Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony

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3 posters


Number of posts : 2983
Gender : Unspecified

Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony   Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony EmptySat 15 Jun 2024 - 11:16

Rapidfire placed the fresh kill she had caught earlier that day on the pile and glanced around as the sun dipped lower as the late afternoon slowly turned to evening. A bit later than other ceremony's start times but Eaglefly had been slow coming back from their hunting patrol.

Nevertheless she did not want to delay this any further than it already had been. Hoping up to the tallrock she meowed out for the familar words of a ceremony to gather around.

"Windclan! Please gather around for another clan meeting!"

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Characters : [Bl]ackkit♀ | [Q]uickpaw♀
Clan/Rank : [Bl]-SC / Kit | [Q]-WC / App
Leo Snake
Number of posts : 2007
Gender : Any/All
Age : 22

Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony   Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony EmptySun 16 Jun 2024 - 0:38


Windclan • App • ♀ • 20 [hp] | 40 [ep] • #B0C4DE

At Rapidfire's familiar summon, Quickpaw anxiously sat down to wait for the ceremony to begin. She was really hoping for either Falconkit's or Moldkit's name to be called. They were the last of her siblings yet to have received a ceremony. She was sure the rest were also hoping for the same thing. It's just been so long, and it's about time to finish up their litter.

Despite this, she was determined to maintain her positive attitude. Any new friends were always welcome. She wanted to get to know as many of her clanmates as she could!

Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony Blackclover-Headshot-1Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony Quicksilver-Headshot-1

Click on either head to go to the respective profile! (N/A yet)
Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony 1f340 Blackkit of Shadowclan Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony 1f340』║『 Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony 1f4a8 Quickpaw of Windclan Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony 1f4a8
Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony 1f340 Kit | 10 [HP] - 20 [SP] Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony 1f340』║『Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony 1f4a8 App | 20 [HP] - 40 [SP] Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony 1f4a8
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Characters : [C]loudpaw [l]ightningpaw [f]irekit [c]atapillarkit
Clan/Rank : [C] Shadowclan apprentice [l] outsider [m] rogue
Number of posts : 85
Gender : Unspecified

Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony   Firekit's Apprentice Ceremony EmptyMon 17 Jun 2024 - 2:34

firekit watched from the nursery, she just padded to the back to watch rapidfire stood up on the rock they held ceremony's. her eyes would look towards rapidfire the new deputy that had taken sootstorms place after he died. she saw quickpaw gather under the rock for the meeting, her eyes would dart from the busy clearing to other things happening around camp. but she would still focus on the meeting.

cloudkit | shadowclan | kit | 15/30 | #cc66ff
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