OOC: Not gonna use the system this time just say Streampaw caught it.
Streampaw nodded at Applefang, then slowly climbed up the branch, creeping up to the chaffinch. Waiting for the perfect timing, she pounced, trapping the poor bird under a paw, then killing it swiftly with a nip at the neck. She climbed down the branch. “I know I’m no SkyClan cat or ThunderClan cat, but that was okay, right?” Streampaw cocked her head to the side, dropping the bird.
Ebonysong of ShadowClan Willowheart of StarClan Streamtail of RiverClan
Siggy by Sumashira <333333333333333
Proud founder of The Jolly Crisis Crew
Honeykit of SkyClan Rosepaw of StarClan
(Not pictured) (Not pictured)