Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]

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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptySat 31 May 2014 - 10:16

"Just for a little while! Please!" She squeaked. "Pretty please with catnip on top."

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 1929-97
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Clan/Rank : RiverClan
Capricorn Tiger
Number of posts : 9740
Age : 25

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptySat 31 May 2014 - 10:21

Reedstar blinked, half in surprise, as a troupe of kits tumbled into his den and began to ramble one after the other. "No, that's fine, Icekit. She's done nothing wrong..." He looked them all over contemplatively in turn. Half of them were kits of his kits. Honeywhisker and Midnightsky just don't stop, do they? They were worrying him as well, and Cinderfur... Though none so much as the vision at Highstones that filled his dreams every night. "The stream is out of bounds for kits," he mewed, glancing up at the patches of blue sky that could be glimpsed from the gloomy den. "But I suppose it'd be a shame to keep you cooped here on a day like this... Undoubtedly you're all getting under my warriors' fur." The tom purred, flicked his ears, and overstepped the kits crowding the den entrance, emerging from the darkness and into the sun where the rest of the Clan was lazing away.

He turned, looking back on the kits. Reedstar tried his best to act serious, but there was a glint of amusement in his dark green eyes. "I'll supervise you, but the first kit to leave my sight can go live as a rogue."

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Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 I42GrfL
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptySat 31 May 2014 - 19:22

"Really?"  Icekit jumped up and tackled Otterkit. "Told ya it would work!"

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Aries Goat
Number of posts : 173
Age : 33

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 9:05

The warrior didn't seem likely to budge, but they did suggest another idea. Why ask a warrior when their best bet was to go straight to the top! "Really? Go and talk to Reedstar?" It was a little scary to think about addressing the leader of the entirety of Riverclan. He wasn't even sure his own mother had done that, before. But at the same time it was kind of exciting too.

Besides...when was he likely to get this chance against. And he really wanted to go outside with the others now.

"Wait for me!" He crowed, scampering after the other kits as they tailed it over to Reedstar's den. Immediately, it seemed like they all began talking at once, stating their reasons for going. "We'd be really careful!" He added, yet again, sure that the promise of taking care would win over the argument for their side.

And all of their arguments seemed to have worked, as Heronkit was surprised to see that the leader relented. Not only that, but he offered to join them himself. "Yes!" He shrilled, running forwards before he stopped himself, remembering the leader's warning. He didn't want to go off and live as a rogue.

Asterflower | Af [of] Windclan
Heronwing | Hw [of] Riverclan
Sunstreak | Ss [of] Shadowclan
Dustytuft | Dt [of] Thunderclan
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Clan/Rank : S: Thunderclan/apprentice E: Thunderclan/apprentice Sw: Riverclan/apprentice
Aquarius Snake
Number of posts : 170
Age : 22

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 9:58

Scampering after Reedstar, but making sure not to get too close, she expressed her happiness in yet another mini ramble. "Thank you so much, Reedstar! I won't wander off, promise! I don't wanna be a rogue!" Running off to the entrance of camp, being sure to keep herself in plain sight, she waited impatiently for Reedstar to come. Getting bored of waiting very quickly, she scampered to and from where Reedstar was to the entrance over and over again.

Meh Charries:
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 17:49

Icekit stumbled after the others. She matched Reedstar's pace, padding along beside him. "You're not really gonna let us go rogue are you?" She mewed next to him. As soon as they left the camp, she saw the tiny clear stream very close to a bunch of Reeds. "I bet I can splash all of you!" She yelled at the other kits.

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 1929-97
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Clan/Rank : RiverClan Warrior
Libra Snake
Number of posts : 1492
Age : 22

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 18:01

Streamkit was so excited she could burst! Not only was she going outside of camp, but the leader was coming with them. She bounced along-side her friends and rushed outside. Whoa.... she thought, squeaking in delight, "There's so much space out here!" then, hearing Icekit's mewed, she challenged, "Yeah, right!" and dodged, jumping into the water. It was the deepest water she had ever been in, even though it was only about two mouse-lengths deep. She squealed again, happily paddling around the crystal-clear waters.

