Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Storm in the Sky

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Number of posts : 3120
Gender : Unspecified

Storm in the Sky Empty
PostSubject: Storm in the Sky   Storm in the Sky EmptySun 30 Jun 2024 - 19:21

Stormwatcher's mood was grumpier than normal with this new apprentice of his. None the less, he had to teach the brat how to fight, one day he might have to fight side by side with him. The memories of the riverclan war although forgiven for the most part were not forgotten on him. He knew full well the clans would never live at peace for too long before some star forsaken drama shook them to war over something most likely utterly stupid in his mind.

Giving an annoyed flick of his tail as he remembered the rules put in place about him from his sister (adoptive) leader Wolfstar... She had said that he couldnt be out alone after he attacked that riverclanner - something he needed to do personally to move on from that battle to begin with.

He muttered under his breath something to the equivelent that if that was her rule she would have to live with it too then.

He meowed for both his apprentice and his leader for them to meet up - it was time Hickorypaw got his sparing in.

"Sis!! Hickorypaw! Come on lets go!" he meowed waiting for them at the entrence to the camp.

He met His apprentices eyes and raised an eyebrow as if judging the younger cat already before the day had already begun, he had been nothing but a pain of the tail his whole hunting lesson...

Come to think of it, back when he himself was an apprentice he had also given plenty of mentors grief which is probably why he had been passed around mentor to mentor as no one wanted the lazy apprentice.

"Hickorypaw, Wolfstar is joining us because uhh... ermm well uhh" he stuttered a bit thinking of a reason why wolfstar would be there other than ' I beat a riverclanner up and now have to have a babysitter'

cause that didn't sound like a great intro into sparring lessons where he tried to teach his apprentices to use this only when needed.

"Cause she wants to! and erm... I'm sure she wants to check in on the apprenice training" he meowed quickly flicking his tail dismissivly

Without another word he marched out leading them to the training area.

"Alright Hickorypaw, try to only use these lessons if you absolutely have to. But I am sure in your life time they will be used. He didnt want Hickorypaw just running after some badger just because the hot headed apprentice knew some battle moves after today.

"alright ermm how about you and Wolfstar be on a team and try and pin me before I get past you, the idea is to simulate defending the camp" he meowed and got into an aggressive stance.

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Characters : Larkshine - Shadowclan //// Hickorypaw - Skyclan //// Weevilpaw - Windclan //// Beankit - Thunderclan
Clan/Rank : Shadowclan - Tier 4 Warrior //// Skyclan - Apprentice //// Windclan - Apprentice //// Thunderclan - Kit
Pisces Snake
Number of posts : 511
Gender : She/Her
Age : 23

Storm in the Sky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm in the Sky   Storm in the Sky EmptyTue 2 Jul 2024 - 14:13

Apprentice | Skyclan | He/Him

The day started out great for young Hickorypaw. He had woken up before that annoying ball of fire in the sky and had meticulously groomed his pelt before leaving his nest and had even spent some time with his sister before her mentor called her away. It wasn’t long before he heard Stormwater calling his name as well. ‘Great what does the fox-brain want now?’ he grumbled to himself before walking up to his mentor.

A surprised look crossed his face as he realized Stormwatcher had called Wolfstar his sister. ‘No way he is grandma’s brother?!’ His fiery gaze met his mentor’s, and he gave the older tom a toothy smile. “Good Mornin Stormwatcher!” He mewed in his nicest voice. His orange eyes then met his grandmother’s and he gently pressed against her “Goodmornin Granma!” He purred. It was no surprise to him that his grandmother wanted to join on in his training; he was her favorite grandkit after all.

The young tom had to fight back the urge to roll his eyes at his mentor. He would fight when he felt there was a need to fight, not when his mentor told him he should. Hickorypaw instead gave his mentor a small nod and then dropped into a defensive stance. He was nervous with his grandmother watching over him, he didn’t want to make a fool of himself.

Hickorypaw’s eyes darted back and forth between the two older cats. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to attack first or not. He could tell he was taking too long to decide; so, he ran forward, then rolled under his mentor at the last second. His front claws dug into the older tom’s flanks as his back claws dug deep into Stormwatcher’s belly and he gave a few good kicks before rolling out to the opposite side.

