Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Battle Training

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2 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : ×Mossbloom ; ×Dappleshine ; ×Goldengale ; ×Blossomstep ; ×Murkystar ; ×Dewlight ; ×Sunnyskip ; ×Anastasia ; (S)tormypaw ; (C)inderpaw ; (Q)uickpaw
Clan/Rank : (S) ThunderClan Apprentice ; (C) ShadowClan Apprentice ; (Q) SkyClan Apprentice
Cancer Rat
Number of posts : 3564
Gender : She/Her
Age : 27

Battle Training Empty
PostSubject: Battle Training   Battle Training EmptyMon 3 Aug 2020 - 16:59

Her apprentice's training was coming along nicely, Goldengale thought with a glimmer of light in her eyes as she she looked over to where Flashpaw trotted alongside her. Today they were going to go over some of the new battle moves that Flashpaw had been asked to practice, and depending on how that went, Goldengale was going to show her how to use her inherit speed and quick wit to take advantage of opportunities and sway the battle in her favor. It wasn't long before they reached the field of flowers that Goldengale had chosen for today's training spot, but as she gazed around at the sprawling expanse of blooming flowers she felt her heart twist. Last moon Clovertwist had disappeared without a word, and though she had tried she hadn't been able to trace his scent. The lump in her throat as she scoured the territory for any cave-ins or collapses eased as everything seemed to be sound, and she had heard nothing of any dogs or foxes or even badgers that had crossed into the moors. Raising her eyes towards the horizon, she wondered briefly what fate had met her final littermate, and if he was still out there somewhere. She could only pray that he found peace and happiness. Turning her attention back to the young tom, she settled into a defensive stance with her claws sheathed. "You've been practicing what we went over the other day, right? I want you to try out some of those moves on me. I won't make it easy on you, though!" She purred, trying to clear her mind from the worry of her brother.

For this training, please stick to Belly Rake and Tail Yank. We're starting with a spar, so please pretend as though Flashpaw's claws are sheathed - damage will still be done to Goldengale but it would be in a "nonlethal" sense persay. If you need any help, or have any questions, please let me know!

Battle Training 25403010 Battle Training 25403011 Battle Training 25403012

Stormypaw (♀) ||| Cinderpaw (♀) ||| Quickkit (♀)
ThunderClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| ShadowClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| SkyClan Kit ~ 10 HP / 30 SP

StarClan: Mossbloom, Dappleshine, Goldengale, Blossomstep, Sunnyskip
Other: Murkystar, Dewlight, Anastasia
Dark Forest: None

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Characters : Pebblepaw[TC] Fallowpaw[WC]
Number of posts : 145
Gender : She/her

Battle Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Battle Training   Battle Training EmptySun 9 Aug 2020 - 16:38

Flashpaw followed along beside Goldengale, casting his mentor a few thoughtful glances from time to time. Training with her had been less strenuous that he'd thought it would be-- and he was glad for it. At least with Goldengale, she never yelled when he tripped over his own paws-- which, thankfully, was happening less and less as he began to grow into his lanky build.
He stopped when she stopped and waited patiently. Lately she seemed distracted when they went out on the moor-- and he couldn't blame her. Everyone knew Clovertwist's disappearance had been hard for her, and Flashpaw knew what it was like to lose a littermate.
His ears perked up when she turned to address him and he nodded enthusiastically, dropping into his practiced stance with a swish of his tail. Slowly, he began to circle her, searching for an opening in her stance. When he thought he finally saw one, he lept forward to get close enough to grip her tail between his teeth. Once he clamped his teeth down, he lept back off to one side in an attempt to pull her off balance.

