Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Welcome to WCC! Here are our latest announcements:
Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Outsiders Deceased Reports.

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Reaper King
Inky Pawprints
Twisted Cinnamon Rolls
Member who left the site
Kent Mansley
53 posters
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Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyMon 1 Jan 2018 - 19:01

This is the official topic thread where cats that are not part of any clan that die are reported dead. Please fill out the form below and post it so that a Staff member can add them to the deceased list.

Please note that only when you fill out a deceased form, the slot that this cat takes up will be freed.

[b]Name at Death[/b]:
[b]Rank at Death[/b]:
[b]Cause of Death[/b]:
[b]Death Topic Link[/b]:
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Characters : Minnowcall»M«-Wolfsong»W«-Wildstrike»Wi«-Coldgaze»Co«-Dante»D«
Scorpio Monkey
Number of posts : 1738
Age : 19

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyFri 5 Jan 2018 - 2:32

Name at Death: Brooke
Rank at Death: Default Rouge
Gender: She-cat
Cause of Death: Ran over by a monster
Death Topic Link: The Brookes Last Battle

Shadowclan Deputy

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Tworc110
☾Coldgaze☽ Warrior Of Riverclan [Tier 2]
☾Wildstrike☽ Deputy Of Shadowclan
☾Birdkit☽ Unborn

PitaPata Cat tickers
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Characters : (a) Sparkfire, (b) Honeysong, (c) Bubblepaw
Clan/Rank : (a) ShadowClan - Tier 4 Warrior, (b) ShadowClan - Tier 1 Medicine Cat, (c) RiverClan - Apprentice
Aquarius Rat
Number of posts : 4118
Gender : Female (she/her)
Age : 27

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptySat 6 Jan 2018 - 13:11

Name at Death: Buttercup (the Clever)
Rank at Death: Default Rogue / DawnClan Queen
Gender: She-cat
Cause of Death: Killed by Heatherpetal
Death Topic Link: Buttercup's Downfall

Sparkfire the ShadowClan Warrior ~ #cdbf38
Honeysong the ShadowClan Queen ~ #3bbb9d
Bubblekit the RiverClan Apprentice ~ #8ebb7b

Current Events
Sparkfire has returned to ShadowClan with her mate Honeysong and her adopted son Softkit.
Honeysong has followed Sparkfire back to ShadowClan and has given up her medicine cat title.
Bubblepaw has begun her training under her mother and mentor Flashlight.

PitaPata Cat tickers
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Kent Mansley

Kent Mansley

Number of posts : 1273

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyFri 16 Mar 2018 - 20:39

Name at Death: Pigeon the Risen
Rank at Death: Default Rogue
Gender: She-cat
Cause of Death: Broken back
Death Topic Link: Nothing Lasts.


Outsiders Deceased Reports. Tumblr_inline_nxdnzzrYTJ1tvy6vg_500

Birchheart ThunderClan Warrior #009999 Newttongue ThunderClan Warrior
#ff9900 Wildfire Young Warrior #ff99cc Boarpaw ThunderClan Apprentice #ff6600 Rainpaw ThunderClan MCA DarkSlateGray

My Characters || "Post Here" Page || Trials I Plot Sign Up

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Latest?cb=20130824163422

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Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : | Leopardstar | Nightdancer | Lightningbreeze | Mistflower | Scarletflare |
Clan/Rank : | ShadowClan Leader | ThunderClan Warrior | SkyClan Warrior | SkyClan Warrior | RiverClan Warrior |
Gemini Cat
Number of posts : 6136
Gender : she/her
Age : 25

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyFri 16 Mar 2018 - 23:52

Name at Death: Raven
Rank at Death: Def. Rogue
Gender: She-cat
Cause of Death: Illness
Death Topic Link: N/A

[Only mods are allowed to see this link]
[character pages]
Leopardstar ~ Nightdancer ~ Lightningbreeze ~ Mistflower ~ Scarletflare ~ Mint
ShadowClan ~ ThunderClan ~ SkyClan ~ SkyClan ~ RiverClan ~ Guardian of Twilight
Leader ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Rogue
Tier 5 ~ Tier 5 ~ Tier 3 ~ Tier 3 ~ Tier 1 ~ Tier 1
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Member who left the site

