Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 The Consequences Of Our Actions[C]

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7 posters


Characters : //Living//:[J]uniperhunt, [Q]uillsplash | Bird, [Sc]orchivy, [L]eopardwind, [C]reamlily, [M]ilkkit, [Sp]arrowkit //Dead:// Tawnyshadow, Sootstorm, Cinderpaw, Ajex | Palekit, Shatteredsky, Reedshine, Deerleap, Slightfrost, Specklepaw, Sunfire, Copperlark
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan T1 Warrior [Q]ShadowClan T5 Warrior [Sc]WindClan NPC PermaQueen [L]WindClan T3 Warrior [C]WindClan T3 Warrior [M]RiverClan Kit [Sp]Unborn SkyClan Kit
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3633
Age : 14

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] Empty
PostSubject: The Consequences Of Our Actions[C]   The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] EmptyMon 19 Aug 2024 - 16:01

I feel like I’m waiting for something that’ll never happen

It had taken longer than expected to carry the apprentice back to Camp. Just as he had promised Hedgepaw, he had tried his best to keep her brother clean on the way back, and other than the tabby's tail that would fall off his back and drag in the mud no matter how many times he would tuck it back, the tom had no mud or dirt on his coat. The apprentice was still out cold, hung limply across his back. Somehow, it felt like he was carrying a dead body back home, with only the two sets of breathing to assure him that there was in fact two cats and not one.

Quillsplash pushed his way into Camp, and instantly he felt curious glances dart towards him. He paid it no mind, however, and head straight for the leader's den. Hopefully, Fishpaw and Hedgepaw had already informed Leopardstar to gather the council, and for Nightpaw to prepare emergency herbs for... whatever ailment Wolfpaw could possibly have. The tortoiseshell warrior enterred the den, dipping his head roughly to greet the cats gathered, before gently easing Wolfpaw off him. Where was Pineblossom? She had to be here, had to help comfort Hedgepaw. And Silverhawk. What would he think? Wolfpaw was his brother and his apprentice. Would the tabby warrior refuse to believe what had happened? Would he turn Quillsplash's words against him? And what of Leopardstar and Sablestrike? He had been the only warrior present, and he had been the one to inflict the bite wound on Wolfpaw. Would they blame him for attacking the apprentice, despite it having been done to protect Fishpaw? Fear fluttered in his chest like butterflies, but his expression remainly scarily calm.

The warrior took a moment to look around the den. Was that distrust he saw flickering in his clanmates' eyes? He did not speak yet, did not jump into his explanation of the events. He wanted to know that everything else had been settled first. Was Fishpaw and Hedgepaw here? And had his apprentice received treatment for his wounds? The tom resisted the urge to ask, and instead returned his gaze to Leopardstar. He would speak once he had been asked to. Leopardstar must have a lot of questions for him.

Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T5 Warrior / #802318
Juniperhunt / She-Cat / ShadowClan T1 Warrior / #b9abb2
Scorchivy / She-Cat / WindClan NPC PermaQueen / #009966
Leopardwind / Tom / WindClan T3 Warrior / #cc9900
Creamlily / She-Cat / WindClan T3 Warrior / #ff6600
Milkkit / Tom / RiverClan Kit / #dbc6ad
Sparrowkit / She-Cat / Unborn SkyClan Kit / #993366

Art Commissions | Character Profiles | Plotting | Character Relations | Open Litter | Art Giveaway
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Living: Bubblebeam [B], Dovetail [D], Hedgepaw [H], Larchbreeze [L]. Deceased/Missing: Tansyfoot, Turtlepelt, Morning, Longwhisker, Ryestep, Poolmist, Nettletail, Halfmoon, Freckleface, Lionfur, Shimmerheart, Breezewhisker, Honeydrop, Ashstar, Snowpaw, Brushgaze (NPC), Shellwater, Snowblossom, Quailfeather, Gingerstripe, Carat, Redwing, Graybriar, Pricklebush, Appledapple, Flutterpetal, Felix, Perchstar.
Clan/Rank : [B]: ShadowClan T3 Warrior. [D]: RiverClan T4 Warrior. [H]: ShadowClan Apprentice. [L]: WindClan T3 Warrior.
Cancer Snake
Number of posts : 6867
Gender : She/Her - kitty was here <3
Age : 23

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Consequences Of Our Actions[C]   The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] EmptySat 24 Aug 2024 - 22:00

The walk from territory back to camp felt like one long, dark, messy blur. Hedgepaw still wasn't entirely sure how long it had been by the time that she arrived and stumbled to the center of camp, blinded by the sudden and inexplicably violent scene replaying on loop in her mind. How had she gotten here? How many pawsteps had it been? Why were her white paws so covered in mud--hadn't she cleaned them off, like she usually did? The only thing she remembered between the awful turn of events and now was that she kept glancing towards Fishpaw, her green eyes wide and blank, as if he'd disappear the moment she took her eyes off him. She especially couldn't stop staring with an uncomfortable, never-before-experienced mixture of writhing nausea and guilt at the pinprick crimson wounds on his neck. He'd just joined the Clan. ShadowClan was supposed to be safe. Her Clanamtes were supposed to be safe. Her family was supposed to be safe. What had happened? What had Wolfpaw done? What had she done, inviting Fishpaw to come here?

Eventually she shook her head, dazed eyes blinking, forcing herself back to reality. Quillsplash had given her instructions. She repeated them like a mantra in her head as she raised herself from a half-sitting position again onto shaking paws. "Stay here," she told Fishpaw, her voice quiet and shaken. "I'll get Nightpaw to come look at you. Stay here--don't go anywhere." Turning away from him to talk to other cats felt like the hardest thing she'd ever done, but she managed it. She had to talk to other cats--had to get things ready--had to do what Quillsplash said. Then everything would be okay. Nightpaw. The council members. Leopardstar. Nightpaw. The council members. Leopardstar.