Flashpaw used Tail Yank, dealing -2 Damage and costing -10 Stamina

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : ×Mossbloom ; ×Dappleshine ; ×Goldengale ; ×Blossomstep ; ×Murkystar ; ×Dewlight ; ×Sunnyskip ; ×Anastasia ; (S)tormypaw ; (C)inderpaw ; (Q)uickpaw
Clan/Rank : (S) ThunderClan Apprentice ; (C) ShadowClan Apprentice ; (Q) SkyClan Apprentice
Cancer Rat
Number of posts : 3564
Gender : She/Her
Age : 27

Battle Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Battle Training   Battle Training EmptyWed 9 Sep 2020 - 9:53

Flashpaw was eager to follow her lead, and she watched him carefully as he dropped into his crouch. It was well-balanced and steady, something she was pleased to see. The young tom had been a bit unsteady on his paws at first, but as he grew into his build he had gotten better at managing his height. He circled her for a while, watching for an opportunity. It came in the form of a swift, oddly shaped shadow which snatched Goldengale's attention. She looked up to the sky for a heartbeat and before she could see if it was a cloud or something else that had caused the strange shadow teeth clamped her tail and she swallowed down a yowl of surprise. The apprentice's teeth weren't quite as sharp as a kit's, but still proved to be quite thorn-like, and the power in his jaws was a pleasant, thought painful, surprise. Momentarily forgetting the shadow, she pulled her tail free of Flashpaw's teeth and gave him a reassuring smile, drawing the tip of her tail to her nose. "That was very well done, Flashpaw. Great job using those long legs of yours to get in and out of reach quickly!" She purred, inspecting her tail before focusing back on the tom. "You're going to be a magnificent warrior." She mewed, dropping back into a defensive stance.

As she prepared for the next attack, the shadow reappeared, but it was darker this time. Raising her head swiftly, she saw a flash of talons and feathers as sharp claws raked her face, crossing raggedly over the left side of her face. Unable to stop the yowl of shock, she tumbled backwards before springing up to her paws, swinging her head to try to locate the assailant. Blood trickled into her vision and she blinked it away as quickly as she could, stepping back to stand next to her apprentice. "Must be an eagle or hawk. I can't see it very well, but together we can do this. Come on, Flashpaw, WindClan will eat well tonight." She growled, turning her head up to find the eagle again.

Goldengale was stunned for one turn, and is no longer stunned.
An Eagle has appeared! Eagle used Swoop on Goldengale, dealing 30 damage and costing 20 SP.

68/100 HP (-30)
280/280 SP

60/60 HP
180/200 SP (-20)

20/20 HP
70/80 SP

Feel free to attack the Eagle! As the one that introduced the predator, I take care of moving it each round. In my next post, I will attack with Goldengale, and then with it. Feel free to use any move for Apprentices on the Battle System page! Please let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to copy and paste the stats above if it helps!

OOC: I do additionally apologize for the long delay, work has been crazy and I've been struggling with getting my balance back. I hope to be better from here on out!

Battle Training 25403010 Battle Training 25403011 Battle Training 25403012

Stormypaw (♀) ||| Cinderpaw (♀) ||| Quickkit (♀)
ThunderClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| ShadowClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| SkyClan Kit ~ 10 HP / 30 SP

StarClan: Mossbloom, Dappleshine, Goldengale, Blossomstep, Sunnyskip
Other: Murkystar, Dewlight, Anastasia
Dark Forest: None

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Characters : Pebblepaw[TC] Fallowpaw[WC]
Number of posts : 145
Gender : She/her

Battle Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Battle Training   Battle Training EmptySun 20 Sep 2020 - 12:51

Flashpaw openly beamed at his mentor’s praise. He’d been doing his best to fill out the expectations set out for him, and having all that work be validated filled him with a surge of pride. He braced himself to launch another practiced attack when the shadow fell on Goldengale. He leapt back in surprise as his mentor was knocked backwards. The scent of fresh blood hit him and the realization of what had happened hit him. Bounding forward to her side, he cast her a worried glance before turning his eyes up towards the sky.
He caught sight of the bird circling overhead just as it began to rapidly descend yet again. Talons glinted menacingly as they were swiftly extended-- Flashpaw yelp as he realized they were directed at him. His battle training had no time to circle through his head as talons struck his shoulder. Reflexively, he swiped with the opposite paw, letting out a yowl of both pain and anger.

