Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 home movie: shoes on [O]

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3 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [R]owansong [Ro]okflight [S]ilverhawk [P]igeonpouce [F]ish [T]wilightpaw [F]alconkit [Fo]xkit
Clan/Rank : [R] RiverClan T5 Elder [Ro] RiverClan T4 Warrior [S] ShadowClan T4 Warrior [P] T2 RiverClan Warrior [F] T2 Rogue [T] RiverClan Apprentice [F] WindClan Kit [Fo] Unborn SkyClan Kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 2621
Gender : any or username
Age : 22

home movie: shoes on [O] Empty
PostSubject: home movie: shoes on [O]   home movie: shoes on [O] EmptyFri 23 Sep 2022 - 20:12

When they'd arrived back at camp, the rain had mostly stopped. The ceaseless downpour had softened, turning into a faint but consistent drizzle. The looming gray clouds had drifted away too, allowing the midday sun to shine to shine through the droplets, lighting them golden and making the world almost sparkle. It was so serene now, Birdchaser almost forgot what had brought her to camp so soon in the first place. The slight pressure against her shoulders wouldn't let her forget, though.

"Watch your head." Birdchaser murmured as they neared the entrance to camp. He'd held on this far, through death and through storm, it'd be a shame to lose him through the netting of branch and bramble. Biting her lip, Birdchaser tensed her shoulders and ducked through the tunnel.

On the other side of the tunnel, things were the same as always. Her Clanmates milled about, some apprentices practicing sparring with each other, kits tumbling under older cat's big paws, senior warriors stretched out under the sun and talking quietly between each other. The same SkyClan she had always known, except with one new little life joining them. The same as she had when she lifted him to her back, Birdchaser stooped low and twisted to carefully take Rainkit's scruff and lift him from his shoulders. Once he'd found his paws on stable ground, Birdchaser rose to height, sweeping her gaze across the crowd. She didn't want to abandon Rainkit, but he needed help... the first stray warrior to pass close, she stopped with a flagging tail. "Find my brother, or my sister. I need a medicine cat." Simple. Once the warrior was gone, Birdchaser's full attention was on Rainkit once more.

"This is SkyClan's camp, Rainkit. This is where you're going to be staying, getting better. It's... your home now." In a softer, quieter voice, "Someone is coming to look after you soon. Make sure you're not sick. I'm sure you're tired, but many cats will likely want to see who you are. Don't let them bother you if you want them gone."

ooc: takes place immediately after this topic

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Site Moderator

Characters : [L]Lilyvalley, [E]Elmstorm, [R]Robinmist, [A]Adderpaw, [T]Thistlepaw
Clan/Rank : [L]ShadowClan T4 Warrior, [E]RiverClan T1 Warrior, [R]SkyClan Elder, [A]ThunderClan Apprentice, [T]WindClan Apprentice
Virgo Horse
Number of posts : 2338
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 21

home movie: shoes on [O] Empty
PostSubject: Re: home movie: shoes on [O]   home movie: shoes on [O] EmptyFri 23 Sep 2022 - 20:39

Crimsonflame watched as a cat ran to the medicine den. He was about to ask who was hurt, until he saw the drenched forms of Birdchaser as well as a tiny kit. Immediately, his heart swelled with pity for the poor thing. What was the little guy doing in a storm like they had?

Making his way toward the pair, he dipped his head to the deputy, before turning his worried gaze to the kit, crouching down to his level. There was a softness in his voice that he had never used before. But then again, he had never been faced with a terrified, rain-soaked kit before.

"Hi there. I'm Crimsonflame. Do you want to tell me what you name is?"

Every now and then, he would catch Birdchaser's eye, but for the most part, his attention was on the kit. Sure, he had tons of questions, but right now, those could wait. Everything would be clear within time.

Although Frostbite would probably be very angry at what he was thinking right now.


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Characters : Stormdance (S) Rainfrost (R) Sunpool (Su) Wrenpaw (W) Hawkmist (H)
Clan/Rank : Riverclan, Tier 5 Warrior (S) Skyclan, Tier 3 Warrior (R) Riverclan, Tier 2 Warrior (Su) Riverclan, Apprentice (W) Shadowclan, Tier 2 Warrior (H)
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 1039
Gender : Transmasc, he/they
Age : 23

home movie: shoes on [O] Empty
PostSubject: Re: home movie: shoes on [O]   home movie: shoes on [O] EmptyFri 23 Sep 2022 - 20:50


Rainkit obediently ducked his head as they entered camp, rousing from his half-doze thanks to the combination of the weak sunlight and Birdchaser speaking. He blinked sleepily, clearing his gaze as they got through the entrance.

Rainkit wobbled a bit before he steadied himself on the ground. He shivered now that he was no longer comfortably contained within Birdchaser’s fur. His wide, blue and yellow eyes took in the camp in wonder. “Skyclan…” He whispered hoarsely. Home. He shifted backwards until he was pressed between Birdchaser’s legs, both seeking warmth again and feeling overwhelmed by the sight of all the cats milling about. He’s never seen anything like this before in his young life, never seen so many cats in one place. There are so many! And so many of them are so big.

“I’m okay, I-I promise...” Rainkit started. He’s never been sick before, but it doesn’t sound pleasant. However, before he could be very convincing of that, he sneezed, several times. He makes a soft whining sound at the unpleasant sensation and pressed further into Birdchaser’s legs.

“What’s... a Skyclan?” He finally asked, a tiny bit more awake, though still just as dizzy. His voice was barely above a whisper and held a trembling note to it. He didn't think they were in the sky... There were too many things happening, too many questions swirling around in his mind. He decided to start with the most pressing. Before his question could be answered, a new face appeared. Rainkit's big eyes immediately moved to face the new tom's, starting to take a step back at the unexpected approach.

Then, slowly, he relaxed again, offering Crimsonflame a tiny, trembling attempt at a smile. He seemed nice, like the cat who rescued him. He couldn't muster up much in the way of enthusiasm, but he wanted to try. It seemed the polite thing to do. "R-Rainkit?" He asked uncertainly, looking back up at Birdchaser to confirm his new name. "Rainkit." He said with a tiny bit more confidence. "What's yours..?" He asked. Then once more he looked up at Birdchaser. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't ask your name either." His mother would give him one of her gentle scoldings if she saw him being so impolite.

RC Tier 5 Warrior
70HP/160 SP

RC Tier 2 Warrior

RC Apprentice
20 HP/60SP

SC Tier 2 Warrior
40HP/100 SP

SkC Tier 3 Warrior

My Cats!

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