Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)

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Characters : (P)Petalpaw (B)Barkkit (S)Sunkit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 3341
Age : 18

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptyWed 10 May 2017 - 13:30

Annabelle pawed at the marigolds growing in her twoleg’s garden, bored out of her mind. None of the rogues that tried to steal her herbs had been by lately, and Annabelle wondered if there would be any excitement at all that day. Maybe she would go get her twoleg to amuse her, which she decided on. She started padding to that cat door when an idea appeared in her mind. Taking a running start, Annabelle leaped onto the fence and managed to claw her way to the top, and hop down on the other side. She smelled the stench of wild cats, the ones Bat had called SkyClan. Suddenly a caterpillar crawled on her paw, and she shook it off and was on the lowest branch of a tree in a moment, hissing loudly.

Petalpaw - Barkkit - Sunpaw
ShadowClan - ThunderClan - WindClan
Apprentice - Kit - Apprentice
You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Signat10
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Chopped limbs

Chopped limbs

Characters : Cinderpaw, Echopaw {Dec} , Owlpaw {Dec}, Rosepaw, Kenobi {Dec}, Snowpaw, Cloverpaw, Berrykit
Clan/Rank : Riverclan apprentice, Shadowclan apprentice, Skyclan apprentice, Windclan kit
Leo Tiger
Number of posts : 826
Age : 25

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptyWed 10 May 2017 - 15:29

Rosepaw accidentally got lost from her patrol one moment she was catching something the next moment everyone was gone. Having no idea what to do she wondered around hoping on stumbling upon them with the mouse she caught in her jaw. Despite her predicament she was hopping on her paws still just happy to be outside of camp.

She stopped though when she heard a hiss coming from the twolegs den. Was that her patrol fighting with a kittypets? She raced towards the sound to find a orange and white older cat hissing at something. Dropping her prey to her paws she walked up, "Hello. What are you hissing at?" She was cautious in case this cat was bad but she couldn't help but say hi to any cats she meets even if its a kittypets.

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Wcccc13
Cinderpaw of Riverclan                Rosepaw of Skyclan                 Snowpaw of Shadowclan                
    Cloverpaw of Windclan              Berrykit of Thunderclan
Chopped's Kitties! :
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Characters : (P)Petalpaw (B)Barkkit (S)Sunkit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 3341
Age : 18

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptyWed 10 May 2017 - 18:39

"What am I hissing at? The thing that this forest is full of! Grotesque, creepy, bugs!" Annabelle spat, her eyes filled with both fear and smugness. "And you are probably crawling with them. You've always grossed me out, wild cats."

Petalpaw - Barkkit - Sunpaw
ShadowClan - ThunderClan - WindClan
Apprentice - Kit - Apprentice
You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Signat10
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Chopped limbs

Chopped limbs

Characters : Cinderpaw, Echopaw {Dec} , Owlpaw {Dec}, Rosepaw, Kenobi {Dec}, Snowpaw, Cloverpaw, Berrykit
Clan/Rank : Riverclan apprentice, Shadowclan apprentice, Skyclan apprentice, Windclan kit
Leo Tiger
Number of posts : 826
Age : 25

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptyWed 10 May 2017 - 18:51

"What`s wrong with the bugs? You get used to them after a while." She had no idea why this cat was angry. Rosepaw bounced on her paws. "Hopefully there is no bugs crawling on me, do I look like I do?" Stopping in her tracks she looked to her pelt seeing if there is any bugs crawling in her pelt when she didn`t see any she shrugged. Why was this cat being so mean all of a sudden? Her eyes were full of curiosity at this new cat, slowly she padded up to her and sniffed her pelt, "You smell funky."

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Wcccc13
Cinderpaw of Riverclan                Rosepaw of Skyclan                 Snowpaw of Shadowclan                
    Cloverpaw of Windclan              Berrykit of Thunderclan
Chopped's Kitties! :
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Characters : (P)Petalpaw (B)Barkkit (S)Sunkit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 3341
Age : 18

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptyWed 10 May 2017 - 19:07

Annabelle snorted. "Not as funky as you do. I guess you just aren't used to the lovely scent of cleanness, wild cat. You literally got used to bugs! That isn't something to be proud of. You should get housefolk, like me, so this wild clan of yours doesn't poison your mind any further." Annabelle rolled her eyes. Couldn't this savage see that she was better than her?

