Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
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 May Gathering 2023

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Reaper King
Honey Badger
King Falcon I
Jay Bird
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Jay Bird
Former Staff
Former Staff
Jay Bird

Characters : [F] Fernpaw ; [O] Oakpaw
Clan/Rank : [F] Windclan ; [O] Riverclan
Pisces Dragon
Number of posts : 4009
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyTue 2 May 2023 - 17:35

Oakpaw heard the shouting and argument without an expression on his face. The tom wondered why they had to shout here, in a gathering. It was late, they were all tired. Why don't end this quickly? Sure, he had his opinions on the matter but they weren't worth sharing. It wouldn't change a thing and it wasn't his issue. The red-furred tom waited and waited until his deputy and leader spoke. As expected from the Riverclan High Ranks, they spoke calmly and rationally. Better yet, as graceful and righteous as she was, Perchstar called her clan off from this mess.

Oakpaw stood up happily and started to walk away with the rest of the clan. On his way, he noticed one of her fellow apprentices looking rather anxious and worried since the start of Batsong's "trial". The chubby tom could sense Willowpaw's distress and, in response, he decided to walk right next to her, giving her a reassuring touch with his tail. Oakpaw didn't know them very much, but she was still his clanmate and he cared for her well-being.

Oakpaw left the Gathering with the rest of Riverclan, accompanying Willowpaw.


Oaksoul of Riverclan ↠↠ Tier 2 Warrior ↠↠ #3333cc
Ferntwist of Windclan ↠↠ Tier 1 Warrior ↠↠ #0099cc
May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Signat14
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Characters : Fuzzface, Curlyfluff, Sweetheart, Molehill, Bugkit
Clan/Rank : (F)WC/T5, (C)TC/T5, (S)TC/T2, (M)WC/T3, (B)WC/K
Libra Dragon
Number of posts : 5911
Gender : F
Age : 23

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyTue 2 May 2023 - 17:47

Having entered the gathering like any other moon, the usual happenings were soon disrupted by Batsong, WindClan's medicine cat.

She began by accusing Mottlestar and Nightstar, and as the clearing erupted in a fury, the tan tom sat where he was in shocked silence. Mottlestar had kits with Nightstar? He wondered who the kits were; they could be any-cat here... but giving his fluffy head a shake, he looked back up to the chaos that was unfolding. It wasn't his place to wonder. Right now, he needed to defend his clanmates. It didn't take long before cats from all the clans began to answer questions and yell back at Batsong, and Curlyfluff couldn't help but become a bit overwhelmed from the sudden burst of disorder. His brother was one of the cats who stepped up to justify his leader, and as Curlyfluff began to stand to reply to join him in replying to Batsong's questioning, Comfreyheart pulled him close and ordered him to stay put. She then went on to speak against the WindClanner and seemed more than annoyed, which he found understandable, but as he sat there, his pelt began to itch with anticipation.

Standing up in a dismissive sort of manner, his heart raced and he shot his gaze down to his paws nervously. He'd never disobeyed an order... but was this truly disobedience? He was still very close to her, after all. Whether it was or not, he'd let his mother reprimand him for it later. Batsong had directly asked him a question and wasn't about to stay quiet, not after his brother and other clanmates had begun to speak on behalf of Mottlestar. Of course, part of him doubted his voice would even be heard over the crowd, but he might as well try. If it meant helping his leader, then he’d take a chance.

"Just because she was drawn to some tom in the past doesn't define who she is as a leader now," Curlyfluff stated strongly looking up the black she-cat, standing tall like his brother Lichenwing was. "Mottlestar has been nothing but loyal to her family and clan, and I have never doubted her for a second. She provides for us in all the ways leaders should, and to get yourself involved in other clan's matters is down right rude," he mewed as calmly as possible, his pelt tingling with nerves and breathing becoming shallow over the whole ordeal. He could perhaps understand if the medicine cat was a part of the involved clans, but she wasn't, and he found it to be outright ill-mannered of her. He didn’t want to dislike Batsong, he’d hoped that they could become friends. But her little act this gathering was making it quite difficult to not think ill-willed of her…

tl;dr: Curlyfluff is standing beside Comfreyheart and has replied to Batsong's question... he defended his leader and clan.


Fuzzface sits in the corner, appalled at what was going on. Batsong seemed to have grown some and he wondered why she bothered in getting involved in other clan's matters. Wouldn't keeping quiet save more energy? If she had, they would all have had more time to eat.
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Characters : [B]Briarkit
Clan/Rank : [B]WindClan Kit
Taurus Monkey
Number of posts : 672
Gender : they/she| racoon in the garage
Age : 20

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyTue 2 May 2023 - 17:54

It could never just be a simple gathering, could it? 

Batsong’s announcement had plunged the gathering into absolute chaos in seconds, voices over voices clamoring over each other— Juniperheart tore away from Marigoldmask in an instant, blue eyes seeking out Birdstar and Wolfblossom in panic. ThunderClan’s leader had kits with ShadowClan’s leader— Juniperheart couldn’t possibly believe it, nor could she believe the relief that bubbled up into her chest. If Mottlestar herself allows it..

Lichenwing’s gruff voice rang out clear over the others, distinctive twang stopping Juniperheart in her tracks. Of course this big-mouthed tom would be one of the first to speak his mind, bellowing his devout support for his leader. Lichenwing was a fool: a brave warrior, but a fool. He was going to get himself killed if he keeps it up like this! 

Her mothers forgotten, Juniperheart scanned the ctowd for Lichenwing’s grey coat, finding it quicker than she anticipated. The tom was still chattering on, angry and proud, and with little forethought Juniperheart began to push her way over to him. Batsong, Mottlestar, Nightsar— none of that mattered to her, not right now. All she could think about was keeping her Lichenwing from getting himself skinned.


Toadlegs was one of the first RiverClan cats to follow Perchstar’s call, practically breaking his legs in half from the sprint he took to her side. This had to be even worse than the last gathering he went to! He knew he should’ve stayed at camp again! As RiverClan made their departure, Toadlegs kept looking over his shoulder at the chaos unfolding behind him— Stars, he was so glad his leader wouldn’t do anything like that! Maybe it really was best to keep his ties in his own clan, the other clans’ leaders and medicine cats seemed cracked anyway.

Toadlegs leaves with the rest of RiverClan. Juniperheart runs to valiantly defend her hubby.

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 KyAienM
Briarkit | #ff9966 | 10/30 | WindClan Kit

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Characters : Living:[J]uniperpaw, [Q]uillsplash, [L]eopardpaw, [C]reamkit | Dead: Tawnyshadow(ShC), Sootstorm(WC), Ajex(Outsider), Shatteredsky(SkC), Reedshine(TC), Deerleap(ShC) Slightfrost(Skc) Specklepaw(WC) Sunfire(TC), Copperlark(Outsider), Cinderpaw(TC), Quickpaw(WC), Deerpaw(ShC), Willowpaw(ShC)
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan Apprentice [Q]ShadowClan T4 Warrior [L]WindClan Apprentice [C]WindClan Kit
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3310
Gender : He/Him
Age : 14

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyTue 2 May 2023 - 18:42

Whatever hopes he had for meeting new cats was dashed as soon as Batsong called for silence. Sootpaw could only watch on in horror and confusion as cats defended and accussed their leaders. What is going on? Why must Batsong do this?


Tawnyshadow jumped to her paws as Batsong began spewing the most outragous claims. Ridiculous! Nightstar was a leader, chosen by Starclan themselves, gifted with nine lives and insight ordinary warriors could never dream of. To say that he had committed such crimes was just not possible. The she-cat's yellow eyes narrowed on the black medicine cat. Whatever you think Starclan told you must be a dream... or maybe you're just making this up to get back for Nightstar's clearly reasonable attack on your clanmate! Whatever you say, tresspassing is tresspassing!

Chaos erupted all around her. Tawnyshadow hissed and turned away in disgust. Whatever she had to say about the matter, if it turned out to be true, would be dealt with in the clan. This is none of Windclan's business, nor does it have anything to do with Thunderclan.

If it was true... Tawnyshadow raised her head to regard her leader. A code-breaker should not be allowed to stay in a clan, with cats who actually followed the code. If it turned out to be true, she was prepared to help throw out that tyrant.

Tawnyshadow is ignoring Batsong
Sootpaw is very confused
Sunfire(TC) is talking to Rookfire

Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T4 Warrior / #802318
Juniperpaw / She-Cat / ShadowClan Apprentice / #B9ABB2
Leopardpaw / Tom / WindClan Apprentice / #cc9900
Creamkit / She-Cat / WindClan Kit / #ff6600

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [SC]Heatherberry| [TC]Vinecrawler | [SKC] Peatkit | [WC] Moosekit | [R] Grub Jr
Clan/Rank : [H]T3 BT MC / T4 MC | [V]T5 Warrior | [GJ] T1 Rogue | [P] Kit | [M] Apprentice
Pisces Tiger
Number of posts : 4559
Gender : she/her
Age : 26

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyTue 2 May 2023 - 19:53

Nightstar and Mottlestar... Mottlestar and Nightstar... Nightstar and Mottlestar. Firefly's mouth hung open loosley, in shock that Batsong- the same medicine cat that had come to talk to Mottlestar moons ago- had announced to the whole forest that the russet warriors own mother had not only broken code, but had done so with Nightstar, of all cats. Not only that, but this relationship had resulted in... Kits...? But who? When? Where?

Her ears rang as blood began to simmer within them as her thoughts swirled in her head, deafening her surroundings as she stared up in disbelief at ThunderClan's leader upon Great Rock. This must have been why Batsong had wanted to speak to Mottlestar that day; to get Mottlestar to confirm that this sin had indeed taken place. But her green eyes couldn't help but silently plead with her mother that this wasn't so.

Her name being called was what brought her attention back, only now realizing what Batsong was asking her to do: come to an agreement- along with the rest of the forest- on if ThunderClan's leader should repent to StarClan. Firefly couldn't believe the audacity of Batsong, medicine cat or not. Did Firefly believe Mottlestar should repent? Yes. Did she believe it was up to anyone but ThunderClan to ask the leader to do so? No. It was extremely disrespectful, actually. She couldn't give two rat tail's about ShadowClan being put on display. This was another slight against ThunderClan by yet another medicine cat... Except Burdockroot had the audacity to keep it between herself, Leopardsun, and ThunderClan.

She flicked her tail across Comfreyheart's shoulder, signaling to her former mentor that she should take her own advise and breathe. "ThunderClan asks of Mottlestar to repent for breaking code." Outside of this... Was Mottlestar a good leader? For the first time, Firefly was unsure of her answer. The whole of ThunderClan seemed to be ripe with code breaking: every other cat mixed with another clans blood, or allowed in after leaving their previous clan. That, in her head, made Mottlestar a terrible leader.

But Mottlestar was a great mother. She loved all of her offspring equally, and was fair in their punishments. So, for the sake of love, Firefly would swallow her pride and confidently spew lies and uncertainties disguised as truths. She was sorry to Comfreyheart- to Curlyfluff, and to the rest of ThunderClan that had spoken only good things- in that she couldn't say this with her full heart, "I believe this to be a one-off code breaking. Mottlestar wouldn't further hurt ThunderClan or its rules; she has led us on the straight and true." She stared into her mothers eyes as she spoke, bile swelling into her throat. "However, there should be an added punishment: claim one of Nightstar's lives. Prove to the forest- not just StarClan- that you have repented." A direct request to Mottlestar.

