Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.

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Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptyFri 16 Mar 2012 - 18:06

"Sparrowfliiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! Put me downn! I can walk! My neck hurts! You keep bumping my bum on the ground. I don't even know this place! This doesn't smell like RiverClan! Where are we going? Are we there yeettt?"

The brown she-cat groaned at her son's insufferable whining. She was going out to hunt again for the clan, this time in WindClan territory to get used to the feel of hunting rabbits, and had almost made it out the exit when one of the elders had crossly pointed out that she never spent any time with her kits. She tried to protest there was work to be done, and she couldn't watch both of her kits and perform her duties at the same time, but seeming to already have an answer the elder suggested she take at least one kit out to explore their new land, and the other later. It was, as they had put, "quality time with her kit". Quality time Sparrow's arse.
The queen refused to answer any of his questions out of sheer stubborness, but that seemed to only make things much worse. She had chosen to bring out Sagekit first, because he seemed to be the stronger, more energetic of the two, but maybe she should have brought Smokekit instead? He might have at least kept his mouth shut.
"I smell something, but I don't know what it is. What is that?" The she-cat sighed through his scruff and finally set Sagekit down, a little roughly (She didn't think it was too rough, but he squeaked in protest.) "What you smell is a rabbit. They're all over the moor." She saw her son's green eyes widen and glance around curiously before she turned her head away and breathed in the air. "This is what we're here to get." Sparrowflight stood up and sniffed out a nearby rabbit-den in the ground. The scent was stale, it must not have been used for a long time. "Come on. Hide in here." She pointed to her hole with her paw.
".. why?"
"Don't argue and just do it!" she snapped. Sagekit had jumped at her sudden change of tone. Slowly, with his tail low, he dove into the hole head-first with head head just below the surface. Sparrowflight blinked in satisfaction and glanced up at the sky. The sun was already almost down. She had left at noon, she would have gotten here a lot sooner without the weight of a kit. She groaned with realization she wouldn't be able to stay long. "Now I'm going to hunt. Stay here and don't move a muscle." she said sternly and ran off.

Sagekit, blissfully unaware of anything going on, did what he was told and stayed in the hole. It was a little roomy for someone of his size, so he could keep himself entertained by pawing at a few stray grass roots hanging from the ceiling, pawing all the dirt into one pile and making what-he-thought-to-be a fish sculpture, and spinning around in circles chasing his tail. Though, every now and then, he'd glance up at the sky. The sun before him would just keep setting lower and lower. After a while, the sun was like half-a-circle and it only glowed faintly. He swore he could see the first warriors of StarClan coming out and his mother still wasn't back yet.
Feeling a little daring, he poked his little head out of the rabbit hole, twisting it around looking for his mommy. Still, he saw no cat. He did hear crickets though. Crickets always freaked him out a little bit. "Sparrowflight?" he called out, starting to get a little panicked. He knew he was told to stay put, but it was getting cold, and he didn't want to stay here anymore. It wouldn't hurt to look for her, right? After all, she couldn't have gone too far... right?
Hearing an unfamiliar yowl of an another behind him, a jolt sent shock through his body and he shot off through the grass like a cannon. "Sparrowflight?! Where are you!?!" he wailed, not stopping the pace.


You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. PDt1Qqd You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptyFri 16 Mar 2012 - 18:16

Ever since three of the five clans had become one, Shadowstar had decided to look around the territory that Sleepystar had told her they would share. This meant revisiting the clan she once tried to run away to *such a disgrace* even though that was now only a faint memory in the back of her mind. The scent of the rabbits in the sea of grass and the open air disgusted her, yet they had a sense of what felt like home as well.

