Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Just One Yesterday [C]

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Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonpaw ; †[C]edarstalk ; †[S]ilentpaw
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] 3 WC MC ; [W] T3 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Apprentice ; †[C] T2 TC Warrior ; †[S] RC App
Number of posts : 889
Gender : He/Him

Just One Yesterday [C] Empty
PostSubject: Just One Yesterday [C]   Just One Yesterday [C] EmptyFri 22 Mar 2024 - 17:51

Rank: T2 Medicine Cat 

Hemlockfox had been dreading this part of the day, but there was no way around it. Thymelight was here and, if he wanted her to leave anytime soon, he had to help her. He'd put it off long enough by tending to Tigerstar and Sootstorm first but now that he'd finished with both toms, he had little excuse to keep avoiding the other Skyclanner. Had it been literally any other cat, he wouldn't have been so uncomfortable. Even Sunfire would be a welcome presence in comparison.

With a sigh, the bicolor tom shoved his way out of the WindClan medicine den and scanned the barren clearing for Thymelight's familiar pelt. After a moment, he spotted her lying nearby, thankfully far away from the lingering WindClanners. She'd apparently collapsed in the middle of the territory after a journey to the Moonstone which, Hemlockfox realized, he hadn't even known about. Had he really done such a good job of avoiding her that he knew next to nothing about her whereabouts? Apparently so. He'd even steered clear of conversations about her. 

Frowning heavily, Hemlockfox stopped a few tail-lengths from the resting she-cat, his expression sour. What was he supposed to say to her? They'd hardly spoken since that day by the Moonlit Creek and, unfortunately, he couldn't bring himself to so much as greet her today. What was he supposed to do? Simply ignore the moons of bad blood and tension between them? Treat her as though she was nothing more than another cat in need of his help? Ideally, yes, but Hemlockfox knew himself better than to expect such. It was hard enough existing in the same clan as her much less the same den. Now, she'd followed him to WindClan - however accidental it may have been.

Chest and muscles tight, the tom finally mustered the courage to step closer, his fur bristling. "Thymelight." He meowed briskly, his voice cold and detached. She was exhausted, surely, from the trip, yet Hemlockfox couldn't find it in him to feel pity for her. No matter where he went or what he did, it was like she was destined to follow and complicate things. "I won't lie. Seeing you here was the last thing I wanted." Then, with a flick of his tail, he averted his gaze.

Still, she was his clanmate (for now) and he couldn't simply sit by and ignore her when she needed him. Besides, what would WindClan think if they saw him blatantly ignoring a cat from his own clan? How could he hope to gain their trust if he was so clearly biased against someone he was supposed to care for? This was all so complicated. "What do you need?" Hemlockfox grunted eventually. He may not enjoy it, but he had to at assist her in some way.

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Characters : bubblenose, thymelight, smallfawn, pantherpounce, cardinalpaw, deerkit
Clan/Rank : rc warrior, skc mc, skc permaqueen, wc warrior, sc apprentice, wc kit
Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 1025
Gender : she/they
Age : 21

Just One Yesterday [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just One Yesterday [C]   Just One Yesterday [C] EmptySat 23 Mar 2024 - 19:37

"she'll walk with springtime wherever she goes."
t2 medicine cat | skyclan | she/her

Thymelight did not have the time for this. This had to have been some kind of divine intervention, a way to force the two medicine cats to finally say more than two short words to each other at one period of time after all of the avoiding they had been doing. She didn't appreciate it very much. If the stars truly had done this, then surely they could've waited for another day. She already knew just how the tom felt about her and how weak he thought she was, and her being too exhausted to continue the journey back to SkyClan probably only furthered his point, but that wasn't at the forefront of her mind. All she cared about now was resting enough to be able to go back to camp. The medicine cat lifted her head slightly at the mention of her name. She refused to keep eye contact with Hemlockfox for longer than she had to.

A sharp pang of some sort of upset feeling struck her heart as he mentioned his opposition to seeing her. Still, even though she wanted to respond with the same remark, she held her tongue. This was precisely why she stayed away from him at all times. He never had anything pleasant to say, and he wasn't a cat that she could simply smile at and go about her day if he didn't want to be bothered.

"Traveling herbs... the kind that we normally use. Not a lot. I don't want to waste what little herbs WindClan has left." Thymelight muttered as she stared down at her paws. That was it. That was all she wanted to say. However, knowing Hemlockfox, he would probably find some sort of way to twist what she said into something wrong.
discord: chuufacts  | timezone: est | code (c) kieer

Just One Yesterday [C] Ezgif-1-d163073db6
thymelight skc t3mc 』
smallfawn skc queen 』
pantherpounce wc t4w 』
cardinalpaw sc app 』
deerkit wc kit 』
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Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonpaw ; †[C]edarstalk ; †[S]ilentpaw
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] 3 WC MC ; [W] T3 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Apprentice ; †[C] T2 TC Warrior ; †[S] RC App
Number of posts : 889
Gender : He/Him

