Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
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 Lost in the deep dark woods.

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2 posters
Cry of dying hawk

Cry of dying hawk

Characters : Patéras, Mitéra, Astéria, Flarekit
Clan/Rank : Thunderclan kit / Rogue queen / Standard Rogue
Gemini Rat
Number of posts : 115
Age : 27

Lost in the deep dark woods. Empty
PostSubject: Lost in the deep dark woods.   Lost in the deep dark woods. EmptyFri 8 Jun 2018 - 19:13

Astéria opened his eyes. He had no idea where he was! Last he remembered, he had been walking with his parents near a stream and fallen in. He must've been knocked out somehow! He tried to get up, but the pain in his legs was unbearable. He moaned in agony. Will I die here, stuck rotting? He wondered. "Help! Someone please help me!" He screeched.
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Characters : Fuzzface, Curlyfluff, Sweetheart, Molehill, Bugkit
Clan/Rank : (F)WC/T5, (C)TC/T5, (S)TC/T2, (M)WC/T3, (B)WC/K
Libra Dragon
Number of posts : 5911
Gender : F
Age : 23

Lost in the deep dark woods. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in the deep dark woods.   Lost in the deep dark woods. EmptyMon 11 Jun 2018 - 19:05

Having been on a border patrol, the sudden sound of some-cat screeching made the short tom's fur jump on end. Like any cat would've been, he was curious as to where and who the cry came from, so naturally, he decided to follow the sound and soon enough picked up an unfamiliar scent.

After a few moments of padding along the edge of the Thunderpath, Tinylegs spotted a white kit down in some rushing waters on the edge of the path. Making sure the cost was clear, he looked around to check if its mother was lurking nearby, and determining that she wasn't, he made his way down towards the kit. "Hold on little one," he mewed and grabbed onto the wet kit's pelt. Dragging it back up the wall of dirt, the two of them made it onto the flat land that was on the opposite side of the Thunderpath, and Tinylegs let down the kit. "Are you alright?" he asked, giving his small paws a flick to rid them of the water that still clung onto his white fur.

~ ice ice baby

gym rat    crazy poodle lady    mst

Lost in the deep dark woods. VHQrlk5
Lost in the deep dark woods. 1QYZaRo

Lost in the deep dark woods. Molex311
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Cry of dying hawk

Cry of dying hawk

Characters : Patéras, Mitéra, Astéria, Flarekit
Clan/Rank : Thunderclan kit / Rogue queen / Standard Rogue
Gemini Rat
Number of posts : 115
Age : 27

Lost in the deep dark woods. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in the deep dark woods.   Lost in the deep dark woods. EmptyMon 11 Jun 2018 - 19:14

"I- I don't feel fine." Replied Astéria. His forehead was bleeding heavily; he must have hit it hard on a rock in the river. His legs ached. "W-who are you?" He asked. But soon enough his nose answered for him. "You're a Skyclan cat, aren't you?" He didn't give the older cat time to answer. "Y-Your group drove u-us out of our home!"

Y O U---A R E---F I L L E D---W I T H---C R E A T I V I T Y

So long as you stick it out and work with DETERMINATION you can do it! I BELIEVE in you!

I'm rarely on nowadays, so if I need to post in something don't wait for me to see it. PM me! I'll see that.

III  WCC's Resident Insomniac and Cult Buster  III
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Characters : Fuzzface, Curlyfluff, Sweetheart, Molehill, Bugkit
Clan/Rank : (F)WC/T5, (C)TC/T5, (S)TC/T2, (M)WC/T3, (B)WC/K
Libra Dragon
Number of posts : 5911
Gender : F
Age : 23

Lost in the deep dark woods. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in the deep dark woods.   Lost in the deep dark woods. EmptyWed 13 Jun 2018 - 16:49

Relieved to see that the kit seemed to be physically alright, even if it didn't say so, Tinylegs let out a quiet sigh of relief. Opening his mouth to answer, he quickly shut it when the young cat answered for him. Drove them out of their home? Thinking for a few moments about what the kit said, he came up with the only answer that he could think of, which was the honest truth, well, according to him. "The only reason we would've done something like that is because your family was a threat to our families. We wouldn't drive you out on purpose," he finished softly. "But enough of that, who are you?" he asked, tilting his head to the side in curiosity. It didn't smell like a clan cat, so it must have been a rouge kit, but with the strong Thunderpath scent overwhelming his senses, it was a bit hard to tell for sure.

