Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 heronkit's apprentice ceremony

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3 posters

heronkit's apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: heronkit's apprentice ceremony   heronkit's apprentice ceremony EmptyThu 3 Feb 2022 - 20:08

Another one of the kits was ready for apprenticehood. Stoatfur was beginning to worry more about their ability to handle to so many apprentices with so few warriors. He had to push himself to consider that in a few moons, their clan would be in a better place. Well, assuming the lot of them made it through leafbare. He made his way to the highrock, looking forward to the fact that at least more paws would be put to work for the clan and less batting at his tail for attention. Leaping onto the stone, he let out the usual, simple, call, "Let all cats gather beneath the highrock."
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Characters : Living:[J]uniperpaw, [Q]uillsplash, [L]eopardpaw, [C]reampaw | Dead: Tawnyshadow(ShC), Sootstorm(WC), Ajex(Outsider), Shatteredsky(SkC), Reedshine(TC), Deerleap(ShC) Slightfrost(Skc) Specklepaw(WC) Sunfire(TC), Copperlark(Outsider), Cinderpaw(TC), Quickpaw(WC), Deerpaw(ShC), Willowpaw(ShC)
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan Apprentice [Q]ShadowClan T4 Warrior [L]WindClan Apprentice [C]WindClan Apprentice
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3329
Gender : He/Him
Age : 14

heronkit's apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: heronkit's apprentice ceremony   heronkit's apprentice ceremony EmptyFri 4 Feb 2022 - 0:38

Reedpaw ran into the center of the clearing. he didn't need to be told that his siblings were turning into apprentices. they were old enough. he watched his father with keen blue eyes, waiting for the flow of magical words that always seemed to come so effortlessly from him.

Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T4 Warrior / #802318
Juniperpaw / She-Cat / ShadowClan Apprentice / #b9abb2
Leopardpaw / Tom / WindClan Apprentice / #cc9900
Creampaw / She-Cat / WindClan Apprentice / #ff6600

Art Requests | Character Profiles | Plotting
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Characters : [B]Briarkit
Clan/Rank : [B]WindClan Kit
Taurus Monkey
Number of posts : 672
Gender : they/she| racoon in the garage
Age : 20

heronkit's apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: heronkit's apprentice ceremony   heronkit's apprentice ceremony EmptyThu 10 Feb 2022 - 20:02

Heronkit lets out a shriveled ghost of a cough as she clambers onto the Highrock, the light wind almost enough to blow her over. She was still weak, having to wait an extra moon for apprentice-hood, but she could manage, and that was more than enough for her. Icy blue eyes watered from the gust but still shone with glee as she makes it to stand, shaking, at her fathers' side; truly, she believed neither of them thought she would make it this far. But, if Heronkit was anything, she was a fighter, worthy of being a warrior. Another deep cough racked her body, but she gave a swift and playful nudge to her fathers flank, a wordless "I'm just fine!"

heronkit's apprentice ceremony KyAienM
Briarkit | #ff9966 | 10/30 | WindClan Kit

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heronkit's apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: heronkit's apprentice ceremony   heronkit's apprentice ceremony EmptyThu 10 Feb 2022 - 20:06

"Heronkit, you're old enough to train as an apprentice and will now be known as Heronpaw until you receive your warrior name. Waterlily will be your mentor." It felt odd to assign his old mentor an apprentice. Times had surely changed. Stoatfur flicked his tail to dismiss the meeting and leaped down to pad away.
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Little Ripped

Little Ripped

Characters : (E)cho, (T)inypaw, (A)shstorm (dead), (Sh)ira (dead), (W)aterlily (dead), (S)carletriver (dead), Big Man (K)even (dead)
Clan/Rank : (A) Skyclan Tier 5 Warrior, (Sh) Elder, (W) Thunderclan Tier 4 Warrior, (S) Tier 3 Warrior, (K) Tier 1 Rogue
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 1066
Age : 16

heronkit's apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: heronkit's apprentice ceremony   heronkit's apprentice ceremony EmptySat 19 Feb 2022 - 11:05

Waterlily heard Stoatfur call out her name to the apprentice, letting her know this was a new cat to train.  She was proud of Stoatfur.  She always knew that her apprentice would do great things.  And now he was deputy and would one day lead the clan.

Now she had another apprentice, one she would mentor and be proud of the same way.  She walked up to Heronpaw and briefly touched noses with the new apprentice.  "We can start training tomorrow.  For now, I suggest you go celebrate.  Congratulations!" She exclaimed with a small smile.

heronkit's apprentice ceremony Signat10

Echo - Loner - Tier 1 Rogue
Tinypaw - Thunderclan - Apprentice

I don't have new art, so you get the drawings of my old cats :)
Signature done by Arcana and Scarletriver Loki Avatar done by Cocoa!
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