Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Blue's back! (From provincal paddling races here are my scores!)

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Do you think I did good?
WOOOOHOOO! Go Blue! I really think you should continue kayaking.
Blue's back! (From provincal paddling races here are my scores!) Vote_lcap75%Blue's back! (From provincal paddling races here are my scores!) Vote_rcap
 75% [ 3 ]
Naah, I think I could do better....
Blue's back! (From provincal paddling races here are my scores!) Vote_lcap25%Blue's back! (From provincal paddling races here are my scores!) Vote_rcap
 25% [ 1 ]
Leave that club Blue, you're dragging them back! :x
Blue's back! (From provincal paddling races here are my scores!) Vote_lcap0%Blue's back! (From provincal paddling races here are my scores!) Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 4



Clan/Rank : N/A
Sagittarius Tiger
Number of posts : 4295
Age : 25

Blue's back! (From provincal paddling races here are my scores!) Empty
PostBlue's back! (From provincal paddling races here are my scores!)

Hello all!
I'm back! Well- the title said that already.... :P But here is my metal count.

I'm a Peewee, but my couch, Jerome, put me in a couple different groups to make it fun for me.
(The bolded words are explained at the bottom)

I'm on team Toba!
This Canada day Regatta was in Regina, Saskatawan.

Atom mixed K-2 Fox hunt (500 metres)
Time: 2:44.84

Atom mixed K-1 Hooting owl (500 metres)
Time: 3:03.10

Atom mixed K-2 200 metres
Time: 1:21.18

Atom mixed K-2 500 metres
Time: 3:11.99

Atom mixed K-1 200 metres
Time: 1:33.24


Peewee women K-2 500 metres
Time: 3:03.55

Peewee women K-4 500 metres
Time: 3:16.70

Peewee women K-1 2000 metres (2 kilometres)
Time: 14:33.19


Bantam women K-4 500 metres


Open women K-4 500 metres

Atom: The lowest level (I sucked in some cause they were all at the very beggining of the day)

Peewee: The second level up age 10-12 (My level)

Bantam: Above age 12-14

Open: Open to every single level of kayaker- Atom, Peewee, Bantam, Juvinile, Master....

K-1: A single kayak

K2: A double kayak

K4: A kayak with 4 people in it. Everyone must stay in stroke at the same time to get a good speed.

Apparently I got the most metals out of my team!!
I really enjoyed the overall experience and can't wait for the Nationals!


Blue's back! (From provincal paddling races here are my scores!) Red12
Old Canon
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Blue's back! (From provincal paddling races here are my scores!) :: Comments

I dun understand anything, but sure! ^^
You don't understand it? Each one of those is a different race that I did and it says the length, then the place I got, and the time it took for me to do the entire race!
Ooooooh... I understand. In that case, you did veeeeery good ^^
WWhy thankyou! Lol, I voted on 'I could do better....' LOL!!

Blue's back! (From provincal paddling races here are my scores!)

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