Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Welcome to WCC! Here are our latest announcements:
Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. If you miss one activity check, make sure you do the next one!
Leaf-fall is finally here, and with it, the promise of colder, crueler, days ahead.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Trapped! (closed)

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6 posters


Characters : Fuzzface, Curlyfluff, Sweetheart, Molehill, Bugpaw
Clan/Rank : (F)WC/T5, (C)TC/T5, (S)TC/T2, (M)WC/T3, (B)WC/App
Libra Dragon
Number of posts : 5924
Gender : F
Age : 24

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptyThu 10 Jan 2019 - 20:04

Trapped! (closed) Badman-1
snazzy edit made by ice

The night was full of whispers… the faint rustlings of small creatures stirring in their nests… the crisp winter breeze shifting the bald twigs of tree branches… the distant trickling of a quickly freezing stream… but all of these were familiar, comforting.

A pair of boots left it's marks upon the freshly laid snow as a much larger creature snuck past… man was in the forest.

Two destinations, two placements... one goal. Bending down, its covering of dark-colored pelts swishing unnaturally, the foreign creature selected its hunting spot and quickly set to work, long-toed paws twisting and tying a shiny loop of hard grass around a thin wooden trunk, before stepping back to admire its accomplishment. It was well hidden, covered by dead leaves and cracking twigs… a perfect trap for the creature's quarry. His shadowed face twisting into what resembled a smile, the Twoleg turned his back to the forest and struck out for the very distant lights of its home, the place to be protected from the unintelligent savagery of nature.

As the pale leaf-bare sun rose about the hills many hours later, the soft steps of a cat sounded nearby. Step… step… stepping ever closer, to its worst nightmares.

~ ice ice baby

gym rat    crazy poodle lady    mst

Trapped! (closed) VHQrlk5
Trapped! (closed) 1QYZaRo

Trapped! (closed) Molex311
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Characters : Living: Sunleap [t1], Bearpaw. Dead: so many
Clan/Rank : TC Apprentice
Sagittarius Monkey
Number of posts : 3866
Gender : She/her
Age : 19

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptyThu 10 Jan 2019 - 20:43

Mintwhisker huffed as best she could, her breath rising to form a halo of condensation around her head. She'd been holding several bundles of chickweed and tansy for such a long time that the herb scent was beginning to make her head spin. It was all she'd been able to smell since she first crept out of the den she shared with Amberdawn several hours ago.
The short-legged tabby shook herself, picking her way around rocks and twisted tree roots. Her long whiskers twitched as she searched for any remaining herbs, her ears perked as if she'd be able to hear the herbs. She stifled a yawn. How long had she been walking?
A bird chirped nearby and Mintwhisker blinked. For the first time in several hours, she looked towards the sky. Dawn already?" She shook her head, turning to move defeatedly back towards camp. All she had to show for several hours of work was a small pile of bedraggled herbs.

Suddenly, her ears twitched. A small pile of oak leaves was sitting at the base of a tree only a foxlength or two away from the trail she'd been following. How lucky! If the bird sang only a few moments earlier, Mintwhisker would've completely missed it. The small she-cat grinned, moving towards the leaves with a muffled mrrow of happiness at her good fortune.
She stepped around the trunk, nosing the herbs around in an effort to locate the best, driest leaves. Suddenly, she felt something close around her front left leg. Mintwhisker faltered, dropping her herb bundles in surprise. She gave her leg a few experimental tugs. "Wh..." She murmured, wincing as she felt it tighten around her leg. The fur on her neck rose. "Gah!" She bent down, sniffing the snow desperately for whatever it was that had managed to grab ahold of her.
What if she was stuck here... forever? What if the creature ate her entire leg? Her heart began to pound as confusion gave way to mind-numbing panic. "Let... go!" She exclaimed furiously, thrashing around angrily. She dug her back paws into the ground, pulling with all her might only to let out a cry as she felt it cutting deeper into her skin. "Help! Help me, please!" She yowled.