She was hot-blood by default, but tonight was very different. She had never felt so sick with rage like this before. This was new and very much unwelcome. Eyes scanned the sky above for a brief moment, StarClan's gift making her face twitch in pain. Had the full moon not been there to prevent her, she would have leapt upon that stupid rock and took Nightstar's lives herself.

It was becoming glaringly obvious she may not be able to contain her self much longer. It was time for her to step away.

No further glances or words were cast to anyone else. Firefly, head pounding with seething rage, dismissed herself from the gathering. Black and russet tail twitching angrily behind her.

Firefly would not be returning to ThunderClan. Not for a while.

Harriertalon, upon hearing Firefly's request of Mottlestar to take one of Nightstar's lives, knew she could no longer be silent. Though, somewhat unsurprisingly, Batsong moved onto question her next. It was glaringly obvious that she was being coerced into giving the right answer, but Harriertalon stood firm. "I believe that is up to not only our council, but also to StarClan to decide whether or not Nightstar is worthy of continuing in his position. Personally, there does need to be a change in how things are handled within ShadowClan. But forcing a leader to step down is a huge ask; especially for a medicine cat of a different clan. So, Batsong, I ask of you as one medicine cat to another: stand down."

A sigh escaped her as she glanced to her mentor, Burdockroot. There was no doubt that she had lots to say about Nightstar, but she hoped that could wait till it was just ShadowClan. Or even just Burdockroot and Nightstar alone.

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 13770

won't you shake a poor sinners hand?:

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 JPzjwJV May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 JPzNeMg May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 JGg2mwx May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 JPzwPEb May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 JPzwXQn

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Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckpaw, Eveningmoon, Flurrykit - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan Apprentice [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] Unborn ThunderClan Kit
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7410
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 26

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyTue 2 May 2023 - 20:05

She had hoped it would be a peaceful night and it had started out so well. Acornstem sat among her Clanmates, ears pinned back in horror as she listened to Batsong's words. Mottlestar had...? However, for a brief moment, she only felt confusion wash over her. What was the problem? Love was a powerful thing - or...Or perhaps it hadn't even been love, she didn't think Mottlestar acted like she had any affection for the leader but... Her paws were rooted to the ground, tail lashing thought she held her tongue. She stood with her Clanmates in Mottlestar's defense - it was in the past and...And she didn't think love was to be punished anyways! That was, until Firefly spoke. She spun to stare at her friend as she asked Mottlestar to- What? A startled gasp escaped her, mouth opening to try to speak up something but her words were caught in her throat. She... She found nothing to say as Firefly turned and left, silently screaming at her paws to go after her friend - to comfort her or...Or something! But her paws wouldn't move. So there she stood, eyes wide as she stared after Firefly, heart sinking deep in her chest.


Badgermask sat close to Moondancer, ears slicked back in surprise at Batsong jumped up with the other leaders and started to go on a...Well, she wasn't sure what to call it other than a rant against Nightstar. Her eyes however narrowed at the revelation of the forbidden relationship, bearing her teeth in a silent snarl. She had never been truly certain on how to feel for the leader - Leopardsun was loyal as his deputy but it was clear she was never truly happy with how he led the Clan sometimes. She was as loyal as her mother was thought - if Leopardsun spoke in defense of Nightstar, which she technically did... She slipped back into an unmoving expression as her mother spoke against Batsong and her agenda for this 'trial.' Tsk, another cat to dislike. There was some pride that the other Clans seemed uneasy by this - the newly returned Perchstar scolding the medicine cat as well - maybe they weren't all bad but she certainly wasn't going to trust WindClan and their medicine cat again any time soon. Another cat who promptly were added to her distrust list was a ThunderClan she-cat who dared to put forth the idea that Mottlestar take one of Nightstar's lives. Her eyes narrowed as her head snapped to look at her, but the she-cat was already making moves to leaving the Gathering. Blah, good riddance.


Creamsky found himself blinking, quite unsure of what to make of this entire...Thing. His eyes nervously glanced between ThunderClan and ShadowClan, before he looked up at the rock - not staring at Batsong or either of the leaders on display but to Birdstar. The leader hadn't found a moment to speak her mind - if she was planning to - and he was wondering what her thought on all of...This was. It certainly didn't feel like his business, he wasn't sure what to think about this entire trial that was happening. The chaos that had erupted was the last thing he wanted, but he wasn't about to move unless Birdstar gave the signal - he would follow her lead no matter what.


May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckpaw ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrykit
TC T5 Leader (70/190) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ RC Apprentice (20/40) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/100) ~ Unborn TC Kit (10/20)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Nightstalker - Rom wuz here <3
Clan/Rank : Shadowclan Warrior
Number of posts : 1155
Gender : Unspecified | kitty says hi <3

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyTue 2 May 2023 - 20:11

Nightstar was startled so to speak, when Batsong started the gathering and started spewing and slandering Nightstar and Mottlestar, him most of all it seemed as Batsongs grudge from moons past reared its ugly head. Anger simmered and roared under Nightstars skin like writhing worms and ticks, however, Nightstar knew that this was not the time for anger, for the searing fire that helped him protect his clan. Nightstar got to his paws like a cat dunked into the most frozen river, his amber eyes were molten and fiery as he looked down with an eerie silence at Batsong, his eyes flicking to where voices picked up, some farther, some right next to him.

"I understand that you have grievances with me, Batsong, but perhaps instead of dragging all clans into your grudge, you should have brought it to Shrikestar and then myself to resolve it. I am not here on this rock to excuse every action I do before Windclans Medicine Cat for actions taken to protect my clan. But I will supply some context so that the cats in this clearing can make the decisions for themselves instead of being fed propaganda from a grudge-holding Medicine Cat. Shadowclan and Windclan were briefly allied, but after several attacks against my warriors and prey hunted, a line had to be drawn. Your warriors were caught hunting on my land, and once I had taken those warriors back home safely to get treated by you, where instead they could have struggled home and fallen in the large crack we could all see from highstones, I ended the alliance. Silverwing, who now I see finds herself a Skyclan warrior, went for the throat of my clanmate. As for Brackenwing, all that happened was that the thunderpaths were iced over, the monster went off the path for her, and I got in the way. Nothing to it." Nightstar called, nodding coolly to the cats that at least were reasonable enough to see it for what it was.

"Since the end of the alliance, and Brackenwing's injury, is it not true that we have been nothing but peaceful? Have you not been able to rebuild your camp, hunt, and thrive? Have you at least once been threatened by me, or Shadowclan since? All I have done, Batsong, is ensure that my territory is secure, my warriors are not attacked, and my prey is not being stolen by Windclan. Now you disrespect your leader, your deputy, and you open old, scarred-over wounds, and for what?

"Shadowclan will decide what to do with me. Not Windclan's Medicine Cat. I will do everything I can for them, for they are my family just as I am theirs, and I hope that in my tenure as their leader, although I am certain I've made mistakes, I have proven my dedication to Shadowclan every step of the way. I will answer any and all questions to my clan, not to a gathering that is not privy to these matters. If any cat thinks my callousness is intentionally personal, then that is my apology. I live and die by Shadowclan, whatever they want of me I will do." Nightstar meowed, the anger still simmering under the surface but carefully hidden under a stoic exterior.

Distantly, a she-cat - Firefly? - suggested that he let himself bare his throat before Mottlestar, and that caused his eyes to flick briefly to the mottled leader. His tongue holding for the moment as he tried to assess what she was going to do.

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Dfdosgv-70e9318b-eb4f-43c6-9628-3bb18010e426.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzgyMmY1OGNhLWMyNjAtNDQzYy1iZDIyLWVhNGZiODYxMjFhOFwvZGZkb3Nndi03MGU5MzE4Yi1lYjRmLTQzYzYtOTYyOC0zYmIxODAxMGU0MjYucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0
Nightstalker Tier 5 Warrior of Shadowclan
70 HP / 160 SP
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [R]owansong [Ro]okflight [S]ilverhawk [P]igeonpouce [F]ish [T]wilightpaw [F]alconkit [Fo]xkit
Clan/Rank : [R] RiverClan T5 Elder [Ro] RiverClan T4 Warrior [S] ShadowClan T4 Warrior [P] T2 RiverClan Warrior [F] T2 Rogue [T] RiverClan Apprentice [F] WindClan Kit [Fo] Unborn SkyClan Kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 2610
Gender : any or username
Age : 22

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyTue 2 May 2023 - 20:28


It wasn’t long before WindClan joined them in the clearing, Shrikestar arriving to the Rock with his own pleasantries. Birdstar nodded a second time toward Perchstar and then towards WindClan’s leader. Casual chatter rolled through the clearing, and Birdstar reclined to listen. They didn’t need to rush to announcements, and she was content to enjoy the rarity that was a peaceful evening in Fourtrees.

Until a sixth body crawled onto the Great Rock. Birdstar’s eyes narrowed immediately, watching the unfamiliar she-cat stammer a greeting to Perchstar. She recognized the newcomer vaguely, WindClan’s medicine cat? though she didn’t have a name to go with the face. She didn’t need a name to know she didn’t want to listen to whatever the medicine cat had to say. Would it be such a bad thing, to have the Gathering go smoothly two moons in a row?

Birdstar’s ears flattened against her head when the medicine cat called the clearing to order. She didn’t bother stifling the dismissive snort that came in response to the yowling. Her narrow gaze briefly left the medicine cat to glare pointedly at the back of Shrikestar’s head. Whatever Clan he thought he was running seemed insistent on chewing its own legs off at every turn.

Talk of code-breaking interested her none. The idea of a civil conversation made her laugh, another sound she didn’t hide. Birdstar had decided she would stop listening until the medicine cat ran out of air, but Mottlestar’s name made her head turn. She was glaring straight at the WindClanner, hackles and tail bristling. Her claws flexed briefly, scraping over stone before she had the mind to retract them. You’re lucky you don’t fall right now. Birdstar managed to keep that behind her teeth. On instinct, she stood and moved closer to Mottlestar, large frame blocking sight of her from part of the crowd.

On the list of crimes went. Birdstar’s ear flicked at the mention of Amberstone, a half-familiar name. The story surrounding her made the large molly’s lip curl. This wasn’t how she’d wanted to corroborate Silverwing’s story– not that she trusted WindClan or ShadowClan to tell the truth if she’d ever asked civilly –but it was the one string of this speech she could be appreciative of.

Names were called, summoned to speak. Birdstar listened to the testimonies as they came, baring her teeth when her own name left the little weasel’s mouth. Birdstar waited, holding her words as other voices rose– Poppyshine below, Perchstar behind her, a hundred yowls rising from the sea of cats below whether they were asked or not. Birdstar only took her eyes off the medicine cat when Perchstar yowled that RiverClan was leaving, turning to watch the gray she-cat moving protectively closer to Mottlestar– and realizing she was still standing beside the tortoiseshell. Quietly, Birdstar stepped away to let Perchstar speak, shifting towards the one who caused this mess.