Petalpaw - Barkkit - Sunpaw
ShadowClan - ThunderClan - WindClan
Apprentice - Kit - Apprentice
You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Signat10
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Chopped limbs

Chopped limbs

Characters : Cinderpaw, Echopaw {Dec} , Owlpaw {Dec}, Rosepaw, Kenobi {Dec}, Snowpaw, Cloverpaw, Berrykit
Clan/Rank : Riverclan apprentice, Shadowclan apprentice, Skyclan apprentice, Windclan kit
Leo Tiger
Number of posts : 826
Age : 25

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptyWed 10 May 2017 - 19:27

Rosepaw rolled back at the kittypets retort. "Become a kittypets? Who in their right mind would do that? Obviously the twolegs are poisoning your mind! What is wrong with you for wanting to be one? What would I gain from being one? Not having the excitement of catching your own prey. Being stuck inside a den for the whole day only being let out during certain times. Being handled by twolegs?" She shivered at the thought. This cat was crazy for wanting to be one. She hissed at the kittypets her fur ruffled up. Rarely getting angry at anything ,really this was a new feeling for her and she did not like it.

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Wcccc13
Cinderpaw of Riverclan                Rosepaw of Skyclan                 Snowpaw of Shadowclan                
    Cloverpaw of Windclan              Berrykit of Thunderclan
Chopped's Kitties! :
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Characters : (P)Petalpaw (B)Barkkit (S)Sunkit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 3341
Age : 18

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptyThu 11 May 2017 - 15:09

"Become wild cats? Who in their right mind would do that? Obviously your clans are poisoning your mind! What is wrong with you for wanting to be one? Having the relaxation of not having to worry about getting your food, and not have to get dirty to do so. Being ordered around by your tyrannic leaders who say they're doing what's best for you?" Annabelle mocked, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Seeing the other cat puff her fur out, Annabelle did the same. If this cat attacked she would run away, but that didn't mean that she had to say so.

Petalpaw - Barkkit - Sunpaw
ShadowClan - ThunderClan - WindClan
Apprentice - Kit - Apprentice
You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Signat10
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Chopped limbs

Chopped limbs

Characters : Cinderpaw, Echopaw {Dec} , Owlpaw {Dec}, Rosepaw, Kenobi {Dec}, Snowpaw, Cloverpaw, Berrykit
Clan/Rank : Riverclan apprentice, Shadowclan apprentice, Skyclan apprentice, Windclan kit
Leo Tiger
Number of posts : 826
Age : 25

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptyThu 11 May 2017 - 15:42

"Well at least I know where my food comes from? Do you even know what the pellets your twolegs give you even are? I would rather get dirty running around with the wind in my fur then being relaxed with no purpose in life!" She screamed at the kittypets. Going slightly quiet as she made a comment on their leaders, sometimes they can be crazy and do stuff without reason. But she was not letting this pathetic kittypets know that. This kittypet annoyed her to no end. Maybe she should leave this cat a scar. Her normal happy attitude gone replaced by her ravaged instinct. She lunged at the cat lunged for the cat's back. Using her small body for her advantage.

(Is this what you wanted? I'm not sure.)

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Wcccc13
Cinderpaw of Riverclan                Rosepaw of Skyclan                 Snowpaw of Shadowclan                
    Cloverpaw of Windclan              Berrykit of Thunderclan
Chopped's Kitties! :
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Characters : (P)Petalpaw (B)Barkkit (S)Sunkit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 3341
Age : 18

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptyThu 11 May 2017 - 17:13

OOC: It's fine

IC: Annabelle jumped back, but still felt the claws of her attacker on her back. Hissing, she shook off the smaller she-cat and started up a tree. Shew suspected that this other cat could climb too, but didn't dwell on that. "You just confirmed my suspicion. You are a savage that fights at every opportunity!" Annabelle spat, still wanting to hide the fact that she had no idea how to fight.

