Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony

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3 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Turtlefur, Goldenstar, Lynxpetal, Creekpaw, Lightningpaw
Clan/Rank : RiverClan Warrior, WindClan Leader, SkyClan Queen RiverClan Apprentice, WindClan Apprentice
Sagittarius Tiger
Number of posts : 8190
Gender : it
Age : 25

Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony   Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony EmptySat 24 Dec 2011 - 17:57

Silverstar rose from her nest. She'd recived a dream from StarClan that her kit, Sarrowkit, was to become the medicine cat, and decided to have her apprenticed under StarClan immediatly. She trudged through the snow to the nursery, where she nudged Sarrowkit awake.
"Let's go. You have a ceremony to take place in."


Sun // Living Characters // Deceased Characters
Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony 713E5771-31B2-4EA8-B75F-EC3A67DB4C32
Turtlefur || Tom || RiverClan T5 Warrior || Requirements || #cc9900
Goldenstar || She-cat || WindClan T5 Leader || Requirements || burlywood
Lynxpetal || She-cat || SkyClan Queen || darkblue
Lightningpaw || Tom || WindClan Apprentice || #dfd47e
Creekpaw || She-cat || RiverClan Apprentice || #4c5682
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meme police

meme police

Characters : Antkit, Dipperkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/kit, ShadowClan/kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 1976
Age : 22

Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony   Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony EmptySun 25 Dec 2011 - 15:50

Sarrowkit wearily blinked her eyes open. They shimmered dimly. "It...It's time?" She mewed. She hauled herself up, then padded after her Mother, exiting the camp.

Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony 2q1rq6u

Art credit to Grey.
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Turtlefur, Goldenstar, Lynxpetal, Creekpaw, Lightningpaw
Clan/Rank : RiverClan Warrior, WindClan Leader, SkyClan Queen RiverClan Apprentice, WindClan Apprentice
Sagittarius Tiger
Number of posts : 8190
Gender : it
Age : 25

Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony   Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony EmptyMon 26 Dec 2011 - 8:30

"Yes. But it's a little bit different. We've got a long way to go, so just tell me if you get tired and we can stop."

*time warp :P*

After a long trek through the territories, the finally came to Highstones. Finding a cave she found to smell familiar, Silverstar sent her daughter in.
"I can't do this kind of ceremony. You'll have to do this with someone else. Go in. You'll see a large rock. Because it's moonhigh, it should be shining. I belive that's where your mentor comes in."


Sun // Living Characters // Deceased Characters
Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony 713E5771-31B2-4EA8-B75F-EC3A67DB4C32
Turtlefur || Tom || RiverClan T5 Warrior || Requirements || #cc9900
Goldenstar || She-cat || WindClan T5 Leader || Requirements || burlywood
Lynxpetal || She-cat || SkyClan Queen || darkblue
Lightningpaw || Tom || WindClan Apprentice || #dfd47e
Creekpaw || She-cat || RiverClan Apprentice || #4c5682
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meme police

meme police

Characters : Antkit, Dipperkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/kit, ShadowClan/kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 1976
Age : 22

Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony   Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony EmptyMon 26 Dec 2011 - 9:01

"Uh..Ok." Sarrowkit mewed, her voice cracked with fear. She looked at the cave. The gloomy place loomed over her. She felt a weird--vibe, coming form it if you could say, but she stepped forward and padded down and through to pitch black tunnel, until she saw a large, silver rock, illuminated with moonshine, seeming to be sprinkled with stardust. "The Moonstone! Wow! It's better than I thought!" She stepped fourth, laid her nose to the rock, shivered, then fell asleep.

Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony 2q1rq6u

Art credit to Grey.
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Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony   Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony EmptyFri 30 Dec 2011 - 15:32

fail on my part.

"Greeting, Sarrowkit." Ebonyroot stood before the small she-cat in the middle of the clearing which could look like a patch of ThunderClan land. There were lots of cats standing around, some she might recognize, most she wouldn't; they all had a connection to her in some way though. "Is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?" she asked.


Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony PDt1Qqd Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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meme police

meme police

Characters : Antkit, Dipperkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/kit, ShadowClan/kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 1976
Age : 22

Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony   Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony EmptySat 31 Dec 2011 - 5:19

"It is" Sarrowkit replied, chest puffed out, eyes shining, voice proud and confident.

OOC-Yes, Eebz, major fail.

Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony 2q1rq6u

Art credit to Grey.
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Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony   Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony EmptySat 31 Dec 2011 - 11:54

i'm sorry. ono

"Then come forward." Ebonyroot nodded to the small she-cat, stepping back as she did so, so that the whole of StarClan could see her before them. "Warriors of StarClan, I present to you this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal your clan in accordance to your will." her voice echoed out through the clearing and she turned back to the ThunderClan cat.
"Sarrowkit, until you have earn your warrior name, you will be known as Sarrowpaw. I, as well as others, will guide you in your dreams as well as life in this journey. Serve your clan well." The calico she-cat leaned forward and touched noses with the newly-named Sarrowpaw.

And all StarClan rejoiced in their approval.
"Sarrowpaw! Sarrowpaw!"


Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony PDt1Qqd Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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meme police

meme police

Characters : Antkit, Dipperkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/kit, ShadowClan/kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 1976
Age : 22

Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony   Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony EmptySat 31 Dec 2011 - 13:09

OOC-This topic done now? And I need the link of my Sarrowpaw pic....Again.

Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony 2q1rq6u

Art credit to Grey.
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PostSubject: Re: Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony   Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony Empty

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Sarrowkit's Apprentice ceremony
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