Eagle used Talon Strike on Flashpaw, dealing 10 damage and costing 10 SP. Flashpaw used Front Paw Strike on Eagle, dealing 6 damage and costing 10 SP.

68/100 HP
280/280 SP

54/60 HP (-6)
170/200 SP (-10)

10/20 HP (-10)
60/80 SP (-10)
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : ×Mossbloom ; ×Dappleshine ; ×Goldengale ; ×Blossomstep ; ×Murkystar ; ×Dewlight ; ×Sunnyskip ; ×Anastasia ; (S)tormypaw ; (C)inderpaw ; (Q)uickpaw
Clan/Rank : (S) ThunderClan Apprentice ; (C) ShadowClan Apprentice ; (Q) SkyClan Apprentice
Cancer Rat
Number of posts : 3564
Gender : She/Her
Age : 27

Battle Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Battle Training   Battle Training EmptyFri 25 Sep 2020 - 11:15

OOC: The eagle only attacks once per round, just like you and I! In general, the one who introduced (or encountered, in cases of a 10 rolled on a hunting dice) is the one to control the predator, although certain cases are considered and we allow others to control the predator. So Flashpaw would not have been hit in your post - however I will have him be attacked so you can keep the flavor in your post! Very Happy Hamu Additionally, in Goldengale's attack I have used WindClan's clan move, Swift Strike. This move is explained a bit more in the Battle System, but essentially WindClan cats use their speed to get an additional hit in. There is a base amount of damage dealt by rank from Swift Strike, and then you can pair it with any other regular move. In this instance, I have paired it with Rending Front Paws. If you have any questions, please let me know!

Fury built in her throat as the bird circled again, this time it's eyes locked on her apprentice's frame. With a yowl, Goldengale leapt forward, planting her hind legs to bring her claws raking down the side of the bird as it's talons reached for Flashpaw. Darting around to it's other side, she lashed out with another paw, shaking the blood from her sight again. "Flashpaw, are you alright?" She called, eyes landing on her apprentice's shoulder wound with a wince.

Goldengale used Swift Strike, dealing 7 damage and costing 10 SP. She follows it up with Rending Front Paws, dealing 17 damage and costing 25 SP for a total of 24 damage and -35 SP. The Eagle used Talon Strike on Flashpaw as noted above.

68/100 HP
245/280 SP (-35)

30/60 HP (-24)
170/200 SP

10/20 HP
60/80 SP

Battle Training 25403010 Battle Training 25403011 Battle Training 25403012

Stormypaw (♀) ||| Cinderpaw (♀) ||| Quickkit (♀)
ThunderClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| ShadowClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| SkyClan Kit ~ 10 HP / 30 SP

StarClan: Mossbloom, Dappleshine, Goldengale, Blossomstep, Sunnyskip
Other: Murkystar, Dewlight, Anastasia
Dark Forest: None

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Characters : Pebblepaw[TC] Fallowpaw[WC]
Number of posts : 145
Gender : She/her

Battle Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Battle Training   Battle Training EmptySun 25 Oct 2020 - 4:08

“Yeah, I’m okay!” Flashpaw answered, giving his injured shoulder a quick lick with a small wince. He dropped back down into a lopsided crouch to keep most of his weight off his injury. “Nothing a new feather lined nest won’t help!” He growled as he lashed out with flashing claws at the eagle, first with one swift paw and then with the other.