Birdstar drew herself to full height, and her bristling pelt only made her seem larger. “Several cats have voiced my opinion already,” she started, low and only for those on the Rock to hear. “I won’t bother repeating them. I will, though, recommend Shrikestar learns how to handle his Clan. Properly.” Her tail flicked once. Birdstar quietly took the medicine cat in– Batsong, she’d learned –then leaned forward until there was only a breath separating their muzzles. "I advise you listen to Perchstar and leave the Great Rock." She rumbled, leaving no room for argument. With a bullish snort, she turned away, lifting her head.

Nightstar spoke, addressing everything Batsong spat at him. An ear flicked with irritation at the pointed mention of Silverwing, but Birdstar quietly let the tom speak. Nothing he said surprised her. She held no fondness for ShadowClan's leader, but begrudgingly, Birdstar did respect him. Looking away from him, Birdstar stepped forward, chin jerking upward as she readied to address the seething crowd.

“My opinion of Nightstar does not matter here. Any involvement SkyClan has had with him or his Clan does not matter here. I will not be divulging my Clan’s private dealings so flagrantly, as others have said.” Birdstar’s whiskers twitched. She didn't need to stab fresher wounds by detailing the situation between Stoatclaw and Redice. A... matter that had been settled privately, between the two Clans. Their warrior had been nearly murdered; ShadowClan had, as effectively as they could, remedied the situation, though a bitter taste still hung on Birdstar’s tongue at the thought of the marsh-dwelling Clan. It made her think: ShadowClan had been the common factor, but if Nightstar had been able to settle things smoothly with her Clan…

Birdstar’s eyes narrowed, looking towards WindClan’s shifting crowd. She had no doubt Nightstar and his warrior had been in the wrong, mauling trespassers, but she wondered if WindClan weren’t contributors to the problem.

“In any case: Murder does not beget a light sentence. I imagine that’s something each Clan is aware of. If Nightstar has made repeated attempts on the lives of WindClan's warriors, and nearly succeeded in killing one– nevermind the fact he lost a life in the process, as that would make your charges seem idiotic, which I'm sure they aren't... then a moon's demotion is not nearly enough to repay these transgressions.” Her claws flexed again. Birdstar took a breath, allowing her claws to remain fixed in the stone. A voice echoed from ThunderClan's corner, suggesting Mottlestar take one of Nightstar's lives. Birdstar angled her head to the side, gaze piercing where it fell on WindClan's medicine cat.

“Turn and look me in the eyes, Batsong. If Nightstar is the villain you claim he is, then I expect you to stand now, before all five Clans– before their leaders, deputies, medicine cats; each warrior and apprentice brought with them –and rip Nightstar’s throat from his neck. That would be a serviceable punishment for his crimes, don't you agree? Is that recourse fitting your idea of justice?" Birdstar's unwavering attention remained on Batsong. "These are heavy charges you present, so they must be met with heavy ruling. And I assume you haven’t lied about anything. This is the platform of StarClan, after all.” Birdstar paused again, though not nearly long enough for Batsong to carry out the request. “Go on. He’s of the Dark Forest, clearly. StarClan has named you the righteous enforcer of their will. If he’s soiled the code, then slay him now. Several times over. An eye for an eye.” Her thick tail lashed left and right with her rage. Again, she didn’t wait long enough for a response before barreling onward.

“I know you will not murder a leader in Fourtrees– do not correct me if you considered it. This is a fool's errand, and I do not have the time or the interest to listen to your wailing. You made good points, Batsong. I’ll give you that, at least. Unfortunately, they’re suffocated under the drivel that was everything else. You denied yourself the chance of civil court when you brought this before the entirety of the Clans. Settle your personal grudges outside the Gathering. The rest of the forest does not care about a forbidden relationship. I do not care about a forbidden relationship. Do you think I have the time to concern myself with who wants kits with who? Do you think I have the care to concern myself with another Clan’s border activity when my own father was ThunderClan?” Birdstar tipped her head down at Batsong. With another lash of her tail, she decided she was done.

“Wolfblossom!” She called down to her sister, leaning forward off the Rock. “I’ll join you soon. Can you lead everyone to the edge of the clearing? We aren’t taking any chances here.” The air already crackled with tension; if Birdstar felt the sizzle of electricity, she was never leading SkyClan to a Gathering again. “Get help if you need to. Miserable, isn’t it?” Her laugh was bitter and humorless, then Birdstar ducked away from the edge of the Rock.

Careless of Nightstar or Shrikestar’s positions, she moved to the little huddle that was Perchstar and Mottlestar. She fell into the earlier stance she’d subconsciously taken, stepping purposefully to Mottlestar’s side to shield her from at least some of the roiling crowd. Pale green eyes fell on Perchstar, watching the RiverClanner quietly before focusing on Mottlestar. “I hope you’ll be alright, in ThunderClan?” She murmured after a moment to catch her breath. “I’m sorry, for this night. You have SkyClan’s– my support, Mottlestar.”

Birdstar has requested Wolfblossom to round SkyClan up, intending to leave soon. You are still free to post, even if its just your cat leaving!


Silverpaw was overjoyed. He was nearly trembling as they neared Fourtrees, the clearing already buzzing with low chatter. It was a struggle, to keep to Pineblossom’s side until she said he could go. Fourtrees was beautiful, and it was full of more cats than he could’ve imagined. Silverpaw’s ears swiveled forward, searching for anyone that looked interesting that he could run and talk to. He nodded along while Pineblossom talked, turning around just long enough to give his family a bright, glittering grin before shooting off into the crowd.

He’d thought about finding SkyClan and asking more questions than he needed to– it wasn’t like he’d see them again anyway, right? Probably not, at least. Following what he thought was their woody scent led him to a different group though, and idle muttering quickly informed him this was ThunderClan’s band. Silverpaw slipped between them, searching around until he spotted a dark-furred she-cat. She looked his age… maybe older? She was smaller than him, though. Curious, Silverpaw settled over, settling down right beside her.

“Hi there!” He purred, eyes squeezing shut from the width of his smile. His expression smoothed into a more even smile, and Silverpaw snickered to himself, turning away from the she-cat to look up at the leaders. “I’m Silverpaw, from ShadowClan! This is my first Gathering. What’s your name?” He mewed as he studied the faces of each cat on the Rock. But… another cat was climbing up there. His eyes narrowed curiously, and before the apprentice he sat by could respond, the newcomer to the Rock was yowling for silence.

Silverpaw shrank slightly at the call, ears folding back. This wasn’t how Gatherings were supposed to go, was it? He stretched up slightly, searching in the direction Pineblossom had gone, but he couldn’t see her over the crowd. Sighing, Silverpaw turned forward again. “Did you know there was going to be a trial?” He whispered, forced amusement in his voice. The closest thing he'd seen to a trial was Redice, and... Silverpaw's whiskers twitched.

Code-breakers, among the leaders? Silverpaw’s ears pressed down lower, entirely flat against his head. What was she talking about? Who was she-

She was talking about Nightstar.

Silverpaw tensed, eyes suddenly wide and fixed on the screeching medicine cat. Nightstar had been in a forbidden relationship? Had kits? With ThunderClan’s leader? Heat stirred in Silverpaw’s chest. That couldn’t be right. Nightstar was the Code. But... Mottlestar had reportedly confirmed it. His tail lashed wildly across the grass as he processed the information.

Silverpaw listened on through the list of crimes. Most of the transgressions were from before Silverpaw was born, or when he'd been too young to notice or care. He couldn't refute them, but his blood boiled with the desire to leap to Nightstar's defense. He stared rigidly at the unfolding chaos until she called out for Iceheart, where his lip curled and, without thinking, he snarled- as if Batsong would hear or be derailed by it. His gaze drifted, finally able to spot his adoptive mother through the throng of cats when she stood to howl back. A thin smirk found its way onto Silverpaw’s muzzle. Go, Pineblossom! He cheered silently. It was a shame she had to speak on this at all, but at least she had the bark to hopefully make the medicine cat realize what a fool she was being.

“This is ridiculous,” he hissed quietly, claws pressing into the soft grass. Fury and disgust and a quiet fear stirred in his stomach. Nightstar hadn’t broken the Code, hadn’t betrayed ShadowClan. He hadn’t. Nightstar was finally speaking up, defending himself– most of the accusations, at least. He said nothing about the forbidden kits this... joke was based upon. Silverpaw tried to ignore that, leaning forward to listen closer to what Nightstar did say. He cared about ShadowClan. He was fighting for ShadowClan. They were everything to him. Silverpaw nodded succinctly. If Nightstar had done something worth this severity, he would have been met with punishment already. This whole thing, it was just– a bid for attention, or leverage, or something like that. It wasn't true.

Silverpaw is sitting by Rosepaw and having a minor crisis of faith.

I am a diamond on the inside, just add the pressure.Art credit


For the first time since returning to the forest, approaching Fourtrees felt… normal. Perchstar led RiverClan into the hollow, first of the Clans to arrive. Nothing dreadful hung in the air as more steadily joined. With a breath, Rowansong shook out his fur. Feeling a little more awake, he started to drift from RiverClan’s crowd– or would, if Egretpaw weren’t still knocking lightly into his legs. He tilted his head downward, regarding her for a quiet moment where she clung to him, before settling in place.

“Quite loud, is it not?” He asked, idly looking around the clearing. He found the Gathering’s constant buzz a thrill, when he’d been a young apprentice like Egretpaw. But now… “I am not entirely fond of it at this grand age. All the humdrum– oh, it gives me a terrible headache these days.” He sighed with dramatized weariness, shoulders slumping as breath wheezed through him. When he inhaled and slowly straightened back up, he nudged Egretpaw gently, smiling down at her. “They are not terrible, though. They do not always drag, and you may find interest in speaking with another Clan.”

Rowansong was searching for more passive reassurances when an unfamiliar voice called the Gathering order. He paid only half a mind to the call until there was talk of code-breaking, of trials. Curious, he looked towards the Great Rock, shouldering a bit in front of Egretpaw. Forbidden romance? That hardly seemed worth grinding the Gathering to a halt over. But it was more than that– alleged murder attempts, cruelty, a demand Nightstar be removed from his position.

Rowansong’s eyes narrowed. He didn’t truly care about the huff and puff of Clan politics; it was beyond him, and except for moments like this, it affected him little. Briefly, he looked towards Poppyshine, watching as she spoke when called. Then Perchstar, who dug into the protestor at length before demanding RiverClan leave.

That was all the excuse he needed. Nosing Egretpaw gently, Rowansong spun them around, already making for the rise back out of the clearing. He looked carefully between his shifting Clanmates until he spotted his other apprentice, sitting quietly with his brother. “Larkpaw! Do not fall astray.” Larkpaw was independent enough that Rowansong didn’t feel the need to personally shepherd him out of the clearing. Still, he had some duty of care. He watched the twins for a moment before padding further along with Egretpaw. Voice still light despite the upheaval, he chattered on, “They are not all like this! I suppose the moon does possess a curious habit of drawing the eccentricities out… But they are not all this obscene! It is not that far a walk back to RiverClan, at least.”

