Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey

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2 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Kestrelpaw ♀ | Jaypaw ♂ | Hawkpaw ♂
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan Apprentice | RiverClan Apprentice | SkyClan Apprentice
Libra Cat
Number of posts : 3278
Gender : ⚥ [they/them]
Age : 24

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey   Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptySun Feb 25, 2018 11:32 pm

Slipping away from Mottleheart and Featherlight's den with a farewell mrrow, Brindlewhisker smoothly crossed the desolate camp, gaze fixating on a patrol as it quietly departed from the sleep-heavy camp. While normally she would of taken part in the carefully organized patrols for the day, her paws were set on a different path for the time being. After a detailed conversation with Nectarleap and Ashstar, it had been decided that another apprentice was ready for the ceremonial journey to the Highstones. Carefully adjusting the precious bundle of herbs held between her teeth, the Deputy paused beside the tightly woven Gorse barrier, patiently waiting for Rosepaw to appear.

"born of ichor & nectar; excellence already found at fingertips."
resident chewer of bones & mad woman enthusiast | former administrator

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey Img_0312
current characters | semi-return from inactivity
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Characters : [P]uddlepaw, [G]alekit, [S]tarlingkit
Clan/Rank : [P]TC/Medicine cat Apprentice, [G]RC/Kit, [S]TC/kit
Sagittarius Monkey
Number of posts : 563
Age : 19

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey   Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptyMon Feb 26, 2018 3:16 am

She was awake- her mind had kept her up until the time she knew was coming. How could she sleep? This was most likely the most important moment in her life-- other than becoming a warrior of course. Rosepaw's red flank rose and fell slowly, as her breaths were shallow and inconsistent. She forced this pattern upon herself because when she was excited she would hyperventilate and she always ended up embarrassing herself. But, as she watched the dim clearing, a familiar pelt stood out in the darkness. It was- as she had been waiting for nearly the entire night- the light tabby pelt of the deputy, Brindlewhisker. She always felt a lot of respect for her, anyone who managed to be in a position where they lead even one cat was given her respect, it must be difficult. 

At least that is what Rosepaw assumed, it must be tiring, right? Always having to watch out for cats that you might not even know... and then dealing with those you don't even dislike, just because it was your job. That last thought left a sour taste on her tongue as she lifted herself from her nest and shook off the pieces of moss that gripped to her sides, like nursing kits to their mother. A wish she had since she was younger stood beside her as she grew into a warrior, she wanted to be in Brindlewhisker's position, she wanted so dearly to serve the clan she loved. But I'm not a warrior, and there are so many other warriors greater than me... my dream is unobtainable, surely. Rosepaw's happy face became a slight frown as she thought this way, I am only an apprentice, but there is still a chance for me. There has to be. Her mind was as unsteady and inconsistent as the river, and no matter how cheerful you might've been at the beginning the river always overtook you and you plunged into it's deep, dark waters. Only to find yourself again and swim to the surface, gasping for air. Rosepaw knew this-- but she rarely acknowledged it's existent. She didn't care to, if she had an issue, she couldn't keep blaming what she thought. She had to judge herself by what she actually did, and that is why she would stay optimistic on the outside, even if she was terrified on the inside.

Rosepaw's face had grown a confusing expression that looked like a sick glare, but she managed to put her expression at ease and smile once more, Stay Optimistic, you can do this. Her smile grew as she got closer to the deputy, and the realization of how much she had grown as a windclanner only made her feel better by the second. The moon's glow reminded her of how late it had been, but she didn't feel tired at all. That same excitement that she had felt earlier in the night had returned and she was basically jumping up and down with the thought of becoming a warrior, being a warrior would be so much better than an apprentice. This is the final step, and then I can properly serve my clan. Regret welled up inside of her slightly as she recalled how she had used her time as an apprentice, she wasn't the best hunter, but she was a pretty good fighter. She could run very fast, but at the same time even climbing a rock was difficult for her. But as the deputy's face came into full-view any regret had been washed away by pride once more, "I am ready to go." 

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey DNEZX8v

Puddlepaw | Galekit | Starlingkit
35/90 | 5/15 | 5/15
TC MCA | RC Kit | TC Kit
#9999cc | #669966 | #660000

PitaPata Cat tickers

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Kestrelpaw ♀ | Jaypaw ♂ | Hawkpaw ♂
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan Apprentice | RiverClan Apprentice | SkyClan Apprentice
Libra Cat
Number of posts : 3278
Gender : ⚥ [they/them]
Age : 24

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey   Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptyTue Feb 27, 2018 7:45 pm

Gently depositing the neatly wrapped bundle of precious herbs, Brindlewhisker straightened up at Rosepaw's approach, giving the ruddy she-cat a brief, welcoming mrrow. While she hadn't interacted with the young she-cat many times, she had resorted to her traditional standing of merely observing the young she-cat's training from afar. With a plethora of apprentices to call her own, it was the easiest course of action for many. "I'm glad to hear that Rosepaw." She mewed, offering a slight nod of acknowledgement in Rosepaw's direction. Reaching out with a nimble forepaw, the Deputy gentle prodded the pitifully small amount of herbs in the apprentice's direction. "But before we can depart from camp, you must face the most unpleasant part of our journey. Mottleheart and Featherlight have prepared these traveling herbs for you, and even though they taste quite dreadful, you'll be thankful for them by the end of today- so make sure to eat all of them." Brindlewhisker relayed the familiar instructions, watching the young she-cat with a careful gaze as she spoke.

