Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed]

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Characters : | [A]: Ashpaw | [R]: Ripplepaw| [H]: Heavypaw | [Hf]: Halfpaw |
Clan/Rank : --
Sagittarius Cat
Number of posts : 219
Age : 24

Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed]   Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed] - Page 4 EmptySun 30 Oct 2016 - 20:07

"I would've gone about this a more calmer way, but it doesn't seem anyone would listen otherwise." He lowered his tone, "Even if I were to do that, no one would've listened just like now. You all would've continued hitting each other over something that won't matter a few moons from now or when you're all warriors."

He relaxed and settled his riled fur as explaining further in depth to Fallowpaw. Hoping they would at least understand what he meant if not agreeing with it.
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Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed]   Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed] - Page 4 EmptySun 30 Oct 2016 - 20:59

ooc;; No double teaming cats until everyone here has paired off to fight. that's the rules kids. Sleetpaw actually engaged with Mottlepaw first so she only has damage from Sleetpaw's attack. Fallowpaw officially engaged Halfpaw in battle first so Halfpaw only has damage from Fallowpaw.

Further more, THIS IS A GROUP TOPIC. STOP POSTING RAPIDLY WITHOUT GIVING EVERYONE ELSE A CHANCE TO POST. The next person to break this rule will be banned from the site for a day. I've already given out a warning. This is getting ridiculous. Dimmeh, Shohou, I'm watching you two.

"You speak all fancy like, but aren't you just saying we should lie low like little kits, Ripplepaw. There's no need to go to such great depths to hide your cowardice, just run home, Ripplekit." Frogpaw said jovially, though there was an undercurrent of a threat. An apprentice who didn't fight for their clan was an apprentice who didn't deserve their clan. He wouldn't allow any traitors to lurk amongst their midst. This was his mother's clan, Fishstar deserved their loyalty. "I promise not to tell everyone that you mewled for forgiveness to ThunderClanners."

Otterpaw shook his head, but he knew that they'd made their nest already. It was time to lie in it. The apprentice pounce, clawing at Blazepaw and pinning the apprentice in place so he couldn't run to tell his ThunderClan buddies.

Otterpaw used Leap and Hold for one turn.
-14 HP
-10 SP


20/20 HP
70/80 SP

6/20 HP
80/80 SP

Sunpaw followed suit, tackling the other apprentice, Lightningpaw. He was a little crueler, digging his claws in the apprentice's softer underbelly on purpose.

Sunpaw used Leap and Hold for one turn.
-14 HP
-10 SP


20/20 HP
70/80 SP

6/20 HP
80/80 SP

Last edited by Pikachu on Mon 31 Oct 2016 - 5:50; edited 2 times in total
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Characters : Mistpelt
Clan/Rank : RiverClanWarrior
Pisces Dog
Number of posts : 15196
Age : 30

Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed]   Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed] - Page 4 EmptySun 30 Oct 2016 - 20:59

The member 'Werechu' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Effect Dice' : 1, 2

~Founder/Owner of WCC~
~Forever a RiverClan Warrior~
~Please pm Administrators with queries as I'm not active~
Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed] - Page 4 Mistpe10
Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed] - Page 4 Sig2
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PostSubject: Re: Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed]   Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed] - Page 4 Empty

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Civil Paws Unclean [semi-closed]
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