Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Flying with the Wind

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Characters : Maypaw & Silvershade most notably
Clan/Rank : RiverClan vet
Virgo Snake
Number of posts : 2194
Age : 22

Flying with the Wind Empty
PostSubject: Flying with the Wind   Flying with the Wind EmptyWed 28 Dec 2011 - 18:08

(i'm sorry, I just want a way for my characters to relate. I'm not leaving Aerial in the dust.)

Singekit dashed across a wide stretch of open grassland, the wind in her fur and the dust behind her. She wasn't on clan territory, she was pretty sure of that. She also knew she was dreaming, so she was confused. Likely not a dream from StarClan, ...right? She smelled cat-scent, and saw a blur of almost white fur and a blur of bluish-grey fur. She then saw a flash of yellow from the second blur, and recognized the apprentice who was her mother's friend, but was confused. This must be a piece of Clan territory, if I am seeing StarClan cats. Slowing down when she saw stone up ahead, afraid to mess up her paw pads, she eventually slid to a stop on the edge of the beginning of stone. Maypaw and the grey she-cat were waiting for her. "Welcome, Singekit. This is WindClan territory. Recognize it and know it well-- for it may come to use in the future." A gleam shone in her eyes as she talked. "This is Aerialpaw. She is not much younger than I. She is my ..closest friend in the afterlife." Aerialpaw smiled. In a sweeter voice in general than Maypaw's, she began speaking. "I see you being the carrier of an important message from your ancestors, to help us in the future. You'll be a hero. Now, you must have wondered where your aunt went." "I do, I do!" Singekit responded quickly. "She's right here.. safe from the place that has given your guardian such trouble." Aerialpaw shuddered, and the pair of she-cats moved away to reveal a fluff of plump yellow fur and differently-colored eyes.

(cue mothpaw)
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