Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 A Grand Expedition [C]

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Characters : [O] Oatfluff, [N] Nightowl, [S] Smokeytimber, [F] Foxpaw, [Su] Sunbear, [T] Tortoise
Clan/Rank : [O] T5 WindClan Warrior, [N] T1 ShadowClan MC, [S] T3 ShadowClan Warrior, [F] WindClan Apprentice, [Su] T1 WindClan Warrior, [T] T1 Loner
Libra Rooster
Number of posts : 434
Gender : He/They
Age : 19

A Grand Expedition [C] Empty
PostSubject: A Grand Expedition [C]   A Grand Expedition [C] EmptyWed 13 Dec 2023 - 1:59

OATKIT !  --

Camp was quiet. Too quiet. And, yes, it should have been - the moon was high in the sky, after all, and the crickets had been singing their endless song for quite some time now. But Oatkit was restless.

He didn't have any siblings to bother, and all of his denmates were already fast asleep - their soft, kitten snores filling the nursery, flanks rising and falling in a gentle rhythm. Lavendercloud was curled around the other kits, her tail wrapped around them like a shield. He knew he should be among them.

And yet he wasn't tired. Not one bit.

The large kit sighed, batting a mossball absentmindedly between his paws. He was so bored. He sat by the entrance to the den, a lone silhouette lit softly by the pale moonlight. From here, he could see the warriors sleeping soundly beneath the stars, and he longed to be among them someday.

But first he had to get through the longest night ever.

As he batted the old mossball between his front paws, he felt the slightest bit of an idea start to slip its way into his head. Just the vaguest of notions - not even really a thought, yet. Then his eyes lit up, and his tail began to swish from side to side excitedly.

With widened pupils, he cast a glance behind him to make sure Lavendercloud was still asleep. None of his denmates had stirred one bit. Then, in his best mockery of a hunting crouch, he crept out of the nursery, being unusually careful where he placed his paws. Quiet, now, Oatkit. Let's see how far we can get without anyone noticing us! He crept quietly past the warriors, keeping to the edge of the camp. His eyes darted from side to side, looking out for anyone who might have been tasked to keep watch. I hope I never have to keep watch someday. Talk about boring! His ears flicked back for a brief second while he thought about how boring it must be to go through all the work of getting your warrior name, and then be stuck keeping watch all night while your Clanmates slept! No, thank you! Nobody to talk to, nothing to do - I'd much rather be out chasing rabbits!

He purred at the thought, then realized where he was. Still very much inside the camp, where he could be caught at any moment. Please, StarClan, don't let anyone have heard! But the warriors didn't seem to stir - at least, not that he could see.

The camp entrance was in sight, now. Just over that dip, and then he could explore the whole territory as he pleased! His tail started to swish back and forth with excitement again, and he seemed to forget that he was very much still in sight of the whole camp if any one of them so much as blinked their eyes open for a second. But he could almost taste his freedom - the open territory, the wind in his fur! So much better than that stuffy old nursery. Suppose Tigerdance was less strict than that old Smallstar! Maybe he could persuade the great tom to make him an apprentice early - if he could manage to bring something back from his little expedition!

"Are you going to age with grace?" | Windclan kit
✿ kiikko

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