Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 They're Crazy! [Leopardstar]

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2 posters
Site Moderator
Site Moderator

Characters : [L]Lilyvalley, [E]Elmstorm, [R]Robinmist, [A]Adderpaw, [T]Thistlepaw
Clan/Rank : [L]ShadowClan T4 Warrior, [E]RiverClan T1 Warrior, [R]SkyClan Elder, [A]ThunderClan Apprentice, [T]WindClan Apprentice
Virgo Horse
Number of posts : 2391
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 21

They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Empty
PostSubject: They're Crazy! [Leopardstar]   They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] EmptyMon 20 May 2024 - 0:11

If we did what was easy
Getting back to camp had been painful after that fight with the WindClanner. Her leg had locked up, and her scratches stung. But eventually she had made it.

And the first place she went was Leopardstar's den. WindClan was clearly more of a problem than they had thought if they were this bold. What if they couldn't avoid war, after all?

"Leopardstar, I need to talk to you. We have a situation. Nettleweaver and I encountered a WindClan cat well beyond the border. She attacked as soon as I confronted her. I think she may be sick in the head, because she had come to our territory looking for a fight, and truly enjoying it. Like she just wanted trouble. I think she may have been trying to kill me, as well. She was one of their younger warriors, so I am afraid I don't know her name."

What Lilyvalley did not say was how she was scared of what this could mean. This was either a cat that WindClan could not control, and was very dangerous, or WindClan had purposefully sent her, and they as a whole were looking for war.

She didn't like the thought of either of those options.
Then there wouldn't be anything to live for.
ShadowClan • T3 Warrior • She/Her • #6e174c
Credits: coding - xaandiir | image 1 | image 2 | image 3 | image 4 | image 5 | image 6


They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Sfr52They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Sfr5bThey're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Sfr5LThey're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Sfr5KThey're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Sfr59
Click Icons for Profiles
They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] SfPQh
They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] SYgf1
Art by Copper
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Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : | Leopardstar | Nightdancer | Lightningbreeze | Mistflower | Scarletflare |
Clan/Rank : | ShadowClan Leader | ThunderClan Warrior | SkyClan Warrior | SkyClan Warrior | RiverClan Warrior |
Gemini Cat
Number of posts : 6106
Gender : she/her
Age : 25

They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Empty
PostSubject: Re: They're Crazy! [Leopardstar]   They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] EmptyMon 17 Jun 2024 - 10:03

i've given up on counting blessings
Leopardstar was stretched out next to her den, surveying the camp in a rare period of rest, when Lilyvalley approached her; ears tilting slightly toward the warrior. She still wasn't sure how to regard her late mate's sister in the day-to-day, but had at least reached the point where she could hold her gaze without flinching.

This news, however, caused her to freeze for different reasons. "A trespasser tried to kill you?" she asked, wanting to be absolutely certain she had heard correctly. "How did they even make it so far into our territory? Only ShadowClan cats are taught how to travel safely through the marsh."

Realizing her words could be taken the wrong way, she flicked her tail. "You certainly look like you've had a hard time, Lilyvalley. Please don't take my concern as not believing your word--after this conversation, I fully expect you to head to the medicine den for treatment, but I need to know as much as possible so this matter may be dealt with."

There was a familiar ice-cold burn of pure fury running through her veins, that seeped into her words, but she stilled her paws. Allowing that anger to guide her once had cost her almost everything she had ever loved. She couldn't keep from feeling it, but she could attempt to avoid acting upon it. Stars, was this what had driven Nightstalker--Vipershade--to that madness?

Perhaps it was the curse of leadership itself. Who was to say? He was dead, his thoughts on the matter lost to whichever afterlife had bothered to accept him, and good riddance.

