Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 After the Fall [Open]

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5 posters
Site Moderator
Site Moderator

Characters : [L]Lilyvalley, [E]Elmstorm, [R]Robinmist, [A]Adderpaw, [T]Thistlepaw
Clan/Rank : [L]ShadowClan T4 Warrior, [E]RiverClan T1 Warrior, [R]SkyClan Elder, [A]ThunderClan Apprentice, [T]WindClan Apprentice
Virgo Horse
Number of posts : 2394
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 21

After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptyFri 22 Mar 2024 - 21:08

Apprentice | RiverClan | He/Him

"I would give up everything in the world for you."

This topic takes place directly after this topic.

Elmpaw leaned against his chaperone as they made their way back into camp, before Elmpaw was passed off to someone in camp while the warrior went to inform Perchstar of what happened. Elmpaw hated the way he hissed in pain at the motion, but he hated even more the things that had been said to him. He knew that fox-hearted rogue was wrong. But he couldn't help that those words had gotten to him. He never knew his mother, after all. What else did he not know?

Instinctively, his eyes searched for Scorchlight and Sprucebark. He didn't even care about his injuries. His adoptive parents would have the answers he wanted, surely. They had to know.

discord: karunamaya  | timezone: edt | code (c) kieer | images: 1 2


After the Fall [Open] Sfr52After the Fall [Open] Sfr5bAfter the Fall [Open] Sfr5LAfter the Fall [Open] Sfr5KAfter the Fall [Open] Sfr59
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After the Fall [Open] SfPQh
After the Fall [Open] SYgf1
Art by Copper
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Former: Pansyface ♀, Leopardstar ♂, Finchstream ♀, Ryeheart ♂, Laurelsong ♀, Nightstorm ♂, Fernpetal ♀, Magpiepaw ♂, Chirp ♀, Ashflight ♂, Orchidmask ♀ Basilbloom ♀ | Current: Featherpaw ♀, Tigerkit ♂
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 3811
Gender : she/her
Age : 23

After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptySun 24 Mar 2024 - 14:55

I promise that you'll never find another like me ♡


Featherpaw lay in the shade of a low bush, taking her time eating a trout when she heard the reeds guarding the camp entrance rustle.  Looking up, ears perked, the creamy tabby she-cat gasped when she saw Elmpaw stagger in leaning against a warrior's side, clearly injured.  Abandoning her meal, she ran over to her friend and meowed, voice low and worried; "Elmpaw what happened?!  Are you okay?'  As the warrior went to fetch Perchstar Featherpaw pressed her flank against Elmpaw's side, trying to help support his weight despite being quite a bit smaller than him.  "Looks like you got into a fight...was it cool?"  Her last words were spoken in a whisper, the hint of a smirk upon her face.  "C'mon, let's go see Littlesplash."

discord: rainyheart  | timezone: pst | code (c) kieer

Featherpaw of RiverClan
Tigerkit of ShadowClan
After the Fall [Open] Feathe11
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After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptyMon 25 Mar 2024 - 12:16

Littlesplash at been near the mouth of the medicine cat's den, near the water's edge, seemingly just staring into the lazily flowing current. His mind had been shifting through several thoughts when the scent of blood caused his ears to perk and head to raise. The metallic smell and taste was a calling to the medicine cat, one that sent him immediately racing to Elmpaw's side.

While Featherpaw seemed lax about the ordeal, there was nothing casual about a bleeding apprentice leaning on a warrior's side. Something had clearly happened. He ignored the other apprentice to focus on his patient, ears and nose focused on assessing the wounds. They were clearly deep, still bleeding in places while others had crusted over. Finally he nodded, mulling over a list of herbs in his head.

