Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 i want life in every word [c]

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Characters : [O] Oatfluff, [N] Nightpaw, [S] Smokeytimber, [F] Foxpaw, [Su] Sunpaw, [B] Blazepaw†
Clan/Rank : [O] T3 WindClan Warrior, [N] ShadowClan MCA, [S] T1 ShadowClan Warrior, [F] WindClan Apprentice, [Su] WindClan Apprentice
Libra Rooster
Number of posts : 364
Gender : He/They
Age : 18

i want life in every word [c] Empty
PostSubject: i want life in every word [c]   i want life in every word [c] EmptySun 3 Mar 2024 - 20:48

BLAZEKITi can't be who you need me to be
he/him - skyclan kit - 4 moons
Sunhigh warmed the fluffy kit's pelt as he padded from the nursery, squinting his eyes against the bright sun. It was the first day in what felt like moons that the sun wasn't hidden by clouds, the sky bright and blue rather than grey and overcast. Was leafbare fading? Blazekit's heart leaped at the idea. Maybe he'd finally experience this 'newleaf' every warrior seemed to talk about. He sat down by the nursery's entrance and watched the camp with eager amber eyes, looking for someone to talk to, or perhaps a victim whose tail he could pounce on. But the hollow was silent. Most of the warriors were out hunting, and the apprentices had all left for training hours ago. StarClan only knew where Firekit was. Blazekit huffed, his tail lashing with boredom. The cloudless sky meant there would be no cloud-gazing, and leafbare's still present chill meant there were no birds to watch or bugs to hunt down. Fox-dung. 

He surveyed the camp one more time, ready to give up and go take a nap, when a small movement from the elders' den caught his eye. The elders! He could go bother the elders! Surely one of them would be willing to tell him a story - ideally about a fierce battle that took place eons before he was born, but he'd take what he could get. Blazekit took off toward the gap in the ferns which made up the elders' den. "Hello?" The russet kit called as he approached, glancing around for the source of the movement.

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Characters : [L]Lilyvalley, [E]Elmstorm, [R]Robinmist, [A]Adderpaw, [T]Thistlepaw
Clan/Rank : [L]ShadowClan T4 Warrior, [E]RiverClan T1 Warrior, [R]SkyClan Elder, [A]ThunderClan Apprentice, [T]WindClan Apprentice
Virgo Horse
Number of posts : 2394
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 21

i want life in every word [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: i want life in every word [c]   i want life in every word [c] EmptyWed 27 Mar 2024 - 21:29

Elder | SkyClan | she/her

"You need a little bit of insanity to do great things."

Robinmist had just returned from a bit of a walk, and was getting ready to settle down in her nest. She was particularly sore today, and it felt like she just had no energy. Of course, age did that to a cat. Some days was just better than others, and today was not one of those days.

A voice made it's way into the den, and Robinmist lifted her head to see a kit. She hadn't expected company, usually she was on her own in the den. Most cats had preferred to retire to the nursery, but she couldn't see how any cat could get any rest in there. Still, the company was not unwelcome. He could have chosen a better day, but she wasn't going to fault him for that. After all, she still enjoyed talking to other cats. She didn't get the opportunity nearly enough.

"Why, hello there! Git on in here, now, what can I do for ya?"

discord: karunamaya  | timezone: edt | code (c) kieer | images: 1 2


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i want life in every word [c] SfPQh
i want life in every word [c] SYgf1
Art by Copper

Last edited by Karuna on Sat 13 Apr 2024 - 21:21; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : [O] Oatfluff, [N] Nightpaw, [S] Smokeytimber, [F] Foxpaw, [Su] Sunpaw, [B] Blazepaw†
Clan/Rank : [O] T3 WindClan Warrior, [N] ShadowClan MCA, [S] T1 ShadowClan Warrior, [F] WindClan Apprentice, [Su] WindClan Apprentice
Libra Rooster
Number of posts : 364
Gender : He/They
Age : 18

i want life in every word [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: i want life in every word [c]   i want life in every word [c] EmptyFri 29 Mar 2024 - 18:17

BLAZEKITi can't be who you need me to be
he/him - skyclan kit - 4 moons
It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the shade of the elders' den, his nose wrinkling as the distinct, dusty scent of the den reached him. As he looked around, his eyes met the tired gaze of a dark molly settled into a nest by the entrance. He pushed himself into the den, pawing at his nose as he tried not to sneeze. It's so quiet. How did the elders stand it?

