Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 walk you home [c]

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walk you home [c] Empty
PostSubject: walk you home [c]   walk you home [c] EmptyMon 19 Feb 2024 - 2:26

ooc: happened about a half of a moon after like a river runs. the rogues are turning home.

Under the ethereal glow of the moon, the territory that had surrounded them revealed its rugged beauty - it was a leaf-bare wonderland that seemed to stretch endlessly. The snow sparkled like a field of diamonds, only disturbed by the disappearing, vague footsteps of the clan cats and prey that were hardy enough to survive. The towering peaks, dusted with a layer of snow, cast jagged shadows. Weirdly enough, it made him feel safe. The air was best described as frigid, crisp, and thin at their high altitude. It had a biting chill that pierced through Tux's thin pelt, tingling his skin. Each breath he exhaled appeared as a thin mist and everything appeared to be hanging.

Tux walked alongside Gouge, offering what support he could with each careful step. The wounds had healed considerably, but it had taken a toll on the tom. It was obvious. He had tried his best to keep the tom alive throughout all of this. But, with how insistent he was, that was easier said than done. Still, they had made a lot of progress. He was actually able to walk! That was something to celebrate.

Tux's eyes showed a mixture of concern and determination. "Hang in there, Gouge." Tux encouraged, his voice steady but carried an undeniable weight. "Do you want to stop for the night?"

He felt like a mom protecting her kit from danger.
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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

walk you home [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: walk you home [c]   walk you home [c] EmptyTue 20 Feb 2024 - 17:06


It felt as though the duo had been traveling for moons. Luckily, the path of the clan cats had been easy to keep track of. There were so many of them, many more than Gouge could have ever imagined. Their strange scents were strong, intermingled closely with one another so that it was nearly impossible to make out a single individual scent.

It was impossible to decide whether or not this was the trail his companions from The Brotherhood had taken, or if Scorch also fled this way. Everything felt so uncertain as Gouge made his way through the deep snow, pushing on as hard as his injured body could bear.

Tux's light, clear voice penetrated the massive tom's thoughts and he stopped, drawing in a breath. The sun was sinking along the horizon and the air was growing all the more chilly. He cast a few glances around and his amber eyes caught sight of what looked like a tunnel sunken into the cliff face. Turning back to Tux, he nodded.

"We ought to rest while we can, I suppose," he conceded, though every bone in his aching body wanted to continue until he found his answers. To what, he was uncertain. "Let's try that cave up there. It looks shallow, but it should offer us some shelter from the wind." Without waiting for an answer, the tom began to haul himself steadily up the cliff face until he was looking down at Tux, a black spot in the pristine white landscape. "C'mon now, it's not too bad," he encouraged the tom, turning to face the mouth of the cave. He could detect the faint scent of cats here as well, but far less. His nose twitched as he sensed something rather familiar about this scent. Interesting.

He pushed his way though the cave mouth, which turned into a windy little cave. Eventually the path gave way to a wider chamber, much warmer than the bitter air outside. Gouge fluffed up his pelt and shook out his fur. The cat-scent was stronger here - still stale, but less carried away by the elements. Two cats had stayed here at some point, and something was eerily familiar about their scents. The Brotherhood? Gouge wondered, sniffing around throughout the chamber. "A she-cat and a tom," he mused aloud, his deep voice echoing off the walls. "Not mates... perhaps they were kin." He sat in the center of the chamber, wrapping his tail nicely around his paws as he heard Tux's approaching pawsteps.

name. uwubers timezone. EST discord. @ uwubers code.kiikko

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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walk you home [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: walk you home [c]   walk you home [c] EmptyTue 20 Feb 2024 - 21:18

Tux released a soft, unhappy groan when Gouge suggested that they climb up an entire cliff face. Seriously? He stopped in his tracks - watching Gouge make the hike without his input. "It's not ideal..." He mewed, his tone a little irritated. It felt like the suggestion alone made every muscle in his body scream and his paws ached. At that moment, he had half of a mind to argue that they should just finish the trip - with potential moons laid out in front of them. Though, he suggested taking a break. He had to face the claws of his own actions, I reckon. At least Gouge was reasonable and agreed to take a break. Well, kind of reasonable.

