Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic

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Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 9353
Age : 26

Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic Empty
PostSubject: Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic   Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic EmptyThu 2 Jun 2011 - 18:36

"Nero." said the boy with bluish hair. He had light green eyes and wore a light red and blue shirt. His pants were the same blue/black, with light red boots The boy next to him wore a blue shirt, with dark brown hair. Professor Juniper blinked. "Well, alright. And you are?" she pointed to the brown haired boy. Nero glanced at him narrow eyed, waiting to head off on the journey. "Jace." the boy said, with the same want in his eyes. "We are here for our starter Pokemon!"
The professor clapped. "Wonderful! We just got new ones today! Please, come in!"
There was a click at the door of the lab. Leaves blew all around Nuvema Town, as the two cautiously went in, Nero still narrow eyed. He was always the cool, layed back type, and was constantly impatient. Jace, on the other hand, was always excited, and striving to finish anything he started. They turned into a small room, and were greeted by two small Pokemon, blinking. "Alright, you two." Juniper said, appearing from behind the wall. "A girl picked up Tepig a little while ago. Sorry about that!"
Jace blinked, while Nero walked forward. "That's alright. Let's just go."
He walked towards the silver table, eyeing the green snake. He knelt down, putting his face in front of it. They both had an epic stare off for a bit, each with an expressionless countenance. "Alright. I think I found mine." Nero said sternly. Jace rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I guess you are coming with me Oshawott." he said smiling. Oshawott beamed. "Osha Oshawott!" it cried. Jace laughed, and Snivy climbed to Nero's shoulder. "Alright you two." Juniper said, presenting them with two bags. "In here contains your Pokedex, Five Pokeballs, and Your starter's Pokeball."
The two trainers looked at each other, and grinned. "Let's start our journey, Nero." Jace said, returning his Pokemon into his Pokeball. Nero grinned, already almost out the door. "Way ahead of ya!"

i used to administrate but the man tore me down

Last edited by COLA KING! on Sat 4 Jun 2011 - 10:30; edited 1 time in total
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Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 9353
Age : 26

Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic   Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic EmptyFri 3 Jun 2011 - 13:26

It was a breezy day as they made their way up route 1. Flower Petals from the trees blew over the path, chased by groups of Lillipup. Jace admired the things, and grinned. "I need to catch one." he promised himself, as Nero walked by, one eye closed. "Those things? Puh-lease! They are stupid looking."
Jace seemed hurt by that comment. "Lillipup are amazing! And one of them will be mine!" he chanted, turning towards a random one. "Oshawott, let's go!"
The scarlet and pearl sphere glowed as it was released from Jace's hand, and a red light zapped out. Oshawott appeared, smiling but with a wicked expression nevertheless. "Razor Shell, full throttle!" Jace shouted the commands, and Oshawott did so, its small feet shuffling as fast as they could as he went to deliver the attack. Of course, it was not very fast, and Lillipup blinked before ramming the otter with a Tackle attack. Oshawott flung back. "No!" Jace howled, as Nero leaned against a tree, laughing. "That was pathetic." he pointed out, wiping tears off his eyes. Jace turned to him with an angry expression. "Shut up." he hissed through gritted teeth, before turning. "Let's go, Oshawott! Water Gun!"
Direct Hit. Lillipup umbled over, and winced, getting up slowly, but not all the way there. "There we go! Use Razor Shell before it gets up!"
Oshawott once again charged, but this time, hit the little puppy Pokemon before it could react. It flew, yelping. "Pokeball!" Jace said, grinning. "Go."


"So." Nero sighed, as the city of Accumula came into view. "You caught your first Pokemon. Big whoop. There wasn't much up that route anyhow."
Jace was still smiling, as he held his new partner's chamber in his hand. "Well, it is almost night. We should hit the Pokemon Center in time though."
Nero stared at the orange sky, nodding. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go."
He ran down the road. Jace blinked. "H-hey wait up!" he yelled, chasing his friend. They both caressed down the small hill towards Accumula Town.

i used to administrate but the man tore me down
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Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 9353
Age : 26

Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic   Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic EmptyFri 3 Jun 2011 - 20:28