Petalpaw - Barkkit - Sunpaw
ShadowClan - ThunderClan - WindClan
Apprentice - Kit - Apprentice
You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Signat10
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Former: Pansyface ♀, Leopardstar ♂, Finchstream ♀, Ryeheart ♂, Laurelsong ♀, Nightstorm ♂, Fernpetal ♀, Magpiepaw ♂, Chirp ♀, Ashflight ♂, Orchidmask ♀ Basilbloom ♀ | Current: Featherpaw ♀, Tigerkit ♂
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 3811
Gender : she/her
Age : 23

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptyFri 12 May 2017 - 9:12

Pansyface pushed her way through a thick patch of ferns that blocked her path, pollen and seeds adorning her usually perfectly-groomed bi-color pelt. Murky green eyes narrowed and blazing, the elegant she-cat's gaze swiveled around the surrounding for her young niece, suddenly worried. Oh StarClan, if anything happens to her on my watch Cherrymist will shred me into mouse dust.... A familiar hiss, laced with unveiled aggression, made her head turn; there was her sister's kit, leaping to attack a....kittypet? An intruder nonetheless, but from the sight of it's bright blue collar and perfectly groomed fur it didn't look like a threat. With a snort, Pansyface calmly padded up where the two were 'fighting' and watched for a moment, before speaking up in a scathing meow; "When I said 'go find some prey' Rosepaw, I didn't mean kittypet food."

Featherpaw of RiverClan
Tigerkit of ShadowClan
You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Feathe11
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Chopped limbs

Chopped limbs

Characters : Cinderpaw, Echopaw {Dec} , Owlpaw {Dec}, Rosepaw, Kenobi {Dec}, Snowpaw, Cloverpaw, Berrykit
Clan/Rank : Riverclan apprentice, Shadowclan apprentice, Skyclan apprentice, Windclan kit
Leo Tiger
Number of posts : 826
Age : 25

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptyFri 12 May 2017 - 15:40

Rosepaw landed on the ground gracefully slightly dazed looking around for the kittypet and saw her high in a tree. Her tail lashed her jaw opened in a snarl as the other spat at her, "We are not savages! And we certainly are not cowards! Being a kittypet has turned you into a coward who can`t even fight her own battles!" She was at the base of the tree about to show this cat a lesson when she heard somebody calling her and a second later Pansyface pushed her way through the bushes. In a low growl she meowed, "I was not getting kittypet food! This kittypet here" She pointed with her tail at the orange and white she-cat, "thought it was a brilliant idea to come in our territory and have the decency to say that being clan cats have poisoned our minds. And called Crowstar a cruel leader. How was I supposed to take that?" She was beyond angry at this kittypet and it showed clearly in her eyes as she stared at her aunt.

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Wcccc13
Cinderpaw of Riverclan                Rosepaw of Skyclan                 Snowpaw of Shadowclan                
    Cloverpaw of Windclan              Berrykit of Thunderclan
Chopped's Kitties! :
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Characters : (P)Petalpaw (B)Barkkit (S)Sunkit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 3341
Age : 18

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptyFri 12 May 2017 - 18:24

"Who said 'kittypet' food was bad? It's better than bloody, icky, dead stuff that leaves fur stuck in your teeth," Annabelle snapped at the new cat. Oh great, now there were two cats that though they were better than her. At the words of the smaller wild cat, she let out a scoff at how angry she was getting at hearing the truth said out loud.
"You're from SkyClan, correct? The ones that hog all the good land and fight unfortunate rogues, making them steal from me instead. So you are supposed to take what I said as the truth!" Annabelle said harshly, as much as she wanted to say that she was angry, it was actually quite fun to terrorize the cats of the forest.

Petalpaw - Barkkit - Sunpaw
ShadowClan - ThunderClan - WindClan
Apprentice - Kit - Apprentice
You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Signat10
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Characters : [S]ilverdusk, [L]ouse, [N]ettleweaver, [C]lovermottle, Brackendawn* Burningpaw*, Oakberry*, Ospreypaw*, Weaselpaw*, Gladepaw*, Darkflower*, Pumapaw*, Hazeflight*, Driftcloud*, Spructhorn*, Hollyshard*, Ospreypaw*, Blurrypaw*, Dapplekit*, Jaguar*
Clan/Rank : [S] ThunderClan T3 warrior [L] tier 2 rogue [N] Shadowclan tier 2 warrior [C] RiverClan perma-queen
Taurus Monkey
Number of posts : 2252
Gender : any pronouns
Age : 20

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptySat 13 May 2017 - 0:54

Hollyshard followed behind Pansyface, anger building up inside her. Apprentices were so stupid! Don't they know not to stray from the patrol. The bengal she-cat let out an agitated huff and continued after the apprentice's scent. Her blue eyes darted from tree to tree searching for the young she-cat. A blurr of pelts among the trees caught her eyes and she sped up, only to come face to face with the apprentice clawing at a kitty pet.