Amberheart, she-cat of RiverClan (Warrior, alive)

Mystic, rouge she-cat (Alive)

Streamclaw, she-cat of RiverClan (not alive yet)

Blue----, she-cat of RiverClan. (not alive yet)

Epic Rain-made avatar
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 18:15

Icekit started slapping and splashing the water around, getting everyone soaked.

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Aries Goat
Number of posts : 173
Age : 33

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PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 19:22

Heronkit padded forwards, unable to stop himself from running even though he promised himself to be careful as the other kits passed him - he didn't want to be last for his very first time out of the camp. Reaching the large entrance though, he stopped, frozen in awe.

"It's so big!" He whispered, awestruck. "And it's all ours, right? This whole thing belongs to Riverclan!" He might have known of the other clans that populated the forest, but since he had never met anyone from those clans, he was fairly certain that all that he could see really was Riverclan's. And as he wasn't very big yet, he might even have been right.

"Hey!" Shaken from his reverie as his fur was splattered with big, cold droplets of river water, Heronkit shook himself all over. "No fair, I'll get you!" He promised, leaping into the shallows, before realizing it was a lot colder than the puddle had been. "Brr...chilly. Fish must be freezing all the time!"

Asterflower | Af [of] Windclan
Heronwing | Hw [of] Riverclan
Sunstreak | Ss [of] Shadowclan
Dustytuft | Dt [of] Thunderclan
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 19:27

Icekit continued to splash around. "Come on! Join in guys!" She mewed an splashed Reedstar a bit by accident. "Sorry!"

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Clan/Rank : S: Thunderclan/apprentice E: Thunderclan/apprentice Sw: Riverclan/apprentice
Aquarius Snake
Number of posts : 170
Age : 22

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptyMon 2 Jun 2014 - 3:56

Having followed the other not-so-quietly, she leaped into a shallow part of the stream, succeding in splashing quite a bit of water onto Icekit, Streamkit, and Heronkit. She giggled at seeing their fur get wet. "This is fun! Can we go fishing in here?" She directed her comments towards Reedstar, as he must know the territory inside and out to be the leader. Looking into the water curiously, she thought she saw a minnow for a moment. Staring at where she thought she saw the minnow, she leaped towards where it was excitedly. Her paws landed noisily, causing whatever fish that may have been there to swim away. "Aww!" Turning towards Reedstar, she splashed her way over to him. "Can you teach me how to fish? I wanna catch a minnow!"

Meh Charries:
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptyMon 2 Jun 2014 - 5:23

"Oh! I want to catch a fish too!" Icekit mewed and splashed Swirlkit back. "Ha! Take that!"

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Clan/Rank : S: Thunderclan/apprentice E: Thunderclan/apprentice Sw: Riverclan/apprentice
Aquarius Snake
Number of posts : 170
Age : 22

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PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptyMon 2 Jun 2014 - 5:45

"It's SwirlEDkit, silly! I'm gonna get you back!" Swirledkit exclaimed excitedly, shoving her front paws into the water. The water, obviously, flew upward and hit Icekit lightly on the muzzle.

Meh Charries:
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptyMon 2 Jun 2014 - 6:40

"Swirly!" Icekit jumped up and landed on the water, splashing everyone there.

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 1929-97
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Aries Goat
Number of posts : 173
Age : 33

Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open]   Don't question it, Just appreciate the adorableness [open] - Page 3 EmptyMon 2 Jun 2014 - 9:50

The shallows of the river were colder than the puddle had been, but Heronkit found he didn't mind it so much as long as he fluffed up his fur a bit. Riverclanners were born for the water, after all. At least more so than the other clan cats were.

"Yeah! If we can catch a minnow now we can bring it back to everybody and show them that we're ready to be 'prentices already." He mrowed, coming up with yet another brilliant plan. "Then we can come out where whenever we want, and nobody has ta watch us!" He practically vibrated with excitement, tail arching though the water and sending droplets up over to splash his own head and some of his fellow kits nearby. "Er...not that we don't mind bein' watched by you, Reedstar." He added hastily, as he realized he might have insulted their leader. "Honest!"

Asterflower | Af [of] Windclan
Heronwing | Hw [of] Riverclan
Sunstreak | Ss [of] Shadowclan
Dustytuft | Dt [of] Thunderclan
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