*read Chapter 3 of Moon's story to see what Ghestis said*

The odd man Ghestis walked into the limousine, and the crowd that was around him scurried. Jace shuffled Lillipup's Pokeball in his hand uneasily, and backed up slowly. "L-let's go to the Pokemon Cen-"
He spun around just to bump into someone. He fell to the ground, and looked up to see a girl. She had light, almost cyan, blue eyes, and wore a bleach white and pink cap. She had a bag the same color, and wore a white shirt with a sleeveless black jacket. Her shorts were.....short. "Hey there." she said blinking. "Sorry about that. That odd man threw me off guard." she then smiled, extending a hand. "I am Wite. Wite Blacksmith. What is your name."
Jace excepted the hand, getting to his feet, as Nero casually walked over, after seeing four odd trainers bickering in the square Ghestis ranted in. "Jace Morlan." he said. Nero butted in. "And I am Nero Gray." he introduced himself, shaking her hand. She grinned. "You seem like trainers, no?" she asked, before grinning. "How about we have a double battle. You can each use 1 Pokemon, and I'll use two."
The two boys exchanged glances, and nodded. "Alright. Let's do this." they both said. Wite laughed. "Perfect!" she shouted with glee, ejecting two Pokeballs from her bag. "Tepig! Deerling! Let's go!"
"Oh darn." Jace sighed. "Go, Oshawott!"
The Pokeball soared threw the air, and the otter appeared. Nero grinned. "You must be the one who took Juniper's other starter. Well, go Snivy!" he ordered, as the bipedal lizard popped out. They both looked anxious to fight.
"Oshawott! Water Gun on Tepig!"
"Use a Leaf Tornado on Deerling, Snivy!"
Oshawott fired a Cannon of water, expecting for it to hit. Put, the Tepig was fast for it's type, and dodged it barely, being only singed by the rushing water. The Leaf Tornado hit, but hardly did anything. Wite grinned. "My turn!
Tepig! Ember on Snivy!
Deerling! Giga Drain on Oshawott!"
Both attacks hit the panicking Pokemon. "Unbelievable!" Nero said in awe. When the smoke cleared, both Oshawott and Snivy were fainted. "You did good..." praised Jace, returning O
"You too Snivy."


"So, you two are going on a journey?" Wite asked, as the three were seated in an Accumula City restaurant. "What a coincidence! I'm going on one too."
The too boys looked at each other, saying nothing. Wite cleared her throat. "How about we all go on one together?" she insinuated. Jace just nodded, and Nero said. "Sure, why not." in a monotone voice. Wite flicked her hand. "Anyhow, you two need more training if you want your Pokemon to be decent, liiike mine!" she gushed. Nero sighed. "Shut up, will you?" he breathed, too inaudible for her to hear. Jace snickered, looking out the window. "Well, guys, after this, it is off to Striaton City, and our first Gym Battle."
The two others nodded. "Yes." they both said at the same time. Tomorrow, all three would be setting off on their continuing journey. A journey across Unova.

i used to administrate but the man tore me down
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Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 9353
Age : 26

Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic   Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic EmptySat 4 Jun 2011 - 10:15

Chapter 4

Nero glared at the Pokemon. The team was journeying down route two, but Nero had suddenly stopped. A Purrloin was licking it's paw and brushing it over it's head, unaware of the human glaring at it. Well, until a few moments later, when it looked up at him with round eyes and blinked. It meowed at him, and Nero smiled. "Alright, buddy, let's battle." he out of nowhere said. Jace glared at him. "You thinking about catching that?" he asked his friend, and Wite couldn't contain her excitement. "It's so cute! Look at those wittle paws! Catch it for me, Nero!"
Nero grinned wickedly, grabbing a Pokeball. "Suure thing! Snivy, Let's go!"
He threw the Pokeball, and out popped the lizard. It's red reptilian eyes glistened, and looked at the dark blue cat. Wait, blue!?
Nero knew the cat looked odd. "I-it's shiny!" he said. Wite cheered. "All the more reason to catch it!"
Nero outstretched a hand, pointing at Purrloin. "Tackle, now!" he called. With great speed compared to Oshawott, it was a hit. Purrloin flew back, but got up fine, before using a bite attack. It sunk it's teeth into Snivy's tail. "Shake it off!" ordered Nero. An angry Snivy did a flip and made the kitten fly into a tree, putting it in a daze. "Let's go, Pokeball!" Nero called, throwing the capture device. Red light enveloped Purrloin, and after a couple of shakes, it was caught. Nero hesitated, before smiling, picking up his very proud Snivy. "I have a shiny Pokemon!" he shouted triumphantly. Jace had a gloomy expression. "Lucky..." he sighed. But then straightened up. "I don't need a shiny Pokemon to be stronger than you!"
Nero laughed. "Let's see about that. 2 on 2 Pokemon Battle, now!"
Wite then stopped them. "Jace, don't do this. Oshawott is weak to Snivy. Wait a bit longer before you guys have a battle."
Jace hesitated, then sighed. "She is right. I'll get stronger, then we will see who would win a battle."
Nero frowned. "Fine Fine. Let's just go."
They walked off, not noticing the shady character behind them. "Lord N." he whispered into a bluetooth attached to his ear. "Shall I jump out now?"
"No." the voice on the other end said. "Just see what they are up to.."
There was hesitation, then the line went dead.