His amber eyes widened as he realized she was talking to him. Oops. He shook out his fluffy coat, sitting a short distance from her nest and watching her curiously. "Um - hi! I'm Blazekit. I've never been in here before!" He greeted, feeling uncharacteristically shy at the prospect of meeting a new cat. "Say, do you have any stories? I'm so boorreedd." Blazekit groaned, flopping dramatically on his side.

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Characters : [L]Lilyvalley, [E]Elmstorm, [R]Robinmist, [A]Adderpaw, [T]Thistlepaw
Clan/Rank : [L]ShadowClan T4 Warrior, [E]RiverClan T1 Warrior, [R]SkyClan Elder, [A]ThunderClan Apprentice, [T]WindClan Apprentice
Virgo Horse
Number of posts : 2394
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 21

i want life in every word [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: i want life in every word [c]   i want life in every word [c] EmptyTue 2 Apr 2024 - 5:12

Elder | SkyClan | she/her

"You need a little bit of insanity to do great things."

"Blazekit! Well, now that's a mighty fine name for a kit like yerself! Ya can call me Robinmist! Sorry there ain't noone else 'ere, I'm bout all there is. Just little ole me, all by my little lonesome! Awful nice of ya ta come visit me!"

She chuckled as Blazekit flopped over. It seems she was not the only one suffering from boredom. "A story, ya say! Well, now, I've got quite a few o' them! Now, let's see, what would be entertainin' for ya.... I think I got a good one for ya. Did ya evah hear the story of Wolfstar an' the dogs?"

discord: karunamaya  | timezone: edt | code (c) kieer | images: 1 2


i want life in every word [c] Sfr52i want life in every word [c] Sfr5bi want life in every word [c] Sfr5Li want life in every word [c] Sfr5Ki want life in every word [c] Sfr59
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i want life in every word [c] SfPQh
i want life in every word [c] SYgf1
Art by Copper

Last edited by Karuna on Sat 13 Apr 2024 - 21:22; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : [O] Oatfluff, [N] Nightpaw, [S] Smokeytimber, [F] Foxpaw, [Su] Sunpaw, [B] Blazepaw†
Clan/Rank : [O] T3 WindClan Warrior, [N] ShadowClan MCA, [S] T1 ShadowClan Warrior, [F] WindClan Apprentice, [Su] WindClan Apprentice
Libra Rooster
Number of posts : 364
Gender : He/They
Age : 18

i want life in every word [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: i want life in every word [c]   i want life in every word [c] EmptyWed 3 Apr 2024 - 21:21

BLAZEKITi can't be who you need me to be
he/him - skyclan kit - 4 moons
"Thank you!" Blazekit chirped, raising his head at the prospect of a story. "Robinmist isn't too bad a name either!" The sleek tom blinked as she told him she was alone in here. There weren't any other elders? He frowned. It must be nice to have a den all to yourself, but he felt bad that she didn't seem to get much company. "I'll just have to come visit all the time, then!" He decided, rolling over and tucking his paws beneath him into a neat loaf.

Blazekit's eyes narrowed as she mentioned dogs. He'd heard of them - foul smelling creatures, apparently - but he didn't know anything else about them. "I haven't!" He gasped. "Dogs? What happened with them? Was Wolfstar okay?" 

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Site Moderator
Site Moderator

Characters : [L]Lilyvalley, [E]Elmstorm, [R]Robinmist, [A]Adderpaw, [T]Thistlepaw
Clan/Rank : [L]ShadowClan T4 Warrior, [E]RiverClan T1 Warrior, [R]SkyClan Elder, [A]ThunderClan Apprentice, [T]WindClan Apprentice
Virgo Horse
Number of posts : 2394
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 21

i want life in every word [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: i want life in every word [c]   i want life in every word [c] EmptySat 6 Apr 2024 - 2:02

Elder | SkyClan | she/her

"You need a little bit of insanity to do great things."

