflight {Sw}, *Fennelpaw {Fn}, *Jaysong {Ja}, *Fallowlight {Fa}, *Fern {Fe}, *Brackenberry {Br}, *Ivystar {Iv}, *Specklekit {Sp}, *Beanheart {Be}, *Freckleface {Fr}, Briarthorn {Br}, *Eris {E}, *Hyacinthia {Hy}, *Otterdance {Ot}, Nightbird {Ni}, *Olivepaw {Ol}, Smudgekit {Sm}
Clan/Rank : Tier Five SkyClan Warrior {Br}, Tier Two SkyClan Warrior {Ni}, WindClan Kit {Sm}
Leo Monkey
Number of posts : 4841
Gender : they/them or username :)
Age : 19

My patience is running thin [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My patience is running thin [closed]   My patience is running thin [closed] EmptyThu Feb 04, 2021 9:43 pm

Eris, who'd been steering clear of ThunderClan for a few days in order to let the ashes settle before her return, had finally made her first appearance back in camp since that day. The day where she'd made an example of one of ThunderClan's finest, reducing him to shreds before the eyes of his Clanmates. To say that she enjoyed it would be a lie- she hated having to harm a cat of Asylum like that, but she was glad that perhaps ThunderClan would finally realize that it was over- there was nothing left for them to fight for.

For some cats, however, Beecloud's rebellion seemed to ignite a spark within their hearts. It was nothing to fret over, of course- anyone who stepped even a toe out of line was to be properly dealt with- but it was truly disheartening to see that they just couldn't accept what was best for them. Even Nettlestar had told them to stand down. Initially, Eris believed her to be rash and uncontrollable but she'd proven over the last few moons to be one of the more level-headed of the bunch. For that she was thankful, but she'd obviously done a miserable job of keeping her cats in line. That didn't matter, though, as Asylum would do it for her when necessary. That seemed to be the case now, as a livid she-cat approached Eris with a brash sense of arrogance, confident in her words and actions. Words of anger and spite were all Eris had really expected after the show she'd put on with Beecloud, so the prick of claws against her shoulder was rather surprising, however, it hardly hurt.

With a bit of a chuckle, Eris whipped around to face Robinloft as she spoke in a calm tone. "What I did to Beecloud was necessary. Apparently, it wasn't enough, though, as you've brought to my attention now." A deep laugh erupted from her chest at Robinloft's last statement. "Will you, dear? Go ahead, try me." She mewed, leaving her claws sheathed as she stared, chillingly, directly into her eyes. When the she-cat obliged by jumping onto her back, she responded by rearing onto her hind legs, effectively sending her toppling to the ground behind her. Before Robinloft had much of a chance to react, Eris turned around and pinned her to the ground. They now face to face as Eris' claws dug into her shoulders, leaving six perfect claw marks on each side. Still, Eris portrayed a sense of calmness in her voice and her expressions. "I told you. Those who betray Asylum face a threat unlike any other. How much will it take for you to learn?" She mewed, shaking her head slightly. Her grip tightened on one of the she-cat's shoulders, and with her other paw, she raked her claws down the she-cat's face.

Crimson droplets soon began to well up in the six claw marks running down Robinloft's face, and before she knew it, there were full streams flowing down her face. Her eye was clouded with red and had been torn to shreds- undeniably, Robinloft would be blind in one eye now. Eris leaned in closer to Robinloft's face, placing her paw back on her shoulder and just barely pricking the skin. "Now, are you done? Or do you need a little more help?" She growled between clenched teeth, curling her claws inward to hook through the skin and muscle.

My patience is running thin [closed] Maplesig3

♛  Site Baby Sister  ♛

| Briarthorn | Nightbird | Smudgepaw |
| T5 SkC Warrior | T2 SkC Warrior | WC Apprentice |
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [S]mallstar [A]stershine [J]ayfrost [F]allowpaw ----- DECEASED: Robinloft Clementine Elsa, Morningpaw,
Libra Dog
Number of posts : 2016
Gender : he/they/ey
Age : 17

My patience is running thin [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My patience is running thin [closed]   My patience is running thin [closed] EmptyTue Feb 09, 2021 3:47 am

When Robinloft heard the calm, unwavering tone of Eris' voice, she felt her stomach drop. She was certain that she had done at least something. She had to of! Any cat would at least have shown any pain at her attack, and she seemed as if she didn't even notice that she was on her back! Emerald eyes widening in fear, she realized how... how helpless she was, and how little she could do. How firm of a grip the Asylum really had.

It happened within a split second. One moment she was steady on Eris' back, and the next she was hitting the ground with a thud, the breath being knocked out of her. Her vision was fuzzy for a moment, but it was undeniable that the large, dark shadow above her belonged to Eris. Before she knew it, she was being pinned the the ground, no chance of escaping the larger she-cat's grasp. She let out a hiss when she felt twelve razor-sharp claws penetrate the flesh on her shoulders. Inside, her mind was racing with panic and regret, wishing she could take back what she had done, but on the outside all she showed was widened eyes. No matter how afraid she was, no matter how much she thought Eris was the last thing she would ever see, she wouldn't let her know how scared she was. Instead, she lashed back with sharp words. "You're such a buzzard-faced, good for nothing snake-heart. I will relish the day you excuses for cats finally leave, the day we can call the forest our own again. Know that whatever happens to me, you will be stopped. Mark my words." Although her words contrasted from her feelings, she meant every word she said.

