Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Welcome to WCC! Here are our latest announcements:
Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Rank System

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Staff Team

Staff Team

Number of posts : 55
Gender : Unspecified

Rank System Empty
PostSubject: Rank System   Rank System EmptySun 26 Mar 2023 - 13:43


WCC utilizes a ranking system with requirements that must be roleplayed and fulfilled to rank up and participate in official battles. You must start as as the first rank: Kit. You then receive an Apprentice rank, then earn either their Warrior name or medicine cat name and rank depending on which path is laid out before you. Once you have received your full name, you become eligible to level up "Tiers" which increase your stats. The more you have been active and posting with a character, the higher the tier you can earn for them. Each rank and their tiers receive different Health Points (HP) and Stamina Points (SP). If your character holds disabled or disadvantaged stats, it will affect your HP and SP. See the note in the section below for further explanation.

Please know that these ranks do not reflect the in-character age of a cat; that is up to a roleplayer! The rank system aims solely to reward active characters with increased stats. Characters who have been in and survived more battles will have more experience than those who've been in none and their HP and SP will reflect their skill.

See the Battle System for information on HP/SP and other stats.

* Clan cats who are exiled from / leave a Clan will keep the stats they had while in the Clan (e.g. an exiled Tier 2 Warrior would still have the HP/SP of a Tier 2 Warrior even as a Rogue); they may rejoin a Clan without losing their rank OR earn rogue stats and privilege of ranking after fulfilling specific requirement listed below in the Ranking Requirements.

- Medicine Cats who transfer to warrior life must restart at Tier 1 Warrior rank (or Apprentice rank at Clan leader's discretion).

→ Rogues of any tier who join Clan life may do so with certain restrictions, determined by the leader (or coordinated with the rogue):
- Rogue rank must become either an Apprentice or Tier 1 Warrior depending on age. If the leader says the rogue must train as an apprentice, they must do so before they can rank to Tier 1.
- Tier 2 Rogues and Tier 3 Rogues will become either an Apprentice or a warrior. If they become a Warrior, they must start as a Tier 1 Warrior. If they are required to go through Apprentice training, then when it's time to receive their names a Tier 2 Rogue will start at Tier 2 Warrior and a Tier 3 Rogue will start at Tier 3 Warrior.

- If you become an Elder after reaching [Tier 5] Warrior or [Tier 4] Medicine Cat, you will retire with your current stats and you will not jump to the listed elder HP/SP. Special circumstances may be considered.

- If your character is disabled, they will face a permanent stat reduction of -5 HP / -30 SP. Your character would be considered disabled if they are deaf, blind, have missing/deformed limbs, etc. Being mute or having a missing tail do not count as being disabled.

-If your character is disadvantaged, they will face a temporary stat reduction of -5 HP / -30 SP. Disadvantaged stats are enforced when your character's Clan or group do not hold a disputed territory. Otherwise, disadvantaged stats can be applied for whatever in-character reasons the roleplayer chooses.

- If your character is both disabled and disadvantaged, they will face a stat reduction of -5 HP / -40 SP while they are disadvantaged.

Ranking Requirements

Rank requirements are a combination of time a user must wait before obtaining the next rank or tier and specific types of in-character development topics. Each rank may have slightly different wait times and/or required topics that must be fulfilled before work can begin on the next one. At the end is the list of topics that count towards character development requirements. You can also find all of these requirements listed under the Ceremonies board in each Clan.

The wait times are included so that a character cannot go from a Kit to a Tier 3 Warrior over the course of a month. Experience comes over time, and we wish to encourage in-character development whenever possible. The real-life time requirement doesn't have an impact on your cat's in-character age.

Put your rank in the Clan/Rank section of your profile or in your signature so everybody can see it and know your HP/SP. Every Clan has an official Ranks tracker for you to utilize in their Clan Information board. Staff will reference this official list for large-scale battles and use the stats listed there for each participant, so please remember to post there so that your leader can keep your character's rank updated.

If your character goes from a medicine cat to a warrior or a warrior to a medicine cat, they must restart with the first tier of requirements for their new rank. Switching Clans does not undo your tier progress. An exiled Clan cat may keep their tier requirement progress upon joining a new Clan if the new leader allows it.