"Get those wounds cleaned up in the water and then I'll cover them up." He look at Elmpaw concern in his eyes. There'd be time to question what had happened later. Although, his job wasn't really to question, was it? That was a thought for later. Finally, turning to Featherpaw, he asked, "Can you help him out?"
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Living: Bubblebeam [B], Dovetail [D], Hedgepaw [H], Larchbreeze [L]. Deceased/Missing: Tansyfoot, Turtlepelt, Morning, Longwhisker, Ryestep, Poolmist, Nettletail, Halfmoon, Freckleface, Lionfur, Shimmerheart, Breezewhisker, Honeydrop, Ashstar, Snowpaw, Brushgaze (NPC), Shellwater, Snowblossom, Quailfeather, Gingerstripe, Carat, Redwing, Graybriar, Pricklebush, Appledapple, Flutterpetal, Felix, Perchstar.
Clan/Rank : [B]: SkyClan T3 Warrior. [D]: RiverClan T4 Warrior. [H]: ShadowClan Apprentice. [L]: WindClan T2 Warrior.
Cancer Snake
Number of posts : 6837
Gender : She/Her - kitty was here <3
Age : 23

After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptyTue 26 Mar 2024 - 20:34

When Perchstar received the news that yet another apprentice had been hurt by a rogue, it shook her--momentarily--from her stupor of grief into a cloud of ire. Thankfully, her face still remained neutral as she stormed out of her den. But, stars, she was so tired of other threats rearing their ugly heads while she had so much else to worry about. And since it had only been an apprentice, and no warrior seemed to have had any wounds on them... either a warrior had failed to protect him, or in another Troutpaw situation, Elmpaw had broken the rules that were in place for his own safety and now faced the consequences. She did her best to hold back a sigh as she saw the claw marks covering Sprucebark's adopted son. "I hear there was a fight with a rogue," she said, narrowing her eyes in the apprentice's direction. Littlesplash was busy; he was doing his job, she wouldn't interrupt him. "While your wounds get treated, tell me about what happened. How did you end up in that situation?"

After the Fall [Open] 833dIG1

⸙ Larchbreeze ⸙ ~ ♡ Hedgepaw ♡ ~ ◈ Dovetail ◈ ~ ○ Bubblebeam ○
⸙ WindClan ⸙ ~ ♡ ShadowClan ♡ ~ ◈ RiverClan ◈ ~ ○ SkyClan ○
⸙ Tier 2 Warrior ⸙ ~ ♡ Apprentice ♡ ~ ◈ Tier 4 Warrior ◈ ~ ○ Tier 3 Warrior ○

~~PM me here or on Discord if you want a topic with any of my cats!~~
~Signature and Avatar by Xaandiir!~
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [P]oppyshine; [Pi]neblossom; [W]hisperear; [C]rookedlight; [L]arkspring; [Wi]llowwisp; [R]ashoumon
Clan/Rank : RC T5 Deputy; SC T5; WC T5; SkC T5; RC T4; RC T4; Rogue T1
Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 3060
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 25

After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptyTue 26 Mar 2024 - 21:11


Poppyshine was hurriedly at Perchstar’s side. They had ironically been discussing next week’s border patrol assignments when a warrior came with news of what had happened. She grimaced at seeing Elmpaw’s injuries but Littlesplash was already at the ready. Another rogue attack…It was more than worrisome. She wondered if other clans were dealing with so many rogue attacks as well. Maybe that was something to ask the other deputies at the next gathering.
RiverClan • Tier 5 • Deputy • She/Her • 70 | 160 • #669966
Credits: code inspiration - 1 2 |  image 1 | image 2 | image 3

PineblossomT5 ShadowClan
WillowwispT5 RiverClan
RashoumonT1 Rogue
LarkspringT5 RiverClan
PoppystarT5 RiverClan Leader
BlazekitWindClan Kit
(not pictured)
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Characters : Scorchlight | ✝️ Hazelpaw | ✝️ Brightsplit | ✝️ Cedarpaw | Ivypaw | Mistypaw
Clan/Rank : Riverclan T4 warrior | Shadowclan Kit
Aries Rat
Number of posts : 564
Gender : She/her - Romantica wuz here
Age : 16

After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptySun 31 Mar 2024 - 3:21

Scorchlight frantically ran out of the warrior’s den, her fur messy since she had not spared a minute to groom it, after she heard Elmpaw was injured. She saw cats surround her son, and she blinked, shocked and worried. StarClan was like this—she was used to it; her mentor died, her apprentice died, and now her son didn’t deserve death. Who was next, Sprucebark? She pushed past all of the cats. "Elmpaw!" she exclaimed, placing her head on his back. "Who did this? What happened?!" About a million more questions buzzed through her mind as she stared at her son, hurt. This was her fault—she wasn’t there, wasn’t there to save him—a mother unable to protect her own son. Even adoptive, it didn’t matter; she had failed him, like she had failed Troutpaw, hadn’t she?


