Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Annoying? Pffffft...

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Characters : gone with the wind
Number of posts : 493

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyMon 10 Aug 2015 - 19:45

Toadkit laid in his nest, waiting anxiously. He had been told he could go outside. Did anyone know what that meant to him? He could see the giant monsters that call themselves warriors! But he was the better warrior, he could fight off the giant badgers that all the old cats told him about! Toadkit puffed out his chest in pride, then in all his excitement, rushed out of the nursery. "HERE I AM!!! I am the strongest ki- warrior of all time!" He couldn't wait to see the scared faces of the Warriors. Surely they would be impressed.

Toadkit, being very excited all the time, jumped up and down. If he tried hard enough, perhaps he could reach Starclan! This thought made a toothy grin appear on the kittens face as he tried to observe the entire clearing by jumping. (He quickly lost track of meeting Starclan) Because the place was so huge, he had to jump to see the whole thing! It made him like it even more! "I LIKE THIS PLACE." he declared loudly.


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Characters : {L}oudkit // {Ca}ramel Apple
Clan/Rank : Some returning nerd from long ago!
Cancer Number of posts : 2240
Age : 1022

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 3:39

Salmonstripe groaned when she heard loud meowing. She mumbled angrily under her breath. "What are you doing up so early? It's not even sun-high yet!" She growled, then brightened up a little bit. "I'm Salmonstripe. Who are you?" 

One question... Why is this little one up so early and yowling his head off? Can't a warrior get some sleep around here? I was just a queen and I'm still tired...

Pics TBA

Loudkit of RiverClan~6600ff ~Caramel Apple, Rogue~996600
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Characters : (D)Whitefoot (E)Silverdapple(G)Rainfire (H)Oakpaw (I)Rainkit
Clan/Rank : (D) Riverclan/Warrior (E) Windclan/Warrior (G)Shadowclan/Warrior (H)Skyclan/Apprentice (I)Windclan/Kit
Aries Cat
Number of posts : 1479
Age : 25

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 5:40

Dewleaf woke with a start at the kittens yowling, Is it an attack? The thought raced through her mind as she peered out of her den with her tail twitching threateningly. No, just the new kits. Sighing she stretched and stepped out beside Salmonstripe, "How are you this early morning?" She mewed to her friend.
Whitepaw, who had been up since the sun crested the horizon, groaned at the kittens mewlings. He wasn't very fond of younger cats, or all the noise they made. In an attempt to get away from the kit he tried sneaking around him, only to be caught.

OOC~ Since Whitepaw doesn't have a mentor I'm just going to have to get all the requirements done myself because it's been a while. @Toy want Salmonstripe to help?

Annoying? Pffffft... RxPSwek
Riverclan~ Whitefoot-Warrior
Windclan~ Silverdapple- Warrior
Shadowclan~ Rainfire- Warrior
Skyclan~ Oakpaw- Apprentice
Windclan~ Rainkit- Kit
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Characters : {L}oudkit // {Ca}ramel Apple
Clan/Rank : Some returning nerd from long ago!
Cancer Number of posts : 2240
Age : 1022

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 5:52

OOC: I think I'm gonna have her mentor both of them.

IC: Salmonstripe turned her sharp water blue gaze to Dewleaf. "This little one. Where is his mother? Shouldn't she be taking care of this?"

Pics TBA

Loudkit of RiverClan~6600ff ~Caramel Apple, Rogue~996600
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Characters : gone with the wind
Number of posts : 493

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 6:46

"I just opened my eyes yesterday! And I wanted to see the camp! ITS AWESOME." Toadkit was what you could call, hyper. He considered himself 'excited to see the world' but it was annoyingly loud in disguise. "Hello!!!! I am Toadkit! I am named Toadkit because... I have green eyes? Yes! Beacause I have green eyes." He giggled because he loved the new company that had come. The kitten was rather over-excited when another she-cat came. Oh my Starclan. EVEN MORE GIGANTIC CATS In truth, he didn't understand what 'oh my Starclan' meant just that he had heard it before, and it sounded cool.