Rowansong is walking and talking with Egretpaw.

I need the sound of crowds, or I can't fall asleep at night.Art credit


As with most things new, Rookpaw was dreading the Gathering. They had listened in on several conversations about it as soon as they found out they were meant to attend. Most of their denmates were excited for it, but an evening spent packed into Fourtrees with the other four Clans– again –listening to them chatter on for hours sounded less than pleasant. Hopefully, they would at least learn something.

Rookpaw stayed close to RiverClan, and Larkpaw stayed close to them. The clearing was worse than they remembered it being as a kit, and worse than they had spent the day imagining. Their ears were pinned against their head, and the bridge of their muzzle wrinkled deeper each time a cat brushed past them. They were happy to find a place to settle among their Clanmates, and they leaned closely against Larkpaw while waiting for the Gathering to start.

A sharp voice rang out. Rookpaw frowned, looking towards the Great Rock as the cat went on shouting. They didn’t listen to half of the speech, only noting the accusations and ignoring the rest of the tirade. When the crowd began to bubble with rage at the interruption, countless voices howling in response to the accusation, Rookpaw shifted wearily to their paws. “Lark,” they murmured, the slightest hiss to their low voice, and turned to stare toward their brother. He looked perfectly content to watch the evening charade play out. Rookpaw, conversely, was sure they would take the ears of the next cat that got too close to them. “I do not want to go to another one of these.”

Rookpaw is with Larkpaw.

My emptiness has gone away, I just woke up today.Art credit


T2 Rogue
T4 Warrior
T5 Elder
T4 Warrior
T2 Warrior
[not pictured]
[not pictured]
[not pictured]

Art by Xaandiir!

Last edited by downfive on Tue 2 May 2023 - 21:05; edited 1 time in total
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Murkyriver ♀ | Mistwalker ♀ | Mintglade ♀ | Crakeburn ♀ | Snowvixen ♀ | Hollowpaw ♀
Clan/Rank : Riverclan | Skyclan | Windclan
Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 4957
Gender : She/Her - ash was here :3 and Ro!
Age : 21

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyTue 2 May 2023 - 20:37

They say that you can die of a broken heart...
Is it true, a love can run so deep?

A warm smile had been upon the molly’s face as she regarded Perchstar’s return. It certainly felt as it should, with all of the leaders upon the rock for the evening. Even as Nightstar joined in, his response causing a curious twitch of her whiskers. There was no obvious sign of tension between the two of them that she found prompting some sort of alertness in her bones, even as deep down, she felt the pit in her stomach growing. That pit soon enough seemed to be brewing into a storm as Windclan’s medicine cat found herself atop the rock, and immediately, the tortoiseshell’s gaze changed. ”Batsong, is something wrong..? I know the last gathering was odd, but I know that you understand tradition.” She immediately prompted, shifting upon her paws anxiously as the meeting that had been held between the two immediately roiled into her mind.

The moment the onyx-pelted feline screeched into the crowd, she felt her world begin splintering. Her own pair of star-blessed, amber-eyes widened into absolute shock, and the tortoiseshell found herself taking a few steps back onto the rock. Emotions swirled like a dangerously blanketed torrent beneath her asymmetrical fur, all fighting for some semblance of dominance over her form. It felt like the weight of the entire forest suddenly came upon purely her shoulders, digging in tighter than any of the claws that gripped her as she was receiving her lives. Bile was quick to follow the piercing sensation within her chest, and it took every ounce of her consciousness to listen through the ringing that quickly filled her ears.

This was real. This was real. All of this was real.

Batsong… I asked you to leave Thunderclan out of this.

The broken words hardly whispered out of the tortoiseshell before the medicine cat had even managed to get to naming her has one of the culprits. For just a moment, there was a sliver of hope that she would not have been the one in question. That something else had happened within the forest that had created such a traitorous stir, something to the caliber of another Dawnhawk descending upon the forest. For just a moment, she found herself panicked as she scanned the crowd, only to catch that pelt etched into her memory. It was just a trick of the forest as she forced her gaze to continue on, not even daring to look at the gazes of her own clanmates.

To think that the Gathering was a time of peace. For the clans to come together, to share nothing but good news. Even if it had some monotony of it, oh how she yearned each and every moon for that to be the time they could go back to it. All she wanted to hear was each leader stepping forward, give some half-hearted warning to stay away from their borders for issues that had already been resolved, name the newly-ranked cats in their clans, and allow them all to go home. It seemed that even those deemed the messengers of StarClan were now bent on disrupting that peace. Truly, nothing was sacred anymore within the forest.

"During the medicine cat moonstone gathering it was revealed from starclan our ancestors that Nightstar and Mottlestar have had a forbidden relationship that resulted in kits."

Whatever cracks had appeared within her realm spread with a force stronger than that which had split Thunderclan’s territories not that long ago. She felt the deep lightning zip through every single pattern of her fur, every part where the deep amber flames met the pitch onyx shadows. It all singed. It singed deep, deeper than any surface wound. Farther than the raccoon that had taken part of her paw had managed to pierce its maw, farther than the words that her own son had spoken to her not that long ago had managed to pierce her heart.

The flame that usually burned so vibrantly in the middle of her chest felt extinguished with every word spoken by the medicine cat. It continued chipping away at her, each little bit. Chip, chip, chip. Shatter, crack, split. Every little part of her was slowly going out, slowly succumbing to a numbness that threatened to take everything away from her being. In the wake of every searing piece of pain, every chip of the flame that bit at her body was that numbness. It was cold, it was icey. Much more biting than even the harshest of leafbare winters, especially the one that she had been born into. If anything, her mind wandered back to the coldness of her dead mother’s body, no longer serving any semblance of assistance in keeping the tiny kit alive.

Oh, how she felt just as small in that moment as she did now. Though, in this moment, there was much more at stake. The ringing in her ears simply grew louder and louder, and the tortoiseshell didn’t even register her own steps swaying her closer towards Perchstar. Perhaps, in those moments, it was the shock of her mind attempting to gravitate towards the familiar. In times past, when Minnowfin had still walked the forest’s floors, it had always been amusing listening to the apprentices attempt to decipher one deputy from another when the mighty Riverclan leader she had befriended was still known as Perchfall. Perhaps she was still one of the few cats in the forest who remained to know the molly by her previous name, to have it stored in memory rather than a simple fact. In that moment, too, it seemed she was playing trivia with who bore the silver and white pelt that brought a deep sense of comfort.

"Mottlestar, while you have broken the code here, it is fair enough to say that as far as I know, your reputation as a fair and just leader precedes you.  Your actions of kindness, protectiveness over your clan and care towards many have helped to make this forest a safer and better environment for all.  As such, unless new evidence were to come to light in this gathering I do not see a reason to further prosecute you really.  I propose, unless anyone objects that your punishment and sentence for this crime be that you take a trip to the moonstone, admit to starclan what you have done and ask for forgiveness from the ancestors…."

It was impossible, beyond impossible, for the tortoiseshell to meet the gazes that undoubtedly bore into her pelt from the crowd. Try as she may have to lift her head to face them, she couldn’t. Instead, it simply continued to lower, sinking more and more as her own physical being sunk into that iceyness that now found itself halfway up her legs. She was already so much smaller than the rest of the leaders, even smaller when compared to the medicine cat who now dared to find themselves upon the rock. Whatever smile had been tossed over that shadow-kissed feline’s shoulder looked like little more than the villainous hiss of an adder, ready to strike at all that she loved and worked for.

Whatever punishment had seemingly been deemed fair by the medicine cat, that she had never truly known until now, never truly reached her ears. The bile that sat at the back of her throat now practically coated her tongue, and all the leader could do to keep herself from heaving in that moment was bring her paws over her head. Her slim tail found itself wrapping around her in comfort, a gesture she had often done to her kits. Even against her own skull, she found her claws kneading, the act mimicked from her too-soon gone mate. The one that she had believed, for moons, had been the one to sire the litter that now came under the scrutiny of the entire forest. They didn’t deserve it.

Even moreso, they didn’t deserve a leader who simply crumpled under those accusations.

It was that thought alone that sent the tears pouring down her hidden face. Who was she to be, if she couldn’t even defend her own clan against such slander? She had worked hard to keep them safe this past moon from all of the threats that found their way towards the Clan. ”Am I no better than Nightstar?” Quietly, the words were mumbled from her trembling frame. Even if Batsong had yet to get through the entire list of accusations that seemed to be hurled his way, it was no secret that the tom didn’t exactly capture the hearts of every she-cat and tom within the forest. This did no favors, not to either Clan.

All of it was made worse with how long Batsong kept talking. Talking, talking, and talking. At the same time, Mottlestar felt her mind slipping. Down, down, down, down into that cold abyss of nothingness that she had found herself in her den just moons before. Every single thought that had made her sink to such a position returned. As a returned foe, it had little mercy against its target, knowing exactly just where to strike to bring her down the harshest. Beyond the muffled, seemingly-far voice that acted as little more than a traitor who preyed upon a helpless kit, all that she could hear was the thrumming of her own heartbeat. It sounded far too loud, far too… dissonant. That wasn’t how it was supposed to feel.

Those sensations had to be shoved down the moment that she heard more of those words. ”I recognize I am only one point of view and above all else I want this to be fair and that in the end goal should be that justice is provided in the correct amounts…” Justice? She felt entitled to speak of justice, when she had no ability to even honor the simple request that Mottlestar herself had made, only sunrises prior? What was the point of this? To air out some filthy pelt against the forest that she had somehow felt vindicated by?

Who gave you this right to behave in such a way? Words were on the tip of her maw, ready to come forth in a torrent against the medicine cat. There was time for peace, there was time for justice. But there was no peace in what Batsong was doing, none as she claimed to be the very voice of the Stars that called for this night to be. Especially as she found it some power of hers to be able to call upon random cats in the crowd, forcing them into a battle that they had no choice to fight. That was far beyond the power of any medicine cat, far beyond whatever ability even the leaders had as it was written in the code for their words to be law.

But before the tortoiseshell even had the capacity to speak, to confirm or deny any of the suspicions that came her way, voices immediately cried out around her. Understandably so, even if she couldn’t truly pick out the torrent of words. Whatever strength had burrowed into her heart had seemed to rip away all of the strength from her body. An attempt to lift her head was met with great resistance from her limbs, every sinewy thread of muscle screeching their own accusations from her actions in an attempt to prevent her from standing. She could do nothing, could let out no cry as she attempted to do such a thing. Something, anything, to let the forest know that such a cat had taken her down so easily.

As the venomous shade called forth cats to testify, one voice made its way to hear ears, though much too muffled and faint for what it should have been. "Mottlestar is the best leader ThunderClan's ever seen!" Lichenwing. One of her newer warriors, a tom who had dedicated himself thoroughly to his training and had earned his name with more than enough credit.

“Of course she’s a good caring leader! She is better than any leader I have ever known or heard about!” Comfreyheart. A voice that she could pick out from anywhere. The recognition of a mother. But still, why did she sound so distant..?