With a light sigh, she dashed through the grass as fast as she could, enjoying the freedom of the open space and the lack of water underneath her paws that she was so accustomed to in her own territory. As she ran, she suddenly heard the faint cries of a small kit. Coming to a halt as fast as she could, she froze to listen. The sound of rustling grass in the wind had masked most of the kit's wails, but ever-so-faintly could she hear it off to her right. In an instant, she ran towards the sound worriedly until she had almost run right into poor Sagekit. She had to jump over him to make sure she didn't plow into him like some of those monsters she would see on the Thunderpath. She quickly turned around to face Sagekit. "Are you okay?" She asked with fright in her voice.
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Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptyFri 16 Mar 2012 - 18:44

Sagekit continued plowing through the grass, leaving a little trail of disrupted moor as he went. Just keep running and he had to run into home sometime, right? Then again, the forest was SO BIG. He might never get home? And now he thought he was lost! Oh StarClan, he should've stayed put! Now he was going to be eaten by a monster! Or worse... a ThunderClan cat could find him! Scary stories flashes through his head about what those brutal bramble-loving cats were capable of.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he wailed, but stop and came skidding to a halt in an instant. He craned his head up with his mouth as a dark figure leaped over him. Oh no! He was dead now! He couldn't look for long, though, as the sudden changed of momentum and awkward position sent him face-planting straight into the ground.
He stayed there for a few moments, trying to gather his thoughts and figured out exactly what just happened. He didn't move until he heard an unfamiliar voice. It was another cat? He drew himself off the ground and turned around to look at her, first a little surprised, the first thing he noticed was the cat's glowing blue eyes. It reminded him of his mother's and for a moment he might have though it had been her, but it wasn't. It was a strange black cat with a scar over her eye and a little bit of white on her chest. He had never seen her before and noted she smelled a little funny.
He looked up at her with wide eyes, gentle tears starting to come. Sagekit didn't know what to say. Could he trust her? "Are- Are you a ThunderClan cat?" the small tom asked a little fearfully.


You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. PDt1Qqd You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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Reaper King
Former Staff
Former Staff
Reaper King

Characters : Tiger [Ti], Owl [O], Raven [R], Hare [H]
Clan/Rank : [Ti] Windclan Leader, [O] Riverclan Warrior [R] Riverclan Warrior, [H] Skyclan Warrior
Pisces Tiger
Number of posts : 9999
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 26

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptyFri 16 Mar 2012 - 18:56

Dawnpaw was with Shadowstar the whole time, she wanted to check out the herbs in Windclan territory. She panted as she caught up with her leader. She noticed that Shadowstar had discovered something. (*Insert Zelda chest music here*) She wanted to check the kit for any injuries bact decided to stay back for a bit.

ooc: Fail post is fail.. ;n;

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. CidZnTK
"끝나지 않은 이 소설의 페이지 마지막까지 함께 채울래"
Windclan ✦ Thunderclan ✦ Riverclan ✦ Skyclan ✦ Riverclan ✦ Skyclan
Leader (Tier 5) ✦ Kit ✦ Tier 2 ✦ Tier 2 ✦ Tier 1 ✦ Kit

Reaper's Beans | Plotting Pages | Heartchart
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptyFri 16 Mar 2012 - 19:01

OOC: dadanana-dadanana-dadanana-dadanana... DA DA DA DUUUUUHH!!!! YOU FOUND A SAGEKIT!

Shadowstar looked down at the small kit with calm, comforting eyes. "No, I'm not Thunderclan. I'm Shadowstar, leader of Shadowclan." She sniffed the air around the kit only to catch a fishy smell practically radiating off of his fur. "You're from Riverclan, aren't you?" She asked softly. "What are you doing all the way out here?"
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Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptyFri 16 Mar 2012 - 20:01

Sagekit let out of exaggerated sigh of relief, ShadowClan was... Alright. Or so he was told. "Sparrowflight took me out here so we could hunt rah- rah-bets." he said the last word slowly and strangely, as it was unfamiliar to him. "She told me to wait in a hole and that she'd be back... But it was getting dark and I went to look for her." he finished blurting out and kicked the dirt in front of him shyly.


You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. PDt1Qqd You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptyFri 16 Mar 2012 - 20:26

The leader couldn't help but chuckle at his pronunciation of "rabbits", but then she got down to business. "Well... I'm sure that she is.t here now. It's too late to be hunting for Riverclan right now. How about you come back with me and Dawnpaw here?" She asked, flicking her tail towards the medicine cat apprentice. "Then we will get you back to your mother soon, okay?"
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Clan/Rank : [C] WC Elder [B] TC Apprentice [F] RC Kit [C2] WC Warrior
Taurus Buffalo
Number of posts : 521
Age : 27

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptySat 17 Mar 2012 - 13:37

Runningpaw was getting tired of seeing other cats on their territory. RiverClan cats were called RiverClan cats because they can fish, ShadowClan cats were called ShadowClan cats because they lived in the shadows of the marshlands, and WindClan cats were called WindClan cats because we can run as fast as the wind to catch rabbits. There were different clans for a reason. These thoughts ran through her mind, her furiously little paws carried her to the moorland, to smell RiverClan and ShadowClan. Her father had agreed to let them be one clan, not for them to get along. Runningpaw rushed out of a bush with a snarl pulled back on her muzzle to see the ShadowClan leader himself, the medicine cat apprentice, and a RiverClan kit.