"born of ichor & nectar; excellence already found at fingertips."
resident chewer of bones & mad woman enthusiast | former administrator

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey Img_0312
current characters | semi-return from inactivity
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Characters : [P]uddlepaw, [G]alekit, [S]tarlingkit
Clan/Rank : [P]TC/Medicine cat Apprentice, [G]RC/Kit, [S]TC/kit
Sagittarius Monkey
Number of posts : 563
Age : 19

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey   Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptySun Mar 11, 2018 1:35 am

Her eyes wandered from the familiar deputy to the herbs and remembering the stench herbs gave off when she had passed by the medicine cat den numerous times. She scrunched up her face but didn't say anything, she simply ate the herbs. And the foul taste was worse than the smell, and as she bit into it, the juices and tastes all flooded her senses and made her want to puke it up. She looked up awkwardly and then back down at her paws, swallowing the herbs slowly. "It wasn't the best-- your right on that. But I trust what you are saying and that it will help, will we be able to leave now?" she asked, a hint of impatience lingered in her voice but she tried to not let it show, she didn't want to seem rude.

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey DNEZX8v

Puddlepaw | Galekit | Starlingkit
35/90 | 5/15 | 5/15
TC MCA | RC Kit | TC Kit
#9999cc | #669966 | #660000

PitaPata Cat tickers

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Kestrelpaw ♀ | Jaypaw ♂ | Hawkpaw ♂
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan Apprentice | RiverClan Apprentice | SkyClan Apprentice
Libra Cat
Number of posts : 3278
Gender : ⚥ [they/them]
Age : 24

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey   Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptyMon Mar 12, 2018 5:13 pm

Intently watching Rosepaw consume the pitiful amount of traveling herbs she had been allotted, Brindlewhisker's shoulders rolled slightly at the young she-cat's question, brushing off the slightly impatient notes in the young she-cat's voice. The eagerness of apprentice's hardly bothered her anymore, especially after countless trips to the Moonstone. Eagerness often turned them into impatient little monsters more often than not. "Yes we can. Remember to stay close as we travel, I doubt that spending half of the journey wandering around lost would be very appealing in comparison to speaking with StarClan." Brindlewhisker chirped, rising to her paws and giving Rosepaw a nudge before slipping through the prickly Gorse barrier.

"born of ichor & nectar; excellence already found at fingertips."
resident chewer of bones & mad woman enthusiast | former administrator

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey Img_0312
current characters | semi-return from inactivity
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Characters : [P]uddlepaw, [G]alekit, [S]tarlingkit
Clan/Rank : [P]TC/Medicine cat Apprentice, [G]RC/Kit, [S]TC/kit
Sagittarius Monkey
Number of posts : 563
Age : 19

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey   Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptyMon Apr 23, 2018 3:08 am

Rosepaw nodded moments before they headed off, her eyes gleaming with ambition and adventure. She didn't know what to expect as they ventured off into the dimly lit forest, the white light of the cascading moon blanketed over the landscape. If you turned your head quickly enough it gave off the illusion of a blanket of snow. But doing that soon made her dizzy, and when the deputy looked back with a stern look, but they didn't say anything to scare her into behaving. She straightened out her back as they walked and didn't do anything else weird, she was just an excited apprentice was all. No need to get mad, gosh. Rosepaw though as they continued trekking, her eyes darted off to the side to avoid confrontation with the deputy.

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey DNEZX8v

Puddlepaw | Galekit | Starlingkit
35/90 | 5/15 | 5/15
TC MCA | RC Kit | TC Kit
#9999cc | #669966 | #660000

PitaPata Cat tickers

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Kestrelpaw ♀ | Jaypaw ♂ | Hawkpaw ♂
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan Apprentice | RiverClan Apprentice | SkyClan Apprentice
Libra Cat
Number of posts : 3278
Gender : ⚥ [they/them]
Age : 24

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey   Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptyTue Apr 24, 2018 6:26 pm

The faint remnants of the dying evening light was eagerly swallowed up by the imposing outline of the Highstones, the deep purple hues of the looming stones only just discernible among the rapidly gathering dusk. Pressing past the sparse, decaying grasses that composed the surprisingly barren territory, Brindlewhisker's steps were smooth and unhurried as she followed a well-worn trail down the gradually sloping earth. With every step taken forward, a jagged wound in the earth became more and more prominent- the positively suffocating darkness that coiled within the ancient entrance to the underground passages somehow managing to become prominent despite the late hour of the night. Halting in front of the jagged entrance, Brindlewhisker twisted around to gaze at Rosepaw before speaking, "This is the Mothermouth, the traditional entrance to the Moonstone's cavern. It's quite dark and disorienting for even the most experienced of travelers, so make sure to stay close as we pass through."

"born of ichor & nectar; excellence already found at fingertips."
resident chewer of bones & mad woman enthusiast | former administrator

Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey Img_0312
current characters | semi-return from inactivity
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PostSubject: Re: Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey   Rosepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty

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