Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 A Simple Misunderstanding [C]

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3 posters
Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]iretreader ; [M]oonpaw ; [L]kaios ; †[C]edarstalk ; †[S]ilentpaw
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] T4 WC Hybrid MC ; [W] T3 TC Warrior ; [F] T1 SkC Warrior ; [M] WC Apprentice ; †[C] T2 TC Warrior ; †[S] RC App
Number of posts : 965
Gender : He/Him

A Simple Misunderstanding [C] Empty
PostSubject: A Simple Misunderstanding [C]   A Simple Misunderstanding [C] EmptyMon May 06, 2024 9:11 pm

Rank: T2 Warrior

("Feral Language")
("Forest Language")

It was a bright, beautiful day and Wiggleworm found himself absolutely unable to resist the urge to go on a stroll. He'd been busy the past few days with nothing that wasn't his own decision honestly. Mostly, he spent his time hunting and playing with his young nieces and nephews, but it was nice to get out of the camp and take some time to himself for a change. Life in ThunderClan had been calm for the most part, though several cats had gone missing lately. It was concerning, to say the least, which was what spurred this sudden walk.

He just needed some time to clear his head and think. Mostly about Silverdusk to be honest, but also about his future in ThunderClan. Vinecrawler and Quailprowler seemed to be leagues ahead of him - they already had kits - and even Crocusfrost was thriving as a warrior. Where did that leave him? What legacy would he leave if he were to die today? He liked to think he'd have kits eventually who would carry on his story, but what if Silverdusk didn't want kits?

They weren't...officially mates or anything, but that's where their relationship was heading, right? With a sigh, Wiggleworm trotted deeper into the forest, his dark eyes narrowed as the trees began to thin out. He'd gotten rather close to fourtrees now and the small strip of land that seperated ThunderClan and WindClan was within sight. Humming, Wiggleworm approached the border and sat down to stare at the moor, his eyes squinted as he adjusted to the brightness.

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Characters : Comfreyheart, Marigoldpaw, Fernpaw, Hornetpaw, Maggot, Mushroomkit, Herringkit
Clan/Rank : [C] Thunderclan T5 Permaqueen [M] Windclan Apprentice [F] Shadowclan Apprentice [H] Skyclan Apprentice [Mg] Outsider Kitten [Mu] Thunderclan Kitten [He] Riverclan Kitten
Cancer Rat
Number of posts : 1482
Gender : he/him
Age : 16

A Simple Misunderstanding [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Simple Misunderstanding [C]   A Simple Misunderstanding [C] EmptyThu May 16, 2024 7:00 pm

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.

Those who saw Marigoldpaw leave camp might wonder why he was in such a rush. The tom was fleeing from another confrontation, and by confrontation, that meant someone simply mentioning the cats who had recently passed away or gone missing. Cats that Marigoldpaw had barely even gotten to know before they... disappeared. All he could recall were their names, and perhaps oddly enough, the color of their eyes. Why did he know that but he couldn't remember a single conversation with them? The tom padded quicker, telling the nearest clanmate he would catch up with the border patrol before slipping out the camp's exit.

He stood still gazing upon the rolling fields ahead of him, eyeing the horizon in which the forested edge of those plains marked the territory's border. Light wind batted his ears playfully, cooling the steam off his neck while urging him to calm down. Marigoldpaw closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Since he would rather not break the rules today, the apprentice's paws kicked off toward where the sun-high patrol was headed.

Eventually, the patrol came to pass the Thunderclan border near Fourtrees. His clanmates were ready to move on quickly, but... Marigoldpaw had never been this close to the woods before, except for Gatherings. And even with the full moon's light it was hard to see much other than what trees to avoid. But as he stood there peering into the dense, green, lush forest he felt impulses tug at his paws. "I'll catch up!" he called to the patrol. "I need a break. To... you know..." The senior warrior rolled their eyes before dismissing Marigoldpaw, who then stood alone in the tall grass. I'll just get a quick look. Won't even go over the border, he told himself as he cautiously began crossing into the shade of giant trees. Only pushing the rules a liiittle bit. No real harm.

Marigoldpaw | He/Him | Apprentice | Adult | Appearance | Playlist | #fc8c00

coding by #karmaa


- Plotting | Chart | Profiles -

WC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
SC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
SkC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
T1 Rogue
20 HP / 60 SP
TC Kitten
10 HP / 30 SP
RC Kitten
10 HP / 30 SP

Last edited by Lapis on Fri May 24, 2024 1:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]iretreader ; [M]oonpaw ; [L]kaios ; †[C]edarstalk ; †[S]ilentpaw
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] T4 WC Hybrid MC ; [W] T3 TC Warrior ; [F] T1 SkC Warrior ; [M] WC Apprentice ; †[C] T2 TC Warrior ; †[S] RC App
Number of posts : 965
Gender : He/Him

A Simple Misunderstanding [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Simple Misunderstanding [C]   A Simple Misunderstanding [C] EmptyMon May 20, 2024 10:48 pm

Rank: T2 Warrior

("Feral Language")
("Forest Language")

Wiggleworm's eyes narrowed as the tiny silhouettes of cats in the distance caught his attention. It was undoubtedly a WindClan patrol of some kind, but he'd never seen them before much less taken the time to talk to any WindClanners at gatherings. They were thin little things, their bodies nothing but solid muscle. Briefly, he wondered how they stayed warm on the moor before one of them broke off from the rest of the group and headed his way. His tail twitched as the WindClanner approached and he lowered himself to the ground uncertainly. It wasn't often their small stretch of border was patrolled - but he was certain there hadn't been any recent trespassers. 