Hickorypaw successfully used Belly Rake on Stormwatcher for -10 HP and -10 EP

Hickorypaw: 20 HP / 50 EP (-10)
Stormwatcher: 60 HP (-10) / 200 EP
WolfStar: 70 HP / 200 EP

Discord: ChaoticCrow  | Timezone: Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) | Code (c) Kieer

Storm in the Sky Sig_of12 Storm in the Sky Wccsig10

Last edited by ChaoticCrow on Tue 2 Jul 2024 - 14:29; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
Clan/Rank : RiverClanWarrior
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15465
Age : 30

Storm in the Sky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm in the Sky   Storm in the Sky EmptyTue 2 Jul 2024 - 14:13

The member 'ChaoticCrow' has done the following action : Dice roll

'Effect Dice' : 6

~Founder/Owner of WCC~
~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
~Please pm Administrators with queries as I'm not active~
Storm in the Sky Mistpe10
Storm in the Sky Sig2
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [W]olfstar [S]toneheart (plot) [Sw]andive [B]riarpatch [H]oneybee [C]loudjumper // Smokefeather, Beechface | Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Nighthawk (npc), Eosphoros (plot), Birdsong, Eleos | Swiftspirit, Atalante | Featherfrost, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Whitesnake (plot), Flamegaze (plot), Moondancer, Graywind
Clan/Rank : [W] SkC/T5 Leader [S] SkC/T5 Warrior [Sw] RC/T4 Warrior [B] SC/T2 Warrior [H] SkC/T1 Warrior [C] WC/T4 Warrior
Cancer Tiger
Number of posts : 6100
Age : 26

Storm in the Sky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm in the Sky   Storm in the Sky EmptyMon 15 Jul 2024 - 17:41

Stormwatcher had been grumbling about her tagging along with him, that she'd have to also deal with the rule she had set in place. It had only earned a laugh from the leader, "What, you didn't think I'd leave you be for so long, did you?"

She joined the mentor and apprentice pair at the entrance to camp with a nod and smile, Her grandson looked rather surprised, and she wondered if Stormwatcher had told him before-paw that the leader would be joining them. She knew what she would have done in that situation, at least. "Hey, grandson. Surprise!" She grinned at the young apprentice.

"This is your training session, I am simply an observer." She mewed, Perhaps she would see an opportunity that one of the toms missed, or could offer constructive feedback. With a powerful leap, the tabby and white leader settled on a low hanging branch to watch. Hickorypaw was quick to take initiative, and the leader nodded quietly to herself. Raking an opponent's belly could be risky, but when successful it was something that could be nasty in a real fight.


SkC Leader | Profiles | Plotting

T5 Leader
T4 Warrior
T2 Warrior
T1 Warrior
Not Pictured
Cloudjumper [Bonus]WC
T4 Warrior
Not Pictured
Stoneheart [Perma NPC]SkC
T5 Warrior
Not Pictured
Starclan: Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Birdsong, Swiftspirit, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Moondancer, Graywind
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Number of posts : 3120
Gender : Unspecified

Storm in the Sky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm in the Sky   Storm in the Sky EmptyTue 23 Jul 2024 - 16:43

Stormwatcher pinned his ears against his head and tried not to let the fact that he basically had to be escorted around their own territory by the leader get too much under his pelt.

But it really made him upset that was what was going on.

Luckily his apprentice somehow had not caught on to the fact that he always had another warrior out whenever they trained together - it would have been the 'death' of the warrior to have to explain that to his apprentice Hickorypaw whom he had a very poor relationship with already.

propbably cause he has bees for brains he hasnt figured it out yet he grumbled in his own head silently.

Well, Mr. Sulking was about to have a rude awakening as his apprentice was starting before he was ready.

Before he knew it Hickorypaw was attacking his belly and the large warrior growled frustrated with himself that he had been caught up on his thoughts so much as to let this happen.

One of the disadvatages of being so large was that belly rakes were easier for his oppontents and he was trying to convince himself that this was the only reason his apprentice got this 'lucky' hit in.

it certainly is not for his skill he thought bitterly the additional hurt of the belly attack not helping his mood any.

He narrowed his eyes at his apprentice after a retreat of his own slightly to get out of that attack.

He really could not help himself at all - he absolutely knew better but found that he had a desire to do that right back at his apprentice!