"Me? I am GREAT this morning!" Toadkit hooted with delight. His jumping had slowed to a hop, he was getting tired. He hoped back into attention when they asked for his mother, his mother. "MY MOMMY IS BUSY." He bellowed. But sadly, he wasn't really sure where his mother was.


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Characters : (D)Whitefoot (E)Silverdapple(G)Rainfire (H)Oakpaw (I)Rainkit
Clan/Rank : (D) Riverclan/Warrior (E) Windclan/Warrior (G)Shadowclan/Warrior (H)Skyclan/Apprentice (I)Windclan/Kit
Aries Cat
Number of posts : 1479
Age : 25

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 9:53

Dewleaf's sky blue eyes widened as she pinned her ears to block out the noise, looking to her friend in anxiety. I don't know what to do! Only to be surprised that Whitepaw stepped in to entertain the kit, I thought he didn't like younger cats? She calmed and tilted her head.
Whitepaw held back a growl as he noticed how flustered Dewleaf was getting, forcing a purr he scooped up the hyper kit and the pair went to the other side of the camp. Setting the kit down he took a breathe and perked his ginger ears. "Would you be quiet if I showed you around camp?" He mewed in his attempting to be nice voice.

Annoying? Pffffft... RxPSwek
Riverclan~ Whitefoot-Warrior
Windclan~ Silverdapple- Warrior
Shadowclan~ Rainfire- Warrior
Skyclan~ Oakpaw- Apprentice
Windclan~ Rainkit- Kit
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Characters : gone with the wind
Number of posts : 493

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 11:12

Toadkit saw the she-cat wince, and his eyes narrowed. He wasn't to loud, was he? He winced himself, green eyes wide with the horror of being.. annoying. Then another big cat stepped in, and he giggled. The problem drifted to the back of his mind, as pure excitement rushed into him. Mouth wide with happiness, getting ready to yell. "Umm.. GOOD-BYE Salmon! BYE OTHER WARRIOR!!" Toadkit hooted as he was carried away.

Wait.... carried?!? When the realization hit him, the tom squealed loudly in fright. "PUT ME DOWN GIGANIC CAT!!!" He flailed around uselessly, and then, was put down. Relief was his first reaction, and he sighed. Then he perked his ears, and considered the question. "Yes. I will try to shut my mouth. But only if you don't lift me off the ground. Other then that, you are a good warrior." Toadkit didn't know what an 'apprentice' was.


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Characters : (D)Whitefoot (E)Silverdapple(G)Rainfire (H)Oakpaw (I)Rainkit
Clan/Rank : (D) Riverclan/Warrior (E) Windclan/Warrior (G)Shadowclan/Warrior (H)Skyclan/Apprentice (I)Windclan/Kit
Aries Cat
Number of posts : 1479
Age : 25

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 11:47

Whitepaw huffed, "I'm not a warrior I'm a warrior in training, an apprentice!" He nodded to not carrying the kit again, He was heavy and he didn't like the fur stuck in his mouth.

Annoying? Pffffft... RxPSwek
Riverclan~ Whitefoot-Warrior
Windclan~ Silverdapple- Warrior
Shadowclan~ Rainfire- Warrior
Skyclan~ Oakpaw- Apprentice
Windclan~ Rainkit- Kit
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Characters : {L}oudkit // {Ca}ramel Apple
Clan/Rank : Some returning nerd from long ago!
Cancer Number of posts : 2240
Age : 1022

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 11:51

Goodbye, little one. She thought, I can't tell if I'm happy or not... She simply walked over to her son, "Whitepaw! Don't snap at Toadkit."

Pics TBA

Loudkit of RiverClan~6600ff ~Caramel Apple, Rogue~996600
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Characters : gone with the wind
Number of posts : 493

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 12:11

Confusion was the first feeling in Toadkit. An apprentice? That sounded super cool. Almost as cool as leader. "I WANT TO BE AN APPRENTICE!!!!!! HOW DO I BECOME ONE????" His voice raised almost as soon as he started speaking. Then he remembered what he had said to the apprentice earlier. "I want to be an apprentice. How do I become one?" He asked, this time in a rough whisper.