-Clan Cats
Kit -> Apprentice; 1 week since creation approval
→ Post at least once in-character in Areas of the Forest
Apprentice -> [Tier 1] Warrior; 2 weeks since apprentice ceremony
→ Attend one Gathering
→ Hunt using the Hunting System*
→ Fight using the Battle System**
→ Visit the Moonstone with your MC/MCA
[Tier1] Warrior -> [Tier 2] Warrior; 2 weeks since warrior ceremony (becoming Tier 1)
→ Participate in one patrol (Hunting or Battle System required; must involve another roleplayer)
→ Participate in one development topic
[Tier 2] Warrior -> [Tier 3] Warrior; 1 month since becoming Tier 2
→ Attend one Gathering
→ Participate in one hunting patrol*
→ Fight in one battle**
→ Participate in two development topics
[Tier 3] Warrior -> [Tier 4] Warrior; 2 months since becoming Tier 3
→ Attend two Gatherings
→ Participate in one hunting patrol*
→ Fight in two battles**
→ Participate in three development topics
[Tier 4] Warrior -> [Tier 5] Warrior; 2 months since becoming Tier 4
→ Attend two Gatherings
→ Participate in two hunting patrols*
→ Complete at least one hunting and battle patrol with your own apprentice(s)*** OR host at least one hunting and battle assessment with any apprentice
→ Participate in four development topics

Non-Clan Cats
Former Clan Cat-> [Tier 1] Rogue****; 2 weeks (if apprentice or kit) or two months (if warrior) since leaving Clan
→ Complete one development topic
→ Do a solo hunt using the Hunting System (minimum of three dice rolls)
→ Fight against an enemy using the Battle System (cat or predator)
[Tier 1] Rogue -> [Tier 2] Rogue; 2 weeks since last rank up
→ Fight against an enemy cat using the Battle System
→ Complete two hunts using the Hunting System
→ Complete two development topics
[Tier 2] Rogue -> [Tier 3] Rogue; 1 month since last rank up
→ Fight against two enemies using the Battle System
→ Complete two hunts using the Hunting System
→ Complete three development topics
[Tier 3] Rogue -> [Tier 4] Rogue; 2 months since last rank up
→ Fight against two enemies using the Battle System
→ Complete two hunts using the Hunting System
→ Complete four development topics
→ Fight and defeat a Tier Four or Five Warrior (may include leaders and deputies)

Most Higher Ranks do not have requirements the same way that warriors do; they can be found here.

A single topic can fulfill both the hunting and battle requirement so long as it uses the Hunting and Battle Systems in separate posts.
*Hunts must be completed using the Hunting (or Herb Hunting) System or they do not count; this can be a solo thread or include others; you do not need to successfully catch prey or find herbs, but your topic must reflect at least one dice roll.
**Fights must be fought using the Battle System, and can be against an enemy cat, predator, or clanmate. A predator may be rolled or forced into an encounter. Sparring does count.
***The apprentice does not need to be assigned and trained within the indicated tier; any apprentice you lead the patrol topics with counts. Roleplayers may not mentor their own character. This is to encourage members to interact with each other; it especially benefits newer players who could use an active, experience roleplayer to help them learn.
**** This ranking is only for clan cats who are exiled or leave the clans willingly. They have the chance to change their clan cat to become a rogue and rank up properly from that point (as they were default rogues). Warriors may only access to this privilege after three months while kits and apprentice can do it after two weeks (all must complete their requirements)
*****Can be accomplished using the Healing System or in-character role-play development

Possible Development Topics (Warriors)

You may only fill one development requirement per thread (e.g. you can't use the same thread to fulfill the interact with a Clanmate and spar with a Clanmate prompts). You may not fulfill the same type of development topic multiple times in the same Tier.
You may fulfill a development requirement in the same thread as a non-development requirement (e.g. you may interact with a cat from another Clan at a Gathering and fulfill both).
- share tongues/interact with a Clanmate of any rank
- attend a Clan meeting
- interact with a cat from another Clan (cannot be in battle)
- spar with a Clanmate
- use a Clan Move
- assist in a training session (cannot be your own apprentice)
- help with a herb gathering patrol
- receive healing from a Medicine Cat (or MCA)
- help a cat in need
- visit another Clan's territory
- complete a role in a plot
- complete a solo topic
- interact with a cat from outside of the clans (rogue/loner/kittypet)
- battle a predator native to your Clan (native predators can be found at the bottom of the predator list)
- share a story with another cat
- attend a ceremony that is not your own
- participate in an open topic
- be the unplanned participant in a topic where a failed invasion attempt occurs

Possible Development Topics (Rogues)
- Meet a Clan cat (you must learn their name in order to fulfill this requirement; can be earned in battle)
- Learn something from a warrior (battle/hunting related)
- Learn something from a medicine cat (herbs/healing related)
- Fight and defeat a warrior with starting HP higher than your own
- Interact with a fellow outsider
- Attend a Clan gathering
- Successfully hunt on territory that does not belong to you
- Use a rogue group-restricted move
- Help a cat in need
- Participate in an open topic
- Sneak onto territory that does not belong to you without getting caught (successful invasion dice roll)

If you have any questions, please feel free to pm an administrator or staff member.