The climb up the cliff face seemed daunting - and Gouge's encouragement didn't help. He wasn't particularly in the position to handle it. If the big guy can handle it, I guess I can too. Tux affirmed to himself. He can do it. The clan cats did it. He mustered the strength to follow his lead with careful paw steps. He couldn't wait to be in the cave. Get some rest. Forget this was his reality for a little while. Finally, he had made it. He could've looked more elegant, but he did it. As he entered the cave, he released a soft sigh of relief. It was so much warmer than the outside - and he could feel the warmth seeping into his chilled bones. He could smell it, too. Two cats. Initially, it made him uncomfortable but the scents were faint - they must have been part of the journey.

"Do you think these were cats from the Brotherhood? Maybe the she-cat and the tom was yours, no?" He mused, mostly to himself. He was familiar with it - but he wasn't quite sure how. It could've been part of the scent that lingered in the WindClan clearing, it could've been a scent that clung to Gouge's pelt when the tom saved him, it could've been... Anything. Regardless, they've smelled these cats before. "It could be proof that they did follow the clan cats. They could've met up with the group."

Tux collapsed. He wasn't sure how Gouge was able to hold himself together and be curious about everything. He curled up on the cold cave floor and rested his head on his achy paws. It felt like everything came crashing down on him the moment he allowed himself to breathe and rest. Though, as he laid there, he had a thought.

"What are we going to do if The Brotherhood didn't follow the clan cats? What if they're actually at the lake still?" With the wolves.

It was a question that was rough as a prospect - yet Tux said it so casually. Like they hadn't been making this journey for them. Maybe it wasn't the best sign in the world that Tux also recognized the scents that clung to the cave air.
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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

walk you home [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: walk you home [c]   walk you home [c] EmptyMon 26 Feb 2024 - 17:59


Gouge contemplated on his friend's words. They don't smell like The Brotherhood, he decided. And yet... The familiarity sent an ache through Gouge's heart. As Tux settled himself on the cave floor, the huge maine coone curled himself around him, sharing each other's heat.

After a moment of silence, Gouge spoke.
"I've been worrying the same, Tux," he admitted. "They were my family, and I might not ever see them again. Who knows what lay at the end of this trail." The tom let out a heavy sigh. "I'm not sure I am ready to face it." His brother, his entire family, cats he'd rescued and brought in, who had looked after each other through hard times. They can't be dead.

"Anyway," he growled, pulling himself out of his thoughts, "We should rest now. We can hunt with the sunrise and continue our journey from there."

name. uwubers timezone. EST discord. @ uwubers code.kiikko

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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walk you home [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: walk you home [c]   walk you home [c] EmptySat 2 Mar 2024 - 8:30

Tux appreciated the warmth that Gouge's massive frame provided, and he nuzzled into it. It was a nice contrast against the chill that fought through his pelt. He nodded at Gouge's words. He felt like he needed to say something - and he regretted speaking his worries into the open air. He flicked his tail to usher away some of the anxiety.

"If they're at the lake, we'll find a way to get them back," Tux reassured him, through the words hung in his throat. Does he mean that? "We've come too far to turn back now, and if they've followed the clan cats - we'll find them soon."   He hoped that stopped the conversation that Tux regretted starting. Negativity felt so easy to come by now.

"Rest sounds good. My paws ache, and I could use shut-eye." He stretched, finding a slightly more comfortable position. "Maybe we'll find some prey nearby - and if not, we've faced worse on an empty stomach."

Tux closed his eyes. He couldn't deny this adventure was becoming more and more entangled with the unknown. He felt somewhat responsible. Was he leading them in the right direction? He didn't know. All he knew right now was the exhaustion that forced him to care less and less.


Tux's rest was abruptly interrupted by a faint rustling outside of the cave entrance. It was completely dark now. His ears twitched in annoyance, initially thinking Gouge had left. Yet, the massive tom lay next to him. Was it the wind? Was it something... more sinister? His heart quickened - anything could be out there. Wolves? Not again. Memories of their pursuit flooded his mind, and his fur stood on end and a shiver ran down his spine. There was one thing he knew for sure: he had to wake up Gouge.