First she glanced into the medicine den. It would be nice to collapse in one of the nests herself, to curl up and pretend that nothing had happened and fall asleep and wake up and have it all be a nightmare--but she couldn't. Fishpaw and Wolfpaw needed it more. Thank the stars Nightpaw was there. The small apprentice swallowed back her lingering, shivering fear, and raised her voice so that he'd hear her. "Nightpaw--hey, Nightpaw--I need your help. Fishpaw's hurt. He got injured in a spar. And Wolfpaw... Wolfpaw... I dunno what's wrong with him, he just collapsed and I don't know, please come help. I really need you." Even at her best attempt to speak, after the screaming she'd done earlier, all the voice she could muster sounded like a whisper. But as much as she wanted to bury her face in her friend's neck and sob out all of this pent-up terror inside of her, she waited for Nightpaw's nod to rush back out of the medicine den and find everyone else.

The council members. Leopardstar. Hedgepaw wasn't sure if she really managed to find any of them; all the pelts she saw blended together in the odd shakiness of her vision. But she called out to every cat she met in a hoarse, unsteady, desperate tone. "Quillsplash needs to talk to the council and Leopardstar. Wolfpaw attacked Fishpaw--something's wrong with him, he's not feeling okay, his mind's all wrong. He c'llapsed and Quillsplash's bringing him back. He needs to talk to Leopardstar. Please--it's really important. We need help." Eventually she'd said all she could, and she managed to force paw over tired paw back to the center of camp, and sit as tall as she could even with her eyes burning and her deepest desire to run to her mama. What had happened? Why wasn't it over yet? Why hadn't she woken up yet? Was everything going to be okay?

Then Quillsplash came back. Then he lay Wolfpaw on the ground--her brother, her brother, her brother--and he was still limp. Not moving. Barely breathing. A small hiccup caught itself in Hedgepaw's throat, then it broke into unrestrained weeping. Awful, gasping, shuddering sobs bigger than her entire body. Hot tears streaming down her face, even as she tried in vain to quiet herself. She couldn't tear her eyes away from her brother, lying like a piece of fresh-kill on the ground. Why won't it stop? Why isn't he okay yet? I wish I could fix it. I wish this was all over. Lost completely in her own misery, Hedgepaw curled in on herself, becoming even smaller in her desire to disappear. Until called upon by Leopardstar to speak further, she retreated into herself. She still couldn't comprehend what had happened. She wished that she could go to sleep and make everything go away.

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] 833dIG1

⸙ Larchbreeze ⸙ ~ ♡ Hedgepaw ♡ ~ ◈ Dovetail ◈ ~ ○ Bubblebeam ○
⸙ WindClan ⸙ ~ ♡ ShadowClan ♡ ~ ◈ RiverClan ◈ ~ ○ ShadowClan ○
⸙ Tier 3 Warrior ⸙ ~ ♡ Apprentice ♡ ~ ◈ Tier 4 Warrior ◈ ~ ○ Tier 3 Warrior ○

~~PM me here or on Discord if you want a topic with any of my cats!~~
~Signature and Avatar by Xaandiir!~
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [P]oppyshine; [Pi]neblossom; [L]arkspring; [Wi]llowwisp; [R]ashoumon; [B]lazekit
Clan/Rank : RC T5 Deputy; SC T5; RC T5; RC T5; Rogue T1; WC App
Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 3129
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 26

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Consequences Of Our Actions[C]   The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] EmptyTue 27 Aug 2024 - 12:33

If I could tell you how I feel...

The scent of blood was striking and pulled Pineblossom right out of the light doze she was having in the warriors’ den. She sat up with alarm and heard Hedge’s voice out in the middle of camp too. Pineblossom scrambled up out of her nest and rushed out into camp. Her eyes landed on Hedgepaw first, who was closest, and then she looked up and further to see Fishpaw. She saw the dried blood about his shoulder. And things somehow got even worse, because beyond him, Quillsplash with—with Wolfpaw—

Pineblossom moved towards them, heart pounding in her chest. Her daughter’s words as she called into the camp were warped and quiet in her ears. She leaned in to Wolfpaw sprawled on Quillsplash’s back—warm, and still breathing. Hurt, certainly, she could see blood on him as well, but breathing.

“What happened?” she asked. To who it was directed was unclear—Quillsplash, Fishpaw, Hedgepaw, the stars. Hedgepaw’s partial explanation slowly seeped into Pineblossom’s mind, wiggling past the heavy fog of fear that blinded her for the moment. There had to be more. Surely Wolfpaw would not attack Fishpaw out of nowhere—and how did he get hurt? Fishpaw had not lived here long, but she knew that Fishpaw did not have much capabilities of violence yet. He was still learning how to hunt and battle. He couldn’t have made a wound like Wolfpaw had now.
...would you know what the words meant?
ShadowClan • T5 Warrior • She/Her • #6699ff
Credits: coding - xaandiir | image 1 | image 2 | image 3 | image 4 | image 5 | image 6

PineblossomT5 ShadowClan
WillowwispT5 RiverClan
RashoumonT1 Rogue
LarkspringT5 RiverClan
PoppystarT5 RiverClan Leader
BlazekitWindClan Kit
(not pictured)
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Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : | Leopardstar | Nightdancer | Lightningbreeze | Mistflower | Scarletflare |
Clan/Rank : | ShadowClan Leader | ThunderClan Warrior | SkyClan Warrior | SkyClan Warrior | RiverClan Warrior |
Gemini Cat
Number of posts : 6183
Gender : she/her
Age : 25

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Consequences Of Our Actions[C]   The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] EmptyWed 28 Aug 2024 - 11:19

i've given up on counting blessings
Leopardstar's expression was troubled. Of course, given the news she'd just received, that wasn't a surprise. Every time she thought that maybe they could have a few moons of peace, something happened to turn a difficult situation into something worse.