”As for these allegations... Yes, the romance between Mottlestar and Nightstar was forbidden. However, I do not see how that is any business of RiverClan, SkyClan or WindClan.” Perchstar. Oh, how that only made her chest tighten more. Thunderclan had been on the verge of an alliance with the clan across the stones, and now, it seemed it all would be ripped away. For as close as Perchstar was to her, the two-toned molly should have been much louder. Much, much louder. The fact that she sounded so distant only settled more fear into the tortoiseshell’s heart, the ever-gripping emotions that tried to present themselves into her body never being able to truly become a full, coherent piece.

Mercy… Stars, have mercy. Her pleading began. Silent, whispers within her maw that hardly moved her ever-chilling body.

”She may have simply made a mistake in a moment of passion--and who in this forest can say they have not done something similar, whether or not it was of lesser magnitude? None of you have any right to judge her. None of you.” Perhaps they did have mercy, or perhaps it was the growing fuzz in her ears that once more was replacing the sounds of the forest with that sharp, piercing ringing. Maybe StarClan wished to rip her lives away from her, one by one, while the forest attempted to defend her. If this was her ancestors finally passing their judgment, perhaps she would accept it. But something in her told her to keep fighting.

Stars, I know you should be far to listen to me. But I repent for my actions. I acknowledge, and repent, for what I did after being blessed with my lives. She continued. Still, the numbness crept forth, now overtaking a majority of her torso. She was still cemented to the rock beneath her, unable to move or adjust as the left half of her frame screamed. It screamed in pure agony, a pain that should have produced a loud cry from her maw.

”Unless you die and ascend to StarClan and then return in a cloud of lightning and flames, I will accept none of your judgements on her character. She has been nothing but a good leader, mother and friend. Any problems between her and the stars are hers to sort out, and hers alone. None of you get any say in how she is treated.”


Or perhaps, not silence, but rather, that piercing wail. The drone that spoke of nothingness, of only the void of darkness. She had long stopped seeing what was in front of her, her vision far too blurred by the tears that had been pouring forth. Of every other sense fighting for control simply to keep her grounded. Her ears had been straining to hear the individual forces in the collective cacophony in the forest around her, so strongly, that she had hardly realized the way her conscious slipped away.

To the external world, her head had simply fallen back against her paws. The trembling frame of the mighty leader had gone still, disturbingly still. Whatever chill of the remaining leafbare had found its target, not so much creeping into her small frame so much as it was crashing upon it like a torrent. While newleaf was in charge of bringing forth warmth, there was none to be found within Mottlestar’s body in that moment. Her pelt was a mixture of ambers, browns, deep onyx, and perhaps a kiss of age-induced silver. But in that moment, whatever flame-patterns burned through her fur were rendered as cold as the stone that her body now existed upon.

”What an absolute dung-show.”

It was a voice, familiar yet unfamiliar, that met her ears with a surprising force. For all that she knew, she had succumbed to the unfeeling sensations that had crept into her bones as she kept her face pressed into the stone of the great rock beneath her. Part of her wanted to scoff at it. For a stone that held so much tradition, it sure seemed to serve as the perfect platter for a lot of despair. Of ruin, chaos, and events that would even make the Dark Forest turn their gazes away.

What finally had her lifting her head, however, was the realization that the voice that made that statement had been so clear. Not only that, but the ringing that had permanently settled into her hearing had slipped away, giving way into quiet muffled disruptions below. It was with a wince that she found that it all was clear. Much, much clearer than it should have been. Tears should have produced nothing more than a clouded vision, especially in the illumination of the night that blanketed the forest.

Confusion was first to sow its way onto her features as she looked around. There was no possible way that her senses would have cleared up so instantly, especially given the way her emotions still bla- no. They had numbed themselves, too. Testing her paws, they seemed to once more be her own. No more cemented by whatever invisible force had pressed itself into her body, her chest, her very soul. It was a mixture of relief, but also panic, that soon followed that realization. It only meant one thing. Dread iced its way over her already-icey body as she turned, her tortoiseshell ears pinning as her amber gaze would meet its target.

The scarred tabby, the one who hailed from Riverclan.

Mottlestar had half a mind to cry, half a mind to scoff. The very tom that had given her a life of mercy, here to narrate the absolute chaos of the forest below alongside her. Blinking once, twice, then three times, it was confirmation. The stars in his pelt narrowed into better view, as did the scars. Alongside it, too, seemed to be a little bit of an extra sheen. An homage to his roots as a cat who hailed from the water-dwelling clan, the odd ones out in the forest when it came to the alternate terrain. He should have been a sight that filled her with more rage than it did, but in a way, it was almost fitting. Given that it was the words of the leader of his former Clan that last filled her mind…

”This isn’t how you show any cat mercy. I mean, sure - I would have picked a much better cat than him. But even this is beyond what you deserve for a poor decision.” He shook his head in disdain, the star-touched tail flicking in a clear dissatisfaction for what had unfolded out in the forest… below?

It was at that moment that Mottlestar realized she was, in all truth, still exactly where she had ‘died.’ Standing a bit straighter, it was her own body that was beneath her paws. Or well, her spirit’s paws, she supposed. It was a distressing sight in the least, one that made her illustrious fur stand on the back of her scruff. One glance out among the crowd told her that the situation was no different than the one she had just left it in. Perchstar, now standing at the front of the crowd, threatening Batsong for the way that she had deemed it supposedly her right to put two leaders on trial. To go against the code that she was there to support and uphold.

More voices, joining in their distaste, calling out in their qualms. Leopardsun, just beneath even, coming to the defense of her leader. To even a slight note of uncouth amusement, the distaste at being called Leopardstar before it was her time. It was certainly a slander in multiple ways to deem a cat with the honored suffix before it was their time, especially with the currently living counterpart to that title only just above.

”Are… you going to do anything about this?”
”Out of my paws, unfortunately, kit.”

She didn’t expect the defeat in her voice that happened as a result of hearing that. Nor did she expect the exhaustion that came alongside that. Deep down, she had been hoping that his appearance would mean some acceptance of her repentance. Some sort of confirmation that they had heard her pleas, had taken her endless sunrises and sunsets of regret and torment that tortured her soul like a deep-digging thorn into account, deciding to hear her call for repentance. For some reason, she had truly desired for it to work, for them to give her some confirmation.

Leave it to the Stars to act in such a way to deny that. To keep things away from the cats that they tasked to interact as their behalf. In a way, it was fitting at the same time. Given the fact that it was a medicine cat, the very mouthpiece to their ancestors, who had been the cause behind this dissent into chaos.

Now that she had the ability to actually look into the crowd, though, there were a few places that she couldn’t help but look towards. Instantly, she looked at the leaders beside her. The stunned silence of several, the look of outright fury on Perchstar’s face, the hidden offense that roiled beneath every single pelt on that Great Rock. Not to mention, the shared sentiment of confused outrage that seemed to ripple through the deputies beneath. The tortoiseshell couldn’t help but entirely expect for one of the leaders to simply shove the medicine cat off of the Great Rock, to remind the molly of her place.

She wasn’t usually the vindictive type. Especially not as she sat with the very cat whose entire purpose was to remind her of the mercy that she was supposed to deliver to those who deserved it. But in this instance, would it be mercy to have shoved her off of the rock? Batsong seemed utterly keen on offending every cat in the forest that night, and all at the same time, Shrikestar did nothing to stop his own medicine cat from doing that. Was the forest truly so far gone and to such a point that it was acceptable behavior of just any cat to find themselves sitting upon the great rock, daring to put leaders on trial when it was their words that determined the law? The annoyance that had been too far buried had reared up, and just a singular time, the tri-toned tip of her tail flicked.

It was a betrayal that wouldn’t be forgiven, instead, filed away for later. She had no qualms with Windclan before this, had in fact been rather keen on leaving the moor-residing clan alone. However, given that such a simple request went fully ignored, not to mention the simple, near-treason that had occurred right before every single leader tonight? It was hard not to nearly taste just how many pelts had been ruffled by the accusations, words, and orders had been barked out by the medicine cat. She would hardly be surprised if, come the next gathering, there would have been a war of some sort that had occurred within the forest.

Peeling her gaze away from the leaders, the next place that her gaze went was straight into the crowd. It was hard not to look at her children, all of them. Practically all of Thunderclan had been taken under her wing, and she remembered their words that had made their way into ears just moments before she had succumbed to the way her body had failed to fully function under her command. First, to the children who found themselves at the unknowing center of all of this. To Murkyripple, who had found a spot with her sister, Firefly. To Rosepaw, who seemed positively ready to cause some semblance of her own type of chaos before all of this had happened. Her mind went to Turtlepaw and Thrushpaw as well, mere apprentices who didn’t deserve this in any fashion.

To Comfreyheart. She saw right through the onyx-pelted molly. She could see the hurt that came from all of this, and yet, the trust. That trust, that she would never betray. It made her want to sob, to kneel before every one of her clanmates and beg for their forgiveness. Particularly that molly right there, who she had tucked so tightly under her chest. She held Comfreyheart as close to her heart as she did any other of her children that she had birthed herself. After all, the molly had taken it upon herself to go above and beyond and practically act as a mother to Rosepaw and Firefly. Her little flame, burning vibrantly next to the flower who calmed her in the heaviest of storms.

Her eyes were soft, pleading in a way from the stars, for Comfreyheart to one day forgive her. Once this was all over, that would be the first cat she would talk to. Not her deputy - no, his judgment could come after. This was a molly who had been for her since the start, longer than any other cat that presently walked the forest since Minnowfin passed. It was the least that Comfreyheart deserved from the figure who was supposed to be her mother.

“If you truly seek punishment, then make your choice: either both leaders must simply repent to the stars as you are so graciously giving to Mottlestar, or Mottlestar should face worse punishment. If the both of them are going to be the basis of this whole charade, then you shouldn’t sweep aside one party’s involvement.”

Mottlestar couldn’t prevent the wince that shook her entire body about three paw-steps back in response to the calls from the Shadowclan warrior in response to Batsong’s interrogation. Not that she could blame the molly. After all, it seemed that the medicine cat had unintentionally slandered the names of multiple cats of the forest. Names that were earned through their moons of hard work, not just simply handed out like a fresh vole to the kits of the nursery. For a feline that had claimed to be there to deliver judgment, it seemed that she had somehow completed the opposite. Perhaps she had put herself in the position of a villain more than anything, and for a moment, the tortoiseshell attempted to recall if even Dawnhawk had managed to insult the forest to such a magnitude in such a short span of time.

Phantom claws unsheathed themselves out of her paws as she was simply forced to see the forest. It was through a thick, mist-pelted curtain, but she was able to watch nevertheless. Kneading at the ground, or more accurately to describe was her kneading at her body, the leader took it all in. Attempting to piece it all together. Trying to come up with some sort of plan to handle all of the chaos that had unleashed itself upon the forest.

"Frankly, Batsong, if you want my opinion on the matter... I believe you've far overstepped your position as WindClan's medicine cat. This was clearly a matter that could have and should have been addressed privately, and it's quite clear to me that the only reason it was not was that you hold a personal grudge against Nightstar. It was my understanding that medicine cats are expected to be above such things."