Objectivly he deep down knew he was supposed to be training Hickorypaw in a more structured manor - how to pin, block ext ... but this snot nosed brat needed to be taught a lesson!

He leapt right back at Hickorypaw wanting to return the exact favor!

Storm uses belly rake!


He sailed in the air and slammed right back into his apprentice returning the exact attack that his apprentice had just pulled off - he flicked his ears back as if to silently say 2 can play at that game!

He had a feeling this was enough however. He may not like Hickorypaw but he didnt want to hurt him - even if they did not get along at all Hickorypaw was still his apprentice and he would do anything he could to protect him.

Once his counter belly rake was over he stood over his apprentice raising one eyebrow as if trying to think what to do next... on one paw he was deep down impressed with his apprentices boldness and willingness to dive right into danger on the other paw he wanted to scold him to be more patient... a scolding that could hardly be justified since he literally did the same thing...

He ended up giving a general grunt and flicked his tail remaining mostly quiet.

"yeup... not bad A 'not bad' from Storm (espcially when given to Hickorypaw) meant he was pleased with his apprentice but wouldnt be caught dead adding praise to the hot-heads already overinflated ego

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Last edited by speedy on Tue 23 Jul 2024 - 16:49; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
Clan/Rank : RiverClanWarrior
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15465
Age : 30

Storm in the Sky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm in the Sky   Storm in the Sky EmptyTue 23 Jul 2024 - 16:43

The member 'speedy' has done the following action : Dice roll

'Effect Dice' : 5

~Founder/Owner of WCC~
~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
~Please pm Administrators with queries as I'm not active~
Storm in the Sky Mistpe10
Storm in the Sky Sig2
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Characters : Larkshine - Shadowclan //// Hickorypaw - Skyclan //// Weevilpaw - Windclan //// Beankit - Thunderclan
Clan/Rank : Shadowclan - Tier 4 Warrior //// Skyclan - Apprentice //// Windclan - Apprentice //// Thunderclan - Kit
Pisces Snake
Number of posts : 511
Gender : She/Her
Age : 23

Storm in the Sky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm in the Sky   Storm in the Sky EmptySat 27 Jul 2024 - 14:24

Apprentice | Skyclan | He/Him

A sharp pain flashed through Hickorypaw’s belly as claws dug in. His mentor had returned the favor and used the same attack Hickorypaw had. His ears rang as he tried to steady himself and the ground seemed to swirl beneath him. His tail lashed out fiericly and his burning gaze shot out his narrowed eyes at his mentor. He wanted to say something, but he felt rather weak.

A soft look of defeat crossed over Hickorypaw’s face, and his eyes widened as they glanced over at his grandmother. Embarrassment burned his face. Tears streamed down his cheeks as his legs crumbled under him. He tucked his head under his tail to hide the fact he was crying. Not because he was hurting but because he was embarrassed that he failed in front of his grandmother. Hickorypaw’s ear twitched at the “compliment” from his mentor.

Hickorypaw is KO'd ( T-T )

It took him a few moments before he felt he was ready to stand again but Hickorypaw finally managed to stand to his feet. His tail lashed out angerly as he peered over to his mentor. Hickorypaw’s head hung low as he walked to Wolfstar’s side. His eyes glanced back over to Stormwatcher and he gave a brief nod before walking back to camp. He learned his lesson. Maybe he shouldn’t have ran is so brashly and overconfident against a more skilled cat; although he would never let Stormwatcher know he even thought that way. His mentor still had crow-food for brains after all.

Discord: ChaoticCrow  | Timezone: Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) | Code (c) Kieer
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Number of posts : 3120
Gender : Unspecified

Storm in the Sky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm in the Sky   Storm in the Sky EmptySun 28 Jul 2024 - 8:07

Stormwatcher watched and forced himself to have a face of stone - not showing any emotions outwardly at least.

On the inside he was wincing... was he too hard on Hickorypaw just then... he was taking his time getting back up and he really hadn't meant to hurt his apprentice, as much as a pain in the tail Hickorypaw was he still cared for him deep down. Something that was never said aloud.

He only felt the caring he had for his apprentice in times like this, after the fact of regretting being so harsh on him. But he told himself this was all to make Hickory stronger.

He flicked an ear at his apprentices head nod.