~ ice ice baby

gym rat    crazy poodle lady    mst

Lost in the deep dark woods. VHQrlk5
Lost in the deep dark woods. 1QYZaRo

Lost in the deep dark woods. Molex311
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Cry of dying hawk

Cry of dying hawk

Characters : Patéras, Mitéra, Astéria, Flarekit
Clan/Rank : Thunderclan kit / Rogue queen / Standard Rogue
Gemini Rat
Number of posts : 115
Age : 27

Lost in the deep dark woods. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in the deep dark woods.   Lost in the deep dark woods. EmptyThu 14 Jun 2018 - 17:29

Astéria sighed as he prepared to explain. "I am Astéria, a loner kit. I am told that I was given to my parents by the gods, although I bet the found me abandoned on Tallstones." He paused. "You and your Skyclan drove my family out of our home! We lived peacefully in the forest, until one of your patrols came and attacked us and chased us out. We are starving out here." He paused again. "If you're wondering were I came from, I was playing near the Thunderpath when I fell and washed up here." He said as he ended his story. "Does that suffice?"

Y O U---A R E---F I L L E D---W I T H---C R E A T I V I T Y

So long as you stick it out and work with DETERMINATION you can do it! I BELIEVE in you!

I'm rarely on nowadays, so if I need to post in something don't wait for me to see it. PM me! I'll see that.

III  WCC's Resident Insomniac and Cult Buster  III
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Characters : Fuzzface, Curlyfluff, Sweetheart, Molehill, Bugkit
Clan/Rank : (F)WC/T5, (C)TC/T5, (S)TC/T2, (M)WC/T3, (B)WC/K
Libra Dragon
Number of posts : 5911
Gender : F
Age : 23

Lost in the deep dark woods. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in the deep dark woods.   Lost in the deep dark woods. EmptyMon 18 Jun 2018 - 21:54

Listening to the kit, the small tom was a bit confused at what he said about some gods and SkyClan driving them out, but shook away his questions, having decided that there were more pressing matters than the past.

"I suppose it does," he mewed with a smile when the kit finished. "No matter where you're from, I need to get you back to camp or else you'll catch a cold being all wet," Tinylegs added. "Can you walk?" he asked, tilting his head to the side curiously, wondering if he'd need to carry the kit back.

~ ice ice baby

gym rat    crazy poodle lady    mst

Lost in the deep dark woods. VHQrlk5
Lost in the deep dark woods. 1QYZaRo

Lost in the deep dark woods. Molex311
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Cry of dying hawk

Cry of dying hawk

Characters : Patéras, Mitéra, Astéria, Flarekit
Clan/Rank : Thunderclan kit / Rogue queen / Standard Rogue
Gemini Rat
Number of posts : 115
Age : 27

Lost in the deep dark woods. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in the deep dark woods.   Lost in the deep dark woods. EmptyTue 19 Jun 2018 - 11:28

"No. I can walk just fine." He sighed. He had a bad cut on his leg that he had been trying to hide from the cat. He knew he shouldn't lie but he wouldn't have his dignity taken away. "Zeus have mercy." He muttered under his breath, just loud enough for the wild cat to hear.

Y O U---A R E---F I L L E D---W I T H---C R E A T I V I T Y

So long as you stick it out and work with DETERMINATION you can do it! I BELIEVE in you!

I'm rarely on nowadays, so if I need to post in something don't wait for me to see it. PM me! I'll see that.

III  WCC's Resident Insomniac and Cult Buster  III
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Characters : Fuzzface, Curlyfluff, Sweetheart, Molehill, Bugkit
Clan/Rank : (F)WC/T5, (C)TC/T5, (S)TC/T2, (M)WC/T3, (B)WC/K
Libra Dragon
Number of posts : 5911
Gender : F
Age : 23

Lost in the deep dark woods. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in the deep dark woods.   Lost in the deep dark woods. EmptyThu 21 Jun 2018 - 23:07

Glad to see that the kit seemed to be alright and without any injuries, Tinylegs began walking back to camp at a somewhat slow pace so that the kit could keep up. Picking up something about some one, or maybe something, called Zeus, it struck the small tom with curiosity, but he shrugged the thought away. "Just a little longer and we'll be there," the small tom mewed with a smile as the two walked through the forested territory.

OOC: end of topic and I'll make the camp one rn :)

~ ice ice baby

gym rat    crazy poodle lady    mst

Lost in the deep dark woods. VHQrlk5
Lost in the deep dark woods. 1QYZaRo

Lost in the deep dark woods. Molex311
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Lost in the deep dark woods. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost in the deep dark woods.   Lost in the deep dark woods. Empty

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Lost in the deep dark woods.
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