Just One Yesterday [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just One Yesterday [C]   Just One Yesterday [C] EmptyThu 28 Mar 2024 - 11:55

Rank: T2 Medicine Cat 

Hemlockfox stared down at the she-cat, his eyes glimmering with distain. He tried to be nice to her, but somehow kept circling back to hating her guts. No matter how hard he tried, it was like this little part of him couldn't help but still blame her for everything. Even if it made no sense. It was easier to have someone to blame than it was to accept that this was how things would have turned out all along. His lip peeled back into a snarl at her timid words, and he snorted. What little WindClan had left. Why should she care about that? She got to stay in SkyClan, unlike him. Her only concern should be with staying healthy so she could care for their clanmates. 

Rolling his eyes, Hemlock turned back to the medicine den. "Not a chance. I'm sending you home as healthy as can be." He grunted before ducking back into the quiet den. Moments later, he returned with burnet, sorrel, and sage root wrapped up in a waxy leaf. With a sigh, he sat down in front of Thymelight and briefly met her gaze before quickly looking at the gathered herbs. "I need you to take care of everyone for me. You can't do that if you get sick or stay here to rest." His words were gruff, but there was an underlying concern behind them. Not necessarily for her, but for his kin and clan back in the forest. SkyClan still wasn't on good terms with RiverClan or ThunderClan - they would need Thymelight more than ever with him gone.

Silently, the tom pushed the burnet and sorrel closer to Thymelight for her to eat and chewed the sage root into a pulp before spitting it out onto the broad, waxy leaf he'd brought. "Show me your paws. They have to hurt from all of that walking." His tone left little room for argument and, as he waited, Hemlockfox lashed his tail. How was he supposed to sit here and play nice when it was Thymelight that got to go home soon and not him? 

The best he could hope for was his sisters joining him someday in WindClan, but that wasn't guaranteed. Tigerstar could easily deny his request or, even worse, his sisters might. Bubblebeam, he knew, would follow him to the ends of the world, but would the others? Was it even fair to expect them to? Did it matter? It certainly wasn't fair that he was being forced to tend to WindClan for the foreseeable future. Was it really so wrong of him to not want to be alone?

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Characters : bubblenose, thymelight, smallfawn, pantherpounce, cardinalpaw, deerkit
Clan/Rank : rc warrior, skc mc, skc permaqueen, wc warrior, sc apprentice, wc kit
Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 1025
Gender : she/they
Age : 21

Just One Yesterday [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just One Yesterday [C]   Just One Yesterday [C] EmptySat 30 Mar 2024 - 19:31

"she'll walk with springtime wherever she goes."
t2 medicine cat | skyclan | she/her

Thymelight silently sighed as Hemlockfox denied her request. The immense amount of guilt that churned in her belly only grew as she watched the tom emerge from the medicine den with herbs wrapped up in a leafy bundle the way that Smokepetal had taught them both when they were apprentices. She had left without a trace and hadn't told a soul that she was going to Highstones, embarrassed herself in front of StarClan, caused trouble for a WindClan patrol, and then practically stole another Clan's herbs because of a problem that she had created herself. If only she had consumed the right amount of traveling herbs before she had left... if only she hadn't left at all. The tabby blinked as the two of them made eye contact before staring down at the burnet and sorrel that was presented to her. She didn't deserve these herbs.

Still, she bent her head down from where she sat to lap them up before quickly looking back at the tom as his voice rang out once again. There was more that needed to be done? Thymelight had never felt like such a nuisance until today. Hemlockfox was right, though. Her paws ached, and she dreaded the thought of having to travel on them before the pain subsided. One by one, she turned each of her paws over to have her pads treated by the sage root. There was nothing more to be said, but the she-cat still felt as if she had to open her mouth. She was sure that Hemlockfox would've preferred her to stay silent. "Thank you." She murmured as she glanced down at her paws.
"I know you aren't doing any of this because you're concerned about me, but I still appreciate it."

She decided to leave it at that.
discord: chuufacts  | timezone: est | code (c) kieer

Just One Yesterday [C] Ezgif-1-d163073db6
thymelight skc t3mc 』
smallfawn skc queen 』
pantherpounce wc t4w 』
cardinalpaw sc app 』
deerkit wc kit 』
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Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonpaw ; †[C]edarstalk ; †[S]ilentpaw
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] 3 WC MC ; [W] T3 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Apprentice ; †[C] T2 TC Warrior ; †[S] RC App
Number of posts : 889
Gender : He/Him

Just One Yesterday [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just One Yesterday [C]   Just One Yesterday [C] EmptyWed 10 Apr 2024 - 18:43

Rank: T2 Medicine Cat 

Hemlockfox watched, unimpressed, as Thymelight swallowed the herbs without further complaint, cowed and most definitely embarrassed. Good, she should be. It was a pain taking care of a cat like her. It was bad enough that Tigerstar and Sootstorm were sick, she should've taken care of herself better so this had never happened. Without a word, he worked the chewed sage root into her paw pads, his blue eyes stormy and only growing darker the longer the silence stretched on. It was beyond rude of her to continue to ruin things and, to add insult to injury, hardly even acknowlede him as he treated her. She was making the whole 'trying not to hate her' business needlessly difficult. Couldn't she just be normal and not get on his nerves?