i used to administrate but the man tore me down
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Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 9353
Age : 26

Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic   Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic EmptySat 4 Jun 2011 - 10:40


The Trainer descriptions have been edited to look like this:

Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic WiteBlacksmirth

Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic JaceMorlan

Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic Nerogray *Purrloin is Shiny

i used to administrate but the man tore me down
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Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 9353
Age : 26

Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic   Pokemon Gray: Black and White fanfic EmptySat 4 Jun 2011 - 11:37

Chapter 5

The three trainers walked into the busy Striaton City, all looking around in glee. "Wow!" Wite said admiringly. "This is such a wonderful city! I need to go shopping, and get all new clothes, an-"
Nero whacked the back of her head. "Stop. talking." he sighed. "We are here to find the Gym, and get our next badge."
The three continued walking, until they stopped. There was a Pokemon scream coming from a nearby alleyway. Nero perked up, and Jace called: "Let's go!"
They ran down the narrow road, and came across two people in medieval uniforms. They looked like the people from that speech in Accumula Town. They were closing in on two Pokemon, an odd bug and what looked like a small helmet. "Hey! Back off!" Wite screamed, and the two turned around. "How dare you interrupt Team Plasma grunts at work." The male said. The female flipped some hair in the way of her face. "You kids will pay. They both sent out Pokemon. Jace and Nero released their Pokemon, leaving Wite to watch.
"Lillipup, go!"
"You too, Purrloin!"
The two Pokemon popped out. The female grunt clasped her hands together. "Ooooh, a shiny Pokemon." she screeched. "N'll be pleased. Go Woobat!"
The male grinned. "Come on out, Joltik!"
The electric spider and bat shaped like a puff ball appeared. "The spider is so small and cute." Wite gushed. Nero frowned. "Not the best time, Wite. Purrloin, use Dark Pulse on Woobat!"
Direct Hit. The bat flew into the wall, flapping it's wings as if to stop it. "Lillipup, Bite!"
The move finished Woobat off, as Lillipup disabled a wing. Woobat immediately fainted. The female grunt screamed with fury, while the male grunt grimaced. "Joltik, use Electro Ball!" he called, as the small spider created an electric sphere, throwing it at Purrloin. "Dodge!" Nero called, and the skilled shiny Pokemon evaded, as Lillipup was called to use Tackle by Jace. The move was performed, as well as a Dark Pulse by Purrloin, and The Grunts found themselves fleeing. Jace and Nero clapped, as Wite smiled, walking over to the scared Pokemon in the corner. "Oh look, a Shelmet and Karrablast." he announced. The two Pokemon exchanged glances, and ran at their saviors. Shelmet jumped at Jace, while Karrablast jumped at Nero. They both grinned. "You guys would like to come with us, right?" Nero asked. The two Pokemon nodded, and jumped into the trainer's bags. They each pulled out a Pokeball, and popped themselves into them, capturing themselves. "Wow.." hummed Jace. "That was easy."
Wite laughed, grabbing them both around the shoulders. "Well you two. On to the Striaton Gym!"
Jace and Nero nodded. "Right!"
Then, Jace started looking to the sky. "I wonder what the leader would be like."
"I think I have a clue." a voice said. Jace stopped daydreaming, and glanced at the man who said that. "And you are?"
The man chuckled. He had green hair, and wore a waiter's outfit. "My name is Cilan."

i used to administrate but the man tore me down
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