Robinmist smiled as Blazekit stated he would have to visit her all the time, feeling a warmth in her chest at the words. "Well that is awful nice of ya. I'd certainly enjoy gettin' more a your company."

But of course, she was in the middle of a story. She let her eyes go wide with dramatics as Blazekit questioned Wolfstar's safety. "Oh, I'm tellin' ya, it sure wasn't an easy thing to do. Wolfstar didn't e'en have his 9 lives. He was just a regular ole warrior, his name was Wolfstrike or somethin' like that, I think. He was all alone, too! There was at least 10 dogs, all the size of a pine tree. But Wolfstrike wasn't about t' back down. He went right up to them dogs, yellin' somethin' like 'Git outta 'ere! This is SkyClan territory!' But them dogs, they didn't listen to no tiny cat. They growled and barked, and one o' them tried to bite Wolfstrike in half! Oh, but he wasn't goin' down without no fight! He sent those big ole brutes runnin' back t' twolegplace, all a whinin' and with their tails tucked between their legs! When the leader heard what happened, he made 'im deputy right then and there. He knew he wanted a cat like that to lead the Clan after 'im.

Now, don't get me wrong, that family sure did have quite the temper. But Wolfstrike and all 'is kin prob'ly were the strongest cats SkyClan e'ver known. It's a right shame what happened to that family. I'm sure you already know all that sad stuff, though. All that war drama that happened these past moons. Coulda been such great cats. I sure do hope ya keep that kind heart o' yours. Long as ya got that, you're already better than any other cat in this Clan. That, I can promise ya."

She let out a sigh, thinking of all the cats in the Clan with their bad attitudes. She missed the days where common decency seemed to exist. Atleast Blazekit's mama seemed to be raising him up good. She prayed to StarClan that he stayed just as he was now.

discord: karunamaya  | timezone: edt | code (c) kieer | images: 1 2


i want life in every word [c] Sfr52i want life in every word [c] Sfr5bi want life in every word [c] Sfr5Li want life in every word [c] Sfr5Ki want life in every word [c] Sfr59
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i want life in every word [c] SfPQh
i want life in every word [c] SYgf1
Art by Copper
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Characters : [O] Oatfluff, [N] Nightpaw, [S] Smokeytimber, [F] Foxpaw, [Su] Sunpaw, [B] Blazepaw†
Clan/Rank : [O] T3 WindClan Warrior, [N] ShadowClan MCA, [S] T1 ShadowClan Warrior, [F] WindClan Apprentice, [Su] WindClan Apprentice
Libra Rooster
Number of posts : 364
Gender : He/They
Age : 18

i want life in every word [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: i want life in every word [c]   i want life in every word [c] EmptySun 21 Apr 2024 - 19:46

BLAZEKITi can't be who you need me to be
he/they - skyclan kit - 4 moons
Blazekit purred softly. "And I like hearing your stories!" He beamed, feathery tail raising high in the air with glee at her words.

His eyes widened as hers did, suppressing a small gasp. The way she talked was a bit odd to him, but it made the story all the more exciting. He? Oh - he'd  thought she was talking about the current Wolfstar. It hit him how little he knew about the Clan's history and how few stories he'd been told. "Another Wolfstar? He sounds so brave! I wanna be like him someday!" It was a shame he'd never met him, Blazekit thought. But his eyes were still bright with awe. "Someday, I wanna be able to defend my Clan like that. Go, 'take that, fleabrains!' and drive some dogs away from camp! Or enemy warriors! Nobody messes with my Clan." 

The tom-kit paused at her next words, much more sincere - and honestly, flattering. But they made him curious. Quite the temper? That war stuff was related to them? Maybe he didn't want to be so much like Wolfstar. If he'd learned anything in his few moons of life, it was that war was bad and he wanted no part of it. He would defend his Clanmates to his dying breath, but only if it was necessary. He never wanted to see any cat get hurt. His tail twitched. "Thank you, Miss Robin." Blazekit meowed thoughtfully. "I'll do my best, I swear. None of...none o'  that is worth it." He wrinkled his nose, sounding for a moment as though he was older than his four moons. And maybe,, just maybe sounding like Robinmist for a second. 

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