Finally, he leaned back and stared down at Thymelight for a moment before lifting a paw to lick it clean of the sage root pulp. When they'd first met, she just wouldn't stop talking. Now, it was like he was asking her to eat mousedung, getting her to talk around him. As if sensing what he was thinking, however, Thymelight's voice broke the tense quiet between them, snapping Hemlockfox out of his thoughts. He waited for a moment to see if she would say anything else and, when she didn't, scoffed. Was that all? "At least you aren't totally feather-brained." He snapped. Then, as if being reprimanded by a silent figure, flinched and looked away.

After a moment to collect his thoughts, Hemlockfox rubbed his sage-covered paws on the ground, his expression pinched. "I-" He hesitated for a moment, looking as though he was in physical pain, and went on. "Sorry. I want to be on good terms with SkyClan. Even if I'm not a part of it anymore." The words came out harsh despite probably being the nicest thing he'd ever said to her and, eyes narrowed, Hemlockfox turned his gaze back to Thymelight. "Can you blame me for being upset? For hating you even though, logically, I know it's not your fault? I just...can't look at you without feeling jealous that you get to stay and I don't."

Last edited by GravisCordis on Mon 6 May 2024 - 19:25; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : bubblenose, thymelight, smallfawn, pantherpounce, cardinalpaw, deerkit
Clan/Rank : rc warrior, skc mc, skc permaqueen, wc warrior, sc apprentice, wc kit
Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 1025
Gender : she/they
Age : 21

Just One Yesterday [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just One Yesterday [C]   Just One Yesterday [C] EmptySun 28 Apr 2024 - 21:53

"she'll walk with springtime wherever she goes."
t3 medicine cat | skyclan | she/her

Thymelight was silent as Hemlockfox spoke. All this anger that he held toward her, she already knew that most of it was because he was upset that he had to leave SkyClan while she was able to stay, but he had never said it out loud until today. How was she supposed to respond to that? She had no intention of gloating. She completely understood the resentment that he felt. Still, she wasn't going to stand by and take harsh words from him like she had no free will of her own.
"I understand, truly. You were born in SkyClan. That's your home, that's where your family is, and I would never expect anyone to take having to leave their home lightly. I still don't understand why StarClan said this should happen. I don't understand a lot of things that they do. I just want you to know again that I had nothing to do with this, and I wish things could've been different." The she-cat's voice was still rather weak, but she spoke up in an attempt to be heard.
discord: chuufacts  | timezone: est | code (c) kieer

Just One Yesterday [C] Ezgif-1-d163073db6
thymelight skc t3mc 』
smallfawn skc queen 』
pantherpounce wc t4w 』
cardinalpaw sc app 』
deerkit wc kit 』
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Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonpaw ; †[C]edarstalk ; †[S]ilentpaw
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] 3 WC MC ; [W] T3 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Apprentice ; †[C] T2 TC Warrior ; †[S] RC App
Number of posts : 889
Gender : He/Him

Just One Yesterday [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just One Yesterday [C]   Just One Yesterday [C] EmptyMon 6 May 2024 - 19:38

Rank: T2 Medicine Cat 

Hemlockfox stared at the dirt-packed ground as Thymelight spoke, his feathery tail flicking uncomfortably from side to side. He wasn't sure if he believed her, but he wanted to. If nothing else than for the sake of SkyClan having a good, honest medicine cat looking out for them. Still, that didn't mean he had to like her. He still hated how she'd wormed her way into his family - how she'd worked tirelessly to become a medicine cat alongside him and, ultimately, been the one chosen to stay. Even if she hadn't tried to take his place, that's what it felt like she'd been doing.  

"Maybe not on purpose." He hissed eventually. "But you played a part in all of this whether you believe it or not. If you hadn't stayed in SkyClan and become a medicine cat, I could've stayed. StarClan wouldn't have needed to step in and ensure the 'balance'. But whatever. It hardly matters now." She just...needed to take care of their clan. That was all he wanted from her now because, like it or not, she was important to the clan.

After a moment, Hemlockfox lifted his gaze from the ground to finally look Thymelight in the eye. "I won't...hold it against you anymore. It wasn't fair to blame you for everything anyway - just easier." Then, with a flash of annoyance, added, "But don't think that means I like you, okay?" Regardless of what she said now, she was still soft and weak. SkyClan may need her now, but he was certain they would someday grow to regret the day they were foolish enough to welcomed a loner into their clan. Somehow...

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Just One Yesterday [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just One Yesterday [C]   Just One Yesterday [C] Empty

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