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Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptySat 17 Mar 2012 - 13:42

"I don't know... The elders say not to go off with strangers..." Sagekit pawed the ground, gently.


You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. PDt1Qqd You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptySat 17 Mar 2012 - 16:37

Shadowstar suddenly looked up at the apprentice that had joined them. "Greetings," she mewed before looking back down at Sagekit. "Well, I'm not a stranger to your mother.. whoever she might be. I have met all Riverclan cats at least once."
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~Rose blue~

~Rose blue~

Clan/Rank : Windclan person
Taurus Buffalo
Number of posts : 3084
Age : 27

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptySat 17 Mar 2012 - 21:01

Butterflywing was hunting in the area when she caught sound of the cats from different clans theme her daughters. She quickly padded over dipping her head "shadowstar" then turned her attention to runningpaw and with a look warned her to calm her temper "how is everything in your clans?" she asked

You never forget a true friend no matter how much you want to
My Internet family sleepy and fire

7 Lives
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Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptySun 18 Mar 2012 - 0:32

"I guess..." he said quietly. Sagekit wouldn't know. Sparrowflight hardly told him about the cats in his own clan; He didn't know who his father was, and almost spent more time with the other queens, he could near consider them his mother more than his actual blood.
He might have been alright with the tiny apprentice, but with the arrival of Butterflywing, the strange scent of the moor on their pelts frightened him and he started to shuffle away, bumping back into Shadowstar's paws in the process... Well, he knew her longer (Granted by a few moments, but still longer.) and he trusted her more.
Now protect him from THESE strangers! >:C


You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. PDt1Qqd You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptySun 18 Mar 2012 - 10:53

Shadowstar will protect him from these strangers!! >:C She nodded to Butterflywing. "We are fine; doing well actually. How about you?" She asked the warrior, not even knowing who she was. Suddenly feeling Sagekit back up against her, she took a step in front of him to keep him covered for his sake so that he wouldn't be as frightened as she could tell he was.
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Reaper King
Former Staff
Former Staff
Reaper King

Characters : Tiger [Ti], Owl [O], Raven [R], Hare [H]
Clan/Rank : [Ti] Windclan Leader, [O] Riverclan Warrior [R] Riverclan Warrior, [H] Skyclan Warrior
Pisces Tiger
Number of posts : 9999
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 26

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptySun 18 Mar 2012 - 11:57

Dawnpaw just sat there and watched the whole thing play out. Clearly having a medicine cat with you meant you mean no harm but in this case it wasn't true seeing how an apprentice snarled at them.

Dawnpaw looked down at Sagekit, "Come here little one. Could I check you for any injuries?"

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. CidZnTK
"끝나지 않은 이 소설의 페이지 마지막까지 함께 채울래"
Windclan ✦ Thunderclan ✦ Riverclan ✦ Skyclan ✦ Riverclan ✦ Skyclan
Leader (Tier 5) ✦ Kit ✦ Tier 2 ✦ Tier 2 ✦ Tier 1 ✦ Kit

Reaper's Beans | Plotting Pages | Heartchart
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Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
PostSubject: Re: You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness.   You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. EmptySun 18 Mar 2012 - 12:44

Sagekit now sat at Shadowstar's paws, his little body shaking from the cold and the sheer fear of all these new cats, one of them he just now noticed was quite hostile. "... what?" he looked over at Dawnpaw, tilting his head in curiosity near slightly. He smelled like a bunch of funny plants, like the medicine cat in his clan. And injuries is what she checked for too. "Um, well -- will you be gentle? Silentherb is always gentle." he mewed.


You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. PDt1Qqd You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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You will all bow to Sagekit's adorableness. Empty
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