"Explain to me, in as much detail as you're able, what happened. After that, you will receive medical attention and rest as long as you need."
the gods can judge me when i'm dead || code (c) kieer

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[character pages]
Leopardstar ~ Nightdancer ~ Lightningbreeze ~ Mistflower ~ Scarletflare ~ Mint
ShadowClan ~ ThunderClan ~ SkyClan ~ SkyClan ~ RiverClan ~ Guardian of Twilight
Leader ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Rogue
Tier 5 ~ Tier 5 ~ Tier 3 ~ Tier 3 ~ Tier 1 ~ Tier 1
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Site Moderator
Site Moderator

Characters : [L]Lilyvalley, [E]Elmstorm, [R]Robinmist, [A]Adderpaw, [T]Thistlepaw
Clan/Rank : [L]ShadowClan T4 Warrior, [E]RiverClan T1 Warrior, [R]SkyClan Elder, [A]ThunderClan Apprentice, [T]WindClan Apprentice
Virgo Horse
Number of posts : 2391
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 21

They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Empty
PostSubject: Re: They're Crazy! [Leopardstar]   They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] EmptyTue 18 Jun 2024 - 3:43

If we did what was easy
Lilyvalley nodded in confirmation, before she started recounting the events.

"We were out on patrol, and we were just going to check out the WindClan border after everything that had happened. Just to make sure they didn't move it again. We didn't even make it to the border when we saw her, though. We weren't even close to the border. And she was just kicking things around, like she wanted to be seen. I told her to leave, and she just attacked me."

Now for the most disturbing part of the story. The image of this cat actually sent chills down her spine.

"Nettleweaver came and joined the fight, and this cat... I have never heard anyone make the kind of sound she did. She got so mad when she started losing. That WindClanner wasn't right in the head. I am genuinely scared of what she is capable of. She has no concern for others, or for rules. I think she genuinely finds joy in causing pain. I had never known such a disturbing cat could exist. I don't know what code she follows, but it certainly isn't the Warrior code, nor even any moral code that I could think of."

Her eyes scrunched up in thought. The Clans had known of some horrible cats. But none like this one. Lilyvalley didn't want to admit it, but this cat scared her.

"I can travel with you to WindClan if you needed me to point her out. I think this needs to be brought to Tigerstar's attention. Whether he was aware of her actions or not, this cat is dangerous."
Then there wouldn't be anything to live for.
ShadowClan • T4 Warrior • She/Her • #6e174c
Credits: coding - xaandiir | image 1 | image 2 | image 3 | image 4 | image 5 | image 6


They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Sfr52They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Sfr5bThey're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Sfr5LThey're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Sfr5KThey're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Sfr59
Click Icons for Profiles
They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] SfPQh
They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] SYgf1
Art by Copper
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Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : | Leopardstar | Nightdancer | Lightningbreeze | Mistflower | Scarletflare |
Clan/Rank : | ShadowClan Leader | ThunderClan Warrior | SkyClan Warrior | SkyClan Warrior | RiverClan Warrior |
Gemini Cat
Number of posts : 6106
Gender : she/her
Age : 25

They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Empty
PostSubject: Re: They're Crazy! [Leopardstar]   They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] EmptyThu 20 Jun 2024 - 2:04

i've given up on counting blessings
The spotted leader took in the story, making a mental note to track down Nettleweaver after this conversation for further context. Though at Lilyvalley's suggestion, she shook her head vehemently. "No, absolutely not. Not while we're uncertain of the reasoning for the attack; a small patrol guiding an injured cat through a potential threat's territory, almost certainly in the company of a larger patrol from a Clan we've had famously awful relations with? No. Not while you're hurt, at the very least."

Still, it wasn't something she could ignore. Not while her warriors were in danger. "That said, the situation is deeply concerning and must be addressed as quickly and as safely as possible. As such, the matter will be raised at the quarter-moon, and the Clan can discuss potential courses of action as a collective; but I am vetoing that particular suggestion for the sake of avoiding unnecessary risks."

Leopardstar sighed, a weary sound that was far too familiar to her. "I think that's everything I needed to hear for the moment. Please, have Heatherberry tend to your wounds and then get some rest. In the meantime, I still need to speak with Nettleweaver."
the gods can judge me when i'm dead || code (c) kieer

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[character pages]
Leopardstar ~ Nightdancer ~ Lightningbreeze ~ Mistflower ~ Scarletflare ~ Mint
ShadowClan ~ ThunderClan ~ SkyClan ~ SkyClan ~ RiverClan ~ Guardian of Twilight
Leader ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Warrior ~ Rogue
Tier 5 ~ Tier 5 ~ Tier 3 ~ Tier 3 ~ Tier 1 ~ Tier 1
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They're Crazy! [Leopardstar] Empty
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They're Crazy! [Leopardstar]
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