Listening to Shadowclan’s deputy speak, the tortoiseshell found herself in agreement. All of the voices seemed to voice in the same way, much to her own surprise. The anxiety that had firmly pierced her body in place that they would come to take the opportunity to paint Mottlestar into the light of a villain was slowly dissipating from her body. If anything, the forest seemed much more offended by the way that Batsong seemed more than comfortable in taking tradition into her own paws, chewing it into a pulp, and spitting it into the dirtplace for whatever clan she felt like targeting at that very moment.

As she watched, there was one burning question that finally appeared upon her lips. One to ask the scarred tom beside her, who was also watching with a look that was somewhere between absolute disgust and heartbreak. Which emotion was winning his own war was a question she would leave unanswered. It was best to leave the late tom to rest, to not badger him for too many answers that would give Aspenblaze his own feelings of distaste towards her. After all, if anything, Mottlestar had needed this. She needed the company.

”What killed me, Aspenblaze?”
”Your heart gave out. For a molly who gives so much and lives with it, it sure seems weak.”
”Tch, it seems so.”

Shaking her head, Mottlestar readjusted the way she sat. Every emotion still weighed heavily upon her, ready to crush her weakened soul beneath it all. Through the power of her lives, though, it seemed she was granted some immunity from that absolutely wretched feeling. The tortoiseshell accepted whatever respite she was provided, even if all it was doing was simply delaying the torture that had been dealt her way. It was perhaps the least of what she deserved.

”Remember, kit. I gave you the ability to see past one's mistakes, and to show them compassion when others wouldn't.”

She found herself puzzled by the reminder, her eyes narrowing with confusion and ultimately pulling her from the otherwise-mesmerizing crowd. Just as her gaze tossed towards the tom in question, she felt that tug. That tether that told her it was time to go back, that her body was now strong enough to once again host her soul. Even if it was just the bare minimum to once more host her conscience, she’d be sent back. All of the weight of the gathering once more suddenly crashed into her senses, and for a moment, Mottlestar truly considered staying in the realm of the dead. Or perhaps, undead, rather. But whichever it was that somehow had blessed her being, she had no desire to return to the forest just yet.

The lack of choice seemed to be the unfortunate theme for the night for the molly, as all she was able to do before watching the tom disappear was open her maw in some sort of parting words. They never got to sound.

”Mottlestar, is there any way I can help? Are you all right? If you... need a place to stay....”

The call of her friend was the first to meet her ears. For a she-cat that hailed from Thunderclan, it sure seemed that the clan across the river and rocks of warmth held a much closer place to her heart than any other. Even as it still was rather muffled, she was able to hear every word with clarity. It took her mind much longer to process them than she would have liked, and she could feel the effort her body was putting in to be able to truly hear them all.

”If you... need a place to stay....”

Oh, how that offer meant more to her than she could ever truly state. Which was more truthful than anything else said in the forest during that gathering. She couldn’t speak yet, the torrent of pain that came from the minutes of life that her body was refusing to function, to exist in the limbo of death, once more cascading into her system like a shock. The only sound that had managed to make its way out of the molly was a ragged squeak of pain, a cry that much more mimicked a kit that had been accidentally rolled onto by a heavily-sleeping queen.

Still, she forced her eyes upwards towards Perchstar. It hurt to look, even in the dim night of the gathering. But that one look… it was a look that the leader would hopefully know. No, she had to know. After all, Poppyshine had shared at the previous gathering what had happened to Perchstar. The lack of her silver fur, as well as the fresh scar that marred the RiverClan leader’s shoulder told her as much. For the ray of hope that had been extended her way, Mottlestar was crawling into it with all of the energy that she had. As little as it was, it would hopefully be enough.

Help. It was the only word registered in her gaze. As much as she pushed herself, her body reminded her that her strength was slow to return, ever-slowly returning to her body. It wasn’t as much of an emotional torment that ached and clawed at her heart this time so much as a genuine physical pain, limbs and chest screaming with complaint at whatever it was she had endured just before and after her momentary passing.

Had she not known through pure logic that she was firmly upon the Great Rock, the tortoiseshell would have swore that she was swimming in a sea of water at the heart of Riverclan’s own territory. Her nose registered so many smells that it stung, her ears still ringing in bursts that made it hard to comprehend just whatever brand of chaos currently marked the clearing of Fourtrees. She had relented the pleas of her eyes to once more put her head down, to close them slightly in an attempt to filter out all of the illumination that otherwise stung to perceive. Perhaps that was why ShadowClan cats so often found themselves away from the light, it was hard to adjust to a difference.

Whether or not her friend took in her plea, Mottlestar had no choice for the time being. The only movements she managed was to once more cover part of her face with her paws, to try and still her trembling frame. It wasn’t so much out of all of the emotions that wrecked her, though they certainly spared her no mercy in those moments. No, it was instead in the intense amount of pain that coursed its way through the small tortoiseshell. Though many whispered words of being “tiny but mighty,” there was no such power that seemed to linger under her pelt. None at all.

”I believe this to be a one-off code breaking. Mottlestar wouldn't further hurt ThunderClan or its rules; she has led us on the straight and true.” The voice of her daughter made it through to her next, and Mottlestar was only able to open her eyes in time to see the flaming, piercing, near-lethal gaze of her kin piercing straight at her. Right through the Riverclan leader who otherwise protected her from the scrutinizing view of the forest. “However, there should be an added punishment: claim on of Nightstar's lives. Prove to the forest- not just StarClan- that you have repented.”

The request immediately sent more bile straight for the back of Mottlestar’s throat, and the rest of her strength had her clawing into the ground to swallow it back down. No matter the villain, the idea of taking the life of another cat always had the tortoiseshell contemplating giving up her lives instead. It just wasn’t something she possessed in the easiest of senses. Despite having been born a natural hunter, it had even taken the molly herself ages to simply be able to hunt normal prey. All she ever wanted to do instead was to preserve life. It was what she had worked the hardest for.

But in one way, she could understand. What better way to truly display the severance of such a relationship than to kill? Mottlestar gave every part of her, even gave her entire heart, for her family. Would she do it again? In a heartbeat. But could she bring her own claws out against another leader? Not without great reason. Was this great enough reason? Her gut told her no. What if the rest of the forest, however, called for it? Would she be forced to do such a thing? It was already near-impossible for her to look towards the larger tom, the one that she had committed the cardinal sin with.

Finally, though, the voice of the tom who could easily doom her to a fate worse than the one he was called for. Perhaps a bit of irony balanced on that dual-edged claw that was otherwise leveled her way. However, as he spoke, it seemed that she was not the target of his frustrations. Even if she was, she would have understood. They had made an agreement across the Thunderpath, and it wouldn’t have been entirely against him should he bear some anger towards her for admitting to the medicine cat about what had happened. Though, it seemed he either had mercy for her, enough of a level-head to understand the situation, or just enough anger towards Batsong that she was spared the brunt of the fury that otherwise could have easily seen her on the receiving end of a rather frustrated tom’s anger.

It was to her own surprise, though, that he was… not nearly as violent as tendencies would have implied. But at the same time, straight through it all, Mottlestar swore she heard the heart of that very tom that she had on their walk back. Now was not the time to be thinking of it, or perhaps it was. To truly evaluate the heart of the one who was in the carrionplace of this gathering with her. At her core, she knew he was ready to defend his clan. He had no issue in denouncing all of their kits, all for the safety of those they truly were to care about, in title, and in action. There was no reason for him to care about them, anyways.

That thought alone simply made anger bubble back under the surface of the pained tortoiseshell’s pelt. Why did the forest care? Well, that answer was obvious. But why did Batsong see herself so desperately needing to be a martyr, there to paint a picture of her saving the forest from two leaders who had done nothing more but had a foolish evening together? For all the forest cared, this could have been before they were leaders. Nobody cared to know.

Those thoughts were silenced as she attempted to rise to her paws, only to release another yelp at her body’s complains. Too soon, too soon. Her body didn’t so much as warn her as it did screech. She could only let tears race down her face, her breathing continuing to heave as her strength seemed to be returning much too slowly. It was easily the stress taxing her body for every ounce of strength it had at any given moment, and for just a sliver of time, she truly felt like she would succumb right back into the depths of losing another life.

The singular glance that came her way from Nightstar should have been enough to scare her out of her mind. To send her towards the strange dens of the twolegplace, to become a kittypet and never look back. But instead, all she could do was swipe her own amber gaze his way. It softened with every bit she could, and the tiniest shake of her head in denial. On her lips, the two words formed. I won’t. There was no need for this to end in unnecessary bloodshed, and if she had any persuasion in the manner, it wouldn’t happen.

Looking back to Perchstar, the tortoiseshell hissed her pain as she forced herself to her front paws. Whatever regulation her breathing had found in laying down was completely faded into the abyss alongside the life she had lost as her chest once more pounded, her head swimming right alongside it. To keep herself grounded, she focused purely on the molly in front of her, as well as whatever sensations were coursing through her body.

It felt counterintuitive, to say the least, to focus on the pain that found itself rippling from nose to tail-tip. But it was lessening. Ebbing away, even if the forest around her was ready to tear her right back down. ”Perch… Fawnshine… please?” Each word heaved heavier than the last, a hoarse whisper. Something about this life was much, much harder for her to recover from the last. Part of her swore that Starclan had been keen on taking more than their share of just a single life from her body in this instance, but it didn’t matter. She needed her medicine cat… if her medicine cat didn’t seem ready to turn on her.

Just as tensions seemed to slowly be fading out of the air, a shadow appeared over the molly’s vision, and she half-expected her body to hit the solid stone of the great rock below. But instead, it was a familiar sight. Birdstar. She’d half-heard some of her messages to Batsong, including a very non-negotiable order to get off of the rock. To say she appreciated the two mollies was an understatement. “I hope you’ll be alright, in ThunderClan? … I’m sorry, for this night. You have SkyClan’s– my support, Mottlestar.”

The words rolled in her mind for some moment, processing, processing. But on instinct, she dipped her head, a thankful set of eyes staring at the much larger, much fluffier molly. She was thankful, thankful to the stars that still seemed to smile upon her, for this mercy. It was one she would send gratitude for.

”I… do not know. But… Thank you.” Tears stained the corner of the motherly molly’s eyes, but they weren’t out of fear. Or panic, or hurt. It was truly out of gratitude for the two she-cats before her.

Thunderclan, you are awaiting orders, as Mottlestar has lost a life!

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 RFRAcV8
v e t e r a n .  u s e r   •   f o r m e r  . a d m i n
p r o f i l e s   •   h e a r t .  c h a r t

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Characters : [F]awnshine, [Fe]nnelbreeze, [T]hrushnose, [H]arrierpaw
Cancer Buffalo
Number of posts : 1477
Gender : Gender fluid, She/They
Age : 14

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyTue 2 May 2023 - 22:13


The moment Batsong screamed out for everyone to go quiet, it caught her by surprise. To know that the she-cat had a such will in her to have to announce something so important at a grand scale of the five clans was impressive, to say the very least. Though, if the night was not already troubling enough, the more Batsong spoke, the more her ears flattened against her head. Nightstar and Mottlestar had a forbidden romance? How come she never knew of this? Her teeth gritted as clamors of chaos rung out in the clearing, cats hissing at one another, and faults being blamed atop the leaders' heads. She could not imagine the pressure that would weigh upon Mottlestar at this rack of rowdiness, accusations being shouted upon each other. It didn't help that Batsong was running around, asking for each cat's opinions on the matter. It only added to the growing disarray, if anything.

