Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Welcome to WCC! Here are our latest announcements:
Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Rules and Requirements for Higher Ranks

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Rules and Requirements for Higher Ranks Empty
PostSubject: Rules and Requirements for Higher Ranks   Rules and Requirements for Higher Ranks EmptyTue 28 Feb 2023 - 17:03

Being a higher ranks member of WCC is an exciting thing, and with it comes more roleplay opportunities as well as more on-site responsibilities. To ensure that roleplay flows smoothly and everyone has a great time, there are a couple of rules and requirements that these members are expected to follow and meet. Failure to meet these expectations will result in a higher rank's removal from their position, so please read them thoroughly.

These rules only apply to those with the position of Clan leader, deputy, or medicine cat. It would be wise for all users to read them, however, so that any rule violation can be immediately reported to an admin and action can be taken.

Please note that no roleplayer is allowed to hold more than one Higher Rank position at any given time.

Posting Rules & Requirements

  1. Warrior/Elder ceremonies should be done regularly without too much delay. Ceremonies are your primary duty as a leader. If you cannot make them due to unexpected circumstances, be sure to inform your deputy immediately. Do not leave ceremonies in limbo. You are expected to pick up the slack if there are any issues with your deputies. Ceremonies should be started within 48 hours of their request. If any ceremony, including Moonstones, has not been started after 48 hours, start it immediately.
  2. Only one cat is allowed per ceremony. Please do not hold ceremonies for multiple cats at one time. It may seem faster, but the sad reality is that ceremonies end up being held up for weeks because people don't post on time. If one roleplayer disappears, everyone is put on hold.
  3. All ceremonies must follow the same naming conventions. This helps to keep things uniform around the site. (e.g. Applekit's Apprentice Ceremony, Berrypaw's Warrior Ceremony, Crowgleam's Elder Ceremony)
  4. Edit the allegiances when ceremonies for characters are completed. The allegiances should not be updated until a character's status has officially changed, meaning they have been approved, they have fulfilled all requirements, and/or the leader has posted finalizing their ceremony. It cannot be modified early. This also includes removing characters when an official deceased report has been posted or in cases of a character leaving your clan.
  5. Lead your Clan to gatherings. Gatherings begin on the 1st of each month. Please do not take longer than a few days to turn up to Gatherings. A short post is fine, or get your deputy to lead if you must. Your Clan cannot post until you've posted; therefore, you must post as soon as possible. The deadline for leading your Clan into the gathering is the 5th of each month.
  6. Post in all activity checks. Consistent failure to post in activity checks is grounds for your removal, regardless of announcements.
  7. Update your Clans Rank list. Leaders are responsible for verifying and tracking their Clanmate's progress, and updating the rank tables accordingly.
  8. Engage with your clan.  Leaders should get involved and try their best to know their Clanmates.
  9. A leader may only rule for two years. After this point in time, they must either die or step down from the position.
  10. When necessary, a leader must start a new deputy selection within seven days after the position opening. As selecting a deputy is critical both in character and out of character, it must be done without delay. Deputies should be selected from eligible Clan warriors whose roleplayers do not hold another high rank.

  1. Apprentice ceremonies should be done regularly without too much delay. Ceremonies should be started within 48 hours of their request. If any ceremony, including Moonstones, has not been started after 48 hours, start it immediately.
  2. PM all mentors if they get an apprentice. Make sure to check up on apprentices as some newer roleplayers can be shy and hesitate to approach their mentors about training.
  3. All rules regarding ceremonies in the Leader's section apply to you as well. If your leader needs you to take over, you have to be ready or else risk being removed as deputy by either your leader or staff. You are the last line of defense to ensure everything gets done.
  4. Post in all activity checks. Failure to post in an activity check means your removal unless there was an announcement made or your leader wishes to keep you on as deputy.

Medicine Cats & Full Name MCAs
  1. Attend MC Meetings. Medicine Cat Meetings begin on the 15th of each month. Missing out on MC meetings without a legitimate excuse is grounds for your removal. You can arrange in roleplay to have your cat skip the meeting if you won't have time to post, but simply forgetting isn't permissible.
  2. Use the prophecy system! You must utilize the revelation dice within 14 days of the MC Meeting's posted date. At each meeting, you will have the opportunity to learn of hidden plots/romances/murders to reveal to your leader - or keep secret for your own devices. Be the advisor to your Leader that your Clan deserves!
    Guide to Revelations and Omens:
  3. Train your apprentice. MCAs require training like regular warrior apprentices; please do not neglect teaching them the Healing System, which also utilizes the Battle System.
  4. Moonstone trips should be done regularly without too much delay. This is your primary duty as MC/MCA besides prophecies, and all apprentices that wish to move up in rank require this. Failure to meet this requirement can mean your removal. Ceremonies should be started within 48 hours of their request. If any ceremony, including Moonstones, have not been started after 48 hours, start it immediately.
  5. Post in all activity checks. Failure to post in an activity check can mean your removal unless there was an announcement made.
  6. All moonstone journeys and ceremonies should follow the same naming conventions. This helps to keep things uniform around the site. (e.g. Poppypaw's Moonstone Journey, Featherkit's Medicine Cat Apprentice Ceremony, Birdpaw's Medicine Cat Ceremony.)

Medicine Cat Apprentice
  1. Attend MC Meetings with your mentor. You should be learning how the prophecy system works even though you may not yet utilize it.
  2. Learn the healing system. For this you will need the guidance of your mentor; it utilizes the Rank and Battle Systems as well.
  3. Post in all activity checks. Failure to post in an activity check means your removal unless there was an announcement made.
  4. Help ensure all Moonstones are started in a timely manner. Ceremonies should be started within 48 hours of their request. If any ceremony, including Moonstones, has not been started after 48 hours, start it immediately.

Activity Requirements

1. After two weeks of complete inactivity, a leader will be declared very sick; the Clan's deputy must take on most leadership roles (including performing ceremonies and leading Gatherings).
2. After three weeks of complete inactivity without an announcement, the standard procedure is that the leader is said to have disappeared or gotten sick, and the deputy will become the next leader. Staff will discuss this on a case-by-case basis.
3. After four weeks of inactivity with an announcement, if it's determined the leader cannot be reliably active for a long enough period of time then they will be considered for removal. Again, staff will discuss this on a case-by-case basis.

1. After a missed activity check with or without an announcement, the leader is free to pick a new deputy if they so choose.
2. If both leader and deputy are inactive, staff will pick an eligible senior warrior to serve as deputy.
3. If a deputy fails to meet the duties of their role, they will be demoted from their rank. Staff will discuss this on a case-by-case basis.

Medicine Cat / Medicine Cat apprentice
1. If a medicine cat or their apprentice misses an activity check without an announcement, or otherwise goes inactive for 3 weeks, then their position is eligible to be opened and their cat can be said to have disappeared or gotten sick. Staff will discuss this on a case-by-case basis.
2. If a medicine cat or their apprentice misses an activity check with an announcement, or otherwise goes inactive for one month, and it's determined they cannot be reliable for a long enough period of time, then they will be considered for removal.
3. If a medicine cat fails to meet the duties of their role, they will be demoted from their rank.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM an administrator.
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