Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


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2 posters


Characters : Lighttail (SkC), Sunflare (SC), Sageroot (TC), Bianca (Rogue)
Clan/Rank : Lighttail: SkyClan T2 warrior. Sunflare: ShadowClan T5 warrior. Sageroot: ThunderClan T4 Deputy. Bianca: Tier 1 Rogue
Aquarius Dog
Number of posts : 2511
Gender : She/her, They/them
Age : 18

Homecoming (open) Empty
PostSubject: Homecoming (open)   Homecoming (open) EmptyTue Oct 24, 2023 3:51 pm

Only one cat had died tonight, but five new starry pelts graced the night sky. Alongside the black and white warrior, a silver queen and three silver bundles of fur padded through the stars.

“Are you ready, Ma?” Snowfoot asked, concern tinting her voice.
“I’m fine, love,” Light replied. “I could probably have made my way here long ago. I waited for you.”
“Are we there yet?” a little voice piped up.
“As a matter of fact, Rootkit,” Snowfoot answered, “this is it.” Looking up from her granddaughter, Snowfoot peered into the starry fields ahead, seeking out a familiar face or two.

Any StarClan cat who knew Snowfoot in life is welcome to participate!
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Characters : Living:[J]uniperpaw, [Q]uillsplash, [L]eopardpaw, [C]reamkit | Dead: Tawnyshadow(ShC), Sootstorm(WC), Ajex(Outsider), Shatteredsky(SkC), Reedshine(TC), Deerleap(ShC) Slightfrost(Skc) Specklepaw(WC) Sunfire(TC), Copperlark(Outsider), Cinderpaw(TC), Quickpaw(WC), Deerpaw(ShC), Willowpaw(ShC)
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan Apprentice [Q]ShadowClan T4 Warrior [L]WindClan Apprentice [C]WindClan Kit
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3310
Gender : He/Him
Age : 14

Homecoming (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homecoming (open)   Homecoming (open) EmptyMon Oct 30, 2023 3:12 am

Deerleap had been waiting for the day that her friend would join her among the stars. It was bittersweet, to see Snowfoot leave the living realm where the rest of her family was, but Snowfoot had led a beautiful life, hadn't she? The white she-cat couldn't stop smiling though it hurt, and rushed forward as soon as she had spotted the spotted she-cat. Deerleap nuzzled her friend's cheek, purring all the while. "Welcome to StarClan," She purred.

Deerleap turned around and beckoned another cat forward. Deerpaw, who had been under Snowfoot's care when he was first taken in as a kit, and was then under Deerleap's care when he had passed. The apprentice looked up at his first mother, unsure of what to say. Should he thank her, for the few moons she had given him when he still lived? Should he welcome her to the stars, or comfort her after dying? The tom settled on just giving Snowfoot a lick on the cheek. They would have more time to catch up later.

Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T4 Warrior / #802318
Juniperpaw / She-Cat / ShadowClan Apprentice / #B9ABB2
Leopardpaw / Tom / WindClan Apprentice / #cc9900
Creamkit / She-Cat / WindClan Kit / #ff6600

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Characters : Lighttail (SkC), Sunflare (SC), Sageroot (TC), Bianca (Rogue)
Clan/Rank : Lighttail: SkyClan T2 warrior. Sunflare: ShadowClan T5 warrior. Sageroot: ThunderClan T4 Deputy. Bianca: Tier 1 Rogue
Aquarius Dog
Number of posts : 2511
Gender : She/her, They/them
Age : 18

Homecoming (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homecoming (open)   Homecoming (open) EmptyTue Oct 31, 2023 3:38 pm

“DEERLEAP!” Snowfoot cried out, tears threatening to spill. “Girl, how long has it been? We have so much to catch up on!” And then another cat stepped forward. “Deerpaw, is that you? My baby, you’re here!” She rubbed against her son, purring loudly. “Oh, I have some introductions to make, don’t I? This is my mother, Light, and my grandchildren Silentkit, Rootkit, and Tremorkit. Kits, this is your uncle Deerpaw and great auntie Deerleap.”

Light sat back and watched the reunion unfold. She’d given every drop of love in her for this and that love would never end. She nudged the tiny, hesitant kits forward to greet their family.
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Characters : Living:[J]uniperpaw, [Q]uillsplash, [L]eopardpaw, [C]reamkit | Dead: Tawnyshadow(ShC), Sootstorm(WC), Ajex(Outsider), Shatteredsky(SkC), Reedshine(TC), Deerleap(ShC) Slightfrost(Skc) Specklepaw(WC) Sunfire(TC), Copperlark(Outsider), Cinderpaw(TC), Quickpaw(WC), Deerpaw(ShC), Willowpaw(ShC)
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan Apprentice [Q]ShadowClan T4 Warrior [L]WindClan Apprentice [C]WindClan Kit
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3310
Gender : He/Him
Age : 14

Homecoming (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Homecoming (open)   Homecoming (open) EmptySat Nov 04, 2023 3:00 am

Deerleap purred, nuzzling her friend back in response. "Not as much as you would think. I've been keeping an eye on you, you know," she laughed, "and I've already met Silentkit, Rootkit, and Tremorkit. They're quite the handful." She took a step back, tail beckoning Snowfoot forward. "Come on, there loads of cats still waiting for you!"

Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T4 Warrior / #802318
Juniperpaw / She-Cat / ShadowClan Apprentice / #B9ABB2
Leopardpaw / Tom / WindClan Apprentice / #cc9900
Creamkit / She-Cat / WindClan Kit / #ff6600

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