If you need to get ahold of a staff member please check here for those you need to reach out to!

Last edited by Staff Team on Mon 5 Feb 2024 - 18:45; edited 4 times in total
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Staff Team

Staff Team

Number of posts : 55
Gender : Unspecified

Rank System Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rank System   Rank System EmptySun 26 Mar 2023 - 13:43

Medicine Cat Classes:

Classic MC:
Kit -> MCA -> MC:
→ Very little combat abilities as they were never trained in battle. Because of this, however, they have access to a special healing move that no other Class can use (Natural Talent).
→ They would start with basic apprentice stats and moves and do not have access to Clan moves.

Hybrid MC:
Kit -> Apprentice -> MCA -> MC:
→ Trained in battle and have minimal battle skills. They are significantly stronger in battle than kits who became MCAs, and therefore have higher stats and access to stronger moves.
→ They would use T1 Warrior stats and moves and do have access to Clan moves.

Battle-Trained MC:
Kit -> Apprentice -> Warrior -> MCA -> MC:
→ Highly trained in combat and know how to maneuver in a battle. They know all the moves needed to be successful in battle and have access to a special battle move as a result of their diverse training (Soft Spot).
→ They would use the Warrior stats and damage from the tier they were at when they became an MC and would have access to Clan moves.

-Medicine Cat Class: HP/SP-

Classic Medicine Cat Apprentice: 15 HP / 40 SP
[Classic] Medicine Cat: 25 HP / 60 SP
[Hybrid] Medicine Cat: 30 HP / 80 SP           
[Battle-Trained] Medicine Cat: Same as Warrior Tier before becoming a Medicine Cat.

- Warriors who transfer to Medicine Cat life must restart at Medicine Cat Apprentice rank. The former warrior may keep their full name or change it; however, they must fulfill the Medicine Cat Apprentice requirements before they are considered a fully named Medicine Cat and can begin work on Tier 1 requirements. They will keep the stats of the warrior tier they were previously at.

-Medicine Cats
Medicine Cat Apprentice -> [Tier 1] Medicine Cat; 1 month since apprentice ceremony
→ Attend one Gathering
→ Attend one Medicine Cat Meeting
→ Participate in one herb hunt*
→ Complete one Medicine Cat development topic
[Tier 1] Medicine Cat -> [Tier 2] Medicine Cat; 1 month since medicine cat ceremony
→ Attend one Gathering
→ Attend one Medicine Cat Meeting
→ Go on one herb hunt*
→ Complete three Medicine Cat development topics
→ Ensure all Moonstones requested have been started
→ Not have broken the code or have repented to StarClan
[Tier 2] Medicine Cat -> [Tier 3] Medicine Cat; 2 months since Tier 2
→ Attend one Gathering
→ Attend one Medicine Cat Meeting
→ Go on one herb hunt*
→ Complete four Medicine Cat development topics
→ Ensure all Moonstones requested have been started
→ Not have broken the code or have repented to StarClan
[Tier 3] Medicine Cat -> [Tier 4] Medicine Cat; 2 months since Tier 3
→ Attend two Gatherings
→ Attend two Medicine Cat Meetings
→ Go on two herb hunts*
→ Complete five Medicine Cat development topics
→ Interpret at least one Omen (at any point during ranking process)
→ Ensure all Moonstones requested have been started
→ Not have broken the code or have repented to StarClan

Possible Development Topics (Medicine Cats)
You may only fill one development requirement per thread (e.g. you can't use the same thread to fulfill the interact with a Clanmate and spar with a Clanmate prompts). You may not fulfill the same type of development topic multiple times in the same Tier.
You may fulfill a development requirement in the same thread as a non-development requirement (e.g. you may interact with a cat from another Clan at a Gathering and fulfill both).
- Heal one cat (can be completed up to two times in one rank)
- Save a cat’s life from injury/illness
- Assist with the birth of a litter
- Speak up at a Gathering about an issue
- Speak with your leader and/or deputy about a prophecy
- Attempt to heal or accommodate a disabled cat
- Comfort a cat in distress
- Interpret an omen
- Interpret a false omen
- Consult with StarClan about an issue
- Interact with an MC from another Clan outside of Gatherings and MC meetings
- Share and discuss a prophecy with your apprentice
- Teach a warrior or warrior apprentice about herbs/basic medicine
- Use a class-restricted healing move

If you need to get ahold of a staff member please check here for those you need to reach out to!
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