Flashpaw used Swift Strike, dealing 2 damage and costing 10 SP, paired with Front Paw Strike, dealing 6 damage and costing 10 SP, for a total of 8 damage and -20 SP

68/100 HP
245/280 SP

22/60 HP (-8)
170/200 SP

10/20 HP
40/80 SP (-20)
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : ×Mossbloom ; ×Dappleshine ; ×Goldengale ; ×Blossomstep ; ×Murkystar ; ×Dewlight ; ×Sunnyskip ; ×Anastasia ; (S)tormypaw ; (C)inderpaw ; (Q)uickpaw
Clan/Rank : (S) ThunderClan Apprentice ; (C) ShadowClan Apprentice ; (Q) SkyClan Apprentice
Cancer Rat
Number of posts : 3564
Gender : She/Her
Age : 27

Battle Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Battle Training   Battle Training EmptySun 1 Nov 2020 - 10:41

Goldengale purred in agreement to the young tom's comment. "You're absolutely correct there. Come, let's finish this. Be ready to make your move." She mewed, watching the eagle for a moment as it circled above. Finally, it flew down at the pair, and Goldengale positioned herself in front of Flashpaw, rising on her hind legs as the bird slashed at her chest fur. As it was caught, she slammed her front paws down with a yowl to the tom. "Flashpaw, now!"

Eagle used Swoop on Goldengale, dealing 30 damage and costing 20 SP.
Goldengale retaliated using Upright Lock, dealing 17 damage and costing 25 SP.

38/100 HP (-30)
220/280 SP (-25)

5/60 HP (-17)
150/200 SP (-20)

10/20 HP
40/80 SP

Battle Training 25403010 Battle Training 25403011 Battle Training 25403012

Stormypaw (♀) ||| Cinderpaw (♀) ||| Quickkit (♀)
ThunderClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| ShadowClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| SkyClan Kit ~ 10 HP / 30 SP

StarClan: Mossbloom, Dappleshine, Goldengale, Blossomstep, Sunnyskip
Other: Murkystar, Dewlight, Anastasia
Dark Forest: None

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Characters : Pebblepaw[TC] Fallowpaw[WC]
Number of posts : 145
Gender : She/her

Battle Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Battle Training   Battle Training EmptyThu 5 Nov 2020 - 17:35

"Right!" Flashpaw tensed as he dropped into a memorized stance, eyes locked on the circling shape of the eagle overhead. As Goldengale finally caught hold of the menacing bird and cried out her cue, the apprentice launched himself with a yowl onto the eagle’s back to deliver the final blow.

Flashpaw used Front Paw Strike, dealing 6 damage and costing 10 SP.

38/100 HP
220/280 SP

0/60 HP (-6)
150/200 SP

10/20 HP
30/80 SP (-10)
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : ×Mossbloom ; ×Dappleshine ; ×Goldengale ; ×Blossomstep ; ×Murkystar ; ×Dewlight ; ×Sunnyskip ; ×Anastasia ; (S)tormypaw ; (C)inderpaw ; (Q)uickpaw
Clan/Rank : (S) ThunderClan Apprentice ; (C) ShadowClan Apprentice ; (Q) SkyClan Apprentice
Cancer Rat
Number of posts : 3564
Gender : She/Her
Age : 27

Battle Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Battle Training   Battle Training EmptySat 7 Nov 2020 - 14:04

Goldengale released the bird as it stopped moving, turning with a wide smile to Flashpaw. "You did it! Well done Flashpaw, you did magnificently! I'm so proud of how much you've learned." Wiping a dirty paw over her bleeding eye, she looked back down to the bird. "This wasn't really in the plan, but it was a good opportunity for you to get your practice, and now we've got something that will feed a good portion of the clan tonight! I'll be sure that you get some feathers after the elders and queens, okay? You did well today, I think we can call it early. et's head back to camp and show everyone!" She purred, grabbing the bird at the base of it's neck and picking it up carefully, a gleam in her eyes.

Battle Training 25403010 Battle Training 25403011 Battle Training 25403012

Stormypaw (♀) ||| Cinderpaw (♀) ||| Quickkit (♀)
ThunderClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| ShadowClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| SkyClan Kit ~ 10 HP / 30 SP

StarClan: Mossbloom, Dappleshine, Goldengale, Blossomstep, Sunnyskip
Other: Murkystar, Dewlight, Anastasia
Dark Forest: None

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