Still, she moved toward the camp entrance, contenting herself with the knowledge that the warriors who had informed her would gather Nightpaw, Sablestrike, and the rest of the council as she'd asked them to. Pineblossom was already there.

For now she saw Wolfpaw, limp on the ground; Fishpaw, clearly injured; and Hedgepaw, anxious and miserable. Quillsplash, standing not far from the camp's entrance.

"Quillsplash, is it true that Wolfpaw attacked Fishpaw? Do you know why he isn't moving now?"

The cautious, distrustful gazes cast the warrior's way weren't lost on her; but she paid them no mind at the moment. Quillsplash certainly didn't seem happy with the current situation.

"What, exactly, happened? We'll need to hear from each of you, though Fishpaw needs medical attention before anyone asks anything else of him."

As she explained that she'd need each of them to provide testimony, she offered a sympathetic glance toward Hedgepaw; though she doubted the young cat was paying enough attention to notice.
the gods can judge me when i'm dead || code (c) kieer

[Only mods are allowed to see this link]
[character pages]
Leopardstar ~ Nightdancer ~ Lightningbreeze ~ Mistflower ~ Scarletflare ~ Mint
ShadowClan ~ ThunderClan ~ SkyClan ~ SkyClan ~ RiverClan ~ Guardian of Twilight
Leader ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Rogue
Tier 5 ~ Tier 5 ~ Tier 3 ~ Tier 3 ~ Tier 1 ~ Tier 1
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [R]owansong [Ro]okflight [S]ilverhawk [P]igeonpouce [F]ishpaw [Fa]lconpaw [Fo]xsnap
Clan/Rank : [R] RiverClan T5 Elder [Ro] RiverClan T4 Warrior [S] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [P] (T3) RiverClan Hybrid MCA [F] ShadowClan Apprentice [Fa] WindClan Apprentice [Fo] SkyCla T1 Warrior
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 2824
Gender : any or username
Age : 22

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Consequences Of Our Actions[C]   The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] EmptyWed 28 Aug 2024 - 17:17

Now I face out, I hold out...

The walk back to camp felt both enormously long and like it had ended in moments. Fishpaw had been reeling, looking between Wolfpaw and his mentor and Hedgepaw, somewhere in an unrecognizable part of the marsh… and then they were approaching the guarded clearing. But it was only him and Hedgepaw now. Quillsplash and that once-snarling, now-limp body lagged behind. Fishpaw had really just followed as his friend, whom he’d done nothing good for tonight, walked them back. He kicked himself hard for it mentally. The words of an unfriendly rogue echoed in his mind amidst the myriad other thoughts while they walked. Though ShadowClan’s territory was new to him, he should have developed some sense of how to navigate it by now--especially how to return home. How useless was he, making Hedgepaw lead the way, miserable as she was? At some point, Fishpaw had noticed the taste of iron on his tongue from biting too hard at it.

They both paused when they came through the entrance of camp. Hedgepaw half-slouched, and Fishpaw wasn’t sure what to do with himself except stop beside her. He leaned lightly against her until she shook herself out of her minor stupor. His ears flipped back at Hedgepaw’s instruction to stay where he was, but his paws refused to disobey her. He felt adrift. There was nothing to seek purchase on, to pull himself forward into action. All he could do was slump uselessly onto his haunches and try to figure out when his paws had begun to shake.

He could hear Hedgepaw’s small voice calling out to the necessary cats, telling them in brief what had happened, while he sat by and did nothing. She needed this stasis more than him--why was he putting her through this? Fishpaw wanted to tear his whiskers out. He screwed his eyes shut tight, took a deep breath, and then looked around camp again. His eyes reopened just in time to see Quillsplash returning, laying their aggressor gently on the soft earth. Somewhere behind Fishpaw, a tiny hiccup broke out. And then it devolved.

Immediately, instructions forgotten, Fishpaw was teetering back onto his paws. He tried to walk, but mostly just lurched, to Hedgepaw until he came gently crashing against her side like a small wave. Her cries made her entire body tremble, and they tightened Fishpaw’s chest. He had never heard somebody cry like that, never seen it, and he’d never expected himself to react so fiercely to the sound. If it were anyone else, he doubted he would. But this was Hedgepaw, his best friend, and he needed to do something for her through all this.

”Hey,” he said softly, but… he had no words to follow it with. He could not promise her that Wolfpaw would be okay, not when he didn’t know that statement to be a certainty. Fishpaw ground his teeth together briefly before settling on, ”We’re okay. I can--I can talk. You don’t have to.”

And it wasn’t much longer before they were being pressed to. Pineblossom was the first face he saw, and behind her, Hedgepaw’s older brother was approaching with a fury about him. Under the eyes of the former, Fishpaw shrank. Misbegotten beast that he was, Pineblossom still didn’t deserve to see her son in this state. Though she did deserve to know the kind of cat he was. Fishpaw’s stomach was all knots. Before he could begin answering, Leopardstar had appeared as well. ”I’m fine,” he protested at the comment directed his way. If he didn’t move too fast, or if he focused only on pressing into Hedgepaw’s ribs, he didn’t notice the way his neck sang with pain or the warmth that clotted in his fur.

”Quillsplash took both of us out sparring. It was going fine, but then--Wolfpaw came out of nowhere. He leapt right at me. Quillsplash pulled him off.” There was a warble of adrenaline and nerves in Fishpaw’s mew, but otherwise, he was succinct. ”I met Wolfpaw once when I was a rogue. He said he would kill me if I came near his family again--he thinks I want to hurt them. He… reminded me of that the other night.” Carrion and crows. Unforgettable words. ”Nothing came of it but threats. I’m sorry I didn’t tell anyone sooner. I wanted to.”
...I reach out to the truth of my life.
ShadowClan • Apprentice • he/him • #2F8A7B
Credits: coding - xaandiir | image 1 | image 2 | image 3 | image 4 | image 5 | image 6

The darker the weather...