Member who left the site

Characters : Desolate, Gillpaw, Tyr.
Clan/Rank : Appentice
Capricorn Dragon
Number of posts : 117
Age : 95

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Tyr be ded   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptySun 29 Apr 2018 - 3:40

Name at Death: Tyr
Rank at Death: loner / kittypet? (she was a lost kittypet)
Gender: female
Cause of Death: Battle wounds
Death Topic Link: https://warriorclancats.forumotion.com/t34437-one-last-wish-closed#412368

I'm gone.
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Characters : (a) Sparkfire, (b) Honeysong, (c) Bubblepaw
Clan/Rank : (a) ShadowClan - Tier 4 Warrior, (b) ShadowClan - Tier 1 Medicine Cat, (c) RiverClan - Apprentice
Aquarius Rat
Number of posts : 4118
Gender : Female (she/her)
Age : 27

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyMon 21 May 2018 - 21:55

Name at Death: Sweet
Rank at Death: Default Rogue
StarClan or Place of No Stars: StarClan
Gender: She-cat
Cause of Death: Killed by Shadefang
Death Topic Link: Two Fangs Tear Through the Heart

Sparkfire the ShadowClan Warrior ~ #cdbf38
Honeysong the ShadowClan Queen ~ #3bbb9d
Bubblekit the RiverClan Apprentice ~ #8ebb7b

Current Events
Sparkfire has returned to ShadowClan with her mate Honeysong and her adopted son Softkit.
Honeysong has followed Sparkfire back to ShadowClan and has given up her medicine cat title.
Bubblepaw has begun her training under her mother and mentor Flashlight.

PitaPata Cat tickers
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Twisted Cinnamon Rolls

Twisted Cinnamon Rolls

Characters : Twistedtail (T), Pigeonstorm (P), Lightkit (L)
Clan/Rank : (T) Experienced Warrior (P) NAW
Taurus Dog
Number of posts : 1054
Age : 18

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyFri 25 May 2018 - 7:27

Name at Death: Traveler
Rank at Death: Default Rogue
Gender: Tom
Cause of Death: Starvation
Death Topic Link: N/A

~ WCC's resident lizard person ~
and holder of the Magical Name-Changing Wand, which is currently under a curse
done by an evil witch which makes it do nothing but make an explosion of rainbows.
If someone knows the remedy to this curse, please send help.
Outsiders Deceased Reports. Mountains-gif
I like clouds.
~Twistedtail||Littlepaw|Pigeonstorm||Yinpaw||An ~
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Characters : (P)Petalpaw (B)Barkkit (S)Sunkit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 3341
Age : 18

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyFri 25 May 2018 - 12:30

Name at Death: Annabelle
Rank at Death: Kittypet
Gender: She-cat
Cause of Death: Depression
Death Topic Link: NA

Just realized that I never put this here.

Petalpaw - Barkkit - Sunpaw
ShadowClan - ThunderClan - WindClan
Apprentice - Kit - Apprentice
Outsiders Deceased Reports. Signat10
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Characters : lilypaw* owlpaw *mapleligh*Streampaw*Stormkit
Clan/Rank : WC apprentice* TC apprentice * RC apprentice* Sc warrior
Aries Monkey
Number of posts : 457
Age : 104

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyWed 18 Jul 2018 - 15:35

Name at Death:Lucky
Rank at Death:defoult rouge
Gender: female
Cause of Death: picking wrong fights
Death Topic Link: na

Lilypaw of windclan talks in 00cc33-Owlpaw of thunderclan talks in ff6633-Mapleshine of shadow clan talks in 993333-Streampaw of Riverclan talks in 00ccff- Stormkit of Thunderclan talks in 0099ff

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Characters : Crowkit, Tigerpaw, Cloudpaw
Aries Cat
Number of posts : 582
Age : 25

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyThu 19 Jul 2018 - 13:56

Name at Death: Bone
Rank at Death: Default Rogue
Gender: Tom
Cause of Death: Infected Wounds
Death Topic Link: None

Crowkit of Shadowclan:#0066ff
Tigerpaw of Riverclan:#006600
Cloudpaw of Riverclan: #00cc99
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Characters : Alive: Rookfire(Rk), Kitespring(K), Laurelpaw (La) StarClan: Buzzardclaw(B), Pebblestorm(P), Rushpaw(R), Waspkit(W), Snakepaw(S), Cardinalpaw(C), Briarpaw(Br), Rowanpaw(Ro), Wrenbreeze(Wr), Heronflight(H), Acornfall(A), Larkfeather(L), Badgerpaw(Ba), Shrikesong(Sh), Foxspark(F), Heronpaw (He), Poppycloud (Po) Unknown: Alderbloom (Al)
Leo Dog
Number of posts : 2435
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Age : 17

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyMon 30 Jul 2018 - 14:29

Name at Death: Boar
Rank at Death: Skilled Rogue
Gender: Tom
Cause of Death: N/A, left the clans
Death Topic Link: https://warriorclancats.forumotion.com/t35830-the-final-farewellclosed-solo#423414

Kitespring, RiverClan T3 Warrior: 50/140
Rookfire, ShadowClan T3 Warrior: 50/140
Laurelpaw, WindClan Apprentice: 20/60

pfp is rookfire, drawn by the amazing xaandiir!

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Image10
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Cancer Pig
Number of posts : 2609
Gender : female (she/her)
Age : 29

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyThu 20 Sep 2018 - 8:48

Name at Death: Berry
Rank at Death: Default Rogue
Gender: She-Cat
Cause of Death: Killed By Monster
Death Topic Link: https://warriorclancats.forumotion.com/t36413-closed-berry-scary


Outsiders Deceased Reports. VWfKplK
Clovertwist the Loner
WindClan ex-Warrior
{ #5F9EA0 }
Barleytuft of StarClan
WindClan Warrior
{ #DA8F6F }
Marmalade the Kittypet
ex-SkyClan Medicine Cat
{ #C1550A }
Dacedream of StarClan
ThunderClan Warrior
{ #808000 }
Summer the Loner
gay drifter
{ #E86375 }
(Not Pictured: Frogmarsh of ShadowClan; Lightstep of RiverClan; Mottledspark of RiverClan)

art by sumashira [me] - click image to see profiles
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : *Dustcloud {D}, *Blazeflight {B}, *Silentstrike {Sil}, *Gustpuddle {G}, *Swiftflight {Sw}, *Fennelpaw {Fn}, *Jaysong {Ja}, *Fallowlight {Fa}, *Fern {Fe}, *Brackenberry {Br}, *Ivystar {Iv}, *Specklekit {Sp}, *Beanheart {Be}, *Freckleface {Fr}, Briarthorn {Br}, *Eris {E}, *Hyacinthia {Hy}, *Otterdance {Ot}, Nightbird {Ni}, *Olivepaw {Ol}, Smudgekit {Sm}
Clan/Rank : Tier Five SkyClan Warrior {Br}, Tier Two SkyClan Warrior {Ni}, WindClan Kit {Sm}
Leo Monkey
Number of posts : 4841
Gender : they/them or username :)
Age : 19

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyWed 7 Nov 2018 - 20:11

Name at Death: Jaysong
Rank at Death: Senior Warrior ranked Rogue/ Exile
Gender: She-Cat
Cause of Death: Mercy kill
Death Topic Link: The Winds of Winter

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Maplesig3

♛  Site Baby Sister  ♛

| Briarthorn | Nightbird | Smudgepaw |
| T5 SkC Warrior | T2 SkC Warrior | WC Apprentice |
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Kestrelkit (SkC) | Marshkit (SC)
Aquarius Horse
Number of posts : 2456
Age : 34

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outsiders Deceased Reports.   Outsiders Deceased Reports. EmptyWed 7 Nov 2018 - 21:05

Name at Death: Falcongaze
Rank at Death: Young Warrior
Gender: Tom
Cause of Death: Killed in battle by Silverfang
Death Topic Link: Winds of Winter

Outsiders Deceased Reports. Marshk12
  Kestrelpaw ♀                                            Marshkit ♂
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