"Comfreyheart is right, this is the matter of Thunderclan and Shadowclan, respectfully," she made it clear to stress the word out on purpose, her eyes narrowing at Batsong. She stood by her sister's side, fur bristling with frustration. "As medicine cats together, we both know the consequences that drag us out from accusing such obligations, no? That is why we had agreed to tell each other our visions, yet you did otherwise—announcing it for the whole five clans to know. We are the ones who have the duty to receive important prophecies and visions from StarClan—but it is not your place to be causing such disruptions to parties that may have no part in the part, even with code-breaking involved. There is a reason why we are appointed or chosen as medicine cats, the ones who may receive those visions for a reason, Batsong."

Though anger burned through her veins, she could barely hear her own voice over the other uproars from related, and non-related cats alike. She was thankful for the cats who supported and defended Mottlestar, even if she was at fault. Fawnshine was conflicted with herself, to say the very least, but she was to talk to Mottlestar after the Gathering—now was too chaotic for rationality to stand. No one would hear her, even if she tried. She did not think even a leader could stand at such implausible claims being thrown into her face, as incredible as Mottlestar was a leader.

"I will not condone your proposition for Mottlestar beg our ancestors for forgiveness over her crimes, but do know she will have to repent for her own actions, and its consequences at bay, decided by ThunderClan and strictly-related members of the matter. As repeated by my clanmates, she is by far, the most noble and equitable leader we've had; it shocks me to realize she had such means of hiding this from us, but I will not accept condemning all fault to her simply because of such accusations. It is both parties, Nightstar involved, that is also at fault."

As Fawnshine stood by her other clanmates, Firefly's words caught her especially by surprise. Though she was a clanmate the medicine cat, herself, wasn't too familiar with, the proposition seemed absurd. "As Harriertalon had said, that is for Shadowclan to decide on the matter. Taking a life of a leader is a grave ordeal, and I wish the same for you to not recommend her to reach those measures. As for you, Batsong, this matter is no longer to be decided by your paws."

A thud in the nearby distance made her flinch, and she snapped back to face the Great Rock, watching as each leader took their opinions and turns in talking about the matter. At the sight of Mottlestar collapsing, it was as if everything had gone frozen for her. Her paws moved on their own, both the instinct of rushing to the molly to protect her as a medicine cat, a friend, and to assist their leader took over her, blurring out her thoughts. She crouched down beside the she-cat's figure, supporting her by the side as much as she could. Though her heart swirled with a dozen of different emotions all at a clutter, she looked down at Mottlestar with half-empathy, half-betrayal, and part numbness. The emotions were too strong for her to handle—she rarely ever broke out of her mask of calmness, if not ever. Not unless something this chaotic would break out again.

"I'm here, Mottlerose," Fawnshine spoke to her in a hushed manner, licking at her ear. She hoped she could offer what little comfort there was possible in all this mess. "Now is not the right time for you to continue to stand upon here and bear with this pressure. As your friend, and also your medicine cat, I require you to get back to camp. We will have a conversation once your mentality had recovered, and so has your strength. For now, this stress in responsibility is burning too much of your energy. I'm afraid our awaiting... conversation will not be light, but that is not your main worry for now. Let's get back."

Her eyes flickered towards Comfreyheart in silent ask for assistance, taking slow, careful steps as she assisted their leader down from the Great Rock. She would not allow anyone else to burden them on their way back, not until Mottlestar had recovered from these events. She would have to place her trust in Darkspirit to know what to do next, for her responsibility as a medicine cat in chaos could only fetch so far.

Fawnshine is on her way to assist Mottlestar back to camp, and is (silently) calling Comfreyheart to help.


"During the medicine cat moonstone gathering it was revealed from starclan our ancestors that Nightstar and Mottlestar have had a forbidden relationship that resulted in kits." [...] “Mottlestar has confirmed that this Forbidden Romance, this code-breaking did indeed occur."

The words that Windclan's medicine cat spoke hit Thrushpaw like a lightning strike, causing him to freeze up in shock. Mottlestar had—mom has... confirmed of a forbidden romance? He had always had fate and trust in his own mother, taking pride in her honorability, loyalty, and truthfulness to the clan, but—now that it came to this, he didn't know what to feel. Or how to feel, even. Why? He couldn't help but wonder. Out of anyone, every other possible choice, it just had to be him? He never knew Nightstar's personality or his leadership skills, but the fact that his mother had a forbidden romance caused him to feel ill.

There were different cries and yowls coming from everyone, some of accusations, and some of pity or empathy. Thrushpaw could only stare up at her with widened eyes, then at his siblings, still in shock. It wasn't until Firefly stepped away that he snapped himself back to the current reality, and he shook his head, blinking. "Firefly, wait!" He tried to call out for his sister, paws rushing forward to chase after her—but the pushing figures in the Gathering kept him away. He couldn't chase after her despite his yowls, and he felt wrong the more he stayed. So he gritted his teeth, paws shifting as he looked back up at the Great Rock, at the conflicted figures of Mottlestar and Nightstar.

Thrushpaw has called after Firefly and is wanting to leave.


This whole Gathering had left her in a mix of shock, confusion, and frustration all at once. Why had Nightstar hidden this from us? It's not fair. In fact, none of the things happening were fair. It wasn't Batsong's responsibility to bring it out to the whole five clans, though thanks to this, she did acknowledge what crimes their leader had to live up to. Though, by this point, she was simply exhausted by all the arguments. She wanted to go home.

Hawkshriek has left with RC. (too tired to post srry)
Duskflight isn't attending the Gathering.
Fennelpaw isn't attending the Gathering.

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Copper_drew_siggy3_20240107084231
Thrushnose │ ThunderClan │ Tier V Warrior │ 70HP / 160SP │ #7b675d
Fennelbreeze │ WindClan │ Tier IV Warrior│ 60HP / 140SP │ #88ab84
Fawnshine │ ThunderClan │ T4 Classic MC │ 25HP / 60SP │ #d1bea8
Harrierpaw (not pictured)│ SkyClan │ Apprentice │ 20HP / 60SP │ #944c3e

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Characters : Falconmoon, Auburnrain, Sagefeather, Asmodeus, Snowkit
Cancer Goat
Number of posts : 3071
Gender : Female; She/Her
Age : 32

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyTue 2 May 2023 - 23:16


So much happened so fast. Darkspirit had half a mind to rip Batsong from the Great Rock and cut her vocal chords. He couldn't care less about a Forbidden Romance, as he was the product of one himself. Personally he felt that Mottlestar could have done much much better than Nightstar of all cats, but who was he to pass any judgement on her for it? To have his leader's morals questioned raised the hackles all along his spine and fluffed his tail out until it was three times it's size. It wasn't fear, but an almost unbearable fury that caused him to transform in such a manner.

"How dare you question my leader's morals, Batsong? How dare you stand on the Great Rock and mewl like a spoiled rotten kit at a gathering of all things? I don't care what the stars told you. You know nothing! This will be a mark upon Windclan's reputation for moons to come and it is all because you are impulsive and stupid. I will not give you any answer that you seek. I will not partake in your half-baked folly. THUNDERCLAN! WE ARE LEAVING SOON! GATHER EVERYONE!"

He bellowed, not expecting Mottlestar to make any decisions right now. And that was before she collapsed. Darkspirit leaped to the Great Rock, his Skyclan heritage in full view for all to see right then as he flew gracefully from the ground to the top of the Great Rock in one fluid motion. Fawnshine was already taking care of things and he would help support her if needed.

As for Firefly... well... he couldn't stop her from leaving right now. He had faith that she'd be back once she cooled off. He glanced once at Nightstar, unsure if he should say anything at all, and decided against it. The Windclan medicine cat got more attention than she deserved already and he had no desire to add to it. He needed to get his leader and his clan home safely.


Quite frankly, he couldn't believe what was happening. He listened to Btasong, not caring at all about the Forbidden Romance but certainly intrigued by Nightstar's accusations. Well well... He waited for the drama to peak, then to begin to fall as leaders began to try to gather their clans and leave. Mottelstar collapsed and he froze, curious as to what Darkspirit would do. He said his piece, wisely, then prepared to leave as well.

I need to do this quick. No time for cowardice. Falconmoon raised his voice, projected it as if he had done this hundreds of times before.

"While I agree that Batsong's actions were... ill-prepared and even more poorly executed... I cannot help but wonder of the validity of her claims against Nightstar. Are you really so eager to allow a potential murderer to roam free, or even worse, lead a clan? I say potential murderer because he may not have the gall to actually take a life yet... but yet can be as soon as a day away, or an hour.. or a few moments." His eyes locked with Nightstar's... and he hoped the leader might recognize him. He hoped that Nightstar would say something and sound like an absolute nut job... or try to attack. The only difference between Falconmoon and Dawnhawk's appearance was the fact that Falconmoon had tabby stripes.

That was it.

"Batsong felt strongly enough to jump to the Great Rock and... indeed... howl her head off like an absolute lunatic, but perhaps there was a good reason. I don't condone violence at a gathering, it's not how we are and it's against the code, but Nightstar might need to be watched and questioned by his own clan at the very least. Those of you who have been hurt by him... talk to the rest of your clan about it and maybe reassess this situation." Falconmoon turned in the direction of where Skyclan would soon be heading out, but a small half smile crossed his face and he never stopped looking away from Nightstar.

"I will say no more. I'm not as... confident as Batsong... but I think what happened here tonight should be pondered at the very least." A simple flick of his tail and a quick swipe of his tongue over his fangs as he stared Nightstar down was a silent message loud and clear for the Shadowclan leader: Come and get me. He broke eye contact and moved away back toward the crowd of Skyclanners.

And it was at that moment that he snapped back to reality and a cold dread weighed him down in the pit of his stomach.

Stars... what did I just do?!?!?!? What is wrong with me??? Why had he done that? That... that had been so stupid! So reckless! So dangerous! He needed to think. He needed to get away from here as fast as possible and he needed to think! Despite his adrenaline racing through his veins, he managed to walk calmly and casually. He didn't know if he could keep it up until he got back to Skyclan territory though...