Scorchlight | Riverclan Tier 4 Warrior

Burntkit | kit

Local prankster :D
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Site Moderator
Site Moderator

Characters : [L]Lilyvalley, [E]Elmstorm, [R]Robinmist, [A]Adderpaw, [T]Thistlepaw
Clan/Rank : [L]ShadowClan T4 Warrior, [E]RiverClan T1 Warrior, [R]SkyClan Elder, [A]ThunderClan Apprentice, [T]WindClan Apprentice
Virgo Horse
Number of posts : 2394
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 21

After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptyTue 2 Apr 2024 - 3:41

Apprentice | RiverClan | He/Him

"I would give up everything in the world for you."

So much was going on, that it made Elmpaw's head hurt. There was so many cats, he had not been expecting so much attention.

Featherpaw had been the first cat to arrive by his side, and he was thankful for the support of his friend. And of course there was that same spark in her eyes as there always was. Elmpaw would have laughed if it didn't hurt so much. "I don't think cool is the word I would use." Despite his words, there was a slight smirk on his face. He couldn't help it. As awful as he felt, Featherpaw's energy just had that kind of effect.

Before the pair could even get to the medicine den, Littlesplash was already at his side, and had ordered Elmpaw to wash up by the river. With a stiff nod, the apprentice complied, laying down in the shallow water. He let out a sigh as the cool liquid flowed over his wounds, easing his pain ever so slightly.

Both Perchstar and Poppyshine had also approached by then, and Elmpaw visibly cringed as the leader demanded to know what happened. Oh, he was so in trouble. Scorchlight also had appeared, frantic as she came, also wanting an explanation. And truthfully, he hated seeing the fear in Scorchlight's eyes, clearly worried for him. That wasn't a feeling he had wanted to cause her. All the questions he had wanted to ask her about what that rogue said seemed to die on his tongue. She didn't need more to worry about. So instead, he just stuck to explaining.

"I, uh, I had gone out hunting, and I swear I did have a warrior with me, Perchstar! We were going out to the Beech Copse, and I, uh, I guess he had fallen behind at some point. I don't know. I just turned around and he wasn't there anymore. But I was already at the copse, so I just, you know, I thought he would catch up! So I tried to hunt! B-but that stupid rogue was on our territory, and he stole the mouse I was hunting! And, uh, the code says we need to challenge trespassers, so I did! But the whole time, he was just..." He was just playing with me. It was just a game, he was enjoying making me suffer. One more look at Scorchlight kept him from saying those words out loud, and he just let his eyes fall to the ground, his jaw clenching in anger.

"I should have had him! I should have been stronger! And the fox-heart just ran off like a coward afterwards! I swear to StarClan, if I see him again, I will beat him." I'll kill him.

discord: karunamaya  | timezone: edt | code (c) kieer | images: 1 2


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After the Fall [Open] SfPQh
After the Fall [Open] SYgf1
Art by Copper
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Living: Bubblebeam [B], Dovetail [D], Hedgepaw [H], Larchbreeze [L]. Deceased/Missing: Tansyfoot, Turtlepelt, Morning, Longwhisker, Ryestep, Poolmist, Nettletail, Halfmoon, Freckleface, Lionfur, Shimmerheart, Breezewhisker, Honeydrop, Ashstar, Snowpaw, Brushgaze (NPC), Shellwater, Snowblossom, Quailfeather, Gingerstripe, Carat, Redwing, Graybriar, Pricklebush, Appledapple, Flutterpetal, Felix, Perchstar.
Clan/Rank : [B]: SkyClan T3 Warrior. [D]: RiverClan T4 Warrior. [H]: ShadowClan Apprentice. [L]: WindClan T2 Warrior.
Cancer Snake
Number of posts : 6837
Gender : She/Her - kitty was here <3
Age : 23

