Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Shadeheart and Whitekit

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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptySun 6 Oct 2013 - 16:24

Shadeheart sorted through her herbs. She had been feeling upset ever since Patcheye died, and sorting through herbs was the only thing that somewhat cheered her up. She only felt worse after Whitekit was born, who was the spitting image of her late friend. It's probably best not to compare the two though, she thought. I might just see Whitekit now, then I know that she is a completely different cat.

Shadeheart arrived at the nursery. "Wh... Whitekit?" she said, hoping the kit was awake.

Shadeheart and Whitekit Riycd4
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Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptySun 6 Oct 2013 - 16:32

"Yes Shadeheart?" she meowed, immediately recognizing the voice, her shakey, tired legs soon visible as she rose to her calico paws, nearly a spotless white, though, despite being so tired her voice was strong, her eyes ever such a strong color of green. The she-cat soon padded up to the medicine cat and only stopped, a mouse length away from the older she-cat.
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptySun 6 Oct 2013 - 16:50

Shadeheart smiled. "How are you today?" she asked. Of course she isn't Patcheye. What was I thinking? Shadeheart thought.

Shadeheart and Whitekit Riycd4
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Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptySun 6 Oct 2013 - 16:53

"Quite good so far! I played a lot, and had a nice sleep!" she chirped happily, sitting herself down and wrapping her tail around her paws. "How are you Shadeheart?" she pondered.
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptySun 6 Oct 2013 - 17:04

"I... I'm fine," she said, trying not to feel bad. Her voice is just like Patcheye's, but higher pitched... she thought. No... I should stop comparing them. It won't do me any good."Do you want to play something with me? I... I'll let you choose a game!" She said, trying to get her mind off her friend.

Shadeheart and Whitekit Riycd4
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Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptySun 6 Oct 2013 - 17:08

"Awesome!" she squeaked proudly. "I'd like to play with you, but you should choose, dad gave me the option to do whatever I wanted, so I want to give you a chance too!" she purred gratefully, she really liked Shadeheart, she was so unique, and her damaged form, strangely didn't bother her.
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptySun 6 Oct 2013 - 17:25

"Hmm... do you want to play mossball?" Shadeheart asked, not admitting that it was the only game she actually knew how to play.

Shadeheart and Whitekit Riycd4
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Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptySun 6 Oct 2013 - 17:28

"Ah, ok!" She chirped, trotting past the she-cat with tail held high, shrinking slightly at the sudden amount of light but quickly adjusted, she immediately padded to the small moss pile and bunched it into a ball joyfully, her ears flicking slightly as some of the green material landed occasionally on her ears.
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptySun 6 Oct 2013 - 19:10

Shadeheart smiled. "Pass it to me!" she purred.

Shadeheart and Whitekit Riycd4
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Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptySun 6 Oct 2013 - 19:14

"Ok ok!" she giggled, batting it into the air and hitting it forward, only for it to go the opposite direction she wanted. "Darn it!" she grumbled, her ears flattening against her head in disappointment and embarrassment.
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptyWed 9 Oct 2013 - 18:42

Shadeheart purred. She ran after the mossball and caught it before it hit the edge of camp. "Catch!" she meowed before passing it towards Whitekit.

Shadeheart and Whitekit Riycd4
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Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptyThu 10 Oct 2013 - 15:32

She squeaked and batted her paws at it, her claws extending as far as she could get them, tearing only a little piece away. The she-cat then passed it again.
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptyThu 10 Oct 2013 - 16:05

Shadeheart leapt onto the mossball to stop it. She then flung the ball back to to Snowkit, accidentally throwing it over the kit's head. "S...sorry," she said.

Shadeheart and Whitekit Riycd4
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Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptyThu 10 Oct 2013 - 16:14

"It's ok!" she squealed and bounded after it, her tail held up happily in pride. "This is so fun Shadeheart!" she purred as she grabbed the ball and padded back, dropping the ball and swatting it towards Shadeheart.
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit EmptyFri 11 Oct 2013 - 16:48

Shadeheart smiled as she easily caught the mossball. "Try to catch this one!" she meowed as she kicked the ball especially hard with her left foot, which happened to be her sore foot. "Oh... th... that wasn't such a good idea..." she mumbled as the pain started coming back.

OoC: Smart move Shade...

Shadeheart and Whitekit Riycd4
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PostSubject: Re: Shadeheart and Whitekit   Shadeheart and Whitekit Empty

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