Sunleap – T1 TC Warrior – #009966 | Bearpaw – TC Apprentice – #0066ff Feral/#006666 Forest
Bear's 1/2 Feral Buffs

Last edited by Drippy on Sat 12 Jan 2019 - 13:12; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Alive: Rookfire(Rk), Kitespring(K), Laurelriver (La) StarClan: Buzzardclaw(B), Pebblestorm(P), Rushpaw(R), Waspkit(W), Snakepaw(S), Cardinalpaw(C), Briarpaw(Br), Rowanpaw(Ro), Wrenbreeze(Wr), Heronflight(H), Acornfall(A), Larkfeather(L), Badgerpaw(Ba), Shrikesong(Sh), Foxspark(F), Heronpaw (He), Poppycloud (Po) Unknown: Alderbloom (Al)
Leo Dog
Number of posts : 2513
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Age : 18

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptyThu 10 Jan 2019 - 21:32

Acornfall was on the usual dawn patrol, trying to converse with others.  As the brown tabby she-cat strayed away from the rest of the group, she saw something odd.  A cat was struggling to get out of something.  When she got a closer look, it was Mintwhisker.  Acornfall called, ”GUYS!  MINTWHISKER IS TRAPPED!”  What do I do, what do I do, WHAT DO I DO!? The brown tabby she-cat started to panic as she didn’t know how to free Mintwhisker.  Her mind slipped to Crowpaw’s death, then Shade, then RiverClan, then Sweet, the former RiverClan warrior who gave birth to Shade.  All the while, she was standing still, dithering instead of doing something.

Rookfire, ShadowClan T4 Warrior: 60/170
Kitespring, RiverClan T3 Warrior: 50/140
Laurelriver, WindClan T3 Warrior: 50/140
Hollypaw, SkyClan MCA: 20/50

pfp of rook drawn by the amazing xaandiir!

Trapped! (closed) Image10

Last edited by Mamenchisaurus on Sun 13 Jan 2019 - 18:06; edited 1 time in total
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Turtlefur, Goldenstar, Lynxpetal, Creekpaw, Lightningpaw
Clan/Rank : RiverClan Warrior, WindClan Leader, SkyClan Queen RiverClan Apprentice, WindClan Apprentice
Sagittarius Tiger
Number of posts : 8190
Gender : it
Age : 25

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptyFri 11 Jan 2019 - 10:33

Spottedleap trotted along with the other patrol members, tired and wishing he could have skipped the dawn patrol and made up for it by going on the dusk patrol that night. He responded to Acornfall's attempt at conversation, but only barely, and plodded on with bleary eyes. It was Acornfall's sudden outburst that startled him into wakefulness, and the new warrior gasped in shock when he saw Mintwhisker's leg beginning to bleed. What was wrong? She seemed to be stuck in place, but he didn't know why. The tomcat circled Mintwhisker, meowing, "Stay calm, stay calm, we'll figure this out...!" but secretly it was more to himself than to the trapped she-cat. The blood-scent began to grow heavy and he sped up his circular pacing, more incoherent thoughts racing as he fruitlessly tried to conjure up some kind of solution for the unknown problem.


Sun // Living Characters // Deceased Characters
Trapped! (closed) 713E5771-31B2-4EA8-B75F-EC3A67DB4C32
Turtlefur || Tom || RiverClan T5 Warrior || Requirements || #cc9900
Goldenstar || She-cat || WindClan T5 Leader || Requirements || burlywood
Lynxpetal || She-cat || SkyClan Queen || darkblue
Lightningpaw || Tom || WindClan Apprentice || #dfd47e
Creekpaw || She-cat || RiverClan Apprentice || #4c5682
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Characters : Flamethrower, Jaculus
Clan/Rank : [F] Rogue [T1], [J] Rogue [T1]
Sagittarius Snake
Number of posts : 1229
Gender : am Woman
Age : 22

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptyFri 11 Jan 2019 - 22:05

Swanpaw padded quietly along with the rest of the patrol, her paws crunching slightly into the dim white snow with every pawstep. Her eyes reflected the dim morning sky as she looked up through the branches, a weave of beautiful lines drapped with snow that glittered slightly in the dawn light. Her mind far off, she barely noticed the stench of blood and an odd scuffling sound until a yowl tore through the air.
W-what? Her head whipped around as her nose was suddenly filled with the metallic smell of blood, and her gaze froze on the sight of Mintwhisker struggling in the snow. Blood was scattered over the churned up snow around her, droplets staining the white a muddy red. The other cats were all doing something, but Swanpaw could only stand, her paws frozen as if she'd become a part of the snow beneath. Her eyes felt like they were stuck open, so wide they were probably showing the whites. M-Mintwhisker- I... I have to do something.
But her paws didn't move as every cat's words and sounds blended into a meaningless babble that was drowned out by the buzzing in her ears. Red... blood... Oh StarClan. The whole thing seemed to drift out of focus, and she felt like she was observing herself just standing in the snow, blood thick in the air, cries of the injured and the panicking echoing from some distant place. I... I need to do something. I- I need to.... Her paw lifted from the snow, the whole world in slow-motion as her shaking leg planted down unsteadily in front of her. She could see the medicine cat, once so capable, reduced to a shuddering mess writhing in the snow, but her paws wouldn't move. She's going to die.
Why- w-why can't I move?