Amberstone honestly would not have spoken up after seeing the outrage and probably would have melted into the floor. Also... I'm at work and things are starting to pick up. I'm sorry Speedy. x.x


Falconmoon | Skyclan | Tier 5 Warrior #66ccff X
Auburnrain | Windclan | Tier 3 Warrior #CC9900 X
Sagefeather | Shadowclan | Tier 3 Warrior #99cc99 X
Asmodeus | Rogue | Tier 3 Rogue #960502 X
Snowkit | Skyclan | Kit #9999ff X
Plotting pages
* = Disabled Stats

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Characters : ➀Forestbreeze ➁Brookstone ➂Briarrose
Clan/Rank : ➀Shadowclan T5 ➁Riverclan T5 ➂Thunderclan T4
Leo Cat
Number of posts : 497
Gender : They/Them
Age : 24

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyWed 3 May 2023 - 1:05

˗ˏˋMay Gathering 2023 - Page 3 1f339´ˎ˗【Briarrose】˗ˏˋMay Gathering 2023 - Page 3 1f339´ˎ˗
【Thunderclan】♡【#B9D9EB】♡【T4 Warrior ║ 60[HP] | 140[SP]】

Briarrose's heart nearly leaped into her throat as her whole attention was laser focused on the Windclan medicine cat. How- How dare she? Was she out of her mind? The torbie warrior had never felt such rage within her before then. She just barely composed herself. This was outrageous. How dare she spew such slander so publically and order for punishments to be given out like it was her right. She was not Starclan nor Starclan's chosen one. This matter wasn't Windclan's to singlehandedly solve. Batsong shouldn't have shoved her nose where it didn't belong. Windclan's grudge against Shadowclan shouldn't have been mixed in with that. All the issues between clans should've been privately discussed and resolved. She bit her tongue to prevent herself from saying something she may regret. Oh, Starclan... Why? Why here and why now? Was Windclan looking for trouble? Well, it seemed that they'd found it and Briarrose hoped that they were prepared to reap what they sowed.

As she numbly listened to the other leaders and the cats gathered to speak their minds, she carefully watched her mother; Her dear mother that she loved with her whole heart. Despite the large mistake, she still believed Mottle to be a wonderful leader. Mottlestar loved her clan with her entire soul and she never failed to show that. She could clearly see that Mottlestar was in pain and Briarrose wanted to do nothing else but run up to her and press herself against her to comfort her. Her momma needed her but she couldn't do anything yet. She ached to help her and felt her shoulders sag. It was always one problem after another...

Hearing Perchstar and Birdstar support Mottlestar before they began to leave brought the torbie warrior some solace. Shadowclan wasn't standing idly either; Their warriors were clearly defending their leader as well. It seemed that most cats were rightly outraged by the display. The Thunderclanner's gaze hardened as she spared one more glance at the dark-furred medicine cat before only focusing on her mother again. Her heart lurched when she witnessed Mottlestar drop. Stars! Did she faint or was it something worse?? Did she lose a life? "Mother!" she cried out. She barely heard Darkspirit call the clan to leave as she hurried over to Fawnshine as the Thunderclan medicine cat gently led the weakened leader away. Seeing Mottlestar upright only relieved her a bit—Mottlestar looked too weary for her to be comfortable with. From her peripheral vision, she could see Comfreyheart heading over to help as well. Once there, the warrior gently nudged her way and pressed herself against her mother's side. "Let's get you back to camp," she murmured soothingly. "You need your rest." As she gave her mother a quick lick between the ears, she shot a worried glance toward where she had seen a certain russet-furred she-cat disappear off to before focusing back on the task. That was another problem; She had seen Firefly race from Fourtrees a little bit earlier and she had wanted to call her back but she knew her sister needed some time alone. She hoped that Firefly's disappearance didn't distress Mottlestar further and that her dear sister would return to them soon.

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 1f339Briarrose is NOT open for conversations! She will help out Fawnshine and Comfreyheart with Mottlestar.May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 1f339

【Riverclan】♡【#E0BFB8】♡【T5 Warrior ║ 70[HP] | 160[SP]】

What is Starclan's name was even going on?! Everything had seemed normal the moment she padded into Fourtrees with the rest of Riverclan. She had checked on her clanmates and then settled down near the edge of the clearing, like normal. However, everything turned upside down once Windclan's medicine cat hopped onto the Great Rock. Brookstone had thought Gatherings couldn't be crazier than the last few but apparently, she was wrong. Honestly, she couldn't even comprehend what she was hearing. She just blinked up blankly at the medicine cat as the she-cat began spewing out accusations and forcing cats of all "affected" clans to testify and then deciding to deal out punishments—as if she was Starclan herself—to two clan leaders. Like, this was her-head-was-spinning levels of crazy and she couldn't truly focus. She shook her head as if that would unscramble her head. All of this was ludicrous in her opinion.

After sorting through her thoughts, the first proper thought that came into her mind was if Windclan was okay. Did something potent get into their rabbit supply? Literally, there was no need to make such a scene at a Gathering. Situations like this could and should be discussed privately. She narrowed her eyes at the crazy medicine cat before getting up onto her paws—Perchstar ordering the clan to leave was something she wholeheartedly agreed with; Riverclan didn't need to be here anymore. She slowly made her way over to her clanmates' sides. As she walked, her mind began to wander. Mottlestar and Nightstar... who would've thought. Honestly, she didn't care. It wasn't her business and wasn't anyone else's business but the clans that were directly affected. She sighed. What was Windclan's game? Why did they decide to bring such an issue up at a GATHERING? She now eyed the Windclan high ranks with suspicion. Whatever it was, she hoped they wouldn't drag Riverclan into it. She will not stand for that. After hearing Perchstar's piece on the matter, she wouldn't either. What a mess this all was...

🪨『Brookstone is NOT open for conversations and is leaving!』🪨

Forestbreeze has stayed home!


【Current Cats】
⓵ Forestbreeze of Shadowclan
⓶ Brookstone of Riverclan
⓷ Briarrose of Thunderclan
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King Falcon I

King Falcon I

Characters : Shrikestar (T5 Leader), Ravenclaw (T5) || Falconstar, Eaglethorn, Condorclaw
Clan/Rank : WindClan Leader/SkyClan Warrior
Aquarius Goat
Number of posts : 2914
Gender : Male
Age : 32

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyWed 3 May 2023 - 8:39

Chaos was bound to occur, and so it did. Every cat was either screaming or pretending they were anywhere else. On the outside, Shrikestar remained calm, staring placidly at the throng of confused, angry cats. Inside, turmoil roiled. What would become of this outburst? StarClan showed that vision to Batsong for a reason, he knew it to be true. They did not do things lightly. What to do with said information... Well, there was no going back now. He stepped forward to do his best to shield Batsong, seeing a large amount of cats leaving at the behest of their leaders. "It would appear the code our ancestors gave to us is truly broken. Disgraceful." He then glanced over at the leaders, Nightstar in particular. "Your clans will judge you, and then StarClan will follow." He then looked up at the night sky. It was still clear, as if StarClan was showing their favor. At least as long as no one tried to put up a fight on the holy grounds. "The ancestors wanted this to be known, and so it is. As long as the moon shines high above us, the Gathering shall be held." It was obvious that the Gathering was not going to be held, but a certain stubbornness took hold of him then. They would stay until the very end.
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Characters : [B]Briarkit
Clan/Rank : [B]WindClan Kit
Taurus Monkey
Number of posts : 672
Gender : they/she| racoon in the garage
Age : 20

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyWed 3 May 2023 - 11:29

windclan | kit | she/her

"it's just so convenient to be fragile"
Flickerpaw was very quick to decide that she did not like gatherings. Brackenwing had warned her that these never went well, and Flickerpaw now wanted to smack herself for not taking heed. She watched in shock as the crowds descended into absolute chaos, green eyes flickering between the crowd and Batsong and Shrikestar. He was stubborn as ever, still standing tall even as RiverClan and SkyClan left— the respect Flickerpaw already had for Shrikestar grew tenfold. She had never even met a ThunderClanner, nor a ShadowClanner, but now she had no desire too; if their leaders were as unfaithful and code-breaking as Batsong had said, surely their warriors and apprentices could only be worse. There were calls that Batsong had no right to butt into other’s business— Flickerpaw disagreed. Any business that involved the warrior code was any cats business, especially if it had to do with clan leaders. ThunderClan and ShadowClan deserved to know that their leaders broke the code. 

Part disgusted, part overwhelmed, Flickerpaw watched this disaster of a gathering unfold from the sidelines, wishing in silence to just go back to camp.
code by kiiko + kitty • edited by zero

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 KyAienM
Briarkit | #ff9966 | 10/30 | WindClan Kit

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Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 1870
Gender : she/her || they/them || he/him
Age : 25

May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: May Gathering 2023   May Gathering 2023 - Page 3 EmptyWed 3 May 2023 - 14:32

Coyotegrin stared in horror at first as Batsong lept onto the rock, and as she spoke and spoke it turned to fury. Not only at her but at Shrikestar. What in StarClan's name was he thinking? It made her furious for the first time at him. Not only did he allow this insanity, he didn't even tell her beforehand. Her eyes narrowed as she bore a hole into her mate's chest. Emotions were so conflicting. She loved him. He had lost a life saving her and she was confident that he would have done it even if he didn't have more. But this, but this... This was putting their kits in danger. The whole clan. Not only would ShadowClan be bound to attack them in some way, what hope of alliance would they have now with the other clans? They all clearly disagreed with Batsong and she could watch as the leaders glanced at Nightstar. Growling outloud the molly stood. Why was it always up to her to clean up WindClan's messes? Her heart felt broken by her mate's betrayal - she much rather of have him cheated than this. With her tail lashing, Coyotegrin left the Gathering. Shrikestar could stick his no-solo-moors rule up where the stars didn't shine. She had to go work on the tunnels and prey ShadowClan assumed them destroyed. She had to plan how to convince Nightstar not to do anything. As she made it to the crest a cold chill ran down her spine...

She still owed Nightstar a favor...

All for a stupid fox pelt... What would he ask of her? Continuing on, she made sure nobody followed.

Burdockroot watched with blank eyes as her friend, one of the two cats she trusted took the High Rock. This couldn't be good, but the words out of her mouth enraged her. All trust broken between her and the other medicine cat, whom she crossed borders with to seek help from, an action she has never done. Teeth grinding, she waited until Harriertalon finished speaking. "Batsong, what you are doing here disgusts me. You easily could have spoken to me about StarClan's words and you know very well you could have trusted me to take the appropriate action. This neglectful display of your pathetic anger unbefitting of a medicine cat does not warrant any justifications from me." Standing, she eyed her former friend, feeling almost suffocated by the sense of betrayal. Why. Why. Why. Why did this have to happen to her? Right when she was starting to feel warmth and hope in the future? Her throat felt like it was closing for a brief second and she felt hurt. Nightstar would pay later for this emotion but for now, Batsong should know how much anger she felt. "Do not ever come to me for herbs or help. You will find nothing but my own claws if you step foot on ShadowClan's territory for any matter. I hope your herbs wither and rot beneath your paws when you touch them, for StarClan should strike you down where you stand. You are no medicine cat - so I am not obligated to help you. Harriertalon, we are leaving." She had not missed her apprentice's glance and she eyed the WindClan warriors around her. Lashing her tail she started to prowl away and then paused where the other medicine cats remained.

"I know I am not a beloved member of the group, but my den is still welcome to your clans." She glanced at Plumleaf. "I may not be your favorite cat to talk to, but I have shown myself before to be dutiful. Whatever your clan needs, if we can spare we spare. May your herbs bloom beneath your paws. Harriertalon, stick by my side." Burdockroot began pushing through the crowd, hopefully with her apprentice behind her.

Astra inclinant...

.: Coyotegrin :: Kestrelchirp :: Quailprowler : Singedfox :.
#9966ff : #cc3300 : #6699ff : #993366 : Bold
WC T5 Warrior : WC T3 Warrior : TC T2 Warrior : SC T1 Warrior (Perma-NPC)
"When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire."

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