Mother's Name: Coyotegrin
Clan: WindClan
Origins:Goldenstar x Silverlight
Coyote is 5.1% RC, 1.6% TC,
55.1% WC, 12.5% New SkC, 25% Rogue, 0.4% Kittypet, and 0.4% Old SkC (but she believes she is 100% WC)
Father's Name: Hawkheart
Clan: WindClan
Origins: 100% NPC WindClan
So genetically, the kits will be: 77.5% WC, 2.55% RC, 0.8% TC, 6.25% New SkC, 12.5% Rogue, 0.20 % Kittypet, and 0.20% Old SkyClan (but they will be led to believe they are 100% WC)
Adopted Kits?: Yes!!
Special Requests: Please be active, and if you die, allow us to have trauma with it
- Please have them look semi-realistic to the parents
- Hawk is BIG, Coyote is tiny (just as a note)
- Unlimted kit slots. Well, up to like 7 for natural
1. Goldenkit (Aspen)
2. ?????? (Stags)
Astra inclinant...
.: Coyotegrin :: Kestrelchirp :: Quailprowler : Waspswarm : Burnetpaw :.
#9966ff : #cc3300 : #6699ff : #993366 : #ff9900 : #ff66cc
WC T5 Warrior : WC T4 Warrior : TC T4 Warrior : SkC T2 Warrior (Bonus) : RC App
"When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire."