Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
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 Your Prey, My Prey

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3 posters


Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Scorpio Snake
Number of posts : 19
Age : 22

Your Prey, My Prey  Empty
PostSubject: Your Prey, My Prey    Your Prey, My Prey  EmptyMon 13 Oct 2014 - 17:45

Fallowkit sat outside of the nursery, silently huffing to herself.  Everyone seemed so busy today, and no one seemed able to just sit.  Little Fallowkit had no interest in them stopping to talk to her, and would be stuck in stunned stillness if anyone asked her to play.  A game of warrior, or even a gentle pass of the soft moss ball, would probably stress the mostly white she-cat out even more.  Kits had come to her quiet figure before, asking to play, but, before long, she simply had to make up an excuse to leave.  Games did not suit her, but she still tried for as long as she could, especially if her siblings were there to cheer her on.  But, now they were all apprentices, and she felt as alone as ever.  

But Fallowkit still disliked when the camp was too busy, as it forced her to stop her usual pass time; cat watching.  She loved to watch and listen to the warriors and apprentices talk about what they did, even if she did not want to be in a conversation herself.  But when the camp was like this, she found it too difficult to pick out one pair or trio of cats chatting or grooming or eating.  They were just one huge mess of fur, tails, and feet, and they seemed so busy that they marched around like geese.  This was, at least to Fallowkit, an extremely uninteresting and boring sight to watch.  A soft and gentle sigh escaped her lips, and she slowly stood.  She loved ThunderClan, she really did.  Like when the moon shined through the tall oaks into the camp, or when the birds would roost right outside of the camp.  But times like these, that filled with bustling noise and no interaction, Fallowkit could not help but wish that she was an apprentice so she could escape it all.  

The she-cat felt a slight rumble in her belly, and realized how hungry she was.  A plump, juicy mouse would taste so good in her mouth right now... She decided to get herself some prey, and she began the journey into the center of the clearing; towards the freshkill pile.  Sniffing briefly around, which served no purpose other than to help her think, she decided that the mouse she was craving was not too far away.  It was laying off the ground, and it seemed that it had just fallen off of the high freshkill pile.  She padded towards it, and reached down to grab it.  She hoped no one would mind that it was such a good piece of prey, there was plenty in the freshkill pile anyways.
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Characters : gone with the wind
Number of posts : 493

Your Prey, My Prey  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Prey, My Prey    Your Prey, My Prey  EmptySat 18 Oct 2014 - 21:18

Ducksnap had hovered around the nursery before but never like this. The pull in his stomach made it so unbearable. The temptation to see Strikekit rattled through him as he wrinkled his nose in all the commotion. He looked at the kill walking towards the fresh kill pile, and a twinkle of intrest piled into his anxious need. He sat watching the little kit a question forming in his head. He swallowed them hard and fast snapping his head around to look at the nursery. Two things each so different and fun called his name. Visit his son or, talk to the new kit and earn a new friend? Both sounded so pleasing to have that he sat down, pulled his tail over his paws and waited for one or the other to discover him.


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Characters : berrykit ; goldenkit
Clan/Rank : riverclan / kit ; shadowclan / kit
Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 4281
Age : 24

Your Prey, My Prey  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Prey, My Prey    Your Prey, My Prey  EmptySun 19 Oct 2014 - 6:35

Turtlekit walked over to see two kits and a warrior outside. He walked over to Fallowkit and mewed, "Hello! What are you doing?"

berrykit | goldenkit
kit | kit
| #ffcc00

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