Silverhawk moved in an instant when he heard Hedgepaw’s voice. The scent of blood broaching the walls of camp had already stirred him to attention, but the sound of--the sight of--his sister, shaken and miserable and bordering tears, had him on his paws and crossing camp in an instant, meal abandoned. And Wolf, too--something was wrong with him. Quillsplash was stepping through the entrance of camp now, carrying his brother. Wolfpaw looked like fresh-kill, bloody and boneless. If it weren’t for the faint sight of his flank rising and falling with breaths, Silverhawk’s idea of sense might have collapsed. He was halted, briefly, in his forward progress by the need to press his claws into the earth, gripping for stability against the thought of losing another sibling.

Then he was on the move again. The necessary questions were already being asked; there was no use repeating them, even if he was bitter he couldn’t ask What happened? himself. Instead, Silverhawk moved into an open space at Hedgepaw’s side while Fishpaw was turned away to speak. He bent down to rest his chin on his little sister’s head and wrapped his tail around her. ”Hedge, Hedge,” he whispered, ”breathe. Breathe, Hedge.” He shifted to secure a foreleg around her and pull her against him, holding her there for a moment before releasing. ”We’ll figure out what’s going on, okay? And nothing will happen to Wolf.” Because he wouldn’t let it. To death or banishment, Silverhawk was not releasing another brother.
...the better the man.
ShadowClan • T5 Warrior • he/him • #845D56
Credits: coding - xaandiir | image 1 | image 2 | image 3 | image 4 | image 5 | image 6


T5 Warrior
T5 Elder
T4 Warrior
(T3) Hybrid MCA
[not pictured]
T1 Warrior
[not pictured]

Art by Xaandiir!
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Characters : //Living//:[J]uniperhunt, [Q]uillsplash | Bird, [Sc]orchivy, [L]eopardwind, [C]reamlily, [M]ilkkit, [Sp]arrowkit //Dead:// Tawnyshadow, Sootstorm, Cinderpaw, Ajex | Palekit, Shatteredsky, Reedshine, Deerleap, Slightfrost, Specklepaw, Sunfire, Copperlark
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan T1 Warrior [Q]ShadowClan T5 Warrior [Sc]WindClan NPC PermaQueen [L]WindClan T3 Warrior [C]WindClan T3 Warrior [M]RiverClan Kit [Sp]Unborn SkyClan Kit
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3633
Age : 14

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Consequences Of Our Actions[C]   The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] EmptyMon 2 Sep 2024 - 19:32

I feel like I’m waiting for something that’ll never happen

Quillsplash's gaze snapped towards Hedgepaw the instant he heard that small cry. He held back the urge to try and comfort her. She has Silverhawk beside her, the older warrior wrapped around the small apprentice. Pineblossom was here as well, though he didn't dare look in her direction. Would she be staring at the limp body at his paws, horror and dread filling her expression? Would she think he was the reason her son was in the state he was? A small sound of protest stuck in his throat at the thought. How desperately did he want to turn and explain everything, justify his actions, but no, Leopardstar was speaking, and he had to listen.

Fishpaw was the first to speak. The tortoiseshell tried not to let his distaste show as his apprentice clarified the threats made to him. Even if Fishpaw had been a rogue then, he was a member of ShadowClan now, and Wolfpaw had no right to continue to make death threats to him. Poor Fishpaw, and Quillsplash had even hoped his settling into ShadowClan would go smoothly. If he had the chance, he would check in with Fishpaw properly, make sure he was actually doing well in his new environment. He had failed as a mentor to do so sooner. If he had the chance. Stars know how this mess would be resolved. If he had to guess, Silverhawk and Pineblossom would try to keep Wolfpaw in ShadowClan, and why wouldn't Leopardstar listen to them both? He felt no hatred towards the two warriors; he understood, Wolfpaw was family to them, however... keeping Wolfpaw around was an idea that left a bitter taste in his mouth. It took him a while to realise that the taste was his own fear.

Fishpaw had finished speaking, and so it was his turn to explain. Hedgepaw didn't look in any state to talk about the event, and he wasn't going to force her. If anything, he wished she hadn't been there at all. Quillsplash glanced her way, wondering if he was in any position to request that Silverhawk or Pineblossom bring her elsewhere, but it was her choice if she wanted to stay here, and in any case he probably would not be welcome to say anything other than an answer to everycat's questions.

He hoped his fear not evident, that no cat would notice the slight tremble in his legs as he faced his leader. "What Fishpaw says is correct. I brought Hedgepaw and Fishpaw out for a practice spar. Wolfpaw- he came out of no where, headed straight for Fishpaw and injuring him. Perhaps he would have gone further if- if I had not pulled him off." His amber eyes darted down to the body at his paws. "He threatened us both. I am unsure if he understood that it was a practice spar. He seemed convinced that Fishpaw and I had teamed up to- to hurt Hedgepaw." Quillsplash ignored the way his voice cracked and continued, "After I pulled him off Fishpaw, Wolfpaw continued to issue threats until he-" There was no way any cat was going to believe this. "- he screamed 'Stop talking to me, get out', or, well, something like that, and then he just... collasped."

He took a deep breath. "I am confident that the injury I inflicted on him when I pulled him off Fishpaw is not the cause of his sudden collasping. Such a wound would not hurt a cat in that way. Nightowl can confirm it for everyone. I- I might suggest that- think that perhaps- Wolfpaw has encountered some sort of spirit that has caused his actions tonight and before? I have heard stories of the Dark Forest invasion, would it be impossible that this would be something related to the Dark Forest?" It was then that he glanced over at Pineblossom. He did not truly believe what he was saying. But Pineblossom deserved hope, and if it was true, it would have been worth it. For Pineblossom and Hedgepaw, he'd stand on Wolfpaw's side, however- however much the idea horrified him.