"Hi Salmon. I promised to be quiet." Toadkit cleared his throat before whispering, his tail swaying back and forth. This was so awesome! He had some new friends! And one was a warrior! Better yet, one was an apprentice! (the word was even cool to think) He looked at the apprentice again. Whitepaw.


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Characters : {L}oudkit // {Ca}ramel Apple
Clan/Rank : Some returning nerd from long ago!
Cancer Number of posts : 2240
Age : 1022

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 12:21

My name isn't Salmon... "My name is Salmonstripe. And, this is my son Whitepaw. Great job keeping your promise!" She said, almost sarcastically.

Pics TBA

Loudkit of RiverClan~6600ff ~Caramel Apple, Rogue~996600
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Characters : (D)Whitefoot (E)Silverdapple(G)Rainfire (H)Oakpaw (I)Rainkit
Clan/Rank : (D) Riverclan/Warrior (E) Windclan/Warrior (G)Shadowclan/Warrior (H)Skyclan/Apprentice (I)Windclan/Kit
Aries Cat
Number of posts : 1479
Age : 25

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 12:36

Whitepaw ignored his mother and focused on the kit, pleased he had listened. "Well wait till you're 6 moons old, then you can become one." He mewed hopefully, maybe I could mentor him. He quickly pushed the thought out of his mind, and shook his head.

Annoying? Pffffft... RxPSwek
Riverclan~ Whitefoot-Warrior
Windclan~ Silverdapple- Warrior
Shadowclan~ Rainfire- Warrior
Skyclan~ Oakpaw- Apprentice
Windclan~ Rainkit- Kit
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Characters : gone with the wind
Number of posts : 493

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 12:58

Toadkit looked at Salmon. She was being absurd! Her first word was Salmon, so he would call her Salmon. Maybe giant cats didn't have giant brains. "Salmonstripe? That is to long. I will call you Stripe if you don't like Salmon." The Tom almost spoke in a loud voice. But he didn't, because he was smarter then big cat. "Thank you Stripe." He puffed out his little chest proudly.

Toadkit then focused on Whitepaw. "Six moons! That's forever and ever and ever! I can't wait that long!" His face dropped, and he was deeply saddened. He couldn't become an apprentice for ever and ever! Did anyone now how long that was? " CA- can we start the tour? Please?" he almost shouted, but stopped himself.


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Characters : (D)Whitefoot (E)Silverdapple(G)Rainfire (H)Oakpaw (I)Rainkit
Clan/Rank : (D) Riverclan/Warrior (E) Windclan/Warrior (G)Shadowclan/Warrior (H)Skyclan/Apprentice (I)Windclan/Kit
Aries Cat
Number of posts : 1479
Age : 25

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 13:07

Whitepaw nodded coolly, flicking his ginger and white tail for the kit to follow. "Follow me" Padding around the camp his first stop was the fresh-kill pile. "This is the fresh-kill pile, where the warriors and apprentices leave all the food they catch. Then you have the Willow branch, where clan meetings take place. Elders den, Apprentices den, warriors den, leader's den, and the medicine cat's den." Out of breath from talking so much he sighed in relief as they concluded the tour of camp.

Annoying? Pffffft... RxPSwek
Riverclan~ Whitefoot-Warrior
Windclan~ Silverdapple- Warrior
Shadowclan~ Rainfire- Warrior
Skyclan~ Oakpaw- Apprentice
Windclan~ Rainkit- Kit
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Characters : gone with the wind
Number of posts : 493

Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Annoying? Pffffft...   Annoying? Pffffft... EmptyTue 11 Aug 2015 - 14:13

Toadkit looked at the apprentice, and jumped in glee. He was following the apprentice and was going to see the camp! He galloped after the cat, and his green eyes glittering with joy. But he didn't express it through speech, only through his walk. Skipping was his way of expressing happiness, for now he could understand what this entire clearing was for. He sat down and listened to the she-cat intensely.

"What is a medicine cat? What is a elder? Do you hunt for fresh-kill? What is a clan meeting?" So many questions were in the little kits head. How could anyone keep up with this? Toadkit thought it was incredibly hard. He knew there were warriors like Stripe, kits like himself, leaders like Fishstar, and apprentices like Whitepaw, but what else could there possibly?


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Annoying? Pffffft... Empty
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