"Gouge..." He whispered, frozen in place. I need him awake.
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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

walk you home [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: walk you home [c]   walk you home [c] EmptyTue 5 Mar 2024 - 6:56


Gouge's dreams were interrupted by a soft voice next to him. He was wrenched back to the present, surrounded by cool, echoing stone, and his friend Tux strangely alert by his side. His ears twitched as he picked up a faint snuffling sound coming through the tunnel.

"Shh," he warned the young tom, flicking his tail across his mouth. The two toms listened intently, and it became apparent that there was something outside. Whatever it is, we will never stand a chance against it if we stay in here, he realized. We have to get around it. We have to make a run for it!

"It's probably another animal looking for shelter," he whispered. "This cave is no longer safe. We will have to run. Are you ready?" Gouge got to his paws and stalked toward the entrance of the cave, the snuffling becoming louder, closer. It didn't sound like an especially large animal, certainly not a wolf or a sharptooth, which was a relief. He flicked his tail, beckoning Tux to follow his lead, as he stalked through the narrow cave and emerged at the mouth of the tunnel.

The air was bitter cold out here, and Gouge fluffed up his coat for warmth as his amber eyes scanned the cliffside. His eyes locked onto a strange creature approaching, its body close to the ground, with tiny, beady eyes and strange spikes on its back. His shoulders relaxed and Gouge let out a mrrrow of laughter as he stared face-to-face with the creature.

"What is that thing?" he asked Tux, his whiskers twitching. "It hardly looks like a threat, don't you think?" As he spoke, the creature turned around, almost as if it were planning to flee. "More like freshkill, I'd think," he hissed, lowering himself into a crouch, ready to pounce, his eyes narrowed and fixed on the creature's spiny back.

Little did Gouge know just how defensive those spines were, and just how much they could hurt.

name. uwubers timezone. EST discord. @ uwubers code.kiikko

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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walk you home [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: walk you home [c]   walk you home [c] EmptyWed 6 Mar 2024 - 12:27

The porcupine lumbered across the cold stone and snow in search of sanctuary. It longed to be tucked away from the blustering winds and a crack in the stony surface seemed to be the place for it. Instead of peace, it found itself face to face with an odd-furred creature. Grumbling and grunting in dismay, it turned about. While it had every intention of fleeing and finding shelter elsewhere, a warning had to be made. All it took was a flicker of a spiny tail. Sharp needles grazed Gouge's face as another barage of discontented grumbles left the procupine. It had no intention of continuing an attack but, if provoked... well it was more than adequate at defending itself.

Porcupine used Tail Smack, dealing 15 damage and using 15 stamina.
Quill Armor is Active, -3hp recoil damage to every attack dealt on Porcupine, except successful Belly Rake.

HP: 60/60
SP: 150/165
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walk you home [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: walk you home [c]   walk you home [c] EmptyTue 19 Mar 2024 - 10:50

Tux's heart raced as Gouge prepared to confront the creature outside of the cave and his mind raced with uncertainty, yet he followed his friend's lead. His muscles tensed as he emerged into the bitter cold, his eyes locking onto the strange creature. "What is that?" He mewed, mostly to himself, relief washing over him. It was just some harmless woodland creature seeking refuge from the elements. It looked ridiculous.

He nodded as Gouge suggested that it was freshkill. His stomach was growling - and they couldn't lose this opportunity at an easy meal. "Food is food, and it came right to us! Let's do it." He responded, dropping into a crouch of his own immediately. Yet, his confidence was short-lived as the creature turned, his spiky defenses bristling and grazing Gouge's face with the sharp needles. "Gouge! Are you okay?!" He exclaimed, his voice a mix of concern and alarm.

Desperate to draw the creature's attention from the tom, Tux leaped forward and started desperately striking at it. As his paw made contact, searing pain shot through him. He yowled in agony, stumbling backward. He glanced down at his right paw, now adorned with several quills embedded deep within the flesh. Blood welled around the wounds. It was starting to make sense. Why would anything be easy in this territory?