"It would also be worth to mention that prior to this-- many moons ago-- when I was on a patrol with Wolfpaw, we ran into a fox. He stood back without a word and left me to fight it myself. It was a deliberate choice, I know, and as he brought it up tonight again. He considered it a warning. He asked if it had not been enough-- I can only assume he meant as a warning to stay away from Hedgepaw." Quillsplash hesitated, then dipped his head apologetically at Silverhawk. "I apologise; as a warrior, I should have reported that incident to his mentor. I did not think- did not want to think that it had been anything more than a misunderstanding or grudge that he would grow out of."

And there it was, the full story. Quillsplash stayed where he was, waiting for his dismissal, but stars how he wanted to just leave and move closer to his apprentices. He did not want to be around when Wolfpaw woke. He did not want to be away from his apprentices when that happened, either.

Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T5 Warrior / #802318
Juniperhunt / She-Cat / ShadowClan T1 Warrior / #b9abb2
Scorchivy / She-Cat / WindClan NPC PermaQueen / #009966
Leopardwind / Tom / WindClan T3 Warrior / #cc9900
Creamlily / She-Cat / WindClan T3 Warrior / #ff6600
Milkkit / Tom / RiverClan Kit / #dbc6ad
Sparrowkit / She-Cat / Unborn SkyClan Kit / #993366

Art Commissions | Character Profiles | Plotting | Character Relations | Open Litter | Art Giveaway
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Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : | Leopardstar | Nightdancer | Lightningbreeze | Mistflower | Scarletflare |
Clan/Rank : | ShadowClan Leader | ThunderClan Warrior | SkyClan Warrior | SkyClan Warrior | RiverClan Warrior |
Gemini Cat
Number of posts : 6183
Gender : she/her
Age : 25

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Consequences Of Our Actions[C]   The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] EmptyTue 3 Sep 2024 - 12:42

i've given up on counting blessings
Though she tried to maintain her composure, the leader couldn't suppress a full-body shudder at the mention of the Dark Forest; one born of anger rather than fear. Still, she listened quietly as Fishpaw and Quillsplash spoke, nodding once when they finished.

"First things first," she said, more gently as she directed the words toward Fishpaw. "If any cat threatens you, or makes you feel as though you are unwelcome in ShadowClan, you are to speak directly with me. Even if it seems I'm busy, know that I will make time for this. Whether or not you were born here, you are one of us now; and I expect my Clan to treat one another with respect and courtesy. What happened today isn't your fault, but I want to ensure that you feel safe enough to ask for help when you need it."

Then she turned her attention to the warrior. "When I was young, the Dark Forest walked among the living, so powerful that they blacked out the night sky and separated us from StarClan; and even then, even when their corrupted warriors oversaw our training, I never saw anything like what you're describing now. The closest case I can recall to this was what happened with Redice." At this, she offered an apologetic glance to Pineblossom; comparing her son to such a creature wasn't exactly something she was pleased to do. "He was a ShadowClan warrior that was... Disturbed, somehow, or so it seemed. In the end, he was executed after he was told to go hunting and was found with a half-dead SkyClan warrior, attempting to finish the job."

She closed her eyes a moment, taking a deep breath.

"That said, Wolfpaw is not a warrior. I will not advocate for the death of children, in this or any circumstance. But it's clear that something must be done, or if what you say is true, it may be only a matter of time before we are again forced to relive the memory of Redice's execution. While we assess his condition, he will be under constant supervision by a rotating guard of senior warriors; two at a time. No cat is to be left alone with him--that includes Nightpaw. Wolfpaw's training will be on hold until this assessment is complete, and until Nightpaw and I both agree he's fit to resume it, either with or without conditional restrictions. Does the rest of the council have anything to add?"

Having delivered her personal verdict, she let out a sigh.

"Pineblossom, do you intend to volunteer for one of the guard shifts? I imagine he would respond better to his mother than most warriors, assuming he's lucid when he wakes."
the gods can judge me when i'm dead || code (c) kieer

[Only mods are allowed to see this link]
[character pages]
Leopardstar ~ Nightdancer ~ Lightningbreeze ~ Mistflower ~ Scarletflare ~ Mint
ShadowClan ~ ThunderClan ~ SkyClan ~ SkyClan ~ RiverClan ~ Guardian of Twilight
Leader ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Rogue
Tier 5 ~ Tier 5 ~ Tier 3 ~ Tier 3 ~ Tier 1 ~ Tier 1
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Characters : [O] Oatfluff, [N] Nightowl, [S] Smokeytimber, [F] Foxpaw, [Su] Sunbear, [T] Tortoise
Clan/Rank : [O] T5 WindClan Warrior, [N] T1 ShadowClan MC, [S] T3 ShadowClan Warrior, [F] WindClan Apprentice, [Su] T1 WindClan Warrior, [T] T1 Loner
Libra Rooster
Number of posts : 433
Gender : He/They
Age : 18

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Consequences Of Our Actions[C]   The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] EmptySat 7 Sep 2024 - 18:17

Nightpaw's head had snapped up at Hedgepaw's shaky voice. At first, his eyes widened in fear, his heart rate spiking as he immediately jumped to conclusions - she was visiting him here, in the medicine den, and she sounded so shaken up and frankly terrified that she must be hurt, something bad must've happened - until she continued speaking, and a cursory glance over her mussed up pelt showed no wounds or blood to speak of. He forced his fur to lie flat. Something was wrong, and as much as he would love to let panic take hold of him, Hedgepaw needed him to be strong.

He took a moment to process her words before nodding decisively. Wretched Wolfpaw. He didn't know how to treat... whatever ailment plagued that tom. But he'd start simple - he knew how to patch up a wound, and he could at least start there. The small tom scanned the herb stores, panicked, and grabbed anything he thought might serve useful. Then he paused for a moment, as though considering his options, and grabbed a few sprigs of thyme, too.