They took our lives... and then they didn't use them!

Trapped! (closed) Sadnes10
I saw so many places
The things that I did
Yeah with every broken bone
I swear I lived

Jaculus | Flamethrower | Swansong | Rift | Minkstar | Cleft Spyre | Sablepaw/Lirista | Murkpaw
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Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptyMon 14 Jan 2019 - 22:19

Condorshade sprung into action when the panicked voices of his clan-mates reached his ears. The large tom had fallen behind during the patrol as he usually did since he often lost himself in his thoughts.

Once the tom reached the scene, he instantly made his way to Mintwhisker and attempted to chomp away at the shiny loop to try to free her. His powerful jaw came in handy and was actually making some progress. He kept going but with slightly more care as to not bite any flesh in the progress.

The warrior looked back at the others, a determined look on his usually stoic face. The huge tom signaled to them to help him bite and loosen Mintwhisker's captor. He wasn't going to allow this to keep her here forever. It was getting off whether it liked it or not!
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Characters : Living: Sunleap [t1], Bearpaw. Dead: so many
Clan/Rank : TC Apprentice
Sagittarius Monkey
Number of posts : 3866
Gender : She/her
Age : 19

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2019 - 14:13

Letting out a squeak of fright, Mintwhisker tugged harder, biting desperately at her leg. "H-help, please!" She yelped, turning away from her mangled leg to see a patrol nearby. Of course! The dawn patrol. She nearly melted with relief as they scrambled towards her.
"Hurry-" She grunted, staring at them as they stood in a semicircle around her. Why weren't they doing anything? There must be something they could do...
The taupe she-cat swallowed as she felt her paw begin to tingle. "Whatever's got my leg is cutting off my circulation." Her voice trembled slightly as she struggled to keep ahold of the calmness that had washed over her when she first saw her clanmates. "If I'm not free soon..." She trailed off, her throat tightening as she fought against her rising panic and whatever had closed around her leg.

Sunleap – T1 TC Warrior – #009966 | Bearpaw – TC Apprentice – #0066ff Feral/#006666 Forest
Bear's 1/2 Feral Buffs
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Characters : Fuzzface, Curlyfluff, Sweetheart, Molehill, Bugpaw
Clan/Rank : (F)WC/T5, (C)TC/T5, (S)TC/T2, (M)WC/T3, (B)WC/App
Libra Dragon
Number of posts : 5924
Gender : F
Age : 24

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptyTue 22 Jan 2019 - 11:13

Trapped! (closed) RJDx1lt

Mintwhisker has been caught by a fox trap!

To free her, a cat must dig up the wooden stake which holds the wire in place. Quick, roll the Effect Dice! Whoever rolls the highest number, or whoever rolls a 6 first will find the way to free her. Please remain in character, have your cats investigate the situation while you roll the dice, and if your character is successful determined by the roll, please edit that post accordingly, just as you would on a hunting patrol or in a battle! Good luck!

~ ice ice baby

gym rat    crazy poodle lady    mst

Trapped! (closed) VHQrlk5
Trapped! (closed) 1QYZaRo

Trapped! (closed) Molex311
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Characters : Alive: Rookfire(Rk), Kitespring(K), Laurelriver (La) StarClan: Buzzardclaw(B), Pebblestorm(P), Rushpaw(R), Waspkit(W), Snakepaw(S), Cardinalpaw(C), Briarpaw(Br), Rowanpaw(Ro), Wrenbreeze(Wr), Heronflight(H), Acornfall(A), Larkfeather(L), Badgerpaw(Ba), Shrikesong(Sh), Foxspark(F), Heronpaw (He), Poppycloud (Po) Unknown: Alderbloom (Al)
Leo Dog
Number of posts : 2513
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Age : 18

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptyFri 25 Jan 2019 - 15:44

Acornfall snapped out of her daze, trying to figure out how to free Mintwhisker.  The brown tabby she-cat started to bite the sticks that held the shiny gray stick(wire) together.  She tried as hard as she could, but to no avail. However, the brown she-cat continued to try to break one of the sticks; she hoped that somehow, maybe, she could save Mintwhisker from this trap.