Tux used Front Paw Strike and Desperate Blows on the Porcupine, doing 11 (7+4) damage and using 14 (7+7) stamina.
Quill Armor is Active, -3hp recoil damage to every attack dealt on Porcupine, except successful Belly Rake.

HP: 49/60
SP: 150/165

HP: 37/40 (-3)
SP: 86/100 (-14)

HP: 25/40
SP: 100/100
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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

walk you home [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: walk you home [c]   walk you home [c] EmptyTue 26 Mar 2024 - 18:15

T1 Rogue | he/him

Gouge yowled, "ouch!" as the strange creature's quills found the large tom's muzzle. He flinched back, paws flailing, pawing at his face. "Don't let its spikes stick you! They hurt!" he hissed, blood welling up around his nose. "I can't get them out!"

But Tux was already on the offensive, and Gouge wasn't about to let his friend face the threat alone. He's right, food is food. If we kill it, it'll feed us well, he considered before launching himself back into the fray. The massive tom drew himself up to be twice his regular size, and, yowling wildly, he lashed out with both paws, claws extended. His claws found spikes again, however, and though his claws managed to find flesh, Gouge screamed with pain and fury as more quills stuck deep into his arms.

Gouge used Front Paw Strike and Desperate Blows on the Porcupine, doing 11 (7+4) damage and using 14 (7+7) stamina.
Quill Armor is Active, -3hp recoil damage to every attack dealt on Porcupine, except successful Belly Rake.

HP: 38/60 (-11 HP)
SP: 150/165

HP: 37/40
SP: 86/100 (-14 SP)

HP: 25/40
SP: 86/100

discord: uwubers | timezone: EST | code (c) kieer

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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walk you home [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: walk you home [c]   walk you home [c] EmptySun 31 Mar 2024 - 16:33

The creatures seemed content on attacking back despite the porcupine's spikey exterior. Each blow caused the porcupine to grunt in displeasure, only raising its anger and need for self defense. It had been contented to stroll away after beating back the threat, however, now it wanted to show these cats a thing or two about messing with a malcontent porcupine. With another twist of its body, the spiney foe whirled around to whack Gouge once again. It was not prey! They would know it.

Porcupine used Tail Smack, dealing 15 damage and using 15 stamina.
Quill Armor is Active, -3hp recoil damage to every attack dealt on Porcupine, except successful Belly Rake.

HP: 38/60
SP: 135/165

HP: 37/40
SP: 86/100

HP: 10/40
SP: 86/100
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walk you home [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: walk you home [c]   walk you home [c] EmptyTue 2 Apr 2024 - 0:29

T1 Rogue | he/him

Tux sucked in air through his teeth, placing his right paw right back on the ground. Gouge didn't hesitate to continue playing the offensive - despite quills adorning his pelt. Why should I?

He could hear the creature grunting in displeasure - the spikes bristling with aggression. It wasn't going to be easy. He gritted his teeth, his paw still burning. He spotted an opening: the belly seemed less protected - a vulnerable spot in the forest. With a surge of determination, he adjusted his stance. He was going to risk it all before the overgrown rodent could continue to retaliate.

Risk it all he did. He misjudged. He had been too focused on the underbelly. His momentum carried him too close to the spiky defenses. He felt the searing sting of the quills pierce through his short pelt and into his flesh. With a yowl of pain, he staggered backward - casting a glance towards Gouge. He almost couldn't bare to stand up anymore.

Maybe it's time to give up.

Tux used Belly Rake on the Porcupine... Failed! Done 8 (5+3) damage to himself and used 25 stamina.

HP: 38/60
SP: 135/165


HP: 29/40 (-8)
SP: 61/100 (-25)

HP: 10/40
SP: 86/100

discord: kieer  | timezone: EST (UTC -5) | code (c) kieer

Last edited by kieer on Tue 2 Apr 2024 - 0:49; edited 2 times in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
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Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15357
Age : 30

walk you home [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: walk you home [c]   walk you home [c] EmptyTue 2 Apr 2024 - 0:29

The member 'kieer' has done the following action : Dice roll

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~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
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walk you home [c] Mistpe10
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