Within seconds, Nightpaw was rushing out of his den, following after Hedgepaw. Was it bad? How badly was Fishpaw hurt? He swallowed his fear. A large gathering of cats was crowded by the thorn tunnel, and he hurried toward them. The sharp scent of blood was heavy in the air, and his Clanmates' voices carried on the air, tight with anxiety and tension. Fishpaw, Hedgepaw, and Silverhawk were all huddled together, while Quillsplash stood somewhat awkwardly nearby, as though caught between what he wanted to do and what he felt he was supposed to. Leopardstar was speaking as Nightpaw approached, and that only made his pelt prickle with further alarm - how bad was this that it warranted Leopardstar's attention? He had a sneaking suspicion that Wolfpaw was behind the blood staining Fishpaw's fur, but he didn't dare pass judgment out loud before he knew anything.

As Nightpaw shouldered his way into the group, his eyes met Fishpaw's. The tortoiseshell tom seemed anxious, but certainly not as shaken as Hedgepaw. He supposed Fishpaw could've seen this coming, whereas Hedge seemed all too unwilling to see her brother for what he was. "How are you feeling?" Nightpaw murmured softly as he neared. While the tom's fur was mostly dark, disguising the crimson that he was sure stained his pelt, the short fur at the base of his neck clumped and matted where his blood was beginning to clot. The wound was still somewhat fresh, but Nightpaw could tell it wasn't life-threatening. "This isn't anything too bad, okay? I'm sure it hurts, but you'll be fine. I'm going to apply some herbs - burdock to prevent infection and hopefully ease that pain a bit, then some cobwebs. This might sting." He tried his best to sound comforting as he spoke, his voice still low and soft. He was keenly aware of Silverhawk standing beside the pair of apprentices, and his heart skipped a beat as nerves threatened to overwhelm him. Was everyone watching? They were just worried, that was all. He was doing a good job - he had to believe that.

His paws moved quickly. Though he hadn't attended to any incidents like this before, he knew everything he was supposed to do, and he only hoped he wasn't too shaky while he moved about. He chewed the thick root gently between his jaws, then pressed the poultice as softly as he could into Fishpaw's open wound. When he was confident that he'd applied a decent layer, he reached out and snagged a few of the cobwebs from beside him with one claw. He pressed the silky material into the tom's gash, wincing as he applied the gentlest pressure to stop Fishpaw's bleeding altogether.

"Eat these," Nightpaw meowed suddenly. He pushed a small pawful of dark, rounded seeds bundled in an oak leaf toward the tortoiseshell. "They might make you a bit drowsy, but they'll help with your pain. And Hedgepaw -" The tom's expression was serious as he turned toward his friend, but his gaze was warm all the same. He ducked down, then came back up with a couple of sprigs of thyme between his jaws. "Chew this, okay? It'll help, I promise. And hey, it doesn't taste too bad, either - please." Nightpaw added. Concern laced his voice on his final word, but he still wouldn't let his expression betray any of his worry. He had to be a rock - not just for Hedgepaw, but for Fishpaw and Leopardstar, too. He couldn't be worried. Leaning forward, Nightpaw rested his chin on Hedgepaw's shoulder for just a moment, and then moved on.

He'd picked up bits of the story as he'd worked. Wolfpaw attacked Fishpaw, Quillsplash attacked Wolfpaw. Nightpaw cast a sidelong glance toward the unconscious tom, but he wasn't particularly eager to start on him. Images flashed through his mind - Wolfpaw's crazed eyes the first time Nightpaw had encountered him, slowly morphing into Wolfpaw's maw, dripping with blood as he attacked Fishpaw, then the unconscious tom shooting up from his spot on the ground and attacking Nightpaw. He shuddered. It was hard not to let his imagination run wild at the best of times. But he forced himself forward nonetheless, half-flinching as he anticipated Wolfpaw waking up at any moment.

Quillsplash was speaking now. As Nightpaw examined the apprentice's wound, his whiskers twitched. Odd. "Quillsplash is right - this wouldn't have rendered him unconscious. It's similar to Fishpaw's wound, and Fishpaw is still standing." This is entirely mental. He met Leopardstar's gaze, his own gaze troubled and clouded. Was something genuinely, seriously wrong with Wolfpaw? And would he be expected to deal with it? This was nothing that Rookfire had taught him, nothing that Fuzzybelly or even Hemlockfox had ever covered... the tuxedo frowned. Just as he'd done for Fishpaw, though, he smeared some of the leftover burdock into Wolfpaw's wound, then patched him up with cobwebs. The tom looked almost... dead, but he knew that wasn't possible. Not from the rising and falling of his flanks, and not from how shallow his wound was. Helplessness surged in his chest, and Nightpaw almost felt like collapsing himself. This was beyond his knowledge. If only Heatherberry was here.

With every cat attended to - to the extent of his ability, anyway - Nightpaw sat down and faced Leopardstar. She was in the midst of a story, a reflection on the Dark Forest. His jaw clenched almost subconsciously. That was not an idea he wanted to entertain. Not the idea of any evil, dead cats coming back to life and attacking the Clans, and certainly not the idea of some regular, disturbed warrior going off on a murdering spree. Redice did sound all too similar to Wolfpaw. Disturbed. Wolfpaw was as disturbed as Nightpaw had ever seen.

The leader continued on, and Nightpaw found himself reassured by her words. Leopardstar was strong, and one of the most reasonable cats he knew. She'd have this handled. He felt his fur begin to lie flat again, though his heart went on hammering in his chest as fast as a rabbit. This was the last thing he'd expected to be dealing with today. Wolfpaw's... ailment, whatever it was, had been something he was content to ignore - but alas.

