Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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3 posters


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Aquarius Snake
Number of posts : 2325
Gender : Male
Age : 23

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PostSubject: *title here*   *title here* EmptyFri 18 Apr 2014 - 9:12

As the new-leaf sun glared overhead, the tom Sunfur laid below it, lazily taking in its warmth. Oh how he loved new-leaf. And hated leaf-bare. The warmth of the burning ball overhead seeped deep into Sunfur's golden coat, sending pleasured chills through his muscular body. On day's like this, his kit-like nature subsided for a bit for him to become a serious warrior. Cause you know how it is when you screw with someone's sunlight after winter. You get your furry hide whipped. So here the tom laid in the clearing, completely on his side with his amber eyes closed and closed from the outside world. For now.
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

*title here* Empty
PostSubject: Re: *title here*   *title here* EmptySat 19 Apr 2014 - 7:30

MidnightPaw stalked his mentor. "Alright... I can either jump on him or lay next to him... He might get mad if I woke him up." He looked at Sunfur, his mentor looked so peaceful... So calm... Completely at peace... It was just too tempting for the young apprentice. He jumped up and landed on Sunfur's side. I'm gonna regret this later.

*title here* 1929-97
*title here* 3829080
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Sagittarius Snake
Number of posts : 828
Age : 22

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PostSubject: Re: *title here*   *title here* EmptySat 19 Apr 2014 - 15:32

A small grey tom emerged fro the warriors den, blinking the sleep from his eyes. He glanced to the fresh-kill pile and chose a small fish from the pile, carrying it over to Sunfur and his apprentice. "Morning, oh wait, it's sun-high. I must have slept in." Minnowflash set the trout infront of him and took a bite.
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Characters : -
Clan/Rank : -
Aquarius Snake
Number of posts : 2325
Gender : Male
Age : 23

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PostSubject: Re: *title here*   *title here* EmptySat 19 Apr 2014 - 15:45

Oh boy. As the large tom felt weight on him he jerked up, throwing his apprentice off and he pinned him with only his paws. A serious look glared down at the smaller male before he rolled his eyes, hoping he had scared the apprentice. Then he nodded his head in greeting to both of them before he looked at Midnightpaw and said, "Don't hesitate next time, I won't kill ya'. Maybe a tuft of fur gone but hey, what's fur for anyway?" He jokingly nudged his apprentice with a muscled shoulder, hoping to don't bump himĀ  down again. Then he smiled at Minnowflash, grinning greedily down at the fish before him until he dug in. Bu then, a little late, he remembered his manners. Sort of. With a full mouth he looked up and said, "Fanks Minnowfwash."
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

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PostSubject: Re: *title here*   *title here* EmptySat 19 Apr 2014 - 23:27

"I won't next time..." He smiled and got up. "Hello, Minnowflash. Nice day out, huh?" He stretched his limbs and started grooming himself.

*title here* 1929-97
*title here* 3829080
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Sagittarius Snake
Number of posts : 828
Age : 22

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PostSubject: Re: *title here*   *title here* EmptySun 20 Apr 2014 - 8:35

"More like day in the den." The silver tabby rolled his blue eyes and nodded his head to the trout. "Feel free to have some." Minnowflash offered and took a bite for himself. "But yes, very nice day. Just wished I hadn't wasted half of it snoring and catching fish in my dream, instead of in real life." The small warrior huffed.

*title here* Articu10
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
-Percy Bysshe Shelley
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

*title here* Empty
PostSubject: Re: *title here*   *title here* EmptyTue 22 Apr 2014 - 5:29

"Catching dream fish is better than not catching them." He dropped down and took a bite out of the fish. "Besides we have enough fresh kill to last for a while. We can fish tomorrow."

*title here* 1929-97
*title here* 3829080
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Characters : -
Clan/Rank : -
Aquarius Snake
Number of posts : 2325
Gender : Male
Age : 23

*title here* Empty
PostSubject: Re: *title here*   *title here* EmptyThu 24 Apr 2014 - 19:18

A short laugh escaped Sunfur, chuckling with his body almost hopping with his laugh. Then he tipped his head to Midnightpaw, "Well, you do have a point on the first one. But we can never have enough fresh kill, we always need more. How I see it, take one fish, put two back. But that's just silly old me." Then he bounced around, playfully yodeling 'hur-de hur-de hur'.
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

*title here* Empty
PostSubject: Re: *title here*   *title here* EmptyThu 24 Apr 2014 - 19:30

"That's true... there are a lot of fishes in the river..." he mewed happily. "There's never a shortage of fish!"

*title here* 1929-97
*title here* 3829080
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