As if in response to her words, Eris immediately raked six unsheathed claws down half of her face, causing her to cry out in pain. The vision in her left eye grew red and fuzzy. It stung worse than any wound that had ever been inflicted on her before. The fur on her face began to grow soaked with blood, and it soon spread to her chest. "What... What did you do to me!?" Her words were shaky despite how much she tried to control her tone. She felt Eris' breath against her face and she flinched, afraid she might do something else. Somehow what she did instead was worse than what she thought would happen. The way she growled in her ear sent shivers down her spine, it contrasted so largely from her calm tone she had held. Refusing to answer her question, she turned her maw the opposite direction, hoping that Eris would let go.

My patience is running thin [closed] LJggfg

∞ Former Windclan Leader ∞ || Former Site Adminsitrator

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : *Dustcloud {D}, *Blazeflight {B}, *Silentstrike {Sil}, *Gustpuddle {G}, *Swiftflight {Sw}, *Fennelpaw {Fn}, *Jaysong {Ja}, *Fallowlight {Fa}, *Fern {Fe}, *Brackenberry {Br}, *Ivystar {Iv}, *Specklekit {Sp}, *Beanheart {Be}, *Freckleface {Fr}, Briarthorn {Br}, *Eris {E}, *Hyacinthia {Hy}, *Otterdance {Ot}, Nightbird {Ni}, *Olivepaw {Ol}, Smudgekit {Sm}
Clan/Rank : Tier Five SkyClan Warrior {Br}, Tier Two SkyClan Warrior {Ni}, WindClan Kit {Sm}
Leo Monkey
Number of posts : 4841
Gender : they/them or username :)
Age : 19

My patience is running thin [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My patience is running thin [closed]   My patience is running thin [closed] EmptyWed Feb 24, 2021 2:13 am

"Don't be a fool. You did this to yourself."

When the she-cat flinched away and shifted uncomfortably, Eris pushed off of her, leaving one last gash across the she-cat's shoulder. "I'll take that as a yes, then." Her deep growl was reduced to an almost inaudible whisper. At this point, Eris didn't care to make an example out of the she-cat any more than she already had. Anyone who saw what had happened with Beecloud knew that she wouldn't tolerate idiocy, and this reinforced that, but she didn't have the energy to make a big show out of it. So, instead, she motioned to the nearest guards and as they approached, she cast a backward glance towards the now half-blind she-cat writhing around on the ground. She'd shown Beecloud mercy in order to let his scars serve as an example of what someone with a rebellious streak might go through, but Robinloft served no such purpose. Eris whispered something in the guards' ears, and like a well-oiled machine, both of them rushed to Robinloft's side and hoisted her up, shoving her along and outside of camp.

Eris cast a skewed glance around camp, glaring at anyone who had stopped to watch. "Get back to whatever you were doing. Now!" She growled, frustration brewing in the depths of her chest. The fact that Beecloud's sacrifice wasn't enough to suppress the spark of rebellion in ThunderClan was a great source of irritation for Eris. No matter- anyone who dared to step out of line again would receive the same treatment as Robinloft. Was it perhaps cruel to not allow to she-cat a chance to tell her beloved Beecloud goodbye? With a shake of her head, Eris dismissed this idea. It wasn't something that the two dimwits deserved.

My patience is running thin [closed] Maplesig3

♛  Site Baby Sister  ♛

| Briarthorn | Nightbird | Smudgepaw |
| T5 SkC Warrior | T2 SkC Warrior | WC Apprentice |
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [S]mallstar [A]stershine [J]ayfrost [F]allowpaw ----- DECEASED: Robinloft Clementine Elsa, Morningpaw,
Libra Dog
Number of posts : 2016
Gender : he/they/ey
Age : 17

My patience is running thin [closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My patience is running thin [closed]   My patience is running thin [closed] EmptyTue Mar 02, 2021 4:43 pm

Robinloft felt a wave of relief wash over her as Eris finally released her grasp. Without wasting a moment, she turned over on her belly and crawled in the direction of the medicine den. She was barely able to think over the throbbing pain in her eye and the panic that still lingered in her mind, but she knew well enough that her wounds could grow infected unless she was able to get Daisybloom to treat them.

When she was but a few fox-lengths away from the medicine den's entrance, she heard a pair of loud footsteps behind her. 'Oh no, is she back?" Her eyes widened with fear as she attempted to hurry into the den, claws digging into the earth with every crawl. She knew her attempts were useless when she felt pressure on both sides of her flank. Looking up at who was there, her eyes met the cold, dark ones of an Asylum cat. Desperate to be free, she clawed at the soft floor of the camp as the two began to drag her away. "Wait, where are you taking me!? You can't do this! What about my family!?" She cried, her eye darting from one cat to another. Why wouldn't any of them help her!? "What about my kits!? My mate! Don't take me away from them, please!" Her cries and pleas were useless, nobody seemed to be listening. Even so, she continued to yowl as she was dragged through the camp entrance and out into the woods.

My patience is running thin [closed] LJggfg

∞ Former Windclan Leader ∞ || Former Site Adminsitrator

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