One day, Hickorypaw might be strong enough to best him, but thank the stars that was not today.

He turned to his older 'sister' (adoptive) and he had a bit of a perplexed face, he wasn't sure of much any more - least of all what his sister thought of him. She still intended to babysit him everywhere he went it felt like and he was growing tired of it. Would she ever trust him again? Propbably not and he deserved as much with the riverclan muck he got himself into. Even so it felt like she was the last cat in this clan that gave two squirrels tails about him cause clearly his apprentice did not.

"he's... not a bad fighter. Just overly reckless.
he paused a moment and looked at her a bit bashfully
"Remind you of anyone?"

"come on, lets go home" he finally huffed out following after his apprentice.

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [W]olfstar [S]toneheart (plot) [Sw]andive [B]riarpatch [H]oneybee [C]loudjumper // Smokefeather, Beechface | Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Nighthawk (npc), Eosphoros (plot), Birdsong, Eleos | Swiftspirit, Atalante | Featherfrost, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Whitesnake (plot), Flamegaze (plot), Moondancer, Graywind
Clan/Rank : [W] SkC/T5 Leader [S] SkC/T5 Warrior [Sw] RC/T4 Warrior [B] SC/T2 Warrior [H] SkC/T1 Warrior [C] WC/T4 Warrior
Cancer Tiger
Number of posts : 6100
Age : 26

Storm in the Sky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm in the Sky   Storm in the Sky EmptyMon 29 Jul 2024 - 16:52

The spar proved to be exceedingly short-lived. Wolfstar watched as Stormwatcher paid Hickorypaw back in kind with the same move the apprentice had just used on him.

Those words may have been high praise from Stormwatcher, but Wolfstar sat for the moment, blue eyes narrowed. Something was off with Stormwatcher's reaction, unless he had simply been trying to one-up the bold apprentice. And Hickorypaw... Blue eyes settled on him for a moment.

"I'd be less rash in the opening of a fight personally, but it's a good way to help level things if you manage that move successfully. Especially against a larger, more experienced opponent. That depends on if you think the risk is worth it, though. I'd say it paid off for both of you - this time." She was impressed that Stormwatcher had managed the same maneuver on a smaller opponent - it was something she herself would not have been able to pull off - but she wasn't going to tell him that lest it get to his head.

"We will talk," She mewed quietly to Hickorypaw, "There's no shame in losing to an older warrior, methods aside." Her grandson was already slinking off to camp before she could say anything else, however, and Wolfstar's gaze turned back toward Stormwatcher.

"Was that really necessary? Against your own apprentice?" She asked, tail twitching.


SkC Leader | Profiles | Plotting

T5 Leader
T4 Warrior
T2 Warrior
T1 Warrior
Not Pictured
Cloudjumper [Bonus]WC
T4 Warrior
Not Pictured
Stoneheart [Perma NPC]SkC
T5 Warrior
Not Pictured
Starclan: Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Birdsong, Swiftspirit, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Moondancer, Graywind
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Number of posts : 3120
Gender : Unspecified

Storm in the Sky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm in the Sky   Storm in the Sky EmptyWed 31 Jul 2024 - 18:28

Stormwatcher given all things was pretty composed for most of this. He nodded when Wolfstar was talking about how to use that move on opponents of bigger size and such.

Once Hickorypaw had gone ahead however and she was asking if that was necessary his eyes narrowed up a bit however as he glanced back at her. "If I didn't show that to him some riverclanner would have" he muttered in response swishing his tail back and forth annoyed.

Or, had his sister forgotten that they had enemies in this forest??

Mostly he had calmed down a lot about the riverclan and ever since he had crossed the border to go beat up Sprucebark he had been mostly good, but the memory of them killing his sister Birdstar wouldnt ever really fully be gone.

"maybe it was overboard, but I rather he be humbled a bit now than find out in a real fight I didn't prepare him"

he said with a huff and head shake, by his terms this conversation was so over. If his sister insisted on dragging it out he would just shrug and sulk silently. What a rotten day this was!


Would you have been that way with ospreypaw?? Stonepaw? that quiet nagging annoying voice in his head questioned.

He didnt answer himself and just followed after Hickorypaw back to home

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Storm in the Sky Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm in the Sky   Storm in the Sky Empty

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