Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 There's Benefit To Curiosity

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Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

There's Benefit To Curiosity Empty
PostSubject: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014 - 13:35

A small puff of a breeze crept into the camp, trickling through the grass like a stream through a forest. Rainkit felt the cool air flow over her pelt, ruffling her silver fur. With a purr of contentment, the tiny she-kit lay her head on her paws, feeling warm and full. She gazed at the busy camp as the sun sent its last warm rays rolling over it. She watched the evening patrol stroll out of the gorse tunnel, and watched a hunting patrol come in, their jaws overflowing with plump rabbits and mice. Rainkit glanced up at the first stars of Silverpelt that were just beginning to sparkle. She remembered the queens telling her about StarClan and their power. Rainkit was fascinated at the idea of her ancestors watching over her, guiding her to the right path. She sighed happily. Everything was quiet and peaceful, nothing like the night that she and her brother, Smokekit, had come. And she was fine with that.
Suddenly, the wind picked up and carried the fresh, tangy scent of herbs across the clearing. Rainkit looked over to where it was coming from. All she saw was the medicine den, snug and alone in its corner of camp. She knew she wasn't allowed in, but curiosity overtook her, and soon she found herself at the gaping entrance of the den. She took a deep breath. "I'll just take a look around", she told herself, then stepped inside the musty darkness of the den.

Smokekit was just slipping into a deep, dreamless sleep when he felt Rainkit's movement rouse him. With a grumble he opened his eyes to see what was the matter. He glanced up just in time to see the stubby silver tail of his sister vanish into the shadows of the medicine den. "What's she getting into this time", he growled irritably, before standing up and bounding after his curious sister.
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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

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PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014 - 13:48

OOC;; Hehe... Guess that's my cue as Medicine Cat. cx

IC;; Ravenwing, unfortunately, not quite the most attentive one or at least not very alert, hadn't really noticed much of the commotion outside. Nor did she scent any kit or kits coming in. The sharp, sweet, bitter, and tangy scents of various herbs was a bit overwhelming all at once and didn't quite allow for the greatest scent to be detected unless examined closely for a bit. However, the she-cat didn't quite know whether to expect someone to come in considering there hasn't been much of an accident or anything. Busy at her paws, she the medicine cat was sorting through different herbs - borage, catmint, parsley, yarrow, etc. -, throwing out any rotten and unusable leaves and flowers while placing the fresh ones in a pile according to their type. If examined carefully, the herbs were placed by which one they are, but also sorted into larger groups depending on the type of remedy they served. It was possible she was almost at this all day, but not necessarily...

The harsh sunlight had prevented her from wanting to leave her den to go gather some more herbs just in case there may be another battle and the like. And after the little "incident", she'd rather not leave at all to avoid RiverClan territory and the ShadowSky land. It may have been some time ago, but, she still couldn't quite lose the thought just yet. Some of her own kits were in the nursery under Hawkflight's care, but, Ravenwing never bothered to visit them except to go grab some borage for her sister to continue with the milk. Moreover, she had to make sure there wasn't any milk still left with her, so there was parsley. At this time, the scent of queens was far too faint for any cat to smell from her at this point, but, better to be safe than sorry. Glancing around and eyeing the parsley plant, the medicine cat didn't even want to think about digesting another batch, but at this point, if she wanted to hide it, it might be a must.

With a quick breeze, Ravenwing finally caught the scent of intruders in her den. Turning around, her dual eyes narrowing as she gazed only to see the two kits - Rainkit and Smokekit. What in StarClan were those two doing in this area? Her eyes almost glowed with bitterness, and it was almost certain that the medicine cat always came off as cold and harsh, perhaps even worst than leaf-bare. Yet... the clan didn't mind. But these two were kits. They shouldn't be venturing into these places! "Why.... here...?" Even after all this time, Ravenwing still couldn't mutter out a full sentence for the love of StarClan. Shaking her head, she didn't wait for an answer and went back to work.

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
There's Benefit To Curiosity LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞
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Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

There's Benefit To Curiosity Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014 - 14:16

Rainkit shrank back, afraid that the bitter WindClan medicine cat would punish her then and there,or worse— tell Falconstar. But instead, Ravenwing just continued, her paws a blur as she quickly categorized the herbs, their bitter-sweet scent hanging in the air. Once again alive with interest, Rainkit shuffled up to look over Ravenwing's shoulder. The silver she-kit curiously gestured to a random leaf that had been strewn aside. "What's that", Rainkit asked, eyes wide.