Though, why was this stranger getting so close? From the size of him, he looked to be a warrior and not afraid at all of the consequences that came with crossing the border. Wiggleworm glanced down at the WindClan warrior's paws that rested just atop the scent line. With a snarl, the massive warrior crept closer to where the WindClanner stood, his dark eyes narrowed. He didn't speak as he approached, wanting to let the other tom at least try to explain himself. Ears flattened, he bared his teeth and regarded the WindClanner uncertainly.

[Nectarflower] T5 WC Permaqueen
[Hemlockfox] T4 WC Hybrid Medicine Cat
[Wiggleworm] T3 TC Warrior
[Firetreader] T1 SkC Warrior
[Moonpaw] WC Apprentice
[Lykaios] T1 Rogue
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Characters : Comfreyheart, Marigoldpaw, Fernpaw, Hornetpaw, Maggot, Mushroomkit, Herringkit
Clan/Rank : [C] Thunderclan T5 Permaqueen [M] Windclan Apprentice [F] Shadowclan Apprentice [H] Skyclan Apprentice [Mg] Outsider Kitten [Mu] Thunderclan Kitten [He] Riverclan Kitten
Cancer Rat
Number of posts : 1482
Gender : he/him
Age : 16

A Simple Misunderstanding [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Simple Misunderstanding [C]   A Simple Misunderstanding [C] EmptyThu Jun 20, 2024 9:30 pm

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.

Marigoldpaw gazed up into the canopy. Wow... It gave a slightly weird feeling but wasn't too different than a cloudy day. The tom smiled, thinking the specks of light peeking between leaves looked like the night sky. He looked ahead of him into the deep vastness of Thunderclan territory. He wondered what it'd be like under trees all the time. Wait, isn't that how Hemlockfox used to live? Isn't Skyclan a forest clan like Thunderclan? Marigoldpaw scoffed. If anything we should be called Skyclan then.

The tom lowered his long, grey-spotted, white neck to sniff a group of ferns. It smelled exactly like Thunderclan. He supposed it made sense they would smell like their environment. It didn't occur to him that he was smelling the borderline. Margioldpaw continued to enjoy his surroundings, becoming particularly interested in the birds chittering above him. His ears swiveled trying to try and pinpoint where one might be, but it was much too confusing without being able to see them. Then his ears discovered a different sound. A snarl.

He watched another cat creep toward him, a cat unlike any he was familiar with. There were big Skyclan cats, sure, but this one wasn't like them. His muscles rippled beneath odd tawny markings. Small ears, wide-set eyes, and large teeth. Marigoldpaw's own eyes grew a bit wider, his tail restless and ears flicked back. The apprentice shifted into a defensive position, his lips tempted to pull back and bare teeth in return. Was this a Thunderclan warrior? A rogue? Or... a predator? Whatever the case, he didn't seem friendly. One of the Windclanner's legs stretched behind him, preparing to make a quick move if attacked. I can probably outrun him, he thought, yet afraid he'd be forced to stand his ground.

Marigoldpaw | He/Him | Apprentice | Adult | Appearance | Playlist | #fc8c00

coding by #karmaa


- Plotting | Chart | Profiles -

WC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
SC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
SkC Apprentice
20 HP / 60 SP
T1 Rogue
20 HP / 60 SP
TC Kitten
10 HP / 30 SP
RC Kitten
10 HP / 30 SP

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Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]iretreader ; [M]oonpaw ; [L]kaios ; †[C]edarstalk ; †[S]ilentpaw
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] T4 WC Hybrid MC ; [W] T3 TC Warrior ; [F] T1 SkC Warrior ; [M] WC Apprentice ; †[C] T2 TC Warrior ; †[S] RC App
Number of posts : 965
Gender : He/Him

A Simple Misunderstanding [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Simple Misunderstanding [C]   A Simple Misunderstanding [C] EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 1:54 pm

Rank: T2 Warrior

("Feral Language")
("Forest Language")

Wiggleworm's dark gaze flickered to the WindClan warrior as he shifted back, poised to...what? Run? Attack? The spotted tom tensed and bared his fangs. He couldn't let this rival warrior make the first move! He was smaller, but probably a lot faster - not a cat he wanted to underestimate. With little warning, Wiggleworm launched himself at the WindClanner and bowled him into the ground, long claws hooked into his pelt. "What're you doing here?" He snarled in feral, a growl rumbling low in his throat. SkyClan had caused enough trouble in the past, they didn't need WindClan sticking their noses in where they didn't belong, too.

The tom didn't seem to understand, though, and with a jolt, Wiggleworm realized he'd forgotten to speak in the common forest tongue. So, with a huff, he jostled the WindClanner once more, claws pricking into his flesh. "I said-" He growled, "What are you doing here?" He doubted it was just a simple walk along the border - the other tom looked far too interested in those birds to have just been innocently observing. Something was up and he'd eat cat dirt before he let trouble brew under his nose a second time. Not with Silverdusk to look after.

Wiggleworm used Leap and Hold! -6 HP and -15 EP!
Marigoldpaw is pinned for 2 turns! (0/2)

40/40 HP
(-15) 85/100 EP

(-6) 14/20 HP
40/40 EP

[Nectarflower] T5 WC Permaqueen
[Hemlockfox] T4 WC Hybrid Medicine Cat
[Wiggleworm] T3 TC Warrior
[Firetreader] T1 SkC Warrior
[Moonpaw] WC Apprentice
[Lykaios] T1 Rogue

Last edited by GravisCordis on Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
Clan/Rank : RiverClanWarrior
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15438
Age : 30

A Simple Misunderstanding [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Simple Misunderstanding [C]   A Simple Misunderstanding [C] EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 1:54 pm

The member 'GravisCordis' has done the following action : Dice roll

'Effect Dice' : 4

~Founder/Owner of WCC~
~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
~Please pm Administrators with queries as I'm not active~
A Simple Misunderstanding [C] Mistpe10
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