No cat is to be left alone with him - that includes Nightpaw. He took a deep breath. Wolfpaw wouldn't be able to get away with hurting anyone else, surely. Hopefully. Finally, everyone seemed to stop talking at once, and attention turned to Nightpaw. "I've... nothing further to add. Wolfpaw is a cat who has threatened my own safety before, but certainly not in the way he's come after you two." He glanced apologetically at Fishpaw and Quillsplash. He'd had no idea that there were others, and that Wolfpaw had threatened them much worse. A wave of sympathy washed over him. Did Wolfpaw want to hurt anyone who dared get close to Hedge? He shuddered to think of it. How was that love? "No cat should feel unsafe within their own Clan. I agree wholeheartedly with what you've proposed, Leopardstar." He dipped his head, voice faltering. He wasn't used to being considered an advisor. On anything, much less serious matters like this. This is out of my expertise. He didn't want to admit as much in front of Hedgepaw and Pineblossom, but it was the truth. Heatherberry, come back. Please help us. None of them knew what to do, it seemed. Leopardstar had proposed a good plan of action, but all they could really do was wait around and see, and go from there. Should Wolfpaw's condition become worse... he didn't want to think about that. He couldn't.
HE/HIM - shadowclan medicine app "everybody loves a quiet child . . ."

Oatfluff - T5 WindClan Warrior - #7f513e
Nightowl - T1 ShadowClan Med. Cat - #669966
Smokeytimber - T3 ShadowClan Warrior. - #626b7d
Foxpaw - WindClan App. - #f4ab6a
Sunbear - T1 WindClan Warrior - #cea716
Tortoise - T1 Loner - #6e6e33

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] Aa9d24d70df9858f985c454d207b8b3cdc4cf12e
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Living: Bubblebeam [B], Dovetail [D], Hedgepaw [H], Larchbreeze [L]. Deceased/Missing: Tansyfoot, Turtlepelt, Morning, Longwhisker, Ryestep, Poolmist, Nettletail, Halfmoon, Freckleface, Lionfur, Shimmerheart, Breezewhisker, Honeydrop, Ashstar, Snowpaw, Brushgaze (NPC), Shellwater, Snowblossom, Quailfeather, Gingerstripe, Carat, Redwing, Graybriar, Pricklebush, Appledapple, Flutterpetal, Felix, Perchstar.
Clan/Rank : [B]: ShadowClan T3 Warrior. [D]: RiverClan T4 Warrior. [H]: ShadowClan Apprentice. [L]: WindClan T3 Warrior.
Cancer Snake
Number of posts : 6867
Gender : She/Her - kitty was here <3
Age : 23

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Consequences Of Our Actions[C]   The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] EmptySun 8 Sep 2024 - 23:05

Hedgepaw could not recall the last time she had cried. She'd been scared, often--fear was something she knew fairly well. Aside from moments of true terror, like the attack from the owl or the sudden appearance of the fox, it mostly showed itself when she tried to sleep or when she was reminded of the dangers that she and her family faced. Yet, she rarely cried. It hardly seemed necessary; not when she had so many cats who loved her and were willing to protect her. But now she sat, weeping and whimpering like a kit over the barely-breathing body of her brother. How had things gone so wrong? She couldn't control her breathing. Air shuddered in and out of her lungs without any input on her part. Try as she might to grab hold of her thoughts and reign them in, they swirled around endlessly, unable to settle into any form of coherency. She heard voices. Several of them, mostly authoritative, like Mamma Pine and Leopardstar. A different voice--one closer, one softer--found its way past the sounds in her mind. Fishpaw's voice, near enough that she felt his breath on her face. Comforting words. Halting, unsure platitudes, but... said in his voice, they felt true. Still she could not stop crying. Something within her appreciated that he was close by, that he was safe and could not be hurt anymore. Not right now anyway. He was safe. They were safe... for now. It didn't help much, but at least he was there. She seized tightly onto that fact as if it could keep her from tumbling down into the new abyss that had been opened up by the startling violence of mere minutes prior.

Then Silverhawk was there, and things were going to be okay. The large and familiar form of her big brother enveloped her, and instinctually, automatically, Hedgepaw burrowed into the soft depths of his fur. He smelled like home. Though tears still streamed down her face, they slipped into the warmth of his pelt, drying immediately. It was easier to breathe if she buried her face completely in his chest. His low voice murmured into her ears, and his form rumbled from the use of his vocal cords. Soothing. If he said it would be okay, then it would. They were going to figure it out... and everything would be okay. She could almost believe it.

It took a minute or so for her to stop sobbing. Her small form ceased its trembling, but still she did not emerge from the warmth and safety of her brother's embrace. She almost wanted to plug her ears, to bury her head in the earth so that she could not hear the words being spoken, but reluctantly she paid attention to Quillsplash's shaken tale of what had happened. She... needed to know. She had to know what would happen to Wolfpaw. She had to know if Fishpaw was going to be okay. And gradually, though it stung, she turned around to face the scene that still lay before her. Wolfpaw had not budged; the sight of him lying so limp still sent a pang through Hedgepaw's heart. And other cats had arrived. She wished she could just let the adults talk, and choose not to worry, but her love for her family and her care for her friend made the choice for her. Still, it was not easy to hear Quillsplash recount the tale. To hear the mention of the Dark Forest, which had forever only been known to her as a tale to scare kits. To hear reiterated not once, but twice, that Wolfpaw had done this in an attempt to protect her. That turned over and over in her head as she struggled to make sense of the recent events.