Smokekit smacked himself with his tail. His sister was a total IDIOT. Didn't the medicine cat just give her an obvious warning? Ravenwing's words meant for them to GO AWAY, not ask about herbs while she was CLEARLY busy. With a sigh, watched the two cats, waiting to see how Ravenwing would react.
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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

There's Benefit To Curiosity Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014 - 14:23

Ravenwing glanced over at the silver tabby, realizing that the kit had taken an interest to the herbs. As she continued her work, the black she-cat kept at it, and took a quick look at Silverkit's brother. Obviously, Smokekit had realized how busy she was, but, at the moment, I don't believe it would bother her too much to try and tell them. Noticing one of her leaves missing from the pile and it was also the same one that Rainkit had just asked about, the medicine cat simply replied, "Dock leaf... Easily noticed by the tangy smell and taste." Picking it up delicately with a claw, Ravenwing placed it where the other dock leaves were before continuing her work. Hopefully, the answer satisfied the kit enough, but of course, that was never likely when it came to most kits. They were always too curious for their own good - one way or another.

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
There's Benefit To Curiosity LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞
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Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

There's Benefit To Curiosity Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014 - 14:41

Though it didn't seem possible, Rainkit's eyes widened even more. She watched as Ravenwing picked up the leaf and flicked into a pile with similar looking herbs. Then the medicine cat continued her herb sorting. Fascinated, Rainkit gazed intently as herbs with a identical scent and look would go into the same pile. She saw the medicine cat fling a thin, dark green leaf in a pile with others of its kind. Rainkit gasped— she remembered that herb, it had been used when Smokekit had a bellyache. She remembered its sharp, bitter scent. What was it called again? Yarrow? Yes, yarrow, that was it. Rainkit purred, proud that she had been able to remember. Suddenly, a surge of confidence washed through her, and she soon found herself saying,"May I help?"
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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

There's Benefit To Curiosity Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014 - 14:48

Although she had meant to keep working and dismiss the kits from her den, the sudden request to help her with her work had in her mind, shocked Ravenwing. She couldn't have a kit who barely knew anything about herbs help her. It would only mess up her work and she didn't want all the valuable leaves and flowers to be ripped from the inability to handle them carefully. However, it did make her remember that she should also be trying to look for an apprentice as well - just in case she was ever caught from the little incident -, but it wasn't necessary yet. The medicine cat, glancing over at the little tabby, her heterochromic eyes giving nothing away, as hollow and emotionless as it can get, the gaze being quite terrifying if anything, shrugged off Rainkit without a second thought, mewing, "Leave... You shouldn't be here."

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
There's Benefit To Curiosity LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞
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Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

There's Benefit To Curiosity Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014 - 15:04

Rainkit, who had been expecting a "yes" or a "sure why not" was shocked at Ravenwing's order to leave. Feeling depleted, Rainkit started for the exit (noticing that Smokekit had left, who had gotten bored with just musty herb scents). Before she stepped outside, Rainkit turned to Ravenwing, giving a last desperate plea to stay. "May I please help? I'll be really careful, and I even know some of the herbs". She flicked her tail at the pile of yarrow. "I-I know that's yarrow.And", she nodded toward a cluster of tiny black seeds,"I think those are...poppy seeds". With a hopeful glance at Ravenwing, Rainkit waited for a reply.
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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

There's Benefit To Curiosity Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014 - 15:23

Ravenwing simply dismissed the kit once again, knowing that Rainkit was most likely hoping for an agreement, shaking her head. She could not allow anything like this at the moment. Too much work and she rarely let anyone else touch the herbs anyway. What makes this kit think she'll have that special privilege anyway? Simply because she knows a few herbs means nothing to Ravenwing who had been learning them over and over again. The black medicine cat didn't even bother with a reply this time and simply signaled for the silver she-kit to leave at once. Unfortunately, the stubbornness of Rainkit was likely to make this more difficult. "Busy... leave... now..." Narrowing her eyes once again to a glare, her gaze glowing from irritation as she faced the young kit once again, she could simply report to Snow-eye or Falconstar if this kit wants to bother her work again. Turning back to the herbs, her paws continued to work through her categorizing.

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
There's Benefit To Curiosity LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞
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Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

There's Benefit To Curiosity Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014 - 15:38

With a sad sigh, Rainkit padded outside, the tip of her dragging tail leaving a faint line in the dust. But though she was extremely disappointed, Rainkit felt a little excited too. Thinking back, she remembered that one time, one of the other kits had gotten hurt. Rainkit had comforted the kit, and she had felt wonderful when she knew that she had helped someone. Bouncing a little on her paws, Rainkit smiled a bit. When she was younger, she had dreamed of becoming the best warrior the Clans had ever seen, but not anymore. No, now, she wanted to be a medicine cat!
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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

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PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014 - 15:46

A blue she-cat had just come back in with a large bird in her mouth, dangling it above the floor as the wings flopped onto the floor. Letting out a sigh, Lunarpaw noticed Rainkit, and while she wasn't particularly into meeting anyone nor did she actually know any of her new clanmates, perhaps it wouldn't be too bad to invite the kit over? Yet, the apprentice felt too awkward to do much and simply went and placed her freshkill onto the pile. Looking down at her neck, she could still remember the bells that she used to wear from it. Now, they were gone as a symbol of her acceptance into the clan. However... She was too different and no one ever really looked past that. Glancing back at the entrance of the camp, the she-cat took a stop in the front of the apprentices' den and rested herself down, scanning the camp carefully.

