Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Welcome to WCC! Here are our latest announcements:
Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Blackkit of Skyclan

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2 posters


Characters : deceased: oreo ♀ [o], cloudkit ♂ [c], leopardkit ♂ [l], blizzardkit ♀ [bl], whitepaw ♀ [w], greygaze ♀ [g], sleek ♂ [s], icepaw ♂ [i], raven ♀ [r], darkpaw ♀ [d], blackpaw ♂ [b].
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 778
Gender : she/her
Age : 18

Blackkit of Skyclan Empty
PostSubject: Blackkit of Skyclan   Blackkit of Skyclan EmptyTue 1 Nov 2016 - 7:52

Cat Name: Blackkit - Blackpaw - Blacktail

Tom or She-Cat: Tom

Appearance: White cat with yellow eyes and black tail, black spots on his back.

Personality: As a kit he was kind, but things changed.. He turned into a mean tom.

Origins: Currently Searching...

Clan: Skyclan

Blackkit of Skyclan Image14

Last edited by Grey on Wed 23 Nov 2016 - 6:03; edited 6 times in total
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Reaper King
Former Staff
Former Staff
Reaper King

Characters : Tiger [Ti], Owl [O], Raven [R], Hare [H]
Clan/Rank : [Ti] Windclan Leader, [O] Riverclan Warrior [R] Riverclan Warrior, [H] Skyclan Warrior
Pisces Tiger
Number of posts : 10013
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 26

Blackkit of Skyclan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blackkit of Skyclan   Blackkit of Skyclan EmptyTue 1 Nov 2016 - 8:00


Blackkit of Skyclan CidZnTK
"끝나지 않은 이 소설의 페이지 마지막까지 함께 채울래"
Windclan ✦ Thunderclan ✦ Riverclan ✦ Skyclan ✦ Riverclan ✦ Skyclan
Leader (Tier 5) ✦ Apprentice ✦ Tier 2 ✦ Tier 2 ✦ Tier 1 ✦ Kit

Reaper's Beans | Plotting Pages | Heartchart
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Characters : deceased: oreo ♀ [o], cloudkit ♂ [c], leopardkit ♂ [l], blizzardkit ♀ [bl], whitepaw ♀ [w], greygaze ♀ [g], sleek ♂ [s], icepaw ♂ [i], raven ♀ [r], darkpaw ♀ [d], blackpaw ♂ [b].
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 778
Gender : she/her
Age : 18

Blackkit of Skyclan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blackkit of Skyclan   Blackkit of Skyclan EmptyTue 1 Nov 2016 - 8:04

That was fast. 8 mins.
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Blackkit of Skyclan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blackkit of Skyclan   Blackkit of Skyclan Empty

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Blackkit of Skyclan
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