Rookfire, ShadowClan T4 Warrior: 60/170
Kitespring, RiverClan T3 Warrior: 50/140
Laurelriver, WindClan T3 Warrior: 50/140
Hollypaw, SkyClan MCA: 20/50

pfp of rook drawn by the amazing xaandiir!

Trapped! (closed) Image10

Last edited by Mamenchisaurus on Fri 25 Jan 2019 - 15:45; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
Clan/Rank : RiverClanWarrior
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15468
Age : 30

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptyFri 25 Jan 2019 - 15:44

The member 'Mamenchisaurus' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Effect Dice' : 2

~Founder/Owner of WCC~
~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
~Please pm Administrators with queries as I'm not active~
Trapped! (closed) Mistpe10
Trapped! (closed) Sig2
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Turtlefur, Goldenstar, Lynxpetal, Creekpaw, Lightningpaw
Clan/Rank : RiverClan Warrior, WindClan Leader, SkyClan Queen RiverClan Apprentice, WindClan Apprentice
Sagittarius Tiger
Number of posts : 8190
Gender : it
Age : 25

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptySun 27 Jan 2019 - 14:32

Spottledleap's panic was probably not helping Mintwhisker in the slightest. He wanted to be calm, he really did; he just didn't know what to do. Was there something he just couldn't see? He sniffed the wire that wrapped around her leg, smelling nothing but the tangy scent of fresh blood and desperation. It was frustrating, but he was completely at a loss for ideas.


Sun // Living Characters // Deceased Characters
Trapped! (closed) 713E5771-31B2-4EA8-B75F-EC3A67DB4C32
Turtlefur || Tom || RiverClan T5 Warrior || Requirements || #cc9900
Goldenstar || She-cat || WindClan T5 Leader || Requirements || burlywood
Lynxpetal || She-cat || SkyClan Queen || darkblue
Lightningpaw || Tom || WindClan Apprentice || #dfd47e
Creekpaw || She-cat || RiverClan Apprentice || #4c5682

Last edited by Sun on Sun 27 Jan 2019 - 14:32; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
Clan/Rank : RiverClanWarrior
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15468
Age : 30

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptySun 27 Jan 2019 - 14:32

The member 'Sun' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Effect Dice' : 3

~Founder/Owner of WCC~
~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
~Please pm Administrators with queries as I'm not active~
Trapped! (closed) Mistpe10
Trapped! (closed) Sig2
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Characters : Flamethrower, Jaculus
Clan/Rank : [F] Rogue [T1], [J] Rogue [T1]
Sagittarius Snake
Number of posts : 1229
Gender : am Woman
Age : 22

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptySun 27 Jan 2019 - 20:20

Swanpaw's frozen feet shifted in the ground as the others began to try and figure out how to free the medicine cat. An unpleasant buzzing sensation still filled her ears, but she no longer felt like collapsing. T-there must be some way to free her.... She swallowed hard, trying to avoid looking Mintwhisker's leg and stepped forwards hesitantly. The stink of blood and fear still made her want to cower in the snow with her paws over her head, but she determinedly moved closer, trying to figure out just where the strange silver web had come from without looking at it too much.
What would Tinystar do? What would Moonlight do? She hesitated for a moment, the answer popping into her head. Take a deep breath. Drawing in a deep breath of air and wincing at the sharp smell of blood, she peered at the silver line digging into the other cat's leg, forcing her eyes not to shy away. It... it looks like it leads to something. It trailed off from the leg, dragging a line through the snow to the base of the tree. Does it go around the tree...? It seemed to lead there and then just disappear beneath a mound of snowy leaves and sticks.

They took our lives... and then they didn't use them!

Trapped! (closed) Sadnes10
I saw so many places
The things that I did
Yeah with every broken bone
I swear I lived

Jaculus | Flamethrower | Swansong | Rift | Minkstar | Cleft Spyre | Sablepaw/Lirista | Murkpaw

Last edited by Chickenwing on Sun 27 Jan 2019 - 20:24; edited 2 times in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
Clan/Rank : RiverClanWarrior
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15468
Age : 30

Trapped! (closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trapped! (closed)   Trapped! (closed) EmptySun 27 Jan 2019 - 20:20

The member 'Chickenwing' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Effect Dice' : 3

~Founder/Owner of WCC~
~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
~Please pm Administrators with queries as I'm not active~
Trapped! (closed) Mistpe10
Trapped! (closed) Sig2
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