After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptyTue 2 Apr 2024 - 12:38

In a rare display of frustration, Perchstar's tail lashed once behind her as she listened to Elmpaw's explanation. Where were these rogues coming from? And more importantly, how did apprentices keep getting into fights with them alone? There were far more warriors than apprentices. She had implemented safety measures to keep things like this from happening, and yet Troutpaw had died and Elmpaw had apparently barely escaped with his life. What was she supposed to do? Hunt down every rogue and kill them? Start another battle, like the one for which all her Clanmates currently hated her, and possibly injure real innocents this time? She wanted to believe that not all outsiders were bad. They couldn't have been; she had met a good one. And yet these things kept happening.

"You will do no such thing," the leader said stiffly, her narrowed eyes staring at the overconfident apprentice. How could he be so conceited when he was currently covered in wounds? "If you found yourself alone in the territory, you should have gone back to find your companion immediately. Though the Code says to challenge trespassers, you should have gone back for assistance. Apprentices are not to challenge enemies alone, whether they be predator, rogue, or enemy Clan cat. Both you and the warrior are at fault for failing to stay together. You are very lucky that you did not die." She was tired of losing Clanmates for fish-brained reasons. If Elmpaw did not know how to follow the rules, he would just have to learn. This was not a time for soft paws; if she was lenient on him now, he would continue to make mistakes and to think what he had done was right. Perchstar shook her head. "For the next moon, you are grounded to camp. You will not be going on border patrols, or going to the Gathering. Use this time to heal from your wounds, and to reflect on what it was you did wrong." She gave a nod to Littlesplash, then turned to look at Poppyshine. This was an important thing to discuss. Despite whatever strangeness lay between them since the war... this was an issue that was currently affecting their Clan. Perhaps they ought to mention it at the Gathering, to ensure that the other Clans were informed too.

After the Fall [Open] 833dIG1

⸙ Larchbreeze ⸙ ~ ♡ Hedgepaw ♡ ~ ◈ Dovetail ◈ ~ ○ Bubblebeam ○
⸙ WindClan ⸙ ~ ♡ ShadowClan ♡ ~ ◈ RiverClan ◈ ~ ○ SkyClan ○
⸙ Tier 2 Warrior ⸙ ~ ♡ Apprentice ♡ ~ ◈ Tier 4 Warrior ◈ ~ ○ Tier 3 Warrior ○

~~PM me here or on Discord if you want a topic with any of my cats!~~
~Signature and Avatar by Xaandiir!~
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Site Moderator
Site Moderator

Characters : [L]Lilyvalley, [E]Elmstorm, [R]Robinmist, [A]Adderpaw, [T]Thistlepaw
Clan/Rank : [L]ShadowClan T4 Warrior, [E]RiverClan T1 Warrior, [R]SkyClan Elder, [A]ThunderClan Apprentice, [T]WindClan Apprentice
Virgo Horse
Number of posts : 2394
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 21

After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptyTue 2 Apr 2024 - 17:37

Apprentice | RiverClan | He/Him

"I would give up everything in the world for you."

Elmpaw's jaw dropped as Perchstar spoke, trying to process what she said. She couldn't be serious!

"What I did wrong?!" He couldn't seem to comprehend what she was saying. "By the time he caught up to me, that rogue would have been long gone! I couldn't just let him get away! You- you can't just ask me to run away from this type of stuff! And.... and a warrior is supposed to be willing to give up their life for the Clan! So what if I died?! At least I can say I wasn't a coward! I just need to get stronger! That's all it is! I just need to train more and then I'll be able to protect the Clan, just like a real warrior should! Please Perchstar! I'm not afraid to give my life for this Clan. I'm not afraid of dying! I'm not a coward! But I can't do anything stuck in camp! I can do some real good, just give me a chance!"