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
There's Benefit To Curiosity LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞

Last edited by Echo on Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 14:38; edited 1 time in total
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Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

There's Benefit To Curiosity Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014 - 16:25

Ooc: Sorry for the late reply :3

Smokekit was only half asleep when the newcomer came in, so he took the time to open an eye to see who it was. Yawning, Smokekit saw a familiar blue she-cat walk into camp, a bird clamped in her jaws. He remembered this cat, wasn't her name... Lunarpaw? Yes, he had heard the queens say that she used to be a kittypet. She looked a little lonely, lying by herself near the apprentices' den, so he walked over to talk to her. "Hi", he said when her reached her."I'm Smokekit".
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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

There's Benefit To Curiosity Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyMon 14 Apr 2014 - 21:31

OOC;; Even later. >v<

IC;; Just as she was about to doze away into a peaceful slumber, a new voice interrupted her. Lifting up her head and blinking sleepily a few times, her vision sharpened from a blurry dark figure to a visible kit. Smokekit was this kit's name? Lunarpaw, unsure of what to speak at all simply glanced around, curious as to why the kit's mother was not around to watch. Kits shouldn't be straying so far away from the nursery. The blue she-cat, then lifted her muzzle slightly, sniffing around for the scent of milk from queens. None. Turning her silver eyes to Smokekit, the apprentice simply blinked once again, creating a subtle, awkward silence. "Why aren't you with your parents?" the she-cat asked after awhile, her voice displaying little to no emotion within it. She wasn't as scary as Ravenwing's critical and bitter appearance, but Lunarpaw was definitely more hollow and straightforward, not knowing when to not be blunt. With that lack of social grace, despite her charming appearance, she definitely wasn't very attractive.

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
There's Benefit To Curiosity LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞
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Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

There's Benefit To Curiosity Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyTue 15 Apr 2014 - 15:16

Smokekit stared at the bland she-cat, not really sure about what to say. "Err, I came as a rouge", he said at last, shuffling his paws.
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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

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PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyTue 15 Apr 2014 - 15:21

Slowly closing her eyes as a soft, gentle breeze came about, Lunarpaw felt the wind ruffle her fur slightly, feeling relaxed and more content. The blue she-cat pulled herself up and then blinked her eyes open, turning her gaze to Smokekit, replying, "What of adopted parents? You shouldn't be too far from the nursery. Wouldn't want to be scolded by Snow-eye or Falconstar, now would you?" Rogue, huh? She could scarcely believe that Falconstar would accept so many outsiders since Eaglethorn always seemed to be wary about traitors. Turning her hollow eyes up towards the open sky, Lunarpaw simply couldn't think of any predicaments at this point. However, it appeared she couldn't exactly eat rabbits... StarClan knows why. Speaking of which, she had always been skeptical about "StarClan" and how ancestors lived in the stars. Stars were simply stars that shined in the night sky. Nothing more.

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
There's Benefit To Curiosity LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞
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Clan/Rank : Talon- SC Apprentice | Rain- WC MCA | Smoke- WC Apprentice | Russet- TC kit
Libra Horse
Number of posts : 94
Age : 21

There's Benefit To Curiosity Empty
PostSubject: Re: There's Benefit To Curiosity   There's Benefit To Curiosity EmptyTue 15 Apr 2014 - 15:43

Smokekit cocked his dark gray head, not knowing what to think about this strange she-cat. He wasn't very sure if he could trust her or not, though she seemed nice enough. Maybe it was the way she looked at the stars. Her eyes glittered coldly, reflecting the frosty light of Silverpelt as she gazed scornfully at the star-filled sky. Even a kit like himself could see that she did not believe that her ancestors were watching over her, keeping her safe and guiding her to the right path. But though her lack of religion shocked him, he could easily understand her disbelief. He himself had been unsure when the queens told him about StarClan, but it was the opposite situation for Rainkit, who soaked in the words like sand would soak in water. He blinked when he realized that the apprentice had spoken to him, and was currently waiting for an answer. "Oh, well.. um, all the queens sorta take care of me, but we're almost apprentices sooo....." He trailed off, feeling awkward.
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