Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony

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3 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : they dead.
Clan/Rank : former RC leader | former site moderator
Capricorn Buffalo
Number of posts : 1202
Gender : goblin
Age : 26

Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony   Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony EmptySun 1 Nov 2015 - 15:39

Fishstar leapt up onto the willow branch and yowled, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the willow branch for a Clan meeting!"

Today was another special day, and the RiverClan leader's tail-tip twitched with excitement. This was the third of Fishstar and Otterfur's kits to be receiving an apprentice ceremony. Featherpaw and Leafpaw had already been apprentices for a few sunrises now, but Marshkit still had time to catch up to them.

PitaPata Cat tickers

Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony 6e4deea343f5a23686845b3e041231bb
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Characters : Winterpaw and Marshkit
Clan/Rank : RC and SC
Aquarius Monkey
Number of posts : 31
Age : 19

Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony   Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony EmptyThu 5 Nov 2015 - 8:15

"Yay! I'm finally going to be an apprentice! I can't wait!" Marshkit shouted as she ran to sit underneath the Willow Branch as her mother commanded.
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : they dead.
Clan/Rank : former RC leader | former site moderator
Capricorn Buffalo
Number of posts : 1202
Gender : goblin
Age : 26

Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony   Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony EmptyThu 5 Nov 2015 - 19:30

"Marshkit, please step forward." Fishstar flicked her tail to signal the kit.

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Aries Dog
Number of posts : 1643
Age : 18

Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony   Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony EmptyThu 5 Nov 2015 - 20:24

Swiftpaw padded over toward to Marshkit and sat down. "Congratulations Marshkit. I'll be looking forward to seeing you in the apprentices den. she purred. Soon RiverClan will have plenty of warriors! she thought. She gazed up at the willow branch.
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Characters : Winterpaw and Marshkit
Clan/Rank : RC and SC
Aquarius Monkey
Number of posts : 31
Age : 19

Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony   Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony EmptyFri 6 Nov 2015 - 12:05

"Thank's Swiftpaw." Marshkit replied as she stepped forward, eager to find out who her mentor would be.
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : they dead.
Clan/Rank : former RC leader | former site moderator
Capricorn Buffalo
Number of posts : 1202
Gender : goblin
Age : 26

Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony   Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony EmptySun 8 Nov 2015 - 11:21

ooc: I'm sorry for the delay, but I've been busy trying to sort out mentor issues.

"Marshkit," the tabby began, loud and clear, "you have reached the age of six moons, and are now ready to be apprenticed. From this day forth, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Marshpaw. Ashcloud will mentor you. May he shape you into a strong and loyal warrior."

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PostSubject: Re: Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony   Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony Empty

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Marshkit's Apprentice Ceremony
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