The other story Quillsplash told--of fighting a fox, a horrible beast that had once killed her older brother Honeylight before she got to meet him--and Wolfpaw standing by nearly made her sick, so she tried to find something else to focus on. Luckily, Nightpaw arrived with his stash of herbs. Seeing her friend bustling about in the new role he had taken to so well was a good distraction. Briefly, among the twisted emotions tangling up around her chest, Hedgepaw felt proud of him. He was such a good medicine cat. Since he was there to take care of everything, Fishpaw would be okay. She watched intently as he moved around, focusing on his paws and the strange scent of herbs and the rise and fall of Silver's chest. Things were okay... things were okay... things were okay. When Nightpaw came to her and offered a few green sprigs, she couldn't help but blink in slight surprise. She hadn't been hurt--why give her anything? What pain? The awful tightness in her chest certainly couldn't count, not compared to the blood. But the calm tone of her friend's voice, and the certainty mixed with concern in his eyes, made her agree. The herbs tasted sharp and funny on her tongue, and she didn't feel any immediate change. Maybe it would be gradual.

However, all her efforts to calm herself couldn't make her unhear the words of Leopardstar. "Executed." "Execution." "Death." A chilling fear rose through Hedgepaw, raising every hair on her spine. Even though she heard the caveats added, the fact that Wolfpaw would not be dying, it was difficult to get past the somber tone in which those words had been said. Leopardstar had thought about it. But it wasn't Wolfpaw's fault! He was sick! He was, he was... there was something wrong. He was her brother and she loved him. Why couldn't that be enough to heal him? Why couldn't he eat a few weird-tasting leaves and go back to normal? But... she couldn't deny what everyone else was saying. He had attacked Fishpaw, her friend. He had almost let Quillsplash die. He had even threatened Nightpaw, which made her head whip towards him at the admission. Maybe this wasn't a one-time thing. Maybe it had only come out of nowhere for her. He'd been getting worse, maybe for a long time. This had been happening for a while. And... no one had told her.

The silence sank into her, only worsening the echoes of words and the replaying scene of Wolfpaw tackling Fishpaw violently to the ground. Her brother... her brother. Fishpaw said she didn't have to speak. But after everything... Wolfpaw had only been trying to protect her. She didn't know why he would ever think that her friends were a threat, but it appeared that whatever had gone on inside his mind, she was a part of it. She had always trusted her brothers to protect her. Maybe... she'd leaned on them too much. Maybe if she had been stronger and braver, Wolfpaw wouldn't have gone crazy like this. Maybe he wouldn't have gotten sick. "I didn't know... he'd been threatening everyone," Hedgepaw whispered miserably. Who was she talking to? Fishpaw, Quillsplash, Nightpaw, Silverhawk, Mamma... herself. "I didn't know. He's my brother... he's strong, and he likes to fight, but I never thought he'd fight Clanmates. How long has this been happening? He seemed okay to me... until today. I didn't know." Her voice was raw from crying, but now it just sounded dull. At least she'd gotten all the weeping out of her before she tried to talk. Her head ached.

If only the herb she'd eaten could just make her forget everything. She felt shaky, kind of sick, but it all came from inside. The very edges of her pain appeared to be dulling, but that only made the guilt that now rose up within her all the more coherent. "If he thought I was in danger... he never told me. I can't believe it. He threatened all of you because of me. I... if I'd known, I would've told him to stop, I promise. It's so horrible. It doesn't sound like him, but I believe you all. There must be something wrong, in his mind. It wasn't always. He's not a bad cat. I--I didn't think he was. Maybe I'm wrong. He was being so awful to everyone and I didn't even know. I didn't..." The small apprentice swayed sleepily on her paws. Was she even making sense? She didn't know. Suddenly opening her mouth to speak anymore seemed impossible. Drowsiness emerged without warning, taking over the lingering panic and worry. She felt tired... Maybe this had all just been a bad dream. She'd wake up, and Wolfpaw would be okay, and Fishpaw would be okay, and everything would be okay. But probably not.

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] 833dIG1

⸙ Larchbreeze ⸙ ~ ♡ Hedgepaw ♡ ~ ◈ Dovetail ◈ ~ ○ Bubblebeam ○
⸙ WindClan ⸙ ~ ♡ ShadowClan ♡ ~ ◈ RiverClan ◈ ~ ○ ShadowClan ○
⸙ Tier 3 Warrior ⸙ ~ ♡ Apprentice ♡ ~ ◈ Tier 4 Warrior ◈ ~ ○ Tier 3 Warrior ○

~~PM me here or on Discord if you want a topic with any of my cats!~~
~Signature and Avatar by Xaandiir!~
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Characters : Lighttail (SkC), Sunflare (SC), Sageroot (TC), Bianca (Rogue), Mistypaw (SkC), Minkpaw (TC)
Clan/Rank : Lighttail: SkyClan T4 warrior. Sunflare: ShadowClan T5 warrior. Sageroot: ThunderClan T5 Deputy. Bianca: Tier 1 Rogue. Mistypaw: SkyClan Apprentice. Minkpaw: ThunderClan Apprentice.
Aquarius Dog
Number of posts : 2684
Gender : She/her, They/them
Age : 18

The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Consequences Of Our Actions[C]   The Consequences Of Our Actions[C] EmptyToday at 9:00

Sunflare listened to the meeting in grave silence. Flashes of blood filled his vision as the scent of Redsun filled his nostrils and the horrible cackle as Nightstar had killed him overwhelmed his mind. Could there really be another cold-blooded killer in the clan? And one so young! Sunflare supposed Redsun had been a kit once too, but it was hard to reconcile the thought with his mental picture. He sat beside Hedgepaw and shook the thoughts from his mind. “None of this is your fault,” he purred. “You are not responsible for your brother’s actions. All you can control is yourself.” He turned to the other cats. “Wolfpaw has shown himself to be a danger. I suggest he be accompanied by a minimum of two warriors at all times, at least until we determine further what to do. Maybe he will prove remorseful, but we can’t take chances.”

Suddenly, the younger cat swayed on her feet and Sunflare leaned his shoulder in to break her fall. “Stars, every apprentice here needs a medicine cat,” he muttered. “I might too if this headache builds up any more.” He straightened himself again. Headaches would have to wait.
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