Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Ravenpaw's Battle Training

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2 posters
Stormi the Gummy

Stormi the Gummy

Clan/Rank : {Storm}Riverclan/Experienced Warrior {Adder}Thunderclan/Experienced Warrior {Red}Shadowclan/Experienced Warrior {Wolf}Shadowclan/Apprentice
Pisces Cat
Number of posts : 3741
Age : 25

Ravenpaw's Battle Training Empty
PostSubject: Ravenpaw's Battle Training   Ravenpaw's Battle Training EmptyTue 25 Feb 2014 - 16:08

Ooc: You just had to be named Ravenpaw...//shot
And in case you do what I do and ignore the descriptions half the time, this topic is just for fun and slight character development since I know you already know how to use the Battle System :D

Ic: Redshade poked his head in the apprentices' den, stepping over several tails so that he was next to his new apprentice, Ravenpaw. He gave her a sharp prod in the side with his paw, narrowing his eyes. "Get up." He snapped, though made sure to avoid waking the others. It was just after moonhigh, and he'd have to teach her to start getting up early(early-night-time //shot). When she became a warrior, no one would be waking her up; she'd be expected to on her own. "We're doing battle training. I'll be waiting outside the entrance." With that, he exited the den and headed over to the camp entrance, padding juts outside to wait impatiently. Because he's always impatient.

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Ravenpaw's Battle Training Homestuck_stamp_by_sinderish-d3gnmxzRavenpaw's Battle Training Karkat_stamp__gray__by_chameleonraptor-d48qxhrRavenpaw's Battle Training Stamp__terezi_by_shendijiro-d47mqtaRavenpaw's Battle Training I_love_gamzee_by_nosense616-d47vsgh
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meme police

meme police

Characters : Antkit, Dipperkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/kit, ShadowClan/kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 1976
Age : 22

Ravenpaw's Battle Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ravenpaw's Battle Training   Ravenpaw's Battle Training EmptyFri 7 Mar 2014 - 21:42

OOC: Wow, sorry I didn't see this before!

IC: Ravenpaw lifted her head, yawning somewhat. The she-cat stretched, lazily getting to her paws. She stumbled out of the den, gazing wearily at towards the camp entrance. She ducked outside, sitting back on her haunches next to her mentor. "Redshadeeeee." she yawned out in a complaining tone.

Ravenpaw's Battle Training 2q1rq6u

Art credit to Grey.
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Stormi the Gummy

Stormi the Gummy

Clan/Rank : {Storm}Riverclan/Experienced Warrior {Adder}Thunderclan/Experienced Warrior {Red}Shadowclan/Experienced Warrior {Wolf}Shadowclan/Apprentice
Pisces Cat
Number of posts : 3741
Age : 25

Ravenpaw's Battle Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ravenpaw's Battle Training   Ravenpaw's Battle Training EmptySun 9 Mar 2014 - 15:44

Ooc: It's fine x3

Ic: Redshade groaned in annoyance. "Quit complaining. This is how you'll be getting up every night." He growled, getting up to lead the way to the clearing would they would train. Hopefully she'd wake up a bit by then, because so help him if she turns out to be a whiny kitten looking for food from its parents then he may just give her a good scar to remember. Hey, he's done it before.

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Ravenpaw's Battle Training Homestuck_stamp_by_sinderish-d3gnmxzRavenpaw's Battle Training Karkat_stamp__gray__by_chameleonraptor-d48qxhrRavenpaw's Battle Training Stamp__terezi_by_shendijiro-d47mqtaRavenpaw's Battle Training I_love_gamzee_by_nosense616-d47vsgh
Ravenpaw's Battle Training 1voydRavenpaw's Battle Training 2gy1qubRavenpaw's Battle Training One_Piece_Luffy_Stamp_by_erjanksRavenpaw's Battle Training StampOnePiece
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PostSubject: Re: Ravenpaw's Battle Training   Ravenpaw's Battle Training Empty

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