Hollyshard strutted towards the pair, her eyes boring into the apprentice. "What do you think you're doing?! Wandering away from our patrol, we thought a fox had got you!" she hissed tail lashing angrily. Hollyshard glanced at Pansyface, who seemed some What relieved. The bengal turned her icy glare to the cream kittypet. It looked so pathetic as it hissed at Rosepaw and bawled its eyes out. "Shut up, kittypet." she hissed standing over the other cat "What do you think you're doing in my swamp SkyClan territory?! I know you can smell the border, don't act stupid, it'll only make it worse for

OOC: Sorry I skipped over a lot of this, I just knew they were Rosepaw and Annabelle were fighting.


silverdusk | thunderclan | tier three warrior | 50/120 | #99cc99
louse | rogue | tier two rogue | 50/120 | #669966
nettleweaver | shadowclan | npc tier two warrior | 40/100 | #996666
clovermottle | RiverClan | npc perma queen | 50/80 | #ff9966

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Giphy

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Characters : (P)Petalpaw (B)Barkkit (S)Sunkit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 3341
Age : 18

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptySat 13 May 2017 - 5:11

Annabelle sighed. Another cat was three too many. "Thanks a lot for reminding me," Annabelle started in a tone that said anything but that. "I'm sorry, but I believe out of the four of us, I am the only one not acting stupid, so you don't have to worry about that. Every moment I'm here proves what Bat told me about SkyClan. He said they keep everyone away using claws, teeth, and meaningless threats, because they are greedy-" she tried to think of a good insult "-bug-brains!"

Petalpaw - Barkkit - Sunpaw
ShadowClan - ThunderClan - WindClan
Apprentice - Kit - Apprentice
You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Signat10
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Characters : [S]ilverdusk, [L]ouse, [N]ettleweaver, [C]lovermottle, Brackendawn* Burningpaw*, Oakberry*, Ospreypaw*, Weaselpaw*, Gladepaw*, Darkflower*, Pumapaw*, Hazeflight*, Driftcloud*, Spructhorn*, Hollyshard*, Ospreypaw*, Blurrypaw*, Dapplekit*, Jaguar*
Clan/Rank : [S] ThunderClan T3 warrior [L] tier 2 rogue [N] Shadowclan tier 2 warrior [C] RiverClan perma-queen
Taurus Monkey
Number of posts : 2252
Gender : any pronouns
Age : 20

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You just got roasted! (For those in the plot)   You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) EmptySun 14 May 2017 - 2:41

Hollyshard hissed in annoyance stepping closer towards the other cat. "Watch your tongue, or I'll make sure you don't have to." she snarled unsheathimg her claws. The bengal glanced at Pansyface still unsure if this was the right way to go about things. Her eyes instantly darted back to the kittypet as she threw another lame insult her way. Hollyshard shook her head, kittypets were so stupid. "Taling advice from rogues? Pathetic! The only thing that ever leaves their stupid mouths is nonsense rambling. Of course though, you wouldn't know that, just like you don't know when to hold that tongue of yours!" she hissed her whiskers twitching. Hollyshard stepped back away from Annabelle, wishing to make no further interaction with the pathetic ball of fluff. Hollyshard's ears flickered backwards and she let out a low growl of anger. This kittypet didn't know when to quit. SkyClan is not greedy! A foul little kittypet like you wouldn't know that though, would you? Food comes to you when you ask, warmth is never far and you think we're greedy?! I have to hunt day in, day out for my clan even then, we don't have enough! When Leafbare comes, there is no warmth or food, but you don't have to worry about these things, because you're just a stupid ignorant kittypet! Go back to your twolegs you piece of fox-dung!" snarled the bengal she-cat digging her claws into the soft ground beneath.


silverdusk | thunderclan | tier three warrior | 50/120 | #99cc99
louse | rogue | tier two rogue | 50/120 | #669966
nettleweaver | shadowclan | npc tier two warrior | 40/100 | #996666
clovermottle | RiverClan | npc perma queen | 50/80 | #ff9966

You just got roasted! (For those in the plot) Giphy

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