He was practically begging her at this point. He didn't want to run from these fights. He just needed time. He could be the strongest cat here, he knew he could. He could kill that rogue that dared insult his family, and chase out any other rogue he saw, too.

discord: karunamaya  | timezone: edt | code (c) kieer | images: 1 2
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Living: Bubblebeam [B], Dovetail [D], Hedgepaw [H], Larchbreeze [L]. Deceased/Missing: Tansyfoot, Turtlepelt, Morning, Longwhisker, Ryestep, Poolmist, Nettletail, Halfmoon, Freckleface, Lionfur, Shimmerheart, Breezewhisker, Honeydrop, Ashstar, Snowpaw, Brushgaze (NPC), Shellwater, Snowblossom, Quailfeather, Gingerstripe, Carat, Redwing, Graybriar, Pricklebush, Appledapple, Flutterpetal, Felix, Perchstar.
Clan/Rank : [B]: SkyClan T3 Warrior. [D]: RiverClan T4 Warrior. [H]: ShadowClan Apprentice. [L]: WindClan T2 Warrior.
Cancer Snake
Number of posts : 6837
Gender : She/Her - kitty was here <3
Age : 23

After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptyWed 3 Apr 2024 - 12:30

Perchstar was very tired of the words "you can't." They were bad enough coming from a former friend who had betrayed her trust and now denied her right to justice; somehow, they were even less bearable coming from an apprentice who thought he could order his leader around while still covered in the evidence of his awful decision-making. She turned back to look at Elmpaw again, her eyes narrowed to icy slivers. "I can, and I will. In case you don't remember, the word of the leader is law according to the warrior code. If you are not ready to live by the law of the code, then you are not ready for the responsibilities of an apprentice, let alone that of a warrior." Though she could not help being upset, she managed to keep her tone emotionless still. She had never raised her voice at a Clanmate, even one as stupid as this.

His speech about dying did make her tail lash behind her again. Were all of her apprentices death-seekers? Was that why Troutpaw had slipped from his patrol, as well? Why were they all so desperate to be shredded within an inch of their lives? To prove something? "You should not have been alone in the first place," she said, keeping a growl out of her voice. "But if you found yourself facing a rogue stronger than you, or a patrol of enemies, or a fox, then the correct thing to do is to run for help. It is not cowardly to not engage in a fight you know you cannot win. Sprinting headlong into such battles is fish-brained and shows a lack of respect for your medicine cat, who will have to patch you up; your Clanmates, who will have more work to do if you are dead; and your leader, who now has to deal with the mess that you caused by not avoiding something you were not built to handle. Dying or getting injured in a foolhardy battle does not show your bravery or your strength. It proves to the world that you are nothing but a wet-nosed kit who cannot listen to basic instruction."

She sighed in exasperation. This was not something she enjoyed. Above all the things she had to deal with, trying to talk sense into this tom was going to give her a headache. If he could not understand the basic rules of Clan life then perhaps he was not suited for it. "Throwing yourself at an opponent beyond your caliber is not 'giving your life for the Clan.' It is not brave or noble. It is insane. What it does is cause more trouble for me and more pain for your Clanmates. Do you not care about the heartache that you would cause your adopted parents if you died so pointlessly?" Briefly Perchstar glanced once more at Sprucebark and Scorchlight. How could any kit raised even partially by them fail to understand the rules so completely? Hopefully they could teach him a thing or two while he was confined. She looked back at Elmpaw. "You are still grounded to camp for one moon. I will not be revoking your punishment. If you attempt to break these rules or if you do not show that you have learned anything by the end of the moon, then this punishment will be extended." Even Woolywing and Yarrowblossom had had the decency to be ashamed when they snuck out of camp on their own and nearly got killed by a fox. Perchstar had to make an example here, or the other apprentices might begin forgetting the Code and following suit. "Do not test me."

After the Fall [Open] 833dIG1

⸙ Larchbreeze ⸙ ~ ♡ Hedgepaw ♡ ~ ◈ Dovetail ◈ ~ ○ Bubblebeam ○
⸙ WindClan ⸙ ~ ♡ ShadowClan ♡ ~ ◈ RiverClan ◈ ~ ○ SkyClan ○
⸙ Tier 2 Warrior ⸙ ~ ♡ Apprentice ♡ ~ ◈ Tier 4 Warrior ◈ ~ ○ Tier 3 Warrior ○

~~PM me here or on Discord if you want a topic with any of my cats!~~
~Signature and Avatar by Xaandiir!~
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Former: Pansyface ♀, Leopardstar ♂, Finchstream ♀, Ryeheart ♂, Laurelsong ♀, Nightstorm ♂, Fernpetal ♀, Magpiepaw ♂, Chirp ♀, Ashflight ♂, Orchidmask ♀ Basilbloom ♀ | Current: Featherpaw ♀, Tigerkit ♂
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 3811
Gender : she/her
Age : 23

After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptySat 6 Apr 2024 - 20:24

I promise that you'll never find another like me ♡


Featherpaw's eyes softened when she saw the pain in Elmpaw's eyes, and gazed down at his injuries.  Blood ran down his flanks, and when she looked down she realized that her own fur now had streaks of red on it as well.  He could've been killed.  Heart sinking at the realization, the cream-furred she-cat pressed her head against Elmpaw's neck for a moment and meowed; "I'm glad you're okay."  She pulled away when Scorchlight came barrelling through and watched intently as Perchstar approached, clearly angry with her friend.  As much as Featherpaw hated the 'no apprentices out of camp' rule, at this moment she couldn't help but agree with Perchstar.  She also saw Elmpaw's side; she would hate to run away from a challenge, but she also thought that Elmpaw was being a little bit...risky.  Even for their standards.  The last thing she wanted was to sit vigil for her best friend.  She stayed silent as Elmpaw argued with Perchstar, however it became clear soon that there was nothing more to say.  She whispered in her friend's ear; "Stop it, before she turns you back into a kit mouse-brain."

discord: rainyheart  | timezone: pst | code (c) kieer

Featherpaw of RiverClan
Tigerkit of ShadowClan
After the Fall [Open] Feathe11
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After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptySun 7 Apr 2024 - 14:22

The medicine cat went about his work silently, chewing herbs to press into the wounds before dressing them with cobwebs. He couldn't imagine why any apprentice would want to travel off into the territory alone. Some young cats were so bold and oddly adventurous. His ears fell as Elmpaw and Perchstar began arguing. Maybe it was Littlesplash's place to speak up on these types of things but his more timid nature caused his tongue to still. Apparently some apprentices had no fear when it came to challenging leadership as well. Regardless, he couldn't help but agree with the sense of their leader.

With a slight nod and a soft voice, the small statured tom glanced up at Elmpaw, "You need time to heal up, okay? If your wounds get infected you won't be able to enjoy doing too much of anything." Round eyes regarded the apprentice, hoping that the mild warning would be helpful in talking down the spirited tom.
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Site Moderator
Site Moderator

Characters : [L]Lilyvalley, [E]Elmstorm, [R]Robinmist, [A]Adderpaw, [T]Thistlepaw
Clan/Rank : [L]ShadowClan T4 Warrior, [E]RiverClan T1 Warrior, [R]SkyClan Elder, [A]ThunderClan Apprentice, [T]WindClan Apprentice
Virgo Horse
Number of posts : 2394
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 21

After the Fall [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the Fall [Open]   After the Fall [Open] EmptyMon 15 Apr 2024 - 22:17

Apprentice | RiverClan | He/Him

"I would give up everything in the world for you."

Elmpaw's tail began to lash as Perchstar kept going. He had so much he wanted to say, still, like how his "leader's" word was stupid, how it wouldn't have been a pointless death. How she probably doesn't even care as much as she is pretending to. She had no problem sending the Clan out to risk their lives in a war over a medicine cat that had been dead for moons, why was is so bad that he was willing to fight, too?

Then Featherpaw spoke in his ear, and a small fraction of his anger dissolved. Don't get him wrong, he still hated this. He narrowed his eyes, letting out a huff. "This is stupid."

He turned to Littlesplash, looking at the herbs being pressed into his coat. "Next time don't bother with those. I wouldn't want to be a, um, incon- whatever that stupid word is. I don't need those stupid leaves. This is all just stupid!

Finally, he turned his gaze back to his friend. "This is the part where I would normally storm away, but, uh, yeah.... can you help me to my nest?"

discord: karunamaya | timezone: edt | code (c) kieer | images: 1 2


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After the Fall [Open] SfPQh